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Analisa Kinerja Automatic Voltage Regulator Dalam Domain Waktu Menggunakan Metoda Ziegler-Nichols Dengan Pendekatan First Order Plus Dead Time Laksono, Heru Dibyo; Riska, N.; Novizon, Novizon
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (429.564 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/jnte.v8n3.669.2019


Electric power systems produce power that can be used for various purposes. The distribution of electrical power and its relationship to the voltage and current generated by the generator. Voltage can change with changes in load. The change of voltage is undesirable due to it can cause disturbances to the power system. A device called Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) is used to maintain the voltage stable. This AVR is equipped with a control system to get the voltage stability following the specified criteria. In this study, the Ziegler -Nichols (Z-N) method is used with the First Order Plus Dead Time (FOPDT) approach. FOPDT is used for AVR control based on frequency response and transfer function methods. AVR used is direct current type AVR. The design that fulfils the criteria for controlling the voltage transfer response of direct current type AVR systems is the Proportional Integral Differential (PID) controller. This PID is designed using the Ziegler-Nichols method with the FOPDT approach based on the transfer function method. Information on the simulation results of the direct current type of system switching AVR response is obtained where the steady-state error value is 0.0000, the rise time value is 0.6114 seconds, the peak time value is 1.4391 seconds, the peak value is 1.1492 seconds, the maximum throughput is 14.942% and time to state steady reaches value at 2.5562 seconds. The values of parameter control are k of 13.2000, L of 0.4283, T of 1.0817, Proportional constant (Kp) of 0.2296, integral time constant (Ti) of 0.8564 and differential time constant (Td) of 4.6667.Keywords : Ziegler-Nichols, Fisrt order plus dead time, Automatic voltage regulator, Transient analysis AbstrakSistem tenaga listrik menghasilkan daya yang dapat di gunakan untuk berbagai keperluan. Penyaluran daya listrik ini erta hubungan nya dengan tegangan dan arus yang di hasilkan oleh pembangkit. Tegangan dapat berubah-ubah dengan berubahnya beban. Perubahan tegangan ini tidak diinginkan karena dapat mengakibatkan gangguan pada sistem tenaga. Untuk menjaga agar tegangan tetap stabil digunakan Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR). AVR ini dilengkapi dengan sistim pengendalian untuk mendapatkan kestabilan tegangan sesuai dengan kriteria yang di tetapkan. Pada penelitian ini digunakan metoda Ziegler -Nichols (Z-N) dengan pendekatan First Order Plus Dead Time (FOPDT) berdasarkan tanggapan frekuensi dan metoda fungsi alih sebagai metoda pengendali AVR dan AVR yang digunakan adalah AVR tipe arus searah.Pengendali yang memenuhi kriteria rancangan untuk pengendalian tanggapan peralihan tegangan sistem AVR tipe arus searah adalah pengendali Proporsional Integral Diferensial (PID). Pengendali Proporsional Integral Diferensial (PID) ini dirancang dengan menggunakan metoda Ziegler-Nichols dengan pendekatan First Order Plus Dead Time (FOPDT) berdasarkan metoda fungsi alih. Informasi hasil simulasi tanggapan peralihan sistem AVR tipe arus searah yang diperoleh dimana nilai kesalahan keadaan mantap sebesar 0.0000, nilai waktu naik sebesar 0.6114 detik, nilai waktu puncak sebesar 1.4391 detik, nilai puncak sebesar 1.1492 detik, nilai lewatan maksimum sebesar 14.942 % dan nilai waktu keadaan mantap sebesar 2.5562 detik. Untuk nilai parameter  pengendali yang digunakan adalah k sebesar 13.2000, L sebesar 0.4283, T sebesar 1.0817, konstanta Proporsional (Kp) sebesar 0.2296, konstanta waktu integral (Ti)  sebesar 0.8564 dan konstanta waktu diferensial (Td) sebesar 4.6667.Kata Kunci :Ziegler-Nichols, Fisrt order plus dead time, Automatic voltage regulator, Analis peralihan
Pengaruh Partikel Nanosilika Terhadap Sifat Tolak Air Bahan Isolasi Bionanokomposit Aulia, Aulia; Alfajri, Roan; Waldi, Eka Putra; Novizon, Novizon
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25077/jnte.v9n2.716.2020


