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Pendekatan FMEA dalam Analisa Risiko Perawatan Sistem Bahan Bakar Mesin Induk: Studi Kasus di KM. Sidomulyo Rizqi Ilmal Yaqin; Zamri Zamri Zamri; Juniawan Preston Siahaan; Yuniar Endri Priharanto; M. Subroto Alirejo; Mega Lazuardi Umar
Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem Industri Vol. 9 No. 3 (2020): Jurnal Rekayasa Sistem Industri Vol. 9 No. 3
Publisher : Universitas Katolik Parahyangan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1318.589 KB) | DOI: 10.26593/jrsi.v9i3.4075.189-200


The fuel system is one of the main engine support systems which is very important in the operation of the KM Sidomulyo main engine. Main engine on ships are operated 24 hours a week or more. The operation main engine needs special treatment of the components on the main engine to prevent failure during operation. Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) is a method that can be used to identify the priority scale in maintaining a machine by evaluating the risk of failure that occurs on the machine. This study applies FMEA to determine the priority scale for the maintenance of the KM Sidomulyo main engine fuel system. The results of the identification using FMEA, namely the injector and fuel filter components are components that must be prioritized for maintenance. The Risk Priority Number (RPN) values of the injector and fuel filter components are 192 and 168, respectively. Maintenance priority is based on the component RPN value is above the critical RPN value of the main engine fuel system and includes the priority component on the Pareto diagram. The type of maintenance applied to the injector component is checking dirty fuel which can cause the injector to operate less optimally. While the fuel filter component is cleaning the deposits on the fuel filter cartridge. It is recommended that the inspection of other components be carried out so that the condition of the main engine fuel system has good reliability.
Al-Khidmat Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Al-Khidmat : Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Pusat Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat LP2M UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/jak.v4i2.12287


The source of electrical energy is one of the main components in everyday life. The development of technology today requires all people to be able to take advantage of renewable energy, one of which is solar energy. The solar panel is an energy conversion machine that can produce electrical energy. Coastal communities have an abundance of solar energy sources that can be utilized by solar panels as alternative electrical energy in the aquaponics system that has been built. The majority of the people of Tanjung Palas Village, Dumai City, are fishermen. So that there is a need for additional economic income besides being a fisherman. On the other hand, the community still does not understand the operation and maintenance of solar panels due to knowledge problems. Therefore education and the installation of solar panels as a source of aquaponic electricity are alternative solutions offered to the community. The educational activity of solar panels as a source of aquaponic electricity is carried out in collaboration with CSR PT Pertamina RU II Dumai with the Dumai Marine and Fisheries Polytechnic. The result of this activity is that the level of understanding of participants from per category always increases. The knowledge category increased from 39% of participants to 93% of participants, the operating category increased from 14% of participants to 94% and the care category increased from 14% of participants to 95% of participants. In addition, the level of satisfaction of the participants shows that 25% of participants are very satisfied and 75% of participants are satisfied with this activity. Recommendations for the results of activities that have been carried out are that there is a need for follow-up activities so that the community can better utilize solar panels as alternative electrical energy.
PERANCANGAN LAMPU LIGHT EMITTING DIODE (LED) PEMIKAT IKAN Boby Wisely Ziliwu; Rizqi Ilmal Yaqin; Muhammad Nur Arkham; Hamdu Azrawi Daulay
Aurelia Journal Vol 1, No 1 (2019): Oktober
Publisher : Politeknik Kelautan dan Perikanan Dumai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15578/aj.v1i1.8377


