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Laksmi Kusuma Wardani
Program Studi Desain Interior, Fakultas Seni Dan Desain, Universitas Kristen Petra Jl. Siwalankerto 121-131, Surabaya 60236

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Implementasi Konsep Eksistensi, Inovasi, Regenerasi pada Interior Pusat Komunitas Ludruk Irama Budaya Sinar Nusantara di Surabaya Immaculata, Immaculata; Wardani, Laksmi Kusuma; Frans, Stephanie Melinda
Intra Vol 6, No 2 (2018): Desain Interior 2017/2018
Publisher : Intra

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Ludruk as a traditional performing art of East Java is often considered as an old, abandoned culture in Surabaya. However, there is one of ludruk group that still survives, named Ludruk Irama Budaya Sinar Nusantara Community. In order to preserve ludruk, this community performs every week and trains youngster. In order to achieve this purpose, this community needs a platform to maintain ludruk as Surabaya’s authentic performing art. The theme is inspired by the spirit of the community to preserve ludruk to its vision and mission which is existence, innovation, and regeneration. This concept of existence is applied to centralized organization of spaces, homey atmosphere, naturalism character, and self-service system. The concept of innovation is applied to the use of technology and multifunctional space. Meanwhile, the concept of regeneration is applied to an open space and easy access for everyone. With this design, the existence, innovative, and regenerative ambience is brought to live by everyone who enters the platform.
Perancangan Interior Fasilitas Okupasi Bagi Para Skizofrenia (Gangguan Jiwa) di Surabaya Sitanto, Olivia; wardani, laksmi kusuma; Suryanata, Linggajaya
Intra Vol 4, No 2 (2016): Desain Interior 2015/2016
Publisher : Intra

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Schizophrenia is one of the phenomena that deviate from a person who lost a sense of reality that happened at productive age with different causes. Every year the numbers of patients always increase and place for the patients continues to decrease. There is a solution for the patients, maximizing the therapy process by creating an atmosphere around the environment, which patients needed. Responding to that solution, Interior function can be the one kind of therapy, which indirectly affects the healing process. It is also a concern for schizophrenia people who deserve to be given the same facilities like other people. This design based on interior psychology approach and the effect against psychology of the patients. Healing garden is one of the designs that is used for healing. The facilities which given are works therapy facilities like batik, sewing, painting, music, sports, counseling, and gallery.
Implementasi Konsep Edu-Fun Pada Pusat Edukasi dan Keterampilan Bagi Komunitas Save Street Child Surabaya Kantara, Alice; Wardani, Laksmi Kusuma; Basuki, Lucky
Intra Vol 7, No 2 (2019): Desain Interior 2018/2019
Publisher : Intra

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In 2017, Indonesia declaims its desire to be free from street children. But, the reality is that  until now this desire has not been realized. When on the streets, there are many risks that must be faced by children. Therefore the Save Street Child (SSC) appears. Save Street Child Surabaya (SSCS) is a driving community for observers of street and marginal children in Surabaya. This community aims to spread awareness and enthusiasm for sharing with street and marginal children. Now, SSCS does not haves a basecamp. Therefore, a facility is needed to supports the achievement of SSCS goals and supports the implementation of community activities through education and skills centre. This design elevates the concept of Edu-Fun with the theme of a city parks. The resulting space is in an the foam of an education center consisting of reading area, library, class and Islamic prayer room; skills center consisting of accessories, confections, batik areas, and painting areas; the area of interest in talent which consists of a table tennis area and areas of interest in singing and dancing and other complementary facilities. This design uses Robert Curedele's design thinking process and methods with the Human Center Design approach through the stages of observe, understand, ideate, prototype, test and implementation.
Bentuk, Fungsi, dan Makna Interior Rumah Adat Suku Tolaki dan Suku Wolio di Sulawesi Tenggara Franciska, Bonnieta; wardani, laksmi kusuma
Intra Vol 2, No 2 (2014): Desain Interior 2013/2014
Publisher : Intra

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Clans Tolaki and Wolio are two very prominent clans in Southeast Sulawesi island implement cultural value system when building a house to live in or homes to gather, the so-called cosmological natural divisions and division which refers to the body anlogi. Formation and function of the existing interior in Tolaki tribal house and tribal house Wolio is and should be maintained so that the ancestral culture does not disappear. Custom home at the time now many are not treated, so the meaning of the form and function of the interior tribes and tribal Wolio Tolaki no longer fully contain customary meaning as changes induced in ancestral times so when direkrontuksi is no such customary rules and regulations. Basics of notching custom home design and the meaning of the formation and function are the things that should be known of the two tribes and tribal tribes Tolaki Wolio through qualitative research methods. Notching custom home construction arrangement of these families is very evident in the distribution and pemaknaanya, so when building a house it seems clear that there is an analogy of the body is contained in either house of the arrangement and structure. 
Dimensi Interior Vol 2, No 1 (2004): JUNI 2004
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (270.465 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/interior.2.1.pp. 37-50


