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Evaluasi Rasionalitas Penggunaan Antibiotik pada Pasien dengan Infeksi Saluran Kemih di Rumah Sakit X di Surakarta Adhi Wardhana Amrullah; Avianti Eka Dewi Aditya Purwaningsih; Rolando Rahardjoputro; Atiek Murharyati
JURNAL MANAJEMEN DAN PELAYANAN FARMASI (Journal of Management and Pharmacy Practice) Vol 12, No 2
Publisher : Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jmpf.73613


The study was conducted by evaluating the rationality of antibiotics as an indicator of the rationality of antibiotic administration with the aim of knowing the level of rationality of the pattern of prescribing antibiotics for urinary tract infections The rationality analysis method of prescribing antibiotics in this study used the Gyssens method as a method in medical research used to determine the rationality of antibiotic administration. This research is a descriptive observational study with a cross-sectional method. The data was obtained from a retrospective search of medical records from January to December 2020 at the medical records section of the Hospital in Surakarta. The results showed that the number of patients with urinary tract infections who were hospitalized during 2020 was 104 patients and the number of patients who received antibiotic prescriptions was 80 patients. The results of rationality analysis showed that the antibiotics used in patients with urinary tract infections were 27 (33.75%) cases of antibiotic use including category 0 (zero) which means rational use of antibiotics. Irrational use of antibiotics occurred in category III-A as 40 cases (50%), II-B as 11 cases (13.75%), and the combination of II B with III A as 2 cases (2.5%).
PENGARUH SENAM LANSIA TERHADAP TINGKAT DEPRESI LANSIA PENDERITA HIPERTENSI Atiek Murharyati; Wahyuningsih Safitri; Erinda Nur Pratiwi; Adhi Wardhana Amrullah; Heni Nur Kusumawati; Hanugrah Ardya Crisdian S
Jurnal Kesehatan Kusuma Husada Vol. 12 No. 2, Juli 2021
Publisher : Universitas Kusuma Husada Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (144.27 KB) | DOI: 10.34035/jk.v12i2.744


Penyakit yang dialami lansia seringkali memperberat tingkat depresi lansia. Penyakit kronis yang sering dijumpai di lansia adalah hipertensi. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh senam lansia terhadap tingkat depresi lansia penderita hipertensi. Metode penelitian dengan quasy experiment dengan design penelitian one group pre and post test without control. Teknik sampling menggunakan total sampling yaitu sejumlah 24 orang lansia. Analisa data menggunakan uji paired t test. Hasil uji analisis paired sample t-test pada data pre dan post senam lansia menunjukkan nilai p value 0,000 artinya terdapat pengaruh senam lansia terhadap tingkat depresi lansia penderita hipertensi. Kesimpulannya adalah lansia penderita hipertensi membutuhkan kegiatan aktifitas fisik seperti senam lansia sehingga dapat mencegah depresi yang bisa memperberat kondisi lansia. Diseases experienced by the elderly often complicate the depression level of the elderly. A chronic disease that is often found in the elderly is hypertension. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of elderly exercise on the level of depression in elderly patients with hypertension. The research method is a quasi-experimental research design with one group pre and post test without control. The sampling technique used a total sampling of 24 elderly people. Data analysis using paired t test. The results of the paired sample t-test analysis on the pre and post elderly exercise data showed a p value of 0.000, meaning that there was an influence of elderly exercise on the level of depression in elderly patients with hypertension. The conclusion is that elderly people with hypertension need physical activities such as elderly gymnastics so that they can prevent depression which can aggravate the condition of the elderly.
Peningkatan Pengetahuan Masyarakat Tentang Pemanfaatan Tanaman Herbal Dalam Rangka Pencegahan Penyakit Diabetes Mellitus RR Sri Wulandari; Agnes Prawistya Sari; Lanny Triana; Adhi Wardhana Amrullah
Jurnal Syntax Fusion Vol 3 No 03 (2023): Jurnal Fusion: Jurnal Nasional Indonesia
Publisher : Rifa' Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54543/fusion.v3i03.281


Diabetes is a chronic disease with an increasing prevalence and a threat to global health. Many people are still not aware of the importance of maintaining health in order to prevent degenerative diseases in old age. Moreover, nowadays there are so many ready-to-eat foods that have the potential to cause many diseases, one of which is diabetes mellitus. The community service team provides counseling to increase understanding and insight into the importance of using herbal medicine in the context of preventing diabetes mellitus. The results of community service counseling attended by 30 participants can be concluded that with this counseling the community is very enthusiastic and welcomes this activity as seen from the questions raised. This activity provides insight for the people of Gumpang Village, especially the types of herbal plants that can lower blood glucose levels.
Ketepatan Pemilihan Peresepan Antibiotik untuk Terapi Pneumonia pada Pasien Lansia Rawat Inap di Rumah Sakit X Surakarta: The Appropriate Selection of Antibiotic Prescriptions for Pneumonia Therapy in Elderly Inpatients at X Hospital Surakarta Rolando Rahardjoputro; Inayatush Sholihah; Adhi Wardhana Amrullah
Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy and Natural Product Vol. 6 No. 01 (2023): Indonesian Journal of Pharmacy and Natural Product
Publisher : Universitas Ngudi Waluyo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (113.545 KB) | DOI: 10.35473/ijpnp.v6i01.2152