The nature of hydropobicity plays an important role of an insulator, especially the outdoor insolator which is always exposed to hot, cold, humid weather and rain water. In the long run, the surface of the insulator can be damaged and its hydropobicity properties will be reduced or even lost so that surface discharge events will be easier to occur, especially in the rainy season. As a new material being developed, bionanocomposite insulation materials from LDPE, natural rubber and nanosilica fillers have passed several dielectric properties such as partial discharge characteristics under normal conditions and at higher temperature conditions. To complete the assessment of dielectric properties, a new bionanocomposite material hydropobicity was tested. There were 4 types of samples tested with the weight of the nanosilica material 1.5%, 3.0%, 4.5% and 6% of the total weight of the biocomposite sample. The test was carried out using a high-resolution camera to take pictures of the surface of the insulator sample that was dripped with water. The results show that nanosilica can increase the angle of contact of water with the bionanocomposite surface. This increase indicates an increase in the hydropobicity of bionanocomposite materialKeywords : LDPE, Karet Alam, Natural Rubber, nanosilica, hydrophobisity AbstrakSifat hidropobisitas memainkan peran penting dari sebuah isolator, terutama isolator pasang luar yang selalu terpapar oleh perubahan cuaca panas, dingin, lembab dan air hujan. Dalam jangka panjang, permukaan isolator bisa rusak dan sifat hidropobisitasnya akan berkurang bahkan hilang sehingga peristiwa peluahan permukaan akan lebih mudah terjadi, terutama pada musim hujan. Sebagai material baru yang sedang dikembangkan, bahan isolasi bionanokomposit dari polietilena berkerapatan rendah (LDPE), karet alam (NR) dan pengisi nanosilika telah melewati beberapa pengujian sifat dielektrik seperti karakteristik peluahan sebagian pada kondisi normal dan pada kondisi suhu yang lebih tinggi. Untuk melengkapi pengkajian sifat dielektrik, maka dilakukan pengujian sifat hidropobisitas bahan bionanokomposit yang baru tersebut. Sampel yang diuji ada 4 jenis dengan kada berat bahan nanosilika 1,5%, 3,0%, 4,5% dan 6% dari berat total sampel biokomposit. Pengujian dilakukan dengan menggunakan kamera beresolusi tinggi untuk mengambil gambar permukaan sampel isolator yang ditetesi air. Hasil menunjukan bahwa nanosilika dapat memperbesar sudut kontak air dengan permukaan bionanokomposit. Peningkatan ini mengindikasikan meningkatnya sifat hidropobisitas material bionanokomposit.Kata Kunci : Biokomposit, Hidropobisitas, Karet Alam, LDPE
Peningkatan Faktor Penuaan Arester Tanpa Sela Isolasi Polymer Akibat Kontaminan Kalsium Karbonat Novizon, Novizon; Nofriadi, Nofriadi; Yustasia, Dano
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (343.233 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/jnte.v9n2.733.2020


