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THE APPLICATION OF CAPITAL PUNISHMENT: An Analysis of the Social Impact in Saudi Arabia and the United States Tajul Arifin
MIQOT: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman Vol 35, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : State Islamic University North Sumatra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30821/miqot.v35i1.137


Abstrak: Penerapan Hukuman Mati: Suatu Analisa Dampak Sosial di Arab Saudi dan Amerika Serikat. Sampai saat ini hukuman mati telah menjadi perdebatan serius tidak hanya di kalangan ahli hukum di Barat tetapi juga di negara Islam. Persoalan yang mengemuka apakah hukuman ini masih relevan untuk menjadi faktor jera bagi pelaku kriminal, kalau tidak, lalu hukum apa yang akan dijadikan penggantinya. Makalah ini mencoba mendiskusikan sejauh mana keefektifan hukuman mati dalam memberi dampak jera bagi pelanggar hukum. Dengan merujuk kepada penerapan hukuman mati dalam konsep Islam sebagaimana diterapkan di Arab Saudi dan Amerika Serikat sebagai contoh kasus, penulis mengemukakan bahwa penerapan hukum tersebut secara konsisten telah mampu mengurangi tingkat tindak pidana secara drastis.Kata Kunci: Capital punishment, Saudi Arabia, the United States
Asy-Syari'ah Vol 18, No 1 (2016): Jurnal Asy-Syari'ah
Publisher : Faculty of Sharia and Law, Sunan Gunung Djati Islamic State University of Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/as.v18i1.7607


AbstractThis research mainly uses statistical data published by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNDDC) in April 2014 to support the hypothesis of this research that “Human Rights Activists in Indonesia as in other countries have failed in comprehending the wisdom (hikmah) of the application of Capital Punishment”. This study found that: (1) the hypothesis of this research was strongly supported by the data; (2) the application of Syari`ah Criminal Law in Saudi Arabia has been an unchallenged proof for the wisdom (hikmah) behind the application of Capital Punishment by keeping the level of murder crime to a low rate which sharply contrast to many countries which apply positive laws which are based on a social contract between the ruler and the ruled, such as in The United States and Mexico; and (3) In upholding the true justice in Islamic Criminal Law, punishment can only be awarded to the criminals in a society where the Islamic ideal of social justice has been achieved. AbstrakPenelitian ini menggunakan data statistik yang diterbitkan oleh United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNDDC) pada bulan April 2014 untuk mendukung hipotesis dari penelitian ini bahwa "Aktivis HAM di Indonesia seperti di negara-negara lain telah gagal dalam memahami hikmah dari penerapan hukuman mati". Studi ini menemukan bahwa: (1) hipotesis penelitian ini sangat didukung oleh data; (2) penerapan Hukum Pidana Syari`ah di Arab Saudi telah menjadi bukti tak terbantahkan untuk menunjukkan hikmah di balik penerapan hukuman mati dengan menjaga tingkat kejahatan pembunuhan pada tingkat yang sangat rendah yang sangat berlawanan dengan yang terjadi di banyak negara yang menerapkan hukum positif yang didasarkan pada kontrak sosial antara penguasa dan rakyat, seperti di Amerika Serikat dan Meksiko; dan (3) dalam menegakkan keadilan sejati dalam Hukum Pidana Islam, hukuman hanya dapat diberikan kepada penjahat dalam masyarakat di mana keadilan sosial yang ideal menurut Islam telah dicapai.
Publisher : LKKI Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2332.833 KB) | DOI: 10.22373/petita.v4i1.14


