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Pemanfaatan Abu Ampas Tebu dan Abu Sekam Padi Sebagai Pozzolan dengan Agregat Kasar Batu Skoria pada Beton Ringan Struktural Nurtanto, Dwi; Kustantiyo, Muhammad Fahad; Utami, Nanin Meyfa; Suyoso, Hernu
Rekayasa Vol 13, No 2: August 2020
Publisher : Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (325.274 KB) | DOI: 10.21107/rekayasa.v13i2.6246


Study ini membandingkan kuat hancur, berat volume antara beton ringan dengan beton dengan mengganti sebagian semen (PC) dengan limbah pertanian.  Limbah pertanian yang dimaksud adalah sekam padi dan ampas tebu. Penggunaan limbah pertanian tersebut sebaga material pengganti semen dikarenakan mempunyai sifat pozzolan yang cukup tinggi.  Pemakaian limbah pertanian ini dengan membakar ampas tebu dan sekam padi dengan suhu tertentu sehingga menjadi abu. Limbah tebu diambil dari Pabrik Gula Prajekan Bondowoso, dibakar dengan suhu 8000C  selama 8 jam. Limbah Padi diambil dari limbah Pabrik Padi di Kalisat Jember, dibakar dengan suhu 8500C selama 45 menit. Kandungan silika dari hasil pembakaran tersebut masing-masing sebesar 59,5% dan 79,5% . Prosentase pengganti sebagian PC sebesar 5%, 10%, 15% dan 20%, dengan perbandingan campuran abu ampas tebu (AAT) dan abu sekam padi (ASP) adalah 1:1. Pengujian dilakukan pada umur 28 hari dengan bentuk benda uji silender berukuran 10x20 cm. Hasil kuat hancur tertinggi pada benda uji dengan subsitusi PC sebesar 5% dan berat volume yang terendah pada benda uji dengan pengantian semen sebesar 20%. Effect of Cement Substitution with Agricultural Waste on Lightweight Structural ConcreteThis study compares the shattering strength, volume weight between lightweight concrete and concrete by replacing part of the Portland cement (PC) with agricultural waste. The agricultural waste in question is rice husk and sugarcane bagasse. The use of agricultural waste is as a substitute for cement because it has quite high pozzolanic properties. Use of this agricultural waste by burning sugarcane bagasse and rice husk with a certain temperature so that it becomes ash. Sugarcane waste is taken from Bondowoso Prajekan Sugar Mill, burned at 8000C for 8 hours. Rice waste is taken from the rice factory waste in Kalisat Jember, burned at 8500C for 45 minutes. The silica content of the combustion products was 59.5% and 79.5%, respectively. The percentage of partial PC replacement is 5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%, with a ratio of bagasse ash (BA) to rice husk ash (RHA) is 1: 1. The test was carried out at 28 days in the form of a 10 x 20 cm slender test object. The highest yield of crushing strength in specimens with PC substitution of 5% and the lowest volume weight in specimens with cement replacement of 20%.
Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Lingkungan Vol 3 No 2 (2019): JURNAL REKAYASA SIPIL DAN LINGKUNGAN
Publisher : Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (701.579 KB) | DOI: 10.19184/jrsl.v3i2.11273