Perkembangan dalam penangkapan ikan akhir-akhir ini banyak dilakukan salah satunya untuk menarikdaya tarik ikan menggunakan lampu LED (Light Emitting Diode). Hal ini bertujuan untuk memikat sejumlah ikan,disebabkan ikan-ikan menyukai warna terang. Perkembangan ini dikenal dengan istilah ligth fishing. Pada awalnyasumber cahaya yang digunakan dalam upaya penangkapan ikan adalah menggunakan obor, namun seiringperkembangan pesatnya ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi mulailah digunakan lampu minyak/kerosene, lampu karbit,perkembangan terakhir dengan penggunaan lampu listrik. Akhrnya ditemukanlah ide untuk membuat lampu LEDuntuk memikat ikan-ikan. Bisa digunakan dua metode dalam penyalaannya yaitu menggunakan aki yangbertegangan 24 volt dan menggunakan Genset. Hasilnya penangkapan ikan dengan menggunakan lampu LED,jumlah ikan yang ditangkap bisa lebih banyak dibanding menggunakan obor maupun lampu listrik.
Diseminasi Teknologi Mesin Peniris Minyak di Kelurahan Pelintung, Kota Dumai Bobby Demeianto; Rizqi Ilmal Yaqin; Hafiz Ziddin; Juniawan Preston Siahaan; Iskandar Musa; Mula Tumpu; Yuniar Endri Priharanto; Muhammad Nur Arkham
Agrokreatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 8 No. 1 (2022): Agrokreatif Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/agrokreatif.8.1.84-92


Fisheries products from marine sector really need to be considered because Indonesia, especially in the waters of Dumai City, has abundant fish resources of up to 571 tons/year. Diversification of processed fish is a solution so that processed fish can be consumed by the community. On the other hand, the local community of Pelintung Village, Dumai City, still lacks appropriate technology that can improve the quality of processed products from diversification. Some processed fish products are of poor quality. Community service activities aim to provide knowledge transfer and use of oil draining machines so that people can improve the quality of processed fish or non-fish. This community service activity uses the method of applying the use of an oil draining machine in Pelintung Village. The essence of this event is the delivery of theoretical and practical material about oil draining machines. The pre-test was carried out before the material was delivered and the post-test was carried out after the material was delivered. Filling in the satisfaction index is done along with filling out the post-test. The results of this activity stated that the community was very enthusiastic as the percentage of correct answers for the pre-test and post-test increased. The results of the pre-test and post-test in the knowledge, operation and maintenance categories increased to 75%, 84% and 100%, respectively. The satisfaction level of participants was also stated to be satisfied with the percentage of 61.7% and getting benefits from this community service activity. This activity must continue to be evaluated so that when holding similar activities, it can be more effective, efficient and sustainable. Recommendations for service activities in the form of processing fishery products that can be practiced directly with the community will be better in the future.
Jurnal Penelitian Saintek Vol 25, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Institute of Research and Community Services, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/jps.v25i2.34574


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk dapat menganalisis keseragaman pendinginan produk plastik injeksi molding dengan variasi sIstem pendingin menggunakan metode Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Variasi sistem pendinginan ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui pengaruh sistem pendingin terhadap keseragaman pendinginan produk plastik. Studi kasus pada penelitian ini menggunakan produk tempat teh sachet. Material produk plastik yang digunakan adalah Polypropylene yang dipanaskan dengan suhu 490°K. Pembuatan Computer-Aided Design (CAD) produk dilengkapi dengan sistem pendingin pada masing-masing variasi. Desain gambar mold disederhanakan menjadi bagian cavity dan core dengan menggunakan Software Solidwork 2015. Fluida pendingin menggunakan air dan mold-nya menggunakan material steel. Boundary condition pada produk plastik mengggunakan pressure inlet. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan metode CFD variasi sistem pendinginan yang diusulkan mampu menganalisis keseragaman pendinginan produk plastik injeksi molding. Penggunaan conformal cooling channel system dengan menggunakan metode CFD menghasilkan penurunan temperatur yang lebih seragam dibandingkan dengan penurunan temperatur pada straight cooling channel. Pada penelitian ini, variasi pendingin conformal cooling channel lebih baik dibandingkan dengan straight cooling channel.SIMULTANEOUS COOLING ANALYSIS OF INJECTION MOLDING PLASTIC PRODUCTS WITH COOLING SYSTEM VARIATIONSThis study was aimed at analyzing the simultaneous cooling process of injection molding plastic products with a variety of cooling systems using the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) method. This cooling system variation was intended to determine the effect of the cooling system on simultaneous coolling process of plastic products. This case study used a tea sachet product. The plastic product material used was Polypropylene. It heated at a temperature of 490 ° K. The manufacture of Computer-Aided Design (CAD) products was equipped with a cooling system in each variation. The mold drawing design was simplified into cavity and core parts by using Solidwork 2015 Software. Water was used as the cooling fluid while steel material was used as the mold. A pressure inlet was used as a boundary conditions for the plastic products. The simulation results show that the used of CFD method in cooling system is able to analyze the simultaneous cooling of injection molding plastic products. The use of conformal cooling channel system using CFD method produces more simultaneous temperature drop compared to the straight cooling channel. In this study, conformal cooling channel variation is better than straight cooling channel 
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknosains Vol 6, No 2/Nov (2020): JiTek
Publisher : Universitas PGRI Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1901.461 KB) | DOI: 10.26877/jitek.v6i2/Nov.7031