Gapless arester leakage current can be used as an indicator to determine the aging level of the arester. Leakage current is influenced by contaminants present in the arester insulation. This paper analyzes the effect of contamination on arester leakage currents as an indicator of arester aging. Contaminants used are calcium carbonate plus kaolin dissolved into water, to determine the level of calcium carbonate contaminants, the ESDD (Equivalent Salt Deposit Density) method is used. Contaminated aresters are measured as leakage currents flowing to the block elements and to the arester insulation. Based on experiments that have been carried out, the increase in leakage current of the arester on the block element that increases the leakage current to the level of light, medium and heavy contamination rises by an average of 17.5% for the voltage of all test voltages. While at low and moderate contamination the leakage current that occurs in the polymer arester insulation does not significantly change, the leakage current generated is linear with the level of contaminants in the arester body. It can clearly be concluded that the effect of contamination is very significant in changes in leakage currents.Keywords : Gapless arester, Leakage current, Kontamination, Aging, AbstrakArus bocor arester tanpa sela dapat digunakan sebagai indikator untuk menentukan tingkat penuaan arester. Arus bocor dipengaruhi oleh kontaminan yang ada pada isolasi arester. Paper ini menganalisa pengaruh kontaminasi terhadap arus bocor arester sebagi indikator penuaan arester. Kontaminan yang digunakan adalah kalsium karbonat di tambah kaolin yang di larutkan kedalam air, untuk menentukan tingkat kontaminan kalsium karbonat maka digunakan metode ESDD (Equivalent Salt Deposit Density). Arester yang sudah berkontaminasi diukur arus bocor yang mengalir pada elemen blok dan pada isolasi arester. Berdasarkan percobaan yang telah dilakukan, kenaikan arus bocor arester pada elemen blok bahwa kenaikan arus bocor untuk tingkat kontaminasi ringan,sedang dan berat naik rata-rata 17.5 % untuk semua tegangan uji. Sementara pada kontaminasi rendah dan sedang arus bocor yang terjadi pada isolasi polimer arester tidak. singnifikan perubahannya,Arus bocor yang dihasilkan linier dengan tingkat kontaminan pada badan arester. Secara jelas dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengaruh kontaminasi sangat signifikan dalam perubahan arus bocor.Kata Kunci : Arester tanpa sela, Arus bocor, Kontaminasi, Penuaan,
Prediction of ZnO Surge Arrester Degradation Based on Temperature and Leakage Current Properties Novizon, Novizon; Abdul-Malek, Zulkarnain; Aulia, Aulia; Waldi, Eka Putra; Rajab, Abdul; Darwison, Darwison
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (435.089 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/jnte.v7n2.501.2018


Temperature and leakage current on the ZnO arrester are interrelated with each other. In low conduction region, voltage-current characteristics of ZnO surge arrester are highly dependent on temperature. The leakage current will increase as the temperature increases and experience thermal runaway when the temperature exceeds the acceptable limit. This phenomenon is associated with the increase of resistive leakage current due to degradation. Therefore the temperature and leakage current are good indicator to evaluate the condition of ZnO arrester. This paper proposed the degradation  prediction of ZnO surge arrester by analyzed the temperature and leakage current. The 132 kV station type ZnO surge arrester was employed. Temperature profile of ZnO arrester was obtained using thermal camera. The leakage current was measured simultaneous with the temperature measurement to attain the leakage current at the actual temperature. The results shows the leakage current continue increasing by increasing the temperature. Keywords : Resistive leakage current, temperature, degradation, prediction, zinc oxide surge arrester
The effect of silica content to partial discharge characteristic of low-density polyethene and natural rubber blend as the electrical insulator Aulia Aulia; Eka Putra Waldi; Darwison Darwison; Dwi Gustiono; Novizon Novizon; M. Heru Setiawan; M. A. Hafizi
TELKOMNIKA (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) Vol 19, No 2: April 2021
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/telkomnika.v19i2.16417


The dielectric properties of low-density polyethylene natural rubber (LDPE-NR) biopolymeric insulating materials can be improved by adding the silica nanoparticles in a certain percentage of weight (w%). In the present study, four types of bio-nano polymeric samples were prepared. To each sample, the nanosilica particles with wt% 1.5%, 3%, 4.5% and 6%. As one characteristic of dielectric, the partial discharge (PD) characteristics, each sample has been tested for 1 hour under AC high voltage field, and the pulses were counted for each sample and grouped into positive and negative pulses. The PD pattern was also plotted based on X-Y axes, namely Φ-q-n pattern. It was found that the number of positive and negative partial discharge (PD) pulses for each silica sample after 60 minutes of testing varied for all samples. It is also found that samples with a higher percentage of nanosilica had fewer PD pulses. The PD pattern in lower w% of silica was identified in the 90 degrees mostly in containing This indicates that w% of nanosilica particles can improve the PD resistance or the insulation quality of LDPE-NR insulation materials.
Prediction of ZnO Surge Arrester Degradation Based on Temperature and Leakage Current Properties Novizon Novizon; Zulkarnain Abdul-Malek; Aulia Aulia; Eka Putra Waldi; Abdul Rajab; Darwison Darwison
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (435.089 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/jnte.v7n2.501.2018