The column has a different cross-sectional capacity based on the direction of the X and Y moments based from the cross section. This research analyzes the performance of reinforced concrete by transformis the square column that already exists into a rectangular column with the function of the building is apartment. The result of this research was to find out performance of rectangular column on the behavior of high building structure. This Research analyzes two shapes of column rectangular and Square with the same area of concrete and reinforcement with all sides equal. Structure will be modeled by structural analysis program. Analyze using interaction diagram by structural analysis program. to find out the collapse of the column. The results of this Research indicates that axial load in any cross section has the same values, as long as the column has the same cross-sectional area and total of reinforcement area. Moment and shear loads with rectangular have a smaller Force on the strong axis X, while in weak axis Y have a greater Force. The displacement on the strong axis X with Square column have a smaller deviations of 10,81%, while on the weak axis Y have a greater deviations of 12,05%. Kolom memiliki kapasitas penampang yang berbeda berdasarkan arah momen X dan Y jika dilihat dari sisi penampangnya. Penelitian ini menganalisis kinerja struktur beton bertulang dengan merubah bentuk persegi sama sisi menjadi bentuk persegi panjang dengan fungsi bangunan sebagai apartemen. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kinerja kolom dengan bentuk persegi panjang terhadap perilaku struktur gedung seperti simpangan dan gaya dalam pada gedung dalam menerima beban gempa. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan dua bentuk penampang, yaitu persegi sama sisi dan persegi panjang dengan luas penampang beton serta luas tulangan sama dengan tulangan merata. Struktur dimodelkan menggunakan program bantu struktur. Menganalisis kolom menggunakan diagram interaksi dengan program bantu struktur untuk mengetahui letak keruntuhan kolom. Hasil analisis menunjukkan gaya aksial dalam bentuk penampang apapun memiliki hasil yang sama, selama memiliki luas penampang kolom dan luas tulangan total yang sama. Gaya momen dan gaya geser kolom persegi panjang menghasilkan gaya yang lebih kecil pada sumbu kuat X, sedangkan pada sumbu lemah Y menghasilkan gaya yang lebih besar. Simpangan struktur antar lantai pada sumbu kuat X dengan penampang kolom persegi sama sisi menghasilkan simpangan yang lebih kecil 10,81%, sedangkan pada sumbu lemahnya menghasilkan simpangan lebih besar yaitu 12,05%.
Desain SCC (Self Compacting Concrete) untuk Rigid Pevement Dwi Nurtanto; Hernu Suyoso; Nanin Meyfa Utami; Gati Annisa Hayu; Winda Tri Wahyuningtyas
Jurnal Aplikasi Teknik Sipil Vol 18, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Departemen Teknik Infrastruktur Sipil Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (459.248 KB) | DOI: 10.12962/j2579-891X.v18i2.4690


Pembangungan infrastruktur transportasi sering menggunakan beton mutu tinggi sebagai perkerasan kaku, namun dalam pengaplikasiannya dilapangan beton mutu tinggi memiliki workability rendah dikarenakan fas yang kecil sehingga kandungan proporsi semen lebih banyak. Dekade terakhir marak dikembangkan beton SCC, dimana memiliki workability tinggi, kuat tekan tinggi dan dapat mengalir sendiri menempati bekisting. Desain SCC yang tepat sebagai aplikasi perkerasan kaku yang memiliki workabilty tinggi dan mempermudah pekerjaan dalam pengaplikasiannya sebagai perkerasan kaku sangat diperlukan untuk mengetahui komposisi yang sesusai terutama prosentase kandungan superplasticizer. Dalam penelitian ini untuk mengetahui porporsi agregat yang optimal digunakan perbandingan dengan SNI 03-2834-2000 dan menggunakan grafik laston AC-WC untuk mendapatkan campuran agregat gradasi menerus yang optimal. Benda uji yang digunakan adalah ukuran Ø10x20 cm. Dari pengujian benda uji didapatkan kuat tekan umur 3 hari yaitu untuk proporsi sesuai SNI 03-2834-2000 didapatkan kuat tekan sebesar 50 Mpa, 47 Mpa, 46 Mpa dengan rerata 47,7 Mpa dan sesuai grafik laston AC-WC didapatkan kuat tekan 57 Mpa, 56 Mpa, 51 Mpa dengan rerata 54,7 Mpa. Kuat tekan lebih besar laston AC-WC daripada SNI 03-2834-2000 dengan selisih 7 Mpa.
Effect of Duck Egg Shell Ash with Fly Ash as Cement Substitution in Geopolymer Concrete Deka Larasati; Dwi Nurtanto; Nanin Meyfa Utami
BERKALA SAINSTEK Vol 10 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/bst.v10i2.29080