The application of capital punishment has become worldwide debate. European human rights have abolished the capital punishment in their legal system. However, some countries, including United States, have still established the capital punishment. In some Asia countries have still implemented capital punishment, including China, Indonesia, and Saudi Arabia. Those countries have received a significant benefit from the implementation of capital punishment. In this article, author will explore some benefit of capital punishment to create a peaceful and harmonious life. To create basic understanding, author have used theoretical background on crime-punishment connection. Author has also examined the restraining effects of the application of capital punishment on crime in several countries, and presenting some quantitative data. The final segment has displayed a fleeting discussion, and offering some generalizations. The purpose provides a clear conclusion, referred on the practice of various countries. This experience will have a significant benefit for development Islamic law in Aceh, Indonesia. Abstrak: Penerapan hukuman mati telah menjadi perdebatan di seluruh dunia. Badan hak asasi manusia Eropa telah menghapuskan hukuman mati dari sistem hukum mereka. Namun, beberapa negara, termasuk Amerika Serikat, masih menerapkan hukuman mati. Beberapa negara Asia juga masih menerapkan hukuman mati, termasuk Cina, Indonesia, dan Arab Saudi. Negara-negara tersebut telah mendapatkan manfaat yang signifikan dari penerapan hukuman mati. Dalam artikel ini, penulis akan mengeksplorasi beberapa manfaat hukuman mati dalam menciptakan kehidupan yang damai dan harmonis. Untuk membangun pemahaman dasar, penulis menggunakan latar belakang teoretis mengenai koneksi antara kejahatan dan hukuman. Penulis juga menyelidiki dampak pembatasan penerapan hukuman mati pada kejahatan di beberapa negara, dan menyajikan data kuantitatif. Segmen terakhir dari artikel ini menyajikan diskusi singkat, dan beberapa generalisasi, dengan tujuan untuk memberikan kesimpulan yang jelas berdasarkan praktik di berbagai negara. Pengalaman ini sangat bermanfaat untuk pengembangan hukum Islam di Aceh, Indonesia. Kata Kunci: Hukuman Mati, Teori Kejahatan, Hukum Pidana Islam
Mahkamah : Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam Vol 7, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24235/mahkamah.v7i1.9754


Based on data from the Sumber-Cirebon PA regarding the application for marriage dispensation and the Cirebon Regency DPPBP3A data, it shows the high number of early marriages in Muslim families in Cirebon Regency. This research aims to determine the factors causing early marriage and the effectiveness of the provisions of Law no. 1 of 1974 Article 7 paragraph (1) related to the minimum age limit for marriage in Muslim families in Cirebon Regency. The approach used is qualitative with descriptive analytical method. The classified data was then analyzed using a sociological juridical approach, and then concluded. As for the results of the research, that the factors causing the high rate of early marriage are because there are factors behind it and the ineffectiveness of the minimum age limit for marriage stipulated by law.
Conflict Resolution on Violence Behavior in Yogyakarta Sifa Mulya Nurani; Tajul Arifin
MUHARRIK: Jurnal Dakwah dan Sosial Vol 4 No 02 (2021): Muharrik: Jurnal Dakwah dan Sosial
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah Institut Agama Islam Sunan Giri Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37680/muharrik.v4i02.1049


The study aims to analyze conflict resolution on domestic violence behavior (KDRT) in Yogyakarta. The study results stated that the presence of domestic violence cases in Yogyakarta was considered small with the comparison of the population in the area. Meanwhile, the case of domestic violence in Yogyakarta was caused by factors such as stress due to domicile in the Metropolitan City; work environment; economy, and other factors. In order to take preventive measures against domestic violence behavior, mediation is needed. The concept of Islamic mediation in Indonesia is authorized by Badan Penasihat, Pembinaan, dan Pelestarian Rumah Tangga (the Household Advisory, Guidance, and Preservation Agency) or BP4. BP4 can mediate ongoing cases with spouses that impact domestic violence behavior. Meanwhile, the anticipation of harmful impacts on children as victims of domestic violence can be done through interpersonal communication; namely, the closest family communicates intensely with children through three steps; firstly, provide physical and mental strengthening; secondly, accompanying children as long as the domestic violence case has not been completed; thirdly, strengthen the spiritual side of the child. Such an effort is one of the anthropological and sociological resolutions of domestic violence conflicts
Anthropology of Islamic Law as an Approach in the Practice of Buying and Selling Online Doli Witro; Zufriani; Tajul Arifin; Mohamad Athoillah
Qawanin: Jurnal of Economic Syaria Law Vol 6 No 1 (2022): June
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah IAIN Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (136.776 KB) | DOI: 10.30762/qawanin.v6i1.18


