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Jurnal Sejarah dan Budaya Vol 3, No 2 (2010): Desember
Publisher : Jurnal Sejarah dan Budaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (17.515 KB)


Abstract: Manuscript as a traditional historiography resource was a thing of interest on historical process studies. SadjarahBanten as an old document was essential for historical studies and historical inscription in Nusantara. TitikPudjiastutihas written SadjarahBanten manuscriptturn into textual resources on her dissertation could help other knowledge and science, especially on history have got huge information and interpretation on it.
Jurnal Sejarah dan Budaya Vol 7, No 1 (2013): Juni
Publisher : Jurnal Sejarah dan Budaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (475.68 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/sb.v7i1.4739


Abstract. Majapahit is one of Nusantara big kingdoms in influence of Hindhu-Budha age. As big kindom, Majapahit had glorious and sad history dynamic. Many things can be explored from history of Majapahit because it has abundant data sources, both artifact and textual data or news from the other countries. The historical dynamic can be basic of history wisdom in the present time.
RELIEF ARI DARMA DI CANDI JAGO Deny Yudo Wahyudi; Slamet Sujud Purnawan Jati
Jurnal Sejarah dan Budaya Vol 8, No 2 (2014): Desember
Publisher : Jurnal Sejarah dan Budaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1032.87 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/sb.v8i2.4766


Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan kontribusi pada dunia pendidikan berupa informasi mengenai pemanfaatan cerita Ari Darma dalam sebuah konteks percandian pada masa Hindu-Buddha di Indonesia khususnya masa Singhasari-Majapahit. Target khusus dalam penelitian ini adalah mengaji berbagai relief di Candi Jago dan model penelitian tranformasi pesan relief percandian. Dalam upaya tersebut dilakukan dengan metode arkeologi sejarah. Metode ini mengungkapkan tinggalan arkeologis berupa relief dan konteks percandian. Hal ini didukung data tekstual yang akan diinterpretasi melalui pendekatan sejarah Abstract: This study tends to give a contribution to the educational world especially the information on using Ari Darma story in the context of Hindu-Buddha’s temple in Indonesia focusing on Singhasari-Majapahit period. This specific aim for this study refers to reveal the various reliefs at Jago temple and research model of transforming message of the reliefs. In this effort historical archaeology was used as a research design. This method helped to know some archaeological remains like reliefs and the context of temple. This is supported by textual data interpreted by historical approach.
Jurnal Sejarah dan Budaya Vol 9, No 1 (2015): Juni
Publisher : Jurnal Sejarah dan Budaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (552.216 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/sb.v9i1.4794


Abstrak: Kajian bentuk dan fungsi situs megalitik di Malang Raya membuka kemungkinan pengembangan keilmuan sejarah budaya, sejarah lokal, dan secara spesifik budaya megalitik di masa pra-aksara Malang Raya. Dalam kasus ini terutama pada materi sejarah lokal secara khusus pada materi pra-aksara sangat jarang diberikan di sekolah-sekolah di Malang Raya, sehingga hasil penelitian ini dapat menjadi materi pembelajaran pada Sejarah Lokal. Pengetahuan dari budaya megalitik pada masa pra-sejarah penting untuk menjelaskan keberadaan objek megalitik dalam keterkaitannya dengan identitas budaya komunitas pendukungnya.Abstract: this study on the form and function of megalithic sites in Great Malang might open the knowledge and lead to cultural history and local history, specifically megalithic culture in pre-history of Great Malang. The material of local history especially pre-history era is rarely given by the schools of Great Malang. Therefore, the findings will be a learning material for local history. This might be important to explain the existence of megalithic object related to cultural identity of supporting community.
Jurnal Sejarah dan Budaya Vol 7, No 2 (2013): Desember
Publisher : Jurnal Sejarah dan Budaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (504.164 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/sb.v7i2.4743


Abstrak: Gayatri is an important woman figure in history of Majapahit. As a main family member, she had central role, although her role is invisible. Her status as Rajapatni gave her a big power, so she ascended her husband’s throne after her son in law, who has no son, died. Her Pendharmaan becomes an important source to be studied because of its vague of supporting data.
Situs-situs Megalitik di Malang Raya: Kajian Bentuk dan Fungsi Slamet Sujud Purnawan Jati; Deny Yudo Wahyudi
Sejarah dan Budaya : Jurnal Sejarah, Budaya, dan Pengajarannya Vol 9, No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (552.216 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/um020v9i12015p116-128


INSKRIPSI PADA RELIEF PARTAYAJÑA DI CANDI JAGO Rakai Hino Galeswangi; Deny Yudo Wahyudi; Candra Kurnia Putra
Sejarah dan Budaya: Jurnal Sejarah, Budaya, dan Pengajarannya Vol 16, No 1 (2022): Sejarah dan Budaya: Jurnal Sejarah, Budaya, dan Pengajarannya
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um020v16i12022p163-181


Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang inskripsi yang terdapat pada Candi Jago yang berlokasi diwilayah Malang, Jawa Timur. Inskripsi yang menjadi kajian pokok dalam penelitian ini tepatnya terletak pada bagian relief Partayajña. Secara spesifik, inskripsi tersebut berada pada panil yang menceritakan Arjuna sedang berada  di tepi pantai atau telaga yang terdapat batu karang berbentuk gajah tempat tinggal para penyair. Ditulisnya inskripsi pada bagian tersebut tentunya memiliki maksud tertentu yang perlu untuk dikaji, sebab inskrispsi tersebut hanya terdapat pada satu bagian panil pada relief Partayajña saja. Pengkajian inskripsi ini untuk mengetahui maksud ditulisnya dan hubungan inskripsi dengan relief Partayajña Candi Jago. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dengan kajian arkeologi-sejarah. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa inskripsi tersebut terbaca sebagai “i pahat”  yang diartikan “pahatan, ukiran, patung”, fungsinya sebagai penegas gambar gajah dan situasi sekitarnya, serta adanya hubungan antara inskripsi “i pahat” dengan relief Partayajña adegan perjalanan Arjuna ketika berada di pantai atau telaga, yaitu menunjuk kepada sebuah karang berbentuk gajah, dan juga sebagai simbol tempat tinggal para penyair. Penelitian ini diharapkan mampu menjadi rujukan bagi penelitian selanjutnya.
Sinkretisme Keagamaan: Din Ilahi Sultan Jalaluddin Akbar Sebagai Media Toleransi dan Politik Dinasti Mughal 1560-1605 Mas Rangga Yuda; Deny Yudo Wahyudi
NALAR Vol 6, No 1 (2022): Nalar: Jurnal Peradaban dan Pemikiran Islam
Publisher : IAIN Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23971/njppi.v6i1.3728


Sultan Jalaluddin Akbar the ruler of the Mughals had the concept of Din Ilahi as a form of religious syncretism. Din Ilahi is a teaching of tolerance and religious pluralism which requires all religions to unite under its leadership. However, the concept of the Din Ilahi received a lot of criticism and challenges from Islamic circles, especially in the palace sphere. This article aims to briefly overview religious syncretism with the concept of Din Ilahi from Sultan Jalaluddin Akbar. This article also tries to portray how the concept of the Din Ilahi as a syncretistic thought has received a lot of criticism and challenges from Islamic circles. The method used is the historical research method or Historical Research which consists of four stages. These stages are heuristics, source criticism, interpretation, and historiography. The result found is that the Din Ilahi is not only a religious syncretism but also a political tool of Sultan Akbar in uniting every difference of belief in the Mughal Dynasty. The Din Ilahi in its teachings makes the majority of Muslims discriminated against. The Din Ilahi is considered to have harmed the actual teachings of Islam by mixing various religious teachings.KeywordsSultan Akbar; Syncretism; Mughal Dynasty; Din Ilahi.
Toponimi desa-desa di Nusa Ambon: Kajian sejarah dan arkeologi Daya Negri Wijaya; Deny Yudo Wahyudi; Siti Zainatul Umaroh; Ninie Susanti; Rendy Aditya Putra Ertrisia
Berkala Arkeologi Vol 41 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Balai Arkeologi Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1532.483 KB) | DOI: 10.30883/jba.v41i1.600


Previously, several toponymy studies have already been conducted both in the Nusa (Island) Ambon as well as in the City of Ambon. However, previous studies have not used the historical-archaeological approach. The use of this approach could ease the researchers to reveal the cross-cultural meeting in a specific locus. Taking the Island of Ambon as a locus, the researchers aim to find the origin of village names and the cultural intersection in Leihitu and Leitimor Peninsula. There were three steps conducted to collect and analyse data using historical-archaeological approach. Firstly, the researchers identified and took a tabulation of the village names, mentioned by the Hikayat Tanah Hitu (The Epic of Hitu Land) and three ancient maps. Secondly, the researchers identified various archaeological remains located in the scattered villages. Finally, the researchers analysed the origin of village names by searching the word-meanings, finding the present locations, and describing the role of the contemporary cultures (Islamic and Colonial period) in the past. The researchers found 12 villages with 22 archaeological remains. All related communities have the archaeological remains which could explain the local dynamics, but there are merely ten villages which name meanings could be identified.
Nilai-nilai kearifan lokal wayang topeng malangan sebagai sumber pembelajaran sejarah Muhammad Hasmal Mahfud; Deny Yudo Wahyudi
Historiography: Journal of Indonesian History and Education Vol 3, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um081v3i22023p225-233


Local wisdom is considered a solution to the nation's moral problems, which have been eroded by the negative side of globalism. Wayang Topeng Malangan is one of Malang's unique local wisdoms and has potential as a source of learning history, especially in Malang. The goal of this research was to look into local values in Malangan Mask Wayang art to use as a source for learning history in school. This research method uses qualitative methods and data collection through literature and interviews. The result is that the local wisdom of Wayang Topeng Malangan contains values in the form of religious values, moral values, and aesthetic values. The use of the Malangan Mask Puppet as a source for learning history in class can be used as an apperception for learning Hindu-Buddhist history in phase E or grade 10 high school in the form of apperception photos, pictures, and apperception videos and texts.Kearifan lokal dinilai sebagai solusi bagi permasalahan moral bangsa yang tergerus sisi negatif globalisme. Wayang Topeng Malangan salah satu kearifan lokal khas Malang dengan potensi sebagai sumber belajar sejarah khususnya di Malang. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menggali nilai-nilai lokal dalam kesenian Wayang Topeng Malangan untuk digunakan sebagai sumber belajar sejarah di kelas. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dan pengumpulan data dengan kepustakaan dan wawancara. Hasilnya kearifan lokal Wayang Topeng Malangan mengandung nilai-nilai berupa nilai religius, nilai moral, dan nilai estetika. Penggunaan Wayang Topeng Malangan sebagai sumber belajar sejarah dikelas dapat digunakan sebagai apersepsi pembelajaran sejarah Hindu Budha di fase E atau kelas 10 SMA berupa apersepsi foto atau gambar dan apersepsi video dan naskah.