Pneumonia is an infectious disease often suffered by geriatric patients in Indonesia and the world. The aim is to analyze the rationality of antibiotics for pneumonia in geriatric inpatients. The rational analysis method for prescribing antibiotics in this study uses the Gyssens method as one of the methods in medical research used to determine the rationale for administering antibiotics. This research is a descriptive observational study with a cross-sectional method. Data were obtained from a retrospective search of medical records from January to December 2020 in the medical records section of Hospital X Surakarta. The results showed that the use of most antibiotics for geriatric patients with pneumonia were levofloxacine (60%), ceftriaxone (26.67%), cefotaxime (13.34%), ceftazidime (13.34%), and azithromycin (13.34%) ). The rationality analysis of Gyssens method obtained IVA category 33.34%, IVB category 60% and 0 category 6.66%. It can be concluded that prescribing antibiotics for pneumonia in geriatric patients hospitalized at X Hospital Surakarta is still not rational. ABSTRAK Pneumonia merupakan penyakit infeksi yang sering diderita oleh pasien geriatri di Indonesia dan dunia. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu menganalisis rasionalitas antibiotik untuk pneumonia pada pasien geriatri rawat inap. Metode analisis rasionalitas peresepan antibiotik pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode Gyssens sebagai salah satu metode dalam penelitian kesehatan yang digunakan untuk menentukan rasionalitas pemberian antibiotik. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional deskriptif dengan metode cross-sectional. Data diperoleh dari penelusuran retrospektif rekam medis periode Januari hingga Desember tahun 2020 di bagian rekam medis Rumah Sakit X Surakarta. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan antibiotik terbanyak  pada pasien geriatri dengan pneumonia adalah levofloksasin (60%), seftriakson (26,67%), sefotaksim (13,34%), seftazidim (13,34%), dan azitromisin (13,34%). Analisis rasionalitas metode Gyssens diperoleh kategori IVA 33,34%, kategori IVB 60% dan kategori 0 6,66%. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa peresepan antibiotik untuk pneumonia pada pasien geriatri yang rawat inap di rumah sakit X Surakarta masih belum rasional.
Jurnal Kesehatan Kusuma Husada Vol. 14 No. 2, Juli 2023
Publisher : Universitas Kusuma Husada Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34035/jk.v14i2.1048


Hipertensi ialah keadaan medis yang diindikasi dengan tekanan darah tinggi. Ada masalah non-infeksi tertentu yang bisa menimbulkan tantangan di bidang perawatan kesehatan dan sering ditemui di pelayanan kesehatan. Masalah umum dalam hipertensi adalah ketidakpatuhan pasien. Pasien mungkin tidak patuh berobat karena tidak mengetahui dan memahami pengobatan. Hipertensi yang tidak ditangani dengan baik, dapat menyebabkan banyak komplikasi dan kematian dalam jangka panjang. Riset ini berupaya mengetahui apakah ada korelasi antara pengetahuan pasien dengan kepatuhan pengobatan hipertensi di Apotek Syerfia Karanganyar. Riset ini merupakan riset kuantitatif non-eksperimental dengan desain riset korelasional. Pemilihan sampel dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan teknik purposive sampling. Kajian yang dilakukan berkaitan dengan responden. Riset ini berkaitan dengan pasien hipertensi di apotek Syerfia Karanganyar yang memenuhi kriteria kelayakan untuk berpartisipasi dengan total 70 responden. Temuan riset membuktikan bahwa mayoritas pasien hipertensi mempunyai tingkat pengetahuan yang tinggi (52,9%). Tingkat kepatuhan pasien hipertensi tergolong sedang dengan persentase 54%. Berlandaskan hasil analisis statistik Rank-Spearman, bisa diambil kesimpulan bahwa ada hubungan yang perlu diperhatikan antara kesadaran tentang penatalaksanaan pasien hipertensi di apotek Syerfia Karanganyar. Tingkat signifikansi hubungan ini ialah 0,001 (p-value < 0,005), dengan nilai koefisien korelasi 0,392 dan arah korelasi positif. Bisa diambil konklusi bahwa ada korelasi yang patut diperhatikan, kuat, dan searah antara tingkat kesadaran tentang kepatuhan minum obat pada individu dengan hipertensi. Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is a prevalent disease in Indonesia. A common problem in hypertension is patient non-compliance. Patients may not adhere to treatment because they do not know and understand the treatment. Inadequate management of hypertension may lead to numerous complications and mortality over an extended period. The objective of this investigation was to establish a potential correlation between patients' knowledge and their adherence to treatment for hypertension at Syerfia Karanganyar Pharmacy. The present investigation employs a quantitative research approach that is non-experimental in nature, utilizing a correlational research design. The sampling technique employed in this study was purposive sampling. Respondents of this study were hypertension patients at Syerfia Karanganyar Pharmacy who met the participation criteria as many as 70 respondents. The study's findings indicate that a majority of hypertensive patients (52.9%) exhibited a high level of knowledge. The level of compliance with treatment among hypertensive patients falls within the moderate range, at 54%. Based on the Rank Spearman statistical test outcomes, it can be inferred that a noteworthy association exists between the degree of knowledge and adherence to treatment among hypertensive patients at the Syerfia Karanganyar pharmacy. The significance level was determined to be 0.001 (p value <0.005), with a correlation coefficient value of 0.392 and a positive correlation direction. The findings suggest a noteworthy and robust unidirectional correlation between the level of knowledge and medication adherence among individuals with hypertension.
Hubungan Pengetahuan Dan Sikap Terhadap Obat Tradisional Dan Obat Modern Dengan Tindakan Pemilihan Obat Untuk Swamedikasi Di Kalangan Masyarakat Kecamatan Gondang Kabupaten Sragen Sekar Meyna Ayuningtyas; Adhi Wardhana Amrullah; Hanugrah Ardya
Jurnal Medika Nusantara Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): November : Jurnal Medika Nusantara,
Publisher : Stikes Kesdam IV/Diponegoro Semarang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59680/medika.v1i4.614


