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Menara Ilmu Vol 15, No 2 (2021): VOL. XV NO. 2 OKTOBER 2021
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Barat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31869/mi.v15i2.2950


Departemen Kesehatan RI tahun 2009 menyatakan bahwa hampir 80% angka diabetes melitus adalah diabetes melitus tipe 2 dan Indonesia merupakan negara urutan keempat dengan angka penyakit diabetes melitus tertinggi di bawah China, Amerika Serikat, dan India. Dampak diabetes melitus akan memperburuk kualitas hidup bahkan kematian, sehingga upaya penanggulangan dan pencegahan perlu segera dilakukan. Strategi yang perlu dilakukan adalah pemberian edukasi perawatan mandiri. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pendidikan kesehatan tentang diabetes melitus terhadap sikap pasien diabetes melitus tipe 2 di wilayah Puskesmas Rejosari Pekanbaru. Jumlah responden pada penelitian ini berjumlah 15 responden penderita diabetes melitus tipe 2. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan desain penelitian Pre eksperiment design berupa rancangan “pretest-posttest with one group design”. Berdasarkan hasil dari uji Wilcoxon signed ranks test diperoleh p value sikap= 0,002 lebih kecil daripada nilai alpha (p < 0,050) yang menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang signifikan antara sikap sebelum dan sesudah diberikan pendidikan kesehatan tentang diabetes melitus. Sehingga pendidikan kesehatan merupakan cara yang cukup efektif untuk memperbaiki sikap penderita diabetes melitus dalam mencegah timbulnya komplikasi dan keparahan penyakit. Daftar Bacaan : 21 (2013-2019)Kata kunci     : Pendidikan Kesehatan, Sikap, Diabetes Melitus
The Effectiveness of Patient Safety Cultural Training with Mirror Method and Case Study on Nurse Understanding About Application of Patient Safety at Hospital Pekanbaru Awaliyah Ulfah Ayudytha Ezdha; Silvia Nora Anggreini; Dwi Elka Fitri
Caring: Indonesian Journal of Nursing Science Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019): Caring: Indonesian Journal of Nursing Science
Publisher : Talenta Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32734/ijns.v1i1.1168


Quality development in hospitals has led to efforts to improve quality oriented towards patient safety. The purpose of this study was to compare what methods were most effective between lectures and case studies to improve nurses' understanding of the application of patient safety. The design of the research used is a mix method that is qualitative and quantitative. This research was carried out at Hospital in Pekanbaru with a sample of the study were all nurses who served at the hospital as many as 60 people. The results obtained from the study showed that the mean value of nurses 'understanding of patient safety habit after the lecture method training was 67.47 with a standard deviation of 8.320 while the mean value of nurses' understanding of the HABIT of patient safety after training in the case study method was 73.97 with a standard deviation of 6.835. The independent t test results obtained p value = 0.002. The results of this study are expected in addition to improving the understanding of nurses as well as the hospital can apply the most appropriate method so that the goals of the patient's safety goals are the quality of service can be achieved.
HEALTH CARE : JURNAL KESEHATAN Vol 7 No 2 (2018): Health Care : Jurnal Kesehatan
Publisher : STIKes Payung Negeri Pekanbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (348.24 KB) | DOI: 10.36763/healthcare.v7i2.23


Pengembangan mutu di rumah sakit telah mengarah pada upaya peningkatan mutu yang berorientasi pada keselamatan pasien. Keselamatan pasien (patient safety) merupakan suatu variabel untuk mengukur dan mengevaluasi kualitas pelayanan keperawatan yang berdampak terhadap pelayanan kesehatan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektifitas pelatihan keselamatan pasien dengan metode ceramah dalam meningkatkan pemahaman perawat tentang penerapan sasaran keselamatan pasien. Metode penelitian yang digunakan metode kuantitatif dengan one grup. Penelitian ini di laksanakan di Rumah Sakit Pekanbaru Medical Center dengan sampel penelitian adalah perawat yang bertugas di RS tersebut yaitu sebanyak 30 orang sesuai sesuai kriteria inklusi. Hasil penelitian didapatkan mean nilai pemahaman perawat tentang budaya keselamatan pasien sebelum dilakukan pelatihan dengan metode ceramah adalah 52,83 dengan standar deviasi 7,742. Mean nilai pemahaman perawat tentang penerapan keselamatan pasien setelah dilakukan pelatihan dengan metode ceramah adalah 67,47 dengan standar deviasi 8,320. Hasil uji t dependent dimana p value = 0.000 lebih kecil daripada nilai alpha (p < 0,05). Hal ini berarti ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara mean nilai pemahaman perawat tentang penerapan keselamatan pasien sebelum dan setelah dilakukan pelatihan dengan metode ceramah. Hasil dari penelitian ini di harapkan selain peningkatan pamahaman perawat juga pihak RS dapat menerapkan metode yang paling tepat sehingga tujuan dari sasaran keselamatan pasien yaitu mutu pelayanan dapat tercapai.
Ensiklopedia of Journal Vol 4, No 3 (2022): Vol 4 No. 3 Edisi 2 April 2022
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Penerbitan Hasil Penelitian Ensiklopedia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (400.266 KB) | DOI: 10.33559/eoj.v4i3.314