Kapal perikanan di Indonesia umumnya menggunakan kayu sebagai bahan utamanya. Selain kayu bahan yang digunakan untuk pembuatan kapal perikanan yaitu komposit fiberglass. Namun, harga dari bahan komposit fiberglass sangat tinggi. Alternatif yang ditawarkan yaitu dengan pergantian matriks fiberglass dengan serat alam. Salah satu serat alam yang melimpah di Indonesia yaitu serat rami. Perbandingan sifat mekanik pada komposit fiberglass dan serat rami sangat perlu dipelajari. Pembuatan komposit fiberglass dan serat rami pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode hand lay up. Hasil yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini pada pengujian densitas yaitu pada kompoit fiberglass dan komposit serat rami secara berturut-turut yaitu 1,32 gr/cm3 dan 0,93 gr/cm3. Sedangkan pengujian kekerasan didapatkan nilai secara berturut-turut yaitu sebesar 73,23 shore D  dan 56,64 shore D. Pengujian tarik didapatkan nilai kekuatan tarik pada komposit fiberglass 138,65 MPa, sedangkan nilai kekuatan tarik komposit rami sebesar 25,17 MPa. Sedangkan elongansi komposit fiberglass yaitu 7,45% sedangkan komposit rami yaitu 0,54%. Hasil foto makro patahan pada komposit rami memiliki patahan tidak sempurna sedangkan komposit fiberglas memiliki patahan yang memperlihatkan patahan berpenguat tinggi.
RANCANG BANGUN ALAT PENJERNIH AIR PORTABLE UNTUK PERSEDIAAN AIR DI KOTA DUMAI Rizqi Ilmal Yaqin; Boby Wisely Ziliwu; Bobby Demeianto; Juniawan Preston Siahaan; Yuniar Endri Priharanto; Iskandar Musa
Jurnal Teknologi Vol 12, No 2 (2020): Jurnal Teknologi
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24853/jurtek.12.2.107-116


Dumai City has poor quality water availability. The resulting water has poor physical and chemical conditions. Poor water quality due to the effects of industrial and home industrial waste. The decline in water quality causes the survival of living things to be disrupted. The use of water itself is used for aquaculture. Aquaculture water must have a quality that meets the standards. Therefore, water quality must be considered in aquaculture. The purpose of this study is to determine the reliability of the filter in a water filter. Water filter materials used are natural zeolite stone, silica sand, greensand sand, activated carbon, Bio-ball and cotton filter. Portable cylindrical filter device with a diameter of 25mm and length of 254mm. outdoor water quality portable water filter is tested with the acidity or pH meter, Total Dissolve Solid or the level of water clarity, Salinity, and discharge of water from the portable water filter. Discharge of water entering the portable water purifier is 0.22 Liters / second to 0.28 Liters / Second. Discharge of water that comes out is 0.13 Liters / Second to 0.16 Liters / Second. Changes in water quality can be seen from TDS, from 178ppm to 359ppm. Water quality can be seen from the pH of 8.48 mg / L to 7.95 mg / L and for Salinity from 1% to 0%. Portable water purifier can improve water quality in the city of Dumai. But in the future there should be further research on the quality of water produced from portable water purifiers.
Edukasi Perawatan Motor Diesel Kapal Nelayan Desa Pelintung Kota Dumai Rizqi Ilmal Yaqin; Boby Wisely Ziliwu; Bobby Demeianto; Juniawan Preston Siahaan; Iskandar Musa; Yuniar Endri Priharanto; Rudi Efendi; Muhammad Ali Rozaki; Nirmala Efri Hasibuan; Muhammad Nur Arkham
Warta Pengabdian Vol 14 No 3 (2020): Warta Pengabdian
Publisher : LP2M Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/wrtp.v14i3.18492