Information technology has changed the ways of transacting and opened up new opportunities in conducting business transactions. An online sale and purchase agreement via the internet is considered valid if it meets subjective and objective conditions. Trading business activities via the internet are known as electronic commerce (e-commerce). It has become a necessity that society always experiences changes which are often followed by changes in mindset and values. On the other hand, the legal anthropology approach in research on Islamic law, both the study of normative laws (in the Qur’an) and empirical ones (in the practice of Muslims), has not been fully used. This article describes the anthropological approach of Islamic law in viewing the phenomenon of online buying and selling practices in Indonesia. This article aims to highlight the practice of buying and selling online using an anthropological approach to Islamic law. This article is qualitative research with library research. This article uses a Normative-Anthropological approach. The data in this study were obtained from library materials such as books, journals, and others related to the problems studied, namely the anthropology of Islamic law and online buying and selling. Data analysis techniques used are data condensation, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The analysis results show that economic activity, including buying and selling online, relies heavily on language as a symbol of interaction. In other words, humans and the economy always prioritize symbolic interactionism in negotiating the desires and expectations of sellers and buyers, that is where anthropology and economics meet.
Hukum Islam Vol 22, No 1 (2022): HUKUM KELUARGA DAN MUAMALAH
Publisher : Fakultas Syariah dan hukum Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/jhi.v22i1.18402


Abstract The juvenile criminal justice system in Indonesia is still wrong so that there is a wrong use of the law against the enforcement of criminal law, especially for children. This study aims to analyze (1) the juvenile criminal justice system in Indonesia from the perspective of Islamic law and to see a comparison with (2) the juvenile justice system in positive law. This research was conducted using descriptive methods of analysis and applying a qualitative approach, as well as using various relevant references as data sources. Data collection uses literature study techniques which are then analyzed using content analysis techniques. The results showed that (1) in Islamic law there is no normative proposition about criminal sanctions, because the criminal sanctions against children in Islam are ta'dib (parenting) which is handed over to waliyul amri (leader). It is thus clear that the handling of children dealing with the law in the juvenile criminal justice system is prioritized. Restorative Justice. The Juvenile Criminal Justice System contained in Law Number 3 of 1997 has been updated through Law Number 11 of 2012 concerning the Juvenile Criminal Justice System, through a diversion system. (2) Judging from the Indonesian criminal law system and Islamic law, the similarity lies in the use of the principle of legality and prioritizing the interests of children through diversion in the form of Restorative Justice. Meanwhile, the difference lies in the legal basis, the age of the child, and the penalty of imprisonment.Keywords: Islamic Law, Juvenile Justice System, Restorative Justice AbstrakSistem peradilan pidana anak di Indonesia masih banyak yang keliru sehingga adanya salah penggunakan hukum terhadap penegakkan hukum pidana khususnya pada anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis (1) sistem peradilan pidana anak di Indonesia dalam perspektif hukum Islam dan untuk melihat perbandingan dengan (2) sistem peradilan anak dalam hukum positif. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis dan mengaplikasikan pendekatan kualitatif, serta menggunakan berbagai referensi yang relevan sebagai sumber data. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik studi literatur yang kemudian di analisis dengan menggunakan teknik analisis isi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) dalam hukum Islam tidak ada proposisi normatif tentang sanksi pidana, karena sanksi pidana terhadap anak-anak dalam Islam adalah ta'dib (parenting) yang diserahkan kepada waliyul amri (pemimpin). Dengan demikian jelas bahwa penanganan anak-anak yang berurusan dengan hukum dalam sistem peradilan pidana remaja diprioritaskan. Keadilan Restoratif. Sistem Peradilan Pidana Anak yang terdapat dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 3 Tahun 1997 telah diperbarui melalui Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2012 tentang Sistem Peradilan Pidana Remaja, melalui sistem diversi. (2) Dilihat dari sistem hukum pidana Indonesia dan hukum Islam, persamaannya terletak pada penggunaan prinsip legalitas dan mengutamakan kepentingan anak melalui diversi dalam bentuk Restorative Justice. Sedangkan perbedaannya terletak pada dasar hukum, usia anak, dan sanksi pidana penjara.Kata Kunci: Hukum Islam, Keadilan Restoratif, Sistem Peradilan AnakAbstract The juvenile criminal justice system in Indonesia is still wrong so that there is a wrong use of the law against the enforcement of criminal law, especially for children. This study aims to analyze (1) the juvenile criminal justice system in Indonesia from the perspective of Islamic law and to see a comparison with (2) the juvenile justice system in positive law. This research was conducted using descriptive methods of analysis and applying a qualitative approach, as well as using various relevant references as data sources. Data collection uses literature study techniques which are then analyzed using content analysis techniques. The results showed that (1) in Islamic law there is no normative proposition about criminal sanctions, because the criminal sanctions against children in Islam are ta'dib (parenting) which is handed over to waliyul amri (leader). It is thus clear that the handling of children dealing with the law in the juvenile criminal justice system is prioritized. Restorative Justice. The Juvenile Criminal Justice System contained in Law Number 3 of 1997 has been updated through Law Number 11 of 2012 concerning the Juvenile Criminal Justice System, through a diversion system. (2) Judging from the Indonesian criminal law system and Islamic law, the similarity lies in the use of the principle of legality and prioritizing the interests of children through diversion in the form of Restorative Justice. Meanwhile, the difference lies in the legal basis, the age of the child, and the penalty of imprisonment.Keywords: Islamic Law, Juvenile Justice System, Restorative Justice AbstrakSistem peradilan pidana anak di Indonesia masih banyak yang keliru sehingga adanya salah penggunakan hukum terhadap penegakkan hukum pidana khususnya pada anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis (1) sistem peradilan pidana anak di Indonesia dalam perspektif hukum Islam dan untuk melihat perbandingan dengan (2) sistem peradilan anak dalam hukum positif. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis dan mengaplikasikan pendekatan kualitatif, serta menggunakan berbagai referensi yang relevan sebagai sumber data. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik studi literatur yang kemudian di analisis dengan menggunakan teknik analisis isi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) dalam hukum Islam tidak ada proposisi normatif tentang sanksi pidana, karena sanksi pidana terhadap anak-anak dalam Islam adalah ta'dib (parenting) yang diserahkan kepada waliyul amri (pemimpin). Dengan demikian jelas bahwa penanganan anak-anak yang berurusan dengan hukum dalam sistem peradilan pidana remaja diprioritaskan. Keadilan Restoratif. Sistem Peradilan Pidana Anak yang terdapat dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 3 Tahun 1997 telah diperbarui melalui Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2012 tentang Sistem Peradilan Pidana Remaja, melalui sistem diversi. (2) Dilihat dari sistem hukum pidana Indonesia dan hukum Islam, persamaannya terletak pada penggunaan prinsip legalitas dan mengutamakan kepentingan anak melalui diversi dalam bentuk Restorative Justice. Sedangkan perbedaannya terletak pada dasar hukum, usia anak, dan sanksi pidana penjara.Kata Kunci: Hukum Islam, Keadilan Restoratif, Sistem Peradilan Anak
Al-Muamalat: Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Vol 8, No 2 (2021): July
Publisher : Department of Sharia Economic Law, Faculty Sharia and Law, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/am.v8i2.12969