Abstract: The second most common disease experienced by patients in Riau Province is hypertension with 2,160,932 people, the highest prevalence in Riau is Pekanbaru, as many as 422,443 people (Dinkes Riau, 2020). If someone who has hypertension does not get treatment and control regularly, it will bring the patient into more serious cases and can even cause death (Nurul, 2020). Efforts to prevent complications in hypertension need to be carried out with proper hypertension management, one of which is non-pharmacological management. One of the non-pharmacological management is relaxation techniques, including progressive relaxation. This study aims to determine the effect of progressive relaxation on changes in blood pressure in the elderly with hypertension in RW 08 Tangkerang Tengah Village, this study was carried out on 16 May to 10 June 2021. The design of this study used a pre-experimental design with a one group pre-post test design. . The number of samples was 15 hypertension patients in RW 08 using purposive sampling technique. The results showed that the average difference in systolic blood pressure before and after progressive relaxation was 7,133 and the average diastolic difference before and after being given progressive relaxation was 7,200. There is a significant difference before and after progressive relaxation on changes in blood pressure in the elderly where the p value (0.000) means that there is an effect of progressive relaxation on changes in blood pressure in the elderly in RW 08 Tangkerang Tengah Village. The recommendation from this research is for nurses to do progressive relaxation to reduce blood pressure in hypertensive patients, as well as input in the selection of nursing interventions.Keywords: Hypertension, Progressive relaxation, Elderly
Pengaruh Slow Deep Breathing (SDB) dapat menurunkan tekanan darah pada penderita hipertensi primer Silvia Nora Anggreini; Alfianur Alfianur
Holistik Jurnal Kesehatan Vol 15, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Program Studi Ilmu Keperawata Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Malahayati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/hjk.v15i2.5182


Effects of slow and deep breathing on blood pressure in patients with primary hypertension Background: Hypertension is often finding during routine health checks or comes with other complaints such as headaches or dizziness. If hypertension remains unknown and untreated, it can lead to death from heart failure, myocardial infarction, stroke, and kidney failure. Hypertension can be treated in two ways by pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapy. Pharmacological therapy is carried out by administering antihypertensive drugs. Non-pharmacological therapy that may be an alternative to control blood pressure is slow deep breathing (SDB) or deep and slow breathing.Purpose: To determine the effects of slow and deep breathing on blood pressure in patients with primary hypertensionMethod: A quantitative method with pre and post test designs without control. The sample in this study were all primary hypertension patients who were treated at Pekanbaru Medical Center (PMC) Hospital. The sample in this study was taken using a non-probability sampling technique, namely the total sampling method. The analysis used is univariate and bivariate. The statistical test used to determine the difference in blood pressure before and after SBD using Paired samples T Test.Results: The statistical test, it was found that the average decrease in systolic blood pressure was 8.95 mmHg with p value p = 0.02 < 0.05 and diastolic blood pressure was 7.29 mmHg with p value p = 0.01 < 0.05 indicating that there was a difference in blood pressure before and after SDBConclusion: There is a significant effect of slow and deep breathing on blood pressure in patients with primary hypertensionKeywords: Patients; Hypertension; Blood pressure; Slow deep breathingPendahuluan : Hipertensi sering ditemukan secara tidak sengaja pada waktu pemeriksaan kesehatan rutin atau datang dengan keluhan lain misalnya sakit kepala atau pusing. Apabila hipertensi tetap tidak diketahui dan tidak dirawat dapat mengakibatkan kematian karena payah jantung, infark miokardium stroke dan gagal ginjal. Penaganan hipertensi dapat dilakukan dengan dua cara yaitu terapi farmakologis dan non farmakologis. Terapi farmakologis dilakukan dengan pemberian obat-obatan antihipertensi. Terapi non-farmakologis yang mungkin menjadi alternatif untuk mengontrol takanan darah yaitu latihan slow deep breathing  (SDB) atau penafasan dalam dan lambat.Tujuan : Mengetahui pengaruh latihan SDB terhadap penurunan tekanan darah pada pasien hipertensi primer.Metode : Penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain pre dan post test without control. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruhan pasien hipertensi primer yang dirawat di RS Pekanbaru Medical Center (PMC). Sampel dalam penelitian ini diambil dengan menggunakan teknik non probability sampling yaitu dengan metode total sampling. Analisis yang digunakan adalah univariat dan bivariate. Uji statistic yang digunakan untuk mengetahui perbedaan tekanan darah sebelum dan sesudah SDB menggunakan Paired samples T Test.Hasil : Dari uji statistik didapatkan rata-rata penurunan takanan darah sistolik  sebesar 8.95 mmHg dengan nilai p value p = 0.02 < 0.05 dan tekanan darah diastolik 7,29 mmHg  dengan nilai p-value p = 0.01 < 0.05 menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan tekanan darah sebelum dan sesudah SDBSimpulan : Terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan pada tekanan darah setelah dilakukan  SDB pada pasien hipertensi di Rumah Sakit Pekanbaru Medical Center
Ensiklopedia of Journal Vol 4, No 2 (2022): Vol 4 No. 2 Edisi 1 Januari 2022
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Penerbitan Hasil Penelitian Ensiklopedia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (160.011 KB) | DOI: 10.33559/eoj.v4i2.1017


