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Status Anak di Luar Pernikahan Menurut Hukum Islam Sarah Qosim
ADALAH Vol 6, No 3 (2022)
Publisher : UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/adalah.v6i3.26980


Legitimate children are children born from legal marriages in accordance with the terms and pillars. Meanwhile, adultery children are children born outside a legal marriage. The status of children out of wedlock according to Islamic law has been regulated in the Qur'an and Al-hadith. The problems that then arise include the impact of the status of children outside of marriage. In this article the author reviews briefly and concisely.
Opini Hukum dan Harmonisasi Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja Di Indonesia Sarah Qosim
ADALAH Vol 6, No 4 (2022)
Publisher : UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/adalah.v6i4.27574


The sensitivity of harmonization to the regulation of the Manpower Law into Law No. 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation (Omnibus law) gave birth to various debates among legal experts in Indonesia. The establishment of the Job Creation Law in Indonesia is considered not based on the methods specified in the 1945 Constitution and Human Rights. This is based on legal considerations that have been read by Constitutional Judge Soehartoyo. Following the joint agreement of the Dpr and the President, many components of the text of the Job Creation Law were changed. This article agrees with the opinion of Edi Kastro (2020), Chamdani (2022) that the role of the government is very much needed in the welfare of human rights as long as it does not conflict with other laws and regulations.
Disparitas Putusan Peradilan Agama terhadap Wasiat Wajibah Anak Angkat Sarah Qosim; Serlika Aprita; Mona Wulandari
SALAM: Jurnal Sosial dan Budaya Syar-i Vol 9, No 5 (2022)
Publisher : Faculty of Sharia and Law UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/sjsbs.v9i5.27491


This study aims to find out the reasons for the judges of the Bandung Religious Court to the high judges of the Supreme Court who canceled the decision of the Religious High Court which stated that there was no will of all assets. Article 174 paragraph 1 KHI stipulates that the wife or widow who is left behind has got a share as a legal heir, if the heir does not leave a child, 1/8 if the heir leaves a child. Article 209 of the KHI states that the adopted child receives 1/3 of the mandatory wasiah from the inheritance and the exception in Article 195 paragraph (2) of the KHI will is allowed as much as 1/3 of the inheritance unless all heirs agree. The results of the study state that there is a legal disparity from the decision of the first court to the cassation. The decision of the Religious Court was annulled by the High Court of Religion, but was taken over by the high judge of the Supreme Court by determining the inheritance by first dividing it in half with his wife. Then the part that dies is an inheritance that must be distributed to the heirs.Keywords: Wasiah Obligatory; Heirs; Substitute Heirs Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui alasan hakim Pengadilan Agama Bandung hingga hakim tinggi Mahkamah Agung yang membatalkan putusan Pengadilan Tinggi Agama yang menyatakan tidak ada Wasiat seluruh harta. Pasal 174 ayat 1 KHI menyebutkan bahwa istri atau janda yang ditinggalkan sudah mendapatkan bagian sebagai ahli waris yang sah, ¼  apabila pewaris tidak meninggalkan anak, 1/8 apabila pewaris meninggalkan anak. Pasal 209 KHI menyatakan bahwa anak angkat menerima bagian 1/3 wasiah wajibah dari harta warisan dan pengecualian dalam Pasal 195 ayat (2) KHI wasiat diperbolehkan sebanyak-banyaknya 1/3 dari harta warisan kecuali apabila semua ahli waris menyetujui. Hasil dari penelitian menyatakan bahwa terdapat disparitas hukum dari putusan Pengadilan tingkat pertama sampai kasasi. Putusan Pengadilan Agama dibatalkan oleh Pengadilan Tinggi Agama, namun diambil alih oleh hakim tinggi Mahkamah Agung dengan menetapkan harta peninggalan dengan terlebih dahulu dibagi dua dengan istrinya. Kemudian bagian yang meninggal merupakan harta peninggalan yang harus dibagikan kepada ahli warisnya.Kata Kunci: Wasiah Wajibah; Ahli Waris; Ahli Waris Pengganti
Optimalisasi Wewenang Dan Tanggung Jawab Hakim Pengawas Dalam Hukum Kepailitan Di Indonesia Serlika Aprita; Sarah Qosim
Jurnal Ius Constituendum Vol 7, No 2 (2022): OKTOBER
Publisher : Universitas Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26623/jic.v7i2.3963