Share zakat is a development object of zakat mal. With the increase in stock investors, zakat shares have high potential. MNC Sekuritas has a stock zakat feature as a zakat service with a stock object in collaboration with Rumah Zakat as amil zakat fund manager. However, zakat on shares is not for all shares listed on the IDX. This study aims to determine, describe, and analyze the criteria for shares that can be zakat and how the practice of implementing zakat shares at MNC Sekuritas Bandung is based on a review of sharia economic law. This research was conducted with a descriptive method, namely describing and reviewing the implementation of stock zakat at MNC Sekuritas Bandung. Sources obtained from the provisions relating to zakat shares from the MNC Sekuritas Bandung. This study concludes, shares that can be used as objects of zakat must be included in the Sharia Securities List (DES) and obtained lawfully so that not all shares can be zakated as not all assets can be zakat, the implementation of zakat shares at MNC Sekuritas Bandung is the same as the implementation of zakat in general and its implementation also easy and efficient. According to a review of sharia economic law, the implementation of zakat shares at MNC Sekuritas Bandung is based on sharia provisions and principles terms, and pillars.  Zakat saham merupakan pengembangan objek zakat mal. Bertambahnya investor saham, zakat saham memiliki potensi tinggi. MNC Sekuritas memiliki fitur zakat saham sebagai layanan zakat dengan objek saham bekerja sama dengan Rumah Zakat sebagai amil pengelola dana zakat. Namun zakat saham tidak untuk semua saham yang terdaftar di BEI. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui, mendeskripsikan, serta menganalisis kriteria saham yang dapat dizakatkan serta bagaimana praktik pelaksanaan zakat saham di MNC Seuritas Bandung berdasarkan tinjauan fiqh tabarru’. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif, yaitu memaparkan dan meninjau pelaksanaan zakat saham di MNC Sekuritas Bandung. Sumber diperoleh dari ketentuan yang berkaitan dengan zakat saham dari pihak MNC Sekuritas Bandung. Hasil penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa saham yang dapat dijadikan objek zakat haruslah masuk Daftar Efek Syariah (DES) dan diperoleh dengan halal sehingga tidak semua saham dapat dizakatkan sebagaimana tidak semua harta dapat dizakati. Selain itu, pelaksanaan zakat saham di MNC Sekuritas Bandung sama dengan pelaksanaan zakat pada umumnya serta pelaksanaanya pun mudah dan efisien. Kesimpulannya, pelaksanaan zakat saham di MNC Sekuritas Bandung telah sesuai dengan ketentuan serta prinsip syariah baik dari segi syarat maupun rukun.
Al-Muamalat: Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Vol 8, No 2 (2021): July
Publisher : Department of Sharia Economic Law, Faculty Sharia and Law, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/am.v8i2.14002