Kota Dumai merupakan salah satu kota yang berada di provinsi Riau yang memiliki garis pantai yang Panjang. Beberapa daerah di Kota Dumai masyarakatnya memiliki mata pencarian sebagai nelayan. Kelompok Usaha Bersama Bunga Mawar yang terletak di Desa Pelintung Kota Dumai adalah salah satu kelompok nelayan. Namun, kebanyakan nelayan belum banyak mengetahui pentingnya perawatan motor diesel pada kapal. Beberapa permasalahan yang ada di motor diesel diangkat menjadi suatu kegiatan pelatihan yang berbasis edukasi. Pelatihan perawatan motor diesel pada nelayan Kelompok Usaha Bersama Bunga Mawar yang terletak di Desa Pelintung Kota Dumai terdiri dari tiga tahapan yaitu tahapan pendekatan kerangka masalah dengan survey lokasi, tahapan sosialisasi secara teoritis dan praktik, dan tahapan monitoring. Hasil pelatihan perawatan motor diesel kapal yang diikuti 15 nelayan yaitu nelayan sangat setuju adanya pelatihan tersebut. Sehingga perlu adanya pelatihan-pelatihan di bagian motor diesel lainnya agar lebih mendalam lagi. Pemberian angket kepuasan ditunjukkan guna mendapatkan masukan tentang kegiatan yang sudah dilakukan. Tingkat kepuasan peserta pelatihan ditunjukkan dengan adanya grafik yang sudah diolah dan disajikan. Harapan setelah pelatihan ini agar nelayan di Kelompok Usaha Bersama Bunga Mawar yang terletak di Desa Pelintung Kota Dumai dapat mandiri mengatasi masalah dan dapat merawat motor diesel pada kapal yang digunakan sebagai alat untuk operasi penangkapan ikan.
Pelatihan Penggunaan Fish Finder Untuk Peningkatan Produksi Perikanan Kelompok Nelayan Tuna Dumai Muhammad Nur Arkham; Fajar Miftakhul Rizqy; Roma Yuli Hutapea; Rizqi Ilmal Yaqin
Warta Pengabdian Vol 14 No 4 (2020): Warta Pengabdian
Publisher : LP2M Universitas Jember

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.19184/wrtp.v14i4.18393


Penerapan ilmu dan teknologi dalam aktivitas perikanan tangkap berbasis sumberdaya akan mampu memenuhi kebutuhan nelayan secara berkelanjutan. Salah satu teknologi penangkapan yang dapat membantu nelayan dalam aktivitas penangkapan ikan adalah fish finder. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah untuk memberikan edukasi dan meningkatkan keterampilan kelompok nelayan melalui penggunaan fish finder dalam membantu mendeteksi keberadaan ikan yang nantinya mampu meningkatakan penangkapan ikan hasil tangkapan. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini menggunakan metode pendekatan pengembangan masyarakat melalui pelatihan berdasarkan teori dan praktik serta diskusi kelompok secara terarah (FGD). Kegiatan pelatihan penggunaan fish finder berlangsung dengan baik, semangat dan partisipatif dari para peserta. Pelaksanaan pelatihan ini dilaksanakan dengan 2 konsep pendekatan yaitu kelas teori dan kelas praktik. Materi yang diberikan dalam kelas teori meliputi pengetahuan dan perkembangan penggunaan fish finder secara global, sedangkan untuk kelas praktik dilaksanakan pengoperasian fish finder langsung di atas kapal. Hasil dari monitoring dan evaluasi menyebutkan bahwa nelayan mendapatkan banyak manfaat dalam menggunakan alat bantu penangkapan fish finder dalam membantu mendeteksi keberadaan ikan sehingga mampu mengurangi biaya operasional, meningkatkan hasil tangkapan dan menemukan daerah tangkapan (fishing ground) lebih mudah.
Desain dan Analisis Mata Pisau Pencacah Untuk Pengolahan Sampah Plastik Menggunakan Finite Element Analysis Sigiet Haryo Pranoto; Santi Yatnikasari; Muhammad Noor Asnan; Rizqi Ilmal Yaqin
Infotekmesin Vol 11 No 2 (2020): Infotekmesin: Juli 2020
Publisher : P3M Politeknik Negeri Cilacap