Temperature and leakage current on the ZnO arrester are interrelated with each other. In low conduction region, voltage-current characteristics of ZnO surge arrester are highly dependent on temperature. The leakage current will increase as the temperature increases and experience thermal runaway when the temperature exceeds the acceptable limit. This phenomenon is associated with the increase of resistive leakage current due to degradation. Therefore the temperature and leakage current are good indicator to evaluate the condition of ZnO arrester. This paper proposed the degradation  prediction of ZnO surge arrester by analyzed the temperature and leakage current. The 132 kV station type ZnO surge arrester was employed. Temperature profile of ZnO arrester was obtained using thermal camera. The leakage current was measured simultaneous with the temperature measurement to attain the leakage current at the actual temperature. The results shows the leakage current continue increasing by increasing the temperature. Keywords : Resistive leakage current, temperature, degradation, prediction, zinc oxide surge arrester
Analisa Kinerja Automatic Voltage Regulator Dalam Domain Waktu Menggunakan Metoda Ziegler-Nichols Dengan Pendekatan First Order Plus Dead Time Heru Dibyo Laksono; N. Riska; Novizon Novizon
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (429.564 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/jnte.v8n3.669.2019


Electric power systems produce power that can be used for various purposes. The distribution of electrical power and its relationship to the voltage and current generated by the generator. Voltage can change with changes in load. The change of voltage is undesirable due to it can cause disturbances to the power system. A device called Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) is used to maintain the voltage stable. This AVR is equipped with a control system to get the voltage stability following the specified criteria. In this study, the Ziegler -Nichols (Z-N) method is used with the First Order Plus Dead Time (FOPDT) approach. FOPDT is used for AVR control based on frequency response and transfer function methods. AVR used is direct current type AVR. The design that fulfils the criteria for controlling the voltage transfer response of direct current type AVR systems is the Proportional Integral Differential (PID) controller. This PID is designed using the Ziegler-Nichols method with the FOPDT approach based on the transfer function method. Information on the simulation results of the direct current type of system switching AVR response is obtained where the steady-state error value is 0.0000, the rise time value is 0.6114 seconds, the peak time value is 1.4391 seconds, the peak value is 1.1492 seconds, the maximum throughput is 14.942% and time to state steady reaches value at 2.5562 seconds. The values of parameter control are k of 13.2000, L of 0.4283, T of 1.0817, Proportional constant (Kp) of 0.2296, integral time constant (Ti) of 0.8564 and differential time constant (Td) of 4.6667.Keywords : Ziegler-Nichols, Fisrt order plus dead time, Automatic voltage regulator, Transient analysis AbstrakSistem tenaga listrik menghasilkan daya yang dapat di gunakan untuk berbagai keperluan. Penyaluran daya listrik ini erta hubungan nya dengan tegangan dan arus yang di hasilkan oleh pembangkit. Tegangan dapat berubah-ubah dengan berubahnya beban. Perubahan tegangan ini tidak diinginkan karena dapat mengakibatkan gangguan pada sistem tenaga. Untuk menjaga agar tegangan tetap stabil digunakan Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR). AVR ini dilengkapi dengan sistim pengendalian untuk mendapatkan kestabilan tegangan sesuai dengan kriteria yang di tetapkan. Pada penelitian ini digunakan metoda Ziegler -Nichols (Z-N) dengan pendekatan First Order Plus Dead Time (FOPDT) berdasarkan tanggapan frekuensi dan metoda fungsi alih sebagai metoda pengendali AVR dan AVR yang digunakan adalah AVR tipe arus searah.Pengendali yang memenuhi kriteria rancangan untuk pengendalian tanggapan peralihan tegangan sistem AVR tipe arus searah adalah pengendali Proporsional Integral Diferensial (PID). Pengendali Proporsional Integral Diferensial (PID) ini dirancang dengan menggunakan metoda Ziegler-Nichols dengan pendekatan First Order Plus Dead Time (FOPDT) berdasarkan metoda fungsi alih. Informasi hasil simulasi tanggapan peralihan sistem AVR tipe arus searah yang diperoleh dimana nilai kesalahan keadaan mantap sebesar 0.0000, nilai waktu naik sebesar 0.6114 detik, nilai waktu puncak sebesar 1.4391 detik, nilai puncak sebesar 1.1492 detik, nilai lewatan maksimum sebesar 14.942 % dan nilai waktu keadaan mantap sebesar 2.5562 detik. Untuk nilai parameter  pengendali yang digunakan adalah k sebesar 13.2000, L sebesar 0.4283, T sebesar 1.0817, konstanta Proporsional (Kp) sebesar 0.2296, konstanta waktu integral (Ti)  sebesar 0.8564 dan konstanta waktu diferensial (Td) sebesar 4.6667.Kata Kunci :Ziegler-Nichols, Fisrt order plus dead time, Automatic voltage regulator, Analis peralihan
Pengaruh Partikel Nanosilika Terhadap Sifat Tolak Air Bahan Isolasi Bionanokomposit Aulia Aulia; Roan Alfajri; Eka Putra Waldi; Novizon Novizon
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (271.451 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/jnte.v9n2.716.2020