Defaults can be subject to ta'zir, contract cancellation, risk transfer, or paying for the case. Ta'zir is enforced by Islamic Banks to prevent customers from being negligent about their obligations. The research aims to find out the settlement of default customers, to find out the factors that cause customer defaults, and to find out the results of the analysis regarding DSN Fatwa No. 17/DSN-MUI/IX/2000 regarding procedures for settling defaults in mudharabah contracts at BJB Syariah KCP Patrol. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The results of his research are that settlement of default customers at KCP Patrol is carried out by imposing ta'zir fines and attempts to reprimand via SMS, visiting the customer's house, summoning the customer to come to the bank, giving a subpoena 3 (three) times, to confiscating collateral if the customer is still just don't pay the installments. Factors that cause default customers are a declining business, deliberately delaying payments or being negligent, not having good faith, and sick customers. In conclusion, DSN Fatwa No. 17/DSN-MUI/IX/2000 is not fully implemented because at BJB Syariah KCP Patrol still applies ta'zir fines to all customers without exception. Wanprestasi dapat dikenakan ta’zir, pembatalan kontrak, peralihan risiko, maupun membayar perkaranya. Ta’zir diberlakukan oleh Bank Syariah dalam upaya mencegah nasabah yang lalai akan kewajibannya. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui penyelesaian nasabah wanprestasi, mengetahui faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan wanprestasi nasabah dan mengetahui hasil analisis mengenai Fatwa DSN No. 17/DSN-MUI/IX/2000 terhadap prosedur penyelesaian wanprestasi dalam akad mudharabah di BJB Syariah KCP Patrol. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitiannya adalah penyelesaian terhadap nasabah wanprestasi di KCP Patrol dilakukan dengan cara mengenakan denda ta’zir dan upaya teguran melalui SMS, mendatangi rumah nasabah, memanggil nasabah datang ke bank, memberikan surat somasi sebanyak 3 (tiga) kali, hingga penyitaan jaminan apabila nasabah masih saja tidak membayar angsurannya. Faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan nasabah wanprestasi yaitu memiliki usaha yang menurun, sengaja menunda-menunda pembayaran atau lalai, tidak mempunyai itikad baik dan nasabah sakit. Kesimpulannya, Fatwa DSN No. 17/DSN-MUI/IX/2000 tidak sepenuhnya diterapkan karena di BJB Syariah KCP Patrol masih menerapkan denda ta’zir kepada semua  nasabah tanpa terkecuali.
Reviewing Victimology in the Doxing Case of an Indonesian Virtual Youtuber Alvan Rahfiansyah Lubis; Ine Fauzia; Tajul Arifin
Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary Science Vol. 2 No. 6 (2023): Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary Science
Publisher : International Journal Labs

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55324/ijoms.v2i6.460


The rapid development in technology has caused a revolution in the entertainment world in Indonesia. This development created a new profession called virtual Youtuber. A virtual Youtuber is someone who has another identity and hides behind an animation which is often called an avatar, therefore a phenomenon arises where virtual Youtubers are spread their personal data which is commonly called doxing. Therefore, this paper wants to analyze how the review of victimology in Indonesia and how the review of victimology on doxing cases against virtual Youtubers (Chloe Papua, Naminae Sae, and also Fay Kuroda) in Indonesia. By using the juridical-empirical research method where legal research through the formulation or application of normative law in a group of people who are in and involved with virtual Youtubers. The most important finding in this study is how the justice system in Indonesia which uses an offender oriented system where the criminal process is more likely to focus on the perpetrator does not provide a restorative justice effect, therefore it is often encountered that victims do not know the full extent of the rights they should have obtained,  this condition makes it limited to law enforcement that is applied but far from being fair to victims.