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35970/infotekmesin.v11i2.260


Plastic waste is one of the environmental problems in Indonesia. Plastic waste is a type of waste that is difficult to decompose, so it needs special handling for processing the problem. One alternative offered is by making a plastic chopper machine. One of the manufacturing of a machine is to design and analyze the components used. The blade is one of the important components of a plastic chopper. Model simulation of the blade itself needs to be done to analyze the performance of the blade during the performance of the machine. Simulation modeling is done using CAE software.. The form of meshing in the blade model is using tetrahedral and the meshing ratio is close to 1. The results obtained from the blade modeling process are the maximum Von mises stress on the loading of 300N, 500N, and 700N respectively at 6.752 x 10-3 MPa, 2.845 x 10- 3 MPa and 1,575 x 10-3MPa. While the amount of displacement in the variation of loading 300N, 500N, and 700N respectively has a value of 6.752 x 10-2 mm, 1.125 x 10-1 mm and 1.575 x 10-1 mm. The safety factor in this simulation is produced which has a value of 15, which means it is safe for all loading variations because it has a value of more than 1.
Co-Authors A Marsha Alviani Abrori, M. Zaki Latif Achmad Nurhidayat Adian Febriyanto Ahmad Adib Alfakhri Alfakhri Angger Bagus Prasetiyo Aqshal Ilham Fadiga Atmoko, Nugroho Tri Azhim Asyratul Azmi Azhim Asyratul Azmi Azhim Azyratul Azmi Bambang Hari Priyambodo Bambang Hari Priyambodo Bambang Imawan Barokah Barokah Bobby Demeianto Bobby Demeianto Bobby Demeianto Bobby Demeianto Boby Wisely Ziliwu Boby Wisely Ziliwu Boby Wisely Ziliwu Demeianto Bobby Didin Arianto Didit Setyo Pamuji Fajar Miftakhul Rizqy Fauzun Fauzun Fauzun Finali, Asmar Frans Ardhy Gunawan Hafiz Ziddin Hamdu Azrawi Daulay Hanafi, Agung Fauzi Henry Iskandar Madyantoro I Ketut Suada Iskandar Musa Iskandar Musa Iwed Mulyani Juniawan Preston Siahaan Juniawan Preston Siahaan Juniawan Preston Siahaan Kacuk Cikal Nugroho Kenny Bastian M. Subroto Alirejo Margono Margono Margono Margono Margono Mariandri Pasaribu Mega Lazuardi Umar Miftahul Huda Miftakhur Rohmah Muhammad Ali Rozaki Muhammad Noor Asnan Muhammad Nur Arkham Mula Tumpu Mula Tumpu Mula Tumpu Nirmala Efri Hasibuan Pakpahan, Binsar Maruli Tua Perdana Putra Kelana Prabuditya Bhisma Wisnu Wardana Pristiansyah Pristiansyah Rangga Bayu Kusuma Haris Ratih Purnama Sari Rauuf Nur Fattah Reni Laili Roma Yuli Hutapea Rudi Efendi Santi Yatnikasari Siahaan Juniawan Preston Sigiet Haryo Pranoto Sigiet Haryo Pranoto Sigiet Haryo Pranoto Sigit Haryo Pranoto Sugeng Slamet Sugiyanto Sugiyanto Suhartoyo Suhartoyo Syahrul Pradana Syauqiy Ridlo Robbiy Taufan Mahendra Tegar Lagsmana Tumpu Mula Yanti Pasmawati Yuniar Endri Priharanto Zamri Zamri Zamri