Tuban is one of the most bustle trading town because its territory passed by Daendels Road that had been made in colonial era. Position stayed at regional road Surabaya-Babat-Tuban-Semarang-Jakarta made that city as a focus from vehicle circulation among same city or another city. Tuban developed as a trading town as long as the growth of luxuriant houses that had been occupied by europeans and chinese rich merchant, that make some not directly influence to the shape formation of residence environment in the center of city, given some effect with growing place of stay that used as a place of trading with difference space formation arrangement. Space formation arrangement is various as an effect of stay-trade activity, which mean is resident combined with trading (tobacco trading, tobacco and livestock, tobacco and store, furniture and live stock trading, agricultural produce trading, and shop). More over, used of space process was changing statically, that is function increasing (with space increasing) and space quality increasing (with completing some of space). The use of stay-trade space had some changes because of economic factor opinion and trading activity. The changing effect to zoning and space organization, nevertheless the identity as grid formation still being used. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Kota Tuban merupakan salah satu kota perdagangan yang cukup ramai karena wilayahnya dilalui jalan Daendels yang dibuat pada era kolonial. Posisinya yang berada di jalan regional Surabaya-Babat-Tuban-Semarang-Jakarta menjadikan kota tersebut sebagai fokus dari sistem sirkulasi kendaraan kota dan antar kota. Kota Tuban berkembang menjadi kota perdagangan seiring dengan timbulnya lingkungan rumah-rumah mewah yang dihuni oleh orang eropa dan pedagang cina kaya, yang secara tidak langsung mempengaruhi bentuk pola lingkungan permukiman di pusat kota, yang berdampak pada munculnya rumah-rumah tinggal sebagai tempat usaha dengan pola tata letak ruang yang beragam. Pola tata letak ruang bervariasi sebagai dampak aktivitas hunian-usaha, yaitu hunian merangkap perdagangan (usaha tembakau, tembakau dan ternak, tembakau dan toko, usaha mebel dan ternak, usaha hasil bumi, dan toko). Selain itu, proses penggunaan ruang mengalami perubahan yang bersifat statis, berupa penambahan fungsi (dengan penambahan ruang) dan peningkatan kualitas ruang (dengan penyempurnaan sebagian ruang). Pemanfaatan ruang hunian-usaha mengalami perubahan karena pertimbangan faktor ekonomi dan aktivitas usaha. Perubahan yang terjadi mempengaruhi zoning dan organisasi ruang, namun demikian identitasnya sebagai pola grid tetap dipertahankan. Kata kunci : pola tata letak ruang, hunian usaha, rumah tinggal tipe kolonial
Dimensi Interior Vol 1, No 1 (2003): JUNI 2003
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (128.049 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/interior.1.1.pp. 61-73


It needs a set of works to achieve the best design, such as planning and development of design, from idea discovering, analysis and to be continued by a set of stages : development, concept design, system and detail, prototype making, production process, evaluation or examination product, and finished by distribution stage. The problem solving for good design should recognize the human and their activity, such as size, postures, position in activity, behavior and the manner of human activity. Appraise these matter, it needs ergonomic consideration. Ergonomic is one of the qualification to achieve qualified, certified design and customer need. How far the extent of design fulfills the functional techniques, aesthetics quality and economic, it needs evaluation by using some basic qualifications. Ergonomic is needed for post evaluation product examination. Beside functionality, good design should give safety, health, security and enjoyment for human when they use and operate the product of that design. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Untuk menghasilkan desain yang baik dalam perancangan desain, dibutuhkan serangkaian kegiatan berupa perencanaan maupun pengembangan desain, mulai dari tahap penggalian ide, analisis dilanjutkan dengan tahap pengembangan, konsep perancangan, sistem dan detil, pembuatan prototipe, proses produksi, evaluasi atau pengujian produk, berakhir dengan tahap pendistribusian. Pemecahan masalah untuk menghasilkan desain yang baik juga memperhatikan faktor manusia dan aktivitasnya, seperti ukuran, bentuk tubuh, posisi beraktivitas, perilaku dan kebiasaan manusia beraktivitas, sehingga tercapai produktivitas kerja. Memperhatikan hal itu, dibutuhkan pertimbangan-pertimbangan ergonomi. Ergonomi merupakan salah satu dari persyaratan untuk mencapai desain yang qualified, certified dan customer need. Dan seberapa jauh sebuah desain telah memenuhi aspek teknis fungsional, kualitas estetis dan ekonomis, maka dalam hal ini diperlukan evaluasi yang menggunakan tolok ukur tertentu. Ergonomi diperlukan untuk evaluasi produk. Selain fungsional, desain juga harus mampu memberikan keselamatan, kesehatan, keamanan dan kenyamanan bagi manusia pada saat memakai dan mengoperasionalkan hasil produk desain tersebut. Kata kunci : perancangan desain, evaluasi, ergonomi, produktivitas kerja.
Makna Simbolik pada Banua Layuk Rumah Tradisional Mamasa, Sulawesi Barat Frans, Stephanie Melinda; Wardani, Laksmi Kusuma
Dimensi Interior Vol 13, No 1 (2015): JUNE 2015
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1144.481 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/interior.13.1.11-20