The nature of hydropobicity plays an important role of an insulator, especially the outdoor insolator which is always exposed to hot, cold, humid weather and rain water. In the long run, the surface of the insulator can be damaged and its hydropobicity properties will be reduced or even lost so that surface discharge events will be easier to occur, especially in the rainy season. As a new material being developed, bionanocomposite insulation materials from LDPE, natural rubber and nanosilica fillers have passed several dielectric properties such as partial discharge characteristics under normal conditions and at higher temperature conditions. To complete the assessment of dielectric properties, a new bionanocomposite material hydropobicity was tested. There were 4 types of samples tested with the weight of the nanosilica material 1.5%, 3.0%, 4.5% and 6% of the total weight of the biocomposite sample. The test was carried out using a high-resolution camera to take pictures of the surface of the insulator sample that was dripped with water. The results show that nanosilica can increase the angle of contact of water with the bionanocomposite surface. This increase indicates an increase in the hydropobicity of bionanocomposite materialKeywords : LDPE, Karet Alam, Natural Rubber, nanosilica, hydrophobisity AbstrakSifat hidropobisitas memainkan peran penting dari sebuah isolator, terutama isolator pasang luar yang selalu terpapar oleh perubahan cuaca panas, dingin, lembab dan air hujan. Dalam jangka panjang, permukaan isolator bisa rusak dan sifat hidropobisitasnya akan berkurang bahkan hilang sehingga peristiwa peluahan permukaan akan lebih mudah terjadi, terutama pada musim hujan. Sebagai material baru yang sedang dikembangkan, bahan isolasi bionanokomposit dari polietilena berkerapatan rendah (LDPE), karet alam (NR) dan pengisi nanosilika telah melewati beberapa pengujian sifat dielektrik seperti karakteristik peluahan sebagian pada kondisi normal dan pada kondisi suhu yang lebih tinggi. Untuk melengkapi pengkajian sifat dielektrik, maka dilakukan pengujian sifat hidropobisitas bahan bionanokomposit yang baru tersebut. Sampel yang diuji ada 4 jenis dengan kada berat bahan nanosilika 1,5%, 3,0%, 4,5% dan 6% dari berat total sampel biokomposit. Pengujian dilakukan dengan menggunakan kamera beresolusi tinggi untuk mengambil gambar permukaan sampel isolator yang ditetesi air. Hasil menunjukan bahwa nanosilika dapat memperbesar sudut kontak air dengan permukaan bionanokomposit. Peningkatan ini mengindikasikan meningkatnya sifat hidropobisitas material bionanokomposit.Kata Kunci : Biokomposit, Hidropobisitas, Karet Alam, LDPE
Peningkatan Faktor Penuaan Arester Tanpa Sela Isolasi Polymer Akibat Kontaminan Kalsium Karbonat Novizon Novizon; Nofriadi Nofriadi; Dano Yustasia
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Andalas

