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Analisa Kekuatan Tarik dan Kekuatan Impact Propeller Alumunium Die Casting (ADC) 12 dengan Penambahan Cu-Zn Ahmad Ilham Ramadhani; Barokah Barokah; Fahriadi Pakaya; Jozua Ch. Huwae; Marinus S. Tappy; Andie Murtono; Ahmad Tubagus Tsani Risqi Aji
Jurnal Airaha Vol 11 No 01: June 2022
Publisher : Sorong Marine and Fisheries Polytechnic, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15578/ja.v11i01.320


Propeller kapal nelayan umumnya terbuat dari aluminium yang mudah mengalami kerusakan pada saat dihantam batu karang, ombak dan mengalami korosi. Maka dilakukan pengembangan dengan penambahan kuningan (Cu-Zn) terhadap material propeller ADC 12. Spesimen berhasil dibuat dengan penambahan 30% Cu-Zn pada ADC 12 dengan menggunakan metode pengecoran yang dilanjutkan pencetakan dengan metode die dan sand casting. Spesimen ADC 12 dan paduan ADC 12+CuZn diuji tarik dan impak sesuai standard ASTM E8 dan ASTM E23 untuk mengetahui perubahan sifat mekanik material tersebut. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian tarik diperoleh bahwa adanya unsur Cu-Zn menurunkan kekuatan tarik ADC 12 (141 MPa) dan paduan ADC 12+CuZn (55,1 Mpa). Hasil pengujian kekuatan impact menunjukkan tingkat kekuatan impact kekerasan rata-rata ADC 12 (15,61 joule) dan paduan ADC 12+CuZn (15,98 joule).
PENERAPAN METODE FMEA DALAM PERAWATAN MESIN PENDINGIN KAPAL PENANGKAP IKAN (STUDI KASUS : KM. SINAR BAYU UTAMA) Henry Iskandar Madyantoro; Ahmad Adib; Rizqi Ilmal Yaqin; Juniawan Preston Siahaan; Barokah Barokah
Aurelia Journal Vol 4, No 1 (2022): April
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Dumai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15578/aj.v4i1.11349


Mesin pendingin pada kapal penangkap ikan beroperasi selama 24 jam untuk menjamin mutu hasil tangkapan. Perawatan adalah aktivitas yang tidak dapat dihindari agar kegagalan mesin pendingin tidak mudah terjadi.Penggunaan FMEA dapat digunakan mengidentifikasi peluang  terjadinya  kegagalan pada mesin pendingin pada kapal penangkap ikan, sehingga dapat menurunkan risiko dan efek yang terjadi pada setiap kegagalan pada  mesin pendingin serta dapat memilih strategi dalam pemeliharaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan strategi perawatan komponen mesin pendingin dengan menggunakan metode FMEA. Mesin pendingin yang digunakan yaitu pada kapal penangkap ikan KM Sinar Bayu. FMEA dari wawancara berdsarkan parameter S, O dan D kemudian dianalisa sehingga didapatkan nilai RPN. Identifikasi komponen yang didapatkan yaitu kompresor, oil separator, kondensor, air drier, katup ekspansi dan evaporator. Berdasarkan nilai RPN nya komponen mesin pendingin yang harus di perhatikan perawatannya yaitu Evaporator dengan nilai RPN 224. Sedangkan strategi pemeliharaan komponen mesin pendingin menggunakan strategi pemeliharaan preventif dan korektif. Komponen yang menggunakan strategi pemeliharaan preventif yaitu Evaporator dan Filter Drier. Sedangkan komponen kompresor, kondensor, katup ekspansi dan oil separator menggunakan strategi pemeliharaan korektif.
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Bitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (233.72 KB) | DOI: 10.15578/jbf.v3i2.111


Cultivating vannamei shrimp using round ponds is an alternative way of cultivation to minimize the significant investment costs. One of the obstacles in vannamei shrimp cultivation is the availability of Dissolve Oxygen (DO) in water. By utilizing solar energy which is converted into electrical energy, DO levels can be maintained with an aeration system that utilizes solar energy. North Lombok Regency has the potential for solar energy which reaches 4.91 kWh / m2 / day with a minimum clearness index of 0.446 which is very potential to be utilized. The purpose of this research is to find the optimal design for a stand alone panel PV system to serve the electrical energy needs of vannamei shrimp farming in round ponds. The method used is to calculate the most optimal design with HOMER (Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric Renewables) software to be able to serve the average energy requirement of 38.2 kWh / day. From the analysis, it was found that the most optimal designs were the PV panel brand A 16.8 kW, the PV panel brand B 1 kW and the 200 Ah battery with a total of 104 units. Keywords : cultivation, energy, optimization, pv panel, shrimp
PENGARUH KOMPOSISI CU-ZN TERHADAP TINGKAT KEKERASAN DAN STRUKTUR MIKRO ALUMINIUM DIE CASTING (ADC) 12 SEBAGAI BAHAN PROPELLER Ahmad Ilham Ramadhani; Barokah Barokah; Fahriadi Pakaya; Jozua Ch. Huwae; Marinus S. Tappy; Andie Murtono; Ahmad Tubagus Tsani Risqi Aji
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Bitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (386.352 KB) | DOI: 10.15578/jbf.v3i2.114