Dysmenorrhea is a painful muscle spasm of the uterus that occurs during menstruation. In Indonesia, the incidence of dysmenorrhea is 64.25% consisting of 54.89% primary dysmenorrhea and 9.6% secondary dysmenorrhea. The incidence of dysmenorrhea in Riau among female adolescents in the fifty districts of Pekanbaru City is 85.7%, students have experienced menarche, and 80% of adolescent girls experience pain during menstruation consisting of 25% mild pain, 66.7% moderate pain, 8 , 3% of severe pain and the remaining 20% of young women do not experience pain during menstruation.The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of William Flexion exercise on the level of menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea). This study used the One Group Pre-Test Post-Test Design. The sample size was 16 grade VIII students who experienced menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea) in SMP N 37 Pekanbaru who were selected using purposive sampling technique. Based on the results of the Wilcoxon signed rank test where the p value = 0.001 was smaller than the alpha value (p <0.050) which indicated the effect of the William Flexion exercise technique on the level of menstrual pain (dysmenorrhea) in grade VIII students at SMP N 37 Pekanbaru.
Pengaruh Pendidikan Kesehatan dengan Booklet Diet Hemodialisa (BookET Lisa) Terhadap Tingkat Pengetahuan dan Sikap Pasien Hemodialisa di RSUD dr. RM. Pratomo Bagansiapiapi Awaliyah Ulfah Ayudytha Ezdha; Abdurrahman Hamid; Dwi Elka Fitri; Silvia Nora Anggreini; Elli Elfiza Julianti
Jurnal Kesehatan Holistic Vol 7 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Kesehatan Holistic Volume 7/ Nomor 1/ Januari 2023
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan RS Husada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (707.668 KB) | DOI: 10.33377/jkh.v7i1.152


Introduction: One of the therapies for patients with chronic kidney is hemodialysis. Hemodialysis aims to eliminate the remnants of metabolic products or protein and as a correction of fluid and electrolyte balance disorders. In addition, this dialysis procedure can also cause complications, including affecting nutritional status. Some patients have difficulty managing nutritional intake but they do not get an understanding of how strategies can help them in managing nutritional diets. The strategy that needs to be done is providing health education using booklets on nutritional diets for hemodialysis patients. Objective: The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of health education with a media booklet on a nutritional diet on the knowledge and attitudes of hemodialysis patients in RSUD DR RM. Pratomo Bagansiapiapi. The number of respondents in this study was 27 respondents. Method: This research is a quantitative study using pre-experimental design research in the form of a pretest-posttest design with one group design. Based on the results of the T-test Dependent. The number of respondents in this study was 27 respondents. Results: It was obtained that the p-value (0,000) of knowledge and attitudes was smaller than 0.05. Conclusion: the conclusion of this study is there is a significant difference in knowledge and attitudes before and after being given health education about media booklet the nutritional diet of hemodialysis patients.
Implementasi Intervensi Rendam Kaki Air Hangat dan Garam Terhadap Intensitas Nyeri pada Pasien Gout Arthritis Awaliyah Ulfah Ayudytha Ezdha; Silvia Nora Anggreini; Defi Helida Rafni
Jurnal Pustaka Keperawatan (Pusat Akses kajian Keperawatan) Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Pustaka Keperawatan
Publisher : Pustaka Galeri Mandiri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55382/jurnalpustakakeperawatan.v2i1.423


Gout athritis merupakan kelainan tulang metabolik yang disebabkan oleh metabolisme abnormal purin yang ditandai dengan meningkatnya kadar asam urat dalam darah sehingga menyebabkan nyeri pada persedian lokal. Masalah yang sering timbul pada lansia dengan Arthritis adalah nyeri saat beraktifitas, kesemutan, bengkak serta kekakuan pada sendi. Penatalaksanaan Arthritis bisa dilakukan secara farmakologis dan non- farmakologis. Salah satu terapi yang dapat digunakan untuk menurunkan skala nyeri pada pasien gout atritis yaitu terapi rendam air hangat dengan garam. Tujuan: untuk mengetahui Efektivitas Penerapan Terapi Rendam Air Hangat Dengan Garam Terhadap Skala Nyeri Pada Pasien Gout Arthritis Di Kelurahan Melebung. Metode: Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif yang menggunakan pendekatan asuhan keperawatan sebanyak 3 orang. Skala nyeri diobservasi dengan pain chart sebelum dan sesudah intervensi. Kesimpulan : Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya efektivitas terapi rendam air hangat dengan garam terhadap perubahan skala nyeri pada pasien gout arthritis. Saran : Pemberian intervensi terapi rendam air hangat dengan garam dapat di jadikan dasar untuk penelitian selanjutnya yang lebih komplek dengan sampel yang lebih banyak lagi agar mendapat varian data yang lebih banyak.