Banua  yang  berarti  rumah,  merupakan  rumah  tradisional  yang  dimiliki  masyarakat  Mamasa,  bukan  hanya  sebagai  tempat  untuk berlindung (fungsi praktis) dan ungkapan estetis belaka, tetapi juga dipahami mengandung fungsi simbolik yaitu wujud dari cita-cita dan  pandangan  hidup  masyarakat  Mamasa,  selain  itu  difungsikan sebagai tempat untuk melakukan adat ritual, serta tempat  untuk memelihara  ternak.  Penelitian  ini  membahas  mengenai  makna  simbolik  pada  Banua  Layuk  antara  lain  tata  letak  bangunan,  arah hadap/orientasi bangunan, bentuk dan struktur bangunan, organisasi dan sirkulasi ruang,  elemen pembentuk ruang, elemen pengisi ruang,  elemen  transisi,  dan  ragam  hias.  Metode  analisis  data  yang  digunakan  yakni  metode  analisis  deskriptif  dengan  pendekatan hermeneutika Paul Ricouer. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, ditemukan bahwa rumah tradisional Mamasa adalah rumah paradoks, yang berarti  bahwa di dalam rumah tradisional ini terdapat banyak unsur-unsur/pasangan koordinasi ruang  yang bertolak belakang atau berlawanan  tetapi  dapat  harmoni  menjadi  satu  kesatuan  sebuah  rumah  tradisional.  Bentuk  visual  rumah  tradisional  Mamasa  ini menghadirkan simbol kesatuan yang harmoni antara yang transenden (vertikal) dan yang imanen (horizontal). Filosofi dan pandangan hidup  masyarakat  Mamasa  dapat  ditemukan  pada  elemen  rumah  tradisional  Mamasa,  baik  elemen  arsitektural,  interior,  maupun makna ragam hiasnya.
GAYA SENI HINDU–JAWA PADA TATA RUANG KERATON YOGYAKARTA Wardani, Laksmi Kusuma; Soedarsono, R.M.; Haryono, Timbul; Suryo, Djoko
Dimensi Interior Vol 9, No 2 (2011): DESEMBER 2011
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (893.59 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/interior.9.2.108-118


The Sultan Palace is one of the art cultural heritages that has now become a historical artifact, containing important information regarding art styles as a result of acculturation. This study is a qualitative study with a descriptive analysis method. The approach used is the historical approach and interpretation to find traces of the historical development of the Hindu-Javanese art style and the meaning behind the spatial form of Keraton Yogyakarta. The results of the research explain that prehistoric art is purely determined by custom, and at the same time take its role in the formation of cultural arts during the Hindu period. Art activities were carried out to ensure that the survival of religion is based on an agricultural system of the people's lives who regard the king as having the supreme authority who is equal to the gods. The expression of the art in layout plan of Yogyakarta palace basically follows the theological concept of Vastusatra and the mythic beliefs of the pre-Hindu society which still continues today. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the expression of the form and content of the layout plan was inspired by religious considerations, and does not perform as mere aesthetic expression. The alignment of the micro universe with a macro universe is a reflection of the pre-Hindu and Hindu periods. Changes occurred as a form of acculturation, especially in the aspects of building orientation and spatial arrangement of Keraton Yogyakarta.
Dimensi Interior Vol 5, No 2 (2007): DESEMBER 2007
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1160.333 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/interior.5.2.pp. 98-108