The increasing production of cement as a basic material for making concrete is due to the increasing demand for concrete throughout the world. Innovative materials are needed as a substitute for cement to reduce the greenhouse effect, fly ash is pozzolanic which in fact has the potential to replace Portland cement as the main ingredient of concrete, and duck eggshell flour has good prospects to be used as an additional precursor material for geopolymer concrete. This study aims to determine further variations of the proportion of duck egg shells, the mechanical properties of the concrete produced using duck egg shell ash with fly ash. This study used an experimental method with the percentage of duck egg shell ash at 0%, 5%, 10%, and 15% of the total use of cement. Using Na₂SiO₃ and NaOH as activator with a concentration of 14M. At the age of 7 and 28 days with room temperature treatment. This study resulted in duck egg shell ash being able to increase the compressive strength of concrete at the age of 28 days with the percentage of substitution up to 5% with a value of 59.26 MPa, in the porosity test the minimum value was at the age of 28 days at a percentage of 5% 0.403%, and the value of the modulus of elasticity. experienced an increase in value at a percentage of 5% with the result 36071.43 MPa. Duck egg shell ash with a proportion of 5% is the optimum substitution where the compressive strength, porosity and modulus of elasticity tests on geopolymer concrete have linear values.
Effect of Temperature Variations on Elevated Temperature Curing Method Towards Modulus of Elasticity and Compressive Strength of Normal Concrete With Additional Accelerator Cierio Yuhanata; Dwi Nurtanto; Nanin Meyfa Utami
BERKALA SAINSTEK Vol 10 No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/bst.v10i3.29078


Developments in modern times have grown rapidly, this can be seen from the rapid development. Along with the increasing scale of development in the world of construction, more and more concrete is needed effectively, practically, and in the future. The strength of concrete is strongly influenced by the quality of the materials, admixtures, the working process, and the curing of the concrete. Concrete with the addition of an accelerator has higher compressive strength, this is due to the accelerator reaction which can accelerate the binding process and the development of the initial compressive strength of the concrete. Concrete with direct immersion treatment has large compressive strength. There are several methods of treating concrete, including watering and high temperature. This study used a fixed accelerator proportion of 3 % of the weight of cement with a test time of 7 and 28 days. The treatment method used is open space, immersion, high temperature at temperatures of 25 ºC, 30 ºC, 35 ºC, 40 ºC and 45 ºC. From the results of the research, there are differences in characteristics between normal concrete and concrete with the addition of an accelerator. Concrete with a high-temperature treatment method at a temperature of 45 ºC produces the highest strong pressure. This is caused by the higher the treatment temperature, the higher the rate of hydration process that affects the compressive strength of the concrete.
STRATEGI PEMBANGUNAN PABRIK PUPUK ORGANIK DI KABUPATEN JEMBER : APAKAH HANYA UTOPIA? Amam Amam; Nur Widodo; Himmatul Khasanah; Desy Cahya Widianungrum; Basuki Basuki; Nanin Meyfa Utami
Mimbar Agribisnis : Jurnal Pemikiran Masyarakat Ilmiah Berwawasan Agribisnis Vol 9, No 1 (2023): Januari 2023
Publisher : Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25157/ma.v9i1.8559


Organic fertilizer is one of the vital elements in the cycle of sustainable agricultural development, therefore the purpose of this research is to formulate a strategy for building an organic fertilizer factory based on manure of beef cattle in Jember District. The research location is Tempurejo Sub District which is one of the locations for the building an organic fertilizer factory in Jember District. The research was conducted by quantitative descriptive method. Data was collected  using desk research, observation, Focus Group Discussion (FGD), and surveys using questionnaires. This study involved 32 key respondents in the effort to build an organic fertilizer factory in Jember District. The research data was analyzed using IFAS, EFAS, and SWOT analysis approaches. The results showed that the strength factor has a weight of 0.512 and the weakness factor has a weight of 0.488, while the opportunity factor is 0.485 and the threat factor has a weight of 0.515. The conclusion of the research was that the building an organic fertilizer factory in Jember District was carried out with an SO (strength and opportunity) strategy, which means supporting an aggressive growth policy (growth oriented strategy).
Korelasi Kuat Tekan Beton Dan Ketahanan Sulfat Pada Beton Normal Dengan Penambahan Kaolin Sebagai Subtitusi Parsial Semen Nanin Meyfa Utami; Muhammad Atiqurrohman Baihaki; Dwi Nurtanto
TERAS JURNAL Vol 13, No 1 (2023): Volume 13 No 1, Maret 2023

