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An Explorative Analysis of Using LMS (Lentera) in Writing Class at UIN Alauddin During Covid-19 Aminah Aminah; Hardiani Ardin; Siska Angraini
IDEAS: Journal on English Language Teaching and Learning, Linguistics and Literature Vol 10, No 1 (2022): IDEAS: Journal on English Language Teaching and Learning, Linguistics and Liter
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palopo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24256/ideas.v10i1.2816


This research aimed at finding out the students’ barriers in writing class and the advantages of using LENTERA as the LMS platform of Islamic State University (UIN) Alauddin Makassar in writing class during Covid-19 pandemic. This research employed a qualitative method with 9 participants from English and Literature Department students. The data were collected by using in-depth interview and documentation, then it was analyzed by using Miles and Huberman theory. The results of this research showed that English and Literature students who learned writing courses by using LENTERA application had several barriers such as network problems, difficulty in understanding the lesson, and inaccessible application. In addition, the advantages encountered by English and Literature students in writing course by using LENTERA application were facilitating the process of teaching and learning, facilitating the students in submitting the assignment, and providing accessible file storage. The researchers recommended that LENTERA features should be enhanced and the teachers should organize the material in attractive way so that during the teaching process the barriers can be reduced. 
Lentera Pendidikan : Jurnal Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Vol 25 No 2 (2022): JULY - DECEMBER
Publisher : Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24252/lp.2022v25n2i4


The study aimed at finding out the students' access and ease with technology, as well as the barriers and prospects of using the Learning Management System (LMS) at Institut Parahikma Indonesia (IPI). An explanatory sequential mixed method was used in this study. There were 16 students from English Education Department and four lecturers selected using the purposive sampling technique. The instruments were a questionnaire and an in-depth interview. The results revealed that the students' access was well-versed in technology and felt at ease utilizing the LMS. Students' and lecturers' common barriers were insufficient bandwidth connections and a lack of personal time management, while their common prospects were enhanced infrastructure and internet connections, and large capacity in LMS for uploading data, lack of training for students, incompatible features in particular assignments, and a limited budget for internet usage. Meanwhile, students' prospects were LMS application on Google Play, direct assignment notification via SMS, and feedback from lecturers. In contrast, the lecturers' prospects were that all IPI materials should be accessible in LMS. Therefore, the institution needs to provide LMS training for the students, evaluate the lecturers, and enhance the capacity of the bandwidth connection. Moreover, the LMS features should be upgraded to maximize the functions. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui akses dan kemudahan mahasiswa terhadap teknologi, serta hambatan dan prospek penggunaan Learning Management System (LMS) di Institut Parahikma Indonesia (IPI). Metode campuran sekuensial penjelas digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Ada 16 mahasiswa dari Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris dan empat dosen yang dipilih menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah angket dan wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa akses siswa fasih dalam teknologi dan merasa nyaman memanfaatkan LMS. Hambatan umum mahasiswa dan dosen adalah koneksi bandwidth yang tidak mencukupi dan kurangnya manajemen waktu pribadi, sementara prospek umum mereka adalah peningkatan infrastruktur dan koneksi internet, dan kapasitas besar di LMS untuk mengunggah data, kurangnya pelatihan untuk mahasiswa, fitur yang tidak kompatibel dalam tugas tertentu , dan anggaran terbatas untuk penggunaan internet. Sedangkan prospek mahasiswa adalah aplikasi LMS di Google Play, notifikasi tugas langsung melalui SMS, dan feedback dari dosen. Sebaliknya, prospek dosen adalah bahwa semua materi IPI harus dapat diakses di LMS. Oleh karena itu, institusi perlu memberikan pelatihan LMS kepada mahasiswa, mengevaluasi dosen, dan meningkatkan kapasitas koneksi bandwidth. Selain itu, fitur LMS harus ditingkatkan untuk memaksimalkan fungsi.
Students’ Perceptions of Reciprocal Teaching in Reading Comprehension Class Surahmat Agus Munandar; Aminah Aminah; Muhammad Ahkam Arifin
Tamaddun Life Vol 19 No 2 (2020): December Issue 2
Publisher : Fakultas Sastra - Universitas Muslim Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (334.631 KB) | DOI: 10.33096/tamaddun.v19i2.78


This research aimed to find out the difficulties and the benefits of reciprocal teaching perceived by the students in reading comprehension class, and the strategy in reciprocal teaching that the students prefer the most. This research was qualitative research applying phenomenological approach. The participants of this study were 5 students majoring in English Education Department of Institute Parahikma Indonesia. The data was collected by using semi-structured interview and it was analyzed by using thematic analysis adapted from Given (2018). The result of this study indicated that the difficulties faced by the students are less teacher’s monitoring, students’ interest in learning reading comprehension which makes them bored, self-competence of the students in understanding the text, and the difficulty in unifying their perceptions. The benefits of it that the students perceived are that they become more creative and imaginative, and it is an encouraging method and effective. Furthermore, it can boost their enthusiasm and create collaborative engagement. However in term of the most preferred strategies in reciprocal teaching, most of the students perceived that questioning is the best.
elstic : english language linguistics culture Vol 1 No 3 (2021): Volume 1, Number 3, December 2021
Publisher : Univeristas Islam Negeri (UIN) Alauddin Makassar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (309.278 KB) | DOI: 10.24252/elstic-ij.v1i3.26205


This study aimed at finding out the technology-based teaching strategies implemented by English teachers in teaching English before and during COVID-19. This study applied a qualitative design with a case study approach. The participants were two English teachers of SMP Negeri 3 Galesong Utara. The data were collected by using interview and documentation, and they were analyzed by using Miles and Huberman’s theory consisting of three steps: data reduction, data display, and conclusion/ verifying.  Furthermore, it was revealed from the study that before COVID-19, the teachers applied discovery learning, inquiry strategy, problem based learning teaching, contextual teaching strategies and interactive teaching in which they applied some technologies such as Internet, wireless speaker Bluetooth, PPT, and LCD in offline class. Meanwhile during COVID-19, the teachers implemented the lecture model through virtual classes, and monitored students and videos of discussions related to the material through WhatsApp, video conference, and by using self-made videos in which the teachers used technologies such as internet, smartphones, laptops, Zoom, Google Classroom, WhatsApp, Online Dictionary, and YouTube. The inhibited factors encountered by teachers before COVID-19 were intake or the reasoning ability, students thinking power which were still lacking, and extended time space for English lessons in class. While during COVID-19, the subdued factor was that students have difficulty in focusing and concentrating during teaching process, difficulty in accessing applications, smartphones and laptops that suddenly went error due to unstable signals. It is suggested that technology-based teaching strategies applied by the teachers should be adjusted with the conditions of the students, and it is pivotal to strengthen teachers’ mastery in technology to attract the students in ELT process.