A house or dalem Joyokusuman, is treated as a big mountain where life resources are obtained by its inhabitants, experiencing transition due to the encouragement of human knowledge, travelling from a simple to a more complex level. A significant change occurred in the function of central senthong, which initially functioned as a place of contemplation, the integration of The Absolute One of the Universe (Brahma) with the Self, but has now become a circulation space. A change has also occured in the nature of space that was initially private, and has now become limitedly public. The continuous circulation flow has changed to all directions, causing impacts in the circulation between inhabitants, guests and servants in the palace due to the variety of entrepreneurial activities. The transition of function, space nature and fulfillment of activity facilities in the space has made its interior setting overloaded. Besides that, due to the existing business activities, the space has become more open for public. The vast feeling of space becomes reduced because of the presence of overload furniture, however, it is neutralized by the open form of space maintaining its natural atmosphere. These transitions prominently show that the once sacred space of dalem has now become profane because of business activities. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia : Rumah atau dalem Joyokusuman, diperlakukan sebagai gunung besar yang menjadi sumber kehidupan penghuninya, mengalami perubahan sebagai akibat dorongan pengetahuan manusia. Perubahan yang signifikan terjadi pada fungsi senthong tengah, yakni awalnya sebagai tempat kontemplasi, manunggalnya Semesta Tunggal Absolut (Brahma) dengan si Diri, saat ini berubah fungsi sebagai ruang sirkulasi. Perubahan terjadi pula pada sifat ruang yang dahulu privat, berubah menjadi publik terbatas. Alur sirkulasi yang menerus berubah ke segala arah, terjadi tabrakan sirkulasi antara penghuni, tamu maupun abdi dalem sebagai akibat beragamnya aktivitas usaha. Perubahan fungsi, sifat ruang, sirkulasi, dan pemenuhan fasilitas kegiatan dalam ruang membuat penataan interior menjadi berlebihan. Akibat adanya aktivitas usaha, membuat ruang menjadi lebih terbuka untuk publik. Kesan luas ruang menjadi berkurang karena furnitur yang berlebihan, namun masih dapat dinetralisir dengan bentuk ruang yang terbuka, sehingga kesan alami masih terjaga. Perubahan tersebut di atas menunjuk dengan jelas bahwa dalem yang dulunya sakral berubah menjadi propan karena aktivitas usaha. Kata kunci: Perubahan, Rumah Jawa, Ruang Publik
Dimensi Interior Vol 6, No 2 (2008): DESEMBER 2008
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Outreach - Petra Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1245.231 KB) | DOI: 10.9744/interior.6.2.


The Al Akbar Mosque in Surabaya applies ornaments in its interior design. In Islamic teachings, the prohibition in using human and animal visualization has thus arised several kinds of Islamic ornaments that can be used as a measure in mosque interior implementations. Islamic ornaments in the mosque can be seen in the interior elements and facilities (furniture) supporting human activities and possess values and meanings according to Islamic concepts. This research aims to observe whether the ornament implemenations in Al Akbar Mosque used are according to Islamic rules. The results show that the interior of Al Akbar Mosque apply Islamic principles such as geometric patterns, Arabic calligraphy, Arabesk patterns and lighting systems that are according to Islamic values. The implementation of ornaments are in line with Islamic rules. This means that the designing of this place of worship as a process of actualizing physical concepts has analyzed the requisites of religious teachings as well as the worship activities as basic determinations of ornament implementations in interior design. Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia: Masjid Al Akbar Surabaya menerapkan elemen hias pada interiornya. Dalam Islam ada larangan visualisasi manusia dan hewan, sehingga muncul jenis elemen hias khas Islam yang bisa dijadikan tolok ukur dalam penerapannya pada interior masjid. Penerapan elemen hias Islam pada masjid dapat dilihat pada unsur interior dan fasilitas penunjang kegiatan (perabot). Peletakkan pada tiap-tiap bidang tersebut mempunyai makna yang sesuai dengan konsep Islam. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui apakah elemen hias yang diterapkan pada interior Masjid Al Akbar Surabaya sudah sesuai dengan aturan-aturan Islam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa interior Masjid Al Akbar Surabaya menerapkan elemen hias Islam yaitu pola geometris, kaligrafi Arab, pola Arabesk, dan menampilkan pencahayaan yang sesuai dengan nilai-nilai Islami. Penerapan elemen hias ini sudah sesuai dengan aturan-aturan Islam, yang berarti merancang ruang ibadah sebagai proses perwujudan konsep fisik telah mengupas persyaratan ajaran agama maupun prosesi kegiatan sebagai dasar penentu perwujudan unsur elemen hias pada interior. Kata kunci: Masjid, interior, elemen hias