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Fault Type Classification of 150 kV Transmission Line using Wavelet Multi-Resolution Analysis Method Novizon Novizon; Nurfi Syahri; Silvia Wulandari; Tesya Uldira Septiyeni; Rahadian Asneli Putri
Andalas Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technology Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): November 2021
Publisher : Electrical Engineering Dept, Engineering Faculty, Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (341.451 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/ajeeet.v1i2.15


To identify the fault, wavelet method is used in solving complex protection problems. This study uses a new approach, namely the wavelet multi resolution analysis method with its application where multi resolution analysis works to analyze signals at different frequencies with the same resolution. In this study, the classification of fault types that occur in the 150 kV transmission line quickly and accurately is carried out using the wavelet multi resolution analysis method. This research is included in applied research and was designed using computer simulation software, namely ATP and MATLAB. The data transmission system used is the Maninjau Hydroelectric Power Plant transmission line to Pauh Limo Substation. The modeled transmission system is given 1-phase to ground, 2-phase to ground, 2- phase, 3-phase and lightning faults. To determine the accuracy of this classification, the fault is varied according to the distance and impedance of the disturbance. From the analysis of the simulation results and calculations, based on the wavelet multi resolution analysis method used in fault classifying, the average value of the approximation coefficient used to classify the type of fault is obtained. Based on the results of the study, it can be said that all types of fault analyzed in this study have met the classification requirements using the wavelet multi resolution analysis method
Pengembangan Minyak Isolasi Transformator Ramah Lingkungan dan Terbarukan Dari Etil Ester Abdul Rajab; Haviz Yestian; Reyhan Maulvi Pradipta; Tesya Uldira Septiyeni
JTEV (Jurnal Teknik Elektro dan Vokasional) Vol 8, No 1 (2022): JTEV (Jurnal Teknik Elektro dan Vokasional)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (218.683 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/jtev.v8i1.113730


Makalah ini membahas hasil eksperimen terhadap sejumlah parameter Etil ester sebagai minyak isolasi. Tiga macam Etil ester, yaitu Etil miristat, Etil palmitate dan Etil stearate, dibuat melalui reaksi esterifikasi antara Etil alcohol dan asam miristat, asam palmitate dan asam stearat. Sejumlah parameter listrik, fisika dan kimia seperti tegangan tembus, viskositas kinematic, massa jenis, kadar air, angka keasaman dan stabilitas oksidasi diuji dan dibandingkan dengan standar spesifikasi ASTM D 6871. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa tegangan tembus semua sampel Etil ester lebih tinggi dari nilai minimal yang dipersyaratkan oleh standar. Viskositas kinematic, massa jenis dan angka keasaman semua sampel lebih rendah dari nilai maksimal yang ditolerir oleh standar. Angka peroksida semua sampel, yang digunakan sebagai indikator stabilitas oksidasi, lebih rendah dari minyak mineral. Kadar air merupakan satu-satunya parameter yang masih lebih tinggi dari nilai yang diperbolehkan oleh standar.
External Leakage Current Separation to Determine Arrester Condition Due to Contamination Novizon Novizon; Mondrizal Mondrizal; Darwison Darwison; Aulia Aulia; Tesya Uldira Septiyeni
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jnte.v12n2.1026.2023


Leakage current measurements can be used to determine the aging condition of the ZnO arrester. The leakage current that occurs in the arrester is divided into two, namely external and internal leakage currents. The external leakage current is affected by contamination and the internal leakage current is affected by the aging of the varistor in the arrester. The external and internal leakage currents are measured separately to determine their contribution to the arrester condition. In this study, the effect of salt contamination on the arrester was studied further. The level of contamination used consisted of low, medium and heavy. The obtained leakage current is analyzed using wavelet energy. The results of this study indicate that the wavelet energy of each leakage current is different and can be used as an indicator in further analysis. The conclusion obtained is that the external leakage current is affected by contamination and has a different energy with the internal leakage current due to aging of the varistor arrester components.