This article aims to analyze the legal certainty of Law No. 37 of 2004 on Bankruptcy and PKPU related to the implementation of the duties, authorities, and responsibilities of bankruptcy supervisory judges in supervising the management and execution of bankruptcy property in the Surabaya Commercial Court. The research method used in this article is empirical juridical with case approach. The writing of this article first reviewed previous research related to the role and authority of supervisory judges in the Commercial Court, but in each article only describes the contents of the provisions of Law No. 37 of 2004 on Bankruptcy and PKPU related to the role and authority of bankruptcy law supervisory judges, and then this article analyzes the legal certainty of the enforcement of the authority and responsibility of the supervisory judge in the Surabaya Commercial Court on charges of having received bribes from PT Sky Camping Indonesia (SCI) as a curator in the bankruptcy process. The results of this article show that the legal certainty of Law No. 37 of 2004 on Insolvency and PKPU related to the authority and responsibility of supervisory judges, in practice in the field is not fully operational. The supervisory judge does not carry out his duties and authority to oversee the management and release of bankruptcy property because it has received bribes from PT SCI as a curator so that the supervisory judge determines the verdict of the debtor's bankruptcy assets to non-bankruptcy.Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa kepastian hukum Undang-Undang No. 37 tahun 2004 tentang Kepailitan dan PKPU terkait pelaksanaan tugas, kewenangan, dan tanggung jawab Hakim Pengawas kepailitan dalam mengawasi pengurusan dan pemberesan harta pailit di Pengadilan Niaga Surabaya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam artikel ini adalah yuridis empiris dengan pendekatan kasus (case approach). Penelitian artikel ini terlebih dahulu mereview penelitian-penelitian sebelumnya terkait peran dan wewenang Hakim Pengawas di Pengadilan Niaga, namun pada masing-masing artikel tersebut hanya memaparkan isi ketentuan Undang-Undang No. 37 tahun 2004 tentang Kepailitan dan PKPU terkait peran dan wewenang Hakim Pengawas hukum kepailitan, selanjutnya artikel ini menganalisa kepastian hukum pelaksaan Undang-Undang No. 37 tahun 2004 tentang Kepailitan dan PKPU terkait wewenang dan tanggung jawab Hakim Pengawas di Pengadilan Niaga Surabaya atas dakwaan telah menerima suap dari PT Sky Camping Indonesia (SCI) sebagai Kurator dalam proses kepailitan. Hasil artikel ini menunjukkan bahwa kepastian hukum Undang-Undang No. 37 tahun 2004 tentang Kepailitan dan PKPU terkait wewenang dan tanggung jawab Hakim Pengawas, dalam praktiknya di lapangan tidak sepenuhnya berjalan. Hakim Pengawas menyalahgunakan tugas dan wewenangnya untuk mengawasi pengurusan dan pemberesan harta pailit dikarenakan telah menerima suap dari PT SCI sebagai Kurator supaya Hakim Pengawas menetapkan putusan aset pailit debitur menjadi non pailit.   
Criminal Liability of the Curator for Illegal Acts in the Independence Principle Serlika Aprita; Mona Wulandari; Sarah Qosim
Jurnal Cita Hukum Vol 10, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15408/jch.v10i2.27801


An entity or individual bankruptcy statement can occur if the debtor fulfills the elements of bankruptcy where the application is submitted to the commercial court by an advocate. The appointment of a curator in one of the contents of a commercial court decision will determine a person or more curators who originate at the request of the bankruptcy applicant, either by the creditor applicant or the debtor applicant himself. This study aims to determine the form and mechanism of the curator's criminal liability to the law based on the principle of independence in managing and settling bankrupt assets. This study uses a prescriptive normative legal research method with a statutory approach. The results of the study state that the recommendation of a curator by the bankruptcy applicant will tend to have a conflict of interest if there is no independent curator in carrying out the obligations mandated to him in Article 15, paragraph (3) of the PKPU UUK. The applicable criminal threat remains based on the source of criminal law in force in Indonesia following the actions of the curator as an individual who is not immune to the law.
Kebijakan Pengelolaan Sampah Bernilai Ekonomi di Desa Tanjung Atap Barat Ogan Ilir Nur Husni Emilson; Reny Okpirianty; Helwan Kasra; Dea Justicia Ardha; Gumar Herudiansyah; Febrina Hertika Rani; Sarah Qosim
Berdikari: Jurnal Inovasi dan Penerapan Ipteks Vol 11, No 1 (2023): February
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/berdikari.v11i1.15069