Self-medication or self-medication is a treatment carried out by people who suffer from minor ailments that do not have to go to the doctor and do not have to buy drugs with a doctor's prescription. This study aims to analyze the relationship between knowledge and attitude in the selection of drugs for self-medication in the Gondang community, Sragen. The sample of this study consisted of people from Gondang District aged 18–75 years. Data analysis used the Chi-square test. The participation rate of respondents was 95%, namely 381 respondents. 48.56% of respondents had a moderate level of knowledge, 80.05% had a positive attitude towards the use of traditional medicines, and 70.34% of respondents had the act of choosing traditional medicines for self-medication. Theresults of the evaluation test using chi-square obtained a p value value of 0.001 < 0.05 which means that there is a significant relationship with knowledge of traditional medicine selection actions. As for the results of evaluation tests using chi-square knowledge of modern drug selection actions, p values of 0.027 < 0.05 were obtained, which means there is a significant relationship. The results of the evaluation test using chi-square attitude towards traditional medicine selection actions obtained pvalues of 0.546 > 0.05 which means there is no significant relationship. While the results of evaluation tests using chi-square attitudes towards modern drug selection actions obtained p value values of 0.345 > 0.05 which means there is no significant relationship.
Nutritional Characteristic of Snack bar Formulation Based on Snakehead Fish-Sorghum Flour Flakes and Kidney Beans Bahriyatul Ma'rifah; Ari Pebru Nurlaily; Adhi Wardhana Amrullah
Ghidza: Jurnal Gizi dan Kesehatan Vol 7 No 2 (2023): December
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/ghidza.v7i2.1005


Proving supplementary food such as snack bar from high in energy, protein and iron local foods (snakehead fish flour, sorghum and kidney bean) can be used as specific nutrition intervention for CED and anemia in pregnant women. This study aimed to analyze and nutritional characteristic of snakehead fish-sorghum flour flakes and kidney bean snack bar. The experimental method was Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with four ratios of snakehead fish flour-sorghum flakes and kidney beans, namely F1 (50%:50%), F2 (60%:40%), F3 (70%:30%) and F4 (80%:20%). Nutritional characteristic of snack bar was analyzed using One Way ANOVA and Duncan’s further test. The results showed that the difference ratios of snakehead fish flour-sorghum flakes and kidney beans had significant effect on energy, moisture, carbohydrates, fat, protein, zinc, iron and calcium of snack bar (p<0.05). The nutrient content of snack bar F2, F2, F3 and F4 were energy (432,04 kcal; 433,77 kcal; 4329,49 kcal; 437,56 kcal), ash content (3,21%; 3,24%; 3,29%; 3,24%), moisture content (14,46%; 14,71%, 13,35%; 13,72%), fat (20,54%; 21,11%, 19,21%; 21,08%), protein (16,87%; 16,97%; 19,63%; 18,57%), carbohydrates (44,93%; 43,98%; 44,53%; 43,41%), zinc (2,07 mg ; 2,04 mg; 2,07 mg, 2,18 mg), iron (4,35 mg; 6,02 mg; 6,23 mg; 6,76 mg) and calcium (114,21 mg; 130,27 mg; 123,41 mg; 131,83 mg). F4 potentially used as alternative supplementary food for pregnant women with CED and anemia because can be claimed as source of protein and iron product based on food label reference for pregnant women.