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/tj.v13i1.807


Abstrak Komposisi campuran dalam pembuatan beton dapat divariasikan dengan menambahkan bahan lain yang disebut pozzolan dengan tujuan untuk mengurangi penggunaan semen, memperbaiki sifat beton dan meningkatkan kekuatan beton. Salah satu material pozzolan tersebut yang bisa digunakan adalah kaolin. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan uji kuat tekan beton pada umur 7 dan 28 hari pada beton dengan penambahan kaolin sebagai subtitusi semen sebesar 0%, 5%, 10% dan 15% dan dilakukan uji ketahanan beton terhadap serangan kimia yaitu asam sulfat (H2SO4) dengan konsentrasi 98%. Benda uji yang digunakan berbentuk silinder dengan diameter 10 cm dan tinggi 20 cm dengan dua metode perawatan yaitu perendaman sulfat dan perawatan suhu ruangan. Mutu beton yang direncanakan adalah 30 MPa dengan FAS sebesar 0,5. Hasil pengujian kuat tekan rata-rata beton umur 28 hari dengan metode perawatan suhu ruangan pada beton normal (BN) adalah sebesar 24,77 MPa, pada beton kaolin 5% (BK5) adalah 19,54 MPa, pada beton kaolin 10% (BK10) adalah 16,91 MPa, dan pada beton dengan kaolin 15% (BK15) adalah sebesar 15,46 MPa. Sedangkan hasil kuat tekan beton rata-rata dengan variasi kaolin pada subtitusi semen  sebesar 0% (BN), 5% (BK5), 10% (BK10) dan 15% (BK15) dengan metode perawatan perendaman sulfat adalah sebesar 21,59 MPa, 18,15 MPa, 15,83 MPa, dan 14,53 MPa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bawha perendaman sulfat dapat membuat beton mengalami kerusakan, mengalami penurunan berat dan dapat membuat beton mengalami penurunan kuat tekan terbesar hingga 12,86% pada variasi 0%. Kata kunci: Kaolin, asam sulfat, ketahanan sulfat.  Abstract The composition of the mixture in the manufacture of concrete can be varied by adding another material called pozzolan with the aim of reducing cement consumption, improving concrete properties and increasing concrete strength. One of the pozzolanic materials that can be used is kaolin. Because the purpose of this study was to test the strength of concrete at the age of 7 and 28 days with or without kaolin mixture with variations in cement substitution of 0%, 5%, 10% and 15% in a corrosive environment for the compressive strength and durability of concrete against chemical attack, namely sulfuric acid (H2SO4) with a concentration of 98%. The test object used is cylindrical with a diameter of 10 cm and a height of 20 cm with two treatment methods, namely treatment with sulfate immersion and room temperature treatment. The planned concrete quality is 30 MPa with a FAS of 0.5. The results of testing the average compressive strength of concrete aged 28 days with the room temperature treatment method on normal concrete (BN) is 24.77 MPa, on 5% kaolin concrete (BK5) is 19.54 MPa, on 10% kaolin concrete (BK10 ) is 16.91 MPa, and in concrete with 15% kaolin (BK15) it is 15.46 MPa. While the results of the average compressive strength of concrete with variations of kaolin in cement substitution are 0% (BN), 5% (BK5), 10% (BK10) and 15% (BK15) with the sulfate immersion treatment method is 21.59 MPa, 18.15 MPa, 15.83 MPa, and 14.53 MPa. The results showed that sulphate immersion can cause concrete damage, decrease in weight and can make concrete experience the greatest decrease in compressive strength up to 12.86% at 0% variation. Keywords: Kaolin, sulfuric acid, sulfate resistance.