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (343.233 KB) | DOI: 10.25077/jnte.v9n2.733.2020


Gapless arester leakage current can be used as an indicator to determine the aging level of the arester. Leakage current is influenced by contaminants present in the arester insulation. This paper analyzes the effect of contamination on arester leakage currents as an indicator of arester aging. Contaminants used are calcium carbonate plus kaolin dissolved into water, to determine the level of calcium carbonate contaminants, the ESDD (Equivalent Salt Deposit Density) method is used. Contaminated aresters are measured as leakage currents flowing to the block elements and to the arester insulation. Based on experiments that have been carried out, the increase in leakage current of the arester on the block element that increases the leakage current to the level of light, medium and heavy contamination rises by an average of 17.5% for the voltage of all test voltages. While at low and moderate contamination the leakage current that occurs in the polymer arester insulation does not significantly change, the leakage current generated is linear with the level of contaminants in the arester body. It can clearly be concluded that the effect of contamination is very significant in changes in leakage currents.Keywords : Gapless arester, Leakage current, Kontamination, Aging, AbstrakArus bocor arester tanpa sela dapat digunakan sebagai indikator untuk menentukan tingkat penuaan arester. Arus bocor dipengaruhi oleh kontaminan yang ada pada isolasi arester. Paper ini menganalisa pengaruh kontaminasi terhadap arus bocor arester sebagi indikator penuaan arester. Kontaminan yang digunakan adalah kalsium karbonat di tambah kaolin yang di larutkan kedalam air, untuk menentukan tingkat kontaminan kalsium karbonat maka digunakan metode ESDD (Equivalent Salt Deposit Density). Arester yang sudah berkontaminasi diukur arus bocor yang mengalir pada elemen blok dan pada isolasi arester. Berdasarkan percobaan yang telah dilakukan, kenaikan arus bocor arester pada elemen blok bahwa kenaikan arus bocor untuk tingkat kontaminasi ringan,sedang dan berat naik rata-rata 17.5 % untuk semua tegangan uji. Sementara pada kontaminasi rendah dan sedang arus bocor yang terjadi pada isolasi polimer arester tidak. singnifikan perubahannya,Arus bocor yang dihasilkan linier dengan tingkat kontaminan pada badan arester. Secara jelas dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengaruh kontaminasi sangat signifikan dalam perubahan arus bocor.Kata Kunci : Arester tanpa sela, Arus bocor, Kontaminasi, Penuaan,
Feasibility Study of Rooftop Grid Connected PV System for Peak Load Reduction Syafii Syafii; Novizon Novizon; Wati Wati; Dona Juliandri
Proceeding of the Electrical Engineering Computer Science and Informatics Vol 5: EECSI 2018
Publisher : IAES Indonesia Section

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (334.777 KB) | DOI: 10.11591/eecsi.v5.1652


This paper presented the economic feasibility analysis of grid-connected photovoltaic on the roof of building, to reduce peak electrical demand. The Engineering Faculty electrical system is used as case study of PV system economic feasibility. The economic calculation assumptions used are: electricity tariff IDR 1114.74 per kWh based on electricity tariff for medium voltage load, estimated annual module degradation 0.5% and the life expectancy of the solar panels 25 years. The interest rate using of Bank Indonesia (BI) rate for 2018 i.e. 4.25% and inflation rate 3% also considered. The initial investment required to build 117.5 kWp PV system is IDR 2,413 million. The operational and maintenance costs are estimated 1% of initial investment per year. The result of cash flow rate shows that a positive NPV is achievable and payback period less then solar panels life expectancy. The simple payback period is 11 years and discounted payback period calculated by consider multiple parameters to be 14 years. The result of economic analysis using current rate value indicate that the project is profitable.