Propeller is one of the important components of a ship. Generally, propellers are made of aluminum which is easily damaged when hit by waves and corrosion. The development is done by adding brass (Cu-Zn) on ADC 12. The sample was successfully made with a ratio of 70% ADC 12 : 30% Cu-Zn using the casting method and then cooled at room temperature followed by die casting and sand casting processes. The sample was tested for hardness using the Rockwell method according to the ASTM E18 standard and the microstructure test on the sample. Based on the test results obtained an average hardness level of 72.6 HRC and the formation of Al-Si-Mg, α-Al, Cu, Zn in the sample which shows the distribution of non-ferrous material in ADC-12. Keywords : ADC 12; Cu-Zn; propeller; microstructure; hardness
EFEK KONFIGURASI BAFFLE PADA HEAT EXCHANGER TYPE SHELL AND TUBE SEBAGAI PEMANAS BAHAN BAKAR BIODIESEL B20 Josua Huwae; Barokah Barokah; Marinus Tappy; Jefta Ratela; Fahriadi Pakaya; Maful Suranto; Baihaqi Baihaqi
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Bitung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (347.452 KB) | DOI: 10.15578/jbf.v3i2.109


B20 is a fuel that is widely used for combustion systems in diesel engines, especially in Indonesia. Apart from having the advantages, biodiesel B20 also has various disadvantages that affect the performance of diesel engines such as those that have a higher flash point than diesel so that biodiesel is more difficult to burn and has a high viscosity which causes less good atomization of fuel and eventually causes deposits in combustion chamber. One or the solution to the problem is that it can be done carefully. The aim of this research is to make a Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger (STHE) by including the insulation in it to improve the heat exchange performance. The method applied in this research is an experiment by testing the performance of the heat exchanger using a cooling water jacket. Some of the equipment used is a diesel engine from the Mitsubishi Diesel Engine, Type 4d35, 4 cylinder, 75 HP. Data were collected at a constant rotation of 1500 rpm at no load. The results showed that the higher the cooling water temperature of the jacket, the higher the biodiesel temperature. With a cooling water jacket temperature of 83oC, it can heat biodiesel at 74.8oC. Keywords : B20 Fuel Oil; Diesel Engine; Heater; Heat Recovery; Jacket Cooler
Analisa Kekuatan Tarik dan Kekuatan Impact Propeller Alumunium Die Casting (ADC) 12 dengan Penambahan Cu-Zn Ahmad Ilham Ramadhani; Barokah Barokah; Fahriadi Pakaya; Jozua Ch. Huwae; Marinus S. Tappy; Andie Murtono; Ahmad Tubagus Tsani Risqi Aji
Jurnal Airaha Vol 11 No 01: June 2022
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Sorong, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (483.642 KB) | DOI: 10.15578/ja.v11i01.320


Propeller kapal nelayan umumnya terbuat dari aluminium yang mudah mengalami kerusakan pada saat dihantam batu karang, ombak dan mengalami korosi. Maka dilakukan pengembangan dengan penambahan kuningan (Cu-Zn) terhadap material propeller ADC 12. Spesimen berhasil dibuat dengan penambahan 30% Cu-Zn pada ADC 12 dengan menggunakan metode pengecoran yang dilanjutkan pencetakan dengan metode die dan sand casting. Spesimen ADC 12 dan paduan ADC 12+CuZn diuji tarik dan impak sesuai standard ASTM E8 dan ASTM E23 untuk mengetahui perubahan sifat mekanik material tersebut. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian tarik diperoleh bahwa adanya unsur Cu-Zn menurunkan kekuatan tarik ADC 12 (141 MPa) dan paduan ADC 12+CuZn (55,1 Mpa). Hasil pengujian kekuatan impact menunjukkan tingkat kekuatan impact kekerasan rata-rata ADC 12 (15,61 joule) dan paduan ADC 12+CuZn (15,98 joule).
Analisis Perbandingan Performa Mesin Diesel Menggunakan Biodiesel B20 dan HSD pada Mesin Mitsubishi 4 Silinder Yohan Wibisono; Barokah Barokah; Parabelem Tinno Dolf Rompas; Wiratno Wiratno; Baihaqi Baihaqi
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Manado

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Mesin diesel merupakan mesin pembakaran dalam menggunakan bahan bakar yang bersumber dari minyak bumi. Terkait dengan ketersediaan bahan bakar minyak bumi sudah digalakkan minyak campuran yang dikenal Biodiesel. Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji performa mesin diesel yaitu pada Spesifik Fuel Oil Consumtion (SFOC). Metode yang digunakan yaitu dengan cara melakukan ekperimen pada mesin diesel Mitsubishi 4 silinder 69 kW 1500 rpm dengan menggunakan bahan bakar Biodiesel B20 dan HSD. Performa mesin diesel menggunakan Biodiesel dibandingan dengan performa mesin menggunakan HSD. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa SFOC pada pembakaran Biodiesel memiliki kecenderungan menurun sejalan dengan naiknya daya mesin. Nilai penurunan SFOC lebih tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan HSD.Kata kunci : Biodiesel dan HSD; Mesin Diesel; Performa.
The Phenomenon of Biodiesel Heating: Its Effect on Viscosity, Density, and Emission Barokah Barokah; Semin Semin; Beny Cahyono; Bambang Sampurno; Ahmad Ilham Ramadhani; M. Bintang Fikri
International Journal of Marine Engineering Innovation and Research Vol 7, No 4 (2022)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12962/j25481479.v7i4.14827


Biodiesel fuel is a mixture of diesel oil mixed with vegetable oil (palm). The composition of the mixture affects its properties, especially viscosity and density. The research was conducted to determine the effect of increasing temperature on these properties. By applying several experimental methods, including the ASTM D 445-95 method, the pycnometer method, and the particulate emission test method. The biodiesel test was carried out with variations in temperature of 30oC, 40oC, 50oC, 60oC, and 70oC at room conditions of 24.0oC temperature and 71% humidity. From the temperature variation, the viscosity is 2.23 cSt, 2.61 cSt, 3.1 cSt, 3.7 cSt, and 4.45 cSt. The results of the research prove that the increase in biodiesel temperature affects decreasing viscosity and density which has an impact on reducing particulate emissions.