This activity addressed waste problems in Tanjung Atap Barat Village, Ogan Ilir Regency. The community has tried to deal with it, but it has not been optimal. Another reason is to increase public awareness of waste management so it becomes a medium to improve the economy and create a society’s legal awareness. Thus, what is village regulations' role in waste management in Tanjung Atap Barat village? What steps can be taken so that the waste problem in Tanjung Atap Barat village becomes of economic value? By following the Regulation of Tanjung Atap Barat Village Number 003 of 2020 About the Management of Household Waste and the Surrounding Environment, the community improves waste management in the village and raises awareness of environmental issues. Village Regulation Number 003 of 2020 has a system consisting of 14 chapters and 37 articles. If it is examined more deeply, waste has the potential to affect household income. Therefore, improvement can start through its citizens, especially women and the younger generation. Every household is involved in managing at least its own waste, socialization, training, mentoring, and direct practice to increase public understanding and knowledge in handling waste into economic value. Especially in Tanjung Atap Barat village, it has started with placing trash cans in every house. Also, waste is segregated by its type: plastic, paper, and household waste.
Intelektualisme Hukum Islam di Nusantara Abad-19 Syahriati Fakhriah; Muhammad Taufiq; Sarah Qosim*
JIM: Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Pendidikan Sejarah Vol 8, No 2 (2023): April, Social and Religious Aspect in History, Economic Science and Law
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jimps.v8i2.26313


Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan Intelektualisme Hukum Islam Di Nusantara Abad-19. Perjuangan ulama di Nusantara pada abad ke-19 yang menuai banyak pengaruh dalam penyebaran agama Islam dan pendorong rasa keinginan untuk menyingkirkan kolonial kala itu. Ulama-ulama melakukan banyak hal untuk mencoba menyadarkan pribumi setelah berpulangnya mereka dari Mekkah dan kembali ke tanah air. Para ulama Nusantara ini melakukan perjuangannya tidak secara langsung menggunakan pertarungan fisik, namun dengan berbagai karya dan khotbah yang mereka lontarkan kepada Pemerintah Belanda sebagai tanda kritik keras dan ketidaksukaan mereka terhadap Pemerintah Belanda. Beberapa perjuangan mereka pun tak runtuh meski sampai ulama-ulama itu meninggalkan dunia fana ini. Setelah mereka meninggal pun perjuangannya tetap berkobar melalui murid-muridnya hingga mereka mencapai tujuan mereka, yakni menyebarkan dakwah Islam dan pengusiran para koloni. Bahkan karya-karya mereka masih dipakai sebagai kitab acuan dalam pembelajaran pendidikan di pesantren-pesantren hingga sekarang.
Perlindungan Hukum Tenaga Kerja Lokal Pasca Regulasi Uu Ketenagakerjaan Studi Siyāsah Shar’iyyah Sarah Qosim; Wasiatur Riskiyah; M. Adi Saputra; Ismail Pettanase
Jurnal Penegakan Hukum Indonesia Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023): Edisi Juni 2023
Publisher : Scholar Center

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51749/jphi.v4i2.100


Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa peran pemerintah dalam harmonisasi perlindungan hukum regulasi Undang-Undang No. 13 tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan diregulasi menjadi Undang-Undang No. 11 Tahun 2020 tentang Cipta Kerja terkait terkait Upah Minumum diubah dan dihapus, ketentuan kontrak kerja sebelumnya dihapus, hak cuti wanita melahirkan diubah, ketentuan perjanjian pesangon diubah. Menurut perspektif teori perlindungan hukum Philupus M. Hadjo, prinisp-prinsip Siyāsah Shar’iyyah Muhammad Tahir Azhary, dan teori maqāṣhid shariah Imam Syatibi. Penelitian artikel ini menggunakan penelitian yuridis-normatif dengan metode pendekatan perundang-undangan (Statute Approach). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Peran pemerintah dalam harmonisasi perlindungan hukum regulasi Undang-Undang No. 13 tahun 2003 tentang Ketenagakerjaan menjadi Undang-Undang No. 11 Tahun 2020 tentang Cipta Kerja dirasa belum memberikan perlindungan bagi tenaga kerja secara maksimal. (2) Menurut prinsip-prinsip Siyāsah Shar’iyyah yang ditawarkan oleh Muhammad Tahir Azhary, peran pemerintah dalam harmonisasi Undang-undang cipta kerja belum sejalan untuk menegakkan keadilan, prinsip musyawarah, prinsip kesamaan, prinsip penegakkan hak asasi manusia, dan prinsip kesejahteraan. (3) Selain itu, penerapan 5 pilar maqāṣhid shariah Imam Syatibi belum sejalan seutuhnya dengan beberapa konsep maqāṣhid shariah seperti penyalahan terhadap perlindungan agama (hifdh al-din), jiwa (hifdh al-nafs), akal (hifdh al-aql), keturunan (hifdh al-nasl). Namun dianggap sudah sejalan dalam memelihara harta (hifdh al-maal), karena upah yang diberikan berdasarkan dalam perjanjian. Belum sejalannya beberapa konsep maqāṣhid shariah menyebabkan belum tercapainya kemaslahatan secara