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Pemodelan dan Analisa Kendali PI Static dan PI Adaptive DC-DC Boost Converter Moh . Afandy; ikhsan hidayat; Abdul Haris Mubarak; Fachrur Razy Rahman; Ayu . Latifaf
Jambura Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Vol 4, No 2 (2022): Juli - Desember 2022
Publisher : Teknik Elektro - Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (944.346 KB) | DOI: 10.37905/jjeee.v4i2.13531


Riset ini merupakan riset lanjutan dari riset sebelumnya. Pada riset sebelumnya telah mengusulkan pengujian pada 6 rangkaian dc-dc boost converter dengan konfigurasi berbeda sehingga dihasilkan 3 rangkaian dc-dc boost converter dengan hasil terbaik. Pengendalian lebar pulsa PWM digunakan untuk mengetahui kemampuan awal rangkaian dalam menghasilkan penguatan tegangan.  Kendali PI Static dan PI Adaptive juga ikut diuji untuk mengetahui kemapuan rangkaian saat terjadi peralihan tegangan masukan. Pengujian berbasis simulasi menggunakan pemrograman SPICE. Pengujian tegangan linear dan nonlinear dilakukan untuk mengetahui hasil kendali PI terbaik. Hasil yang diperoleh dari ketiga jenis rangkaian mampu menghasilkan penguatan keluaran diatas 200V. Hasil akhir pengujian diperolah rangkaian BCI dengan pengendalian PI Adaptive mampu menghasilkan tegangan keluaran sebesar 249.069 V dengan beban 300Ω, sedangkan untuk beban 500Ω, menghasilkan tegangan keluaran sebesar 249.679 V dan 250.244 V untuk beban 1KΩ. Diakhir Pengujian tegangan nonlinear dilakukan diakhir pengujian untuk mengetahui kemampuan dari pengendalian PI Adaptive yang diusulkan. Pengendalian PI Adaptive mampu mempertahankan nilai tegangan keluaran saat terjadi peralihan tegangan masukan.This research is a continuation of previous research. Previous research has proposed testing 6 dc-dc boost converter circuits with different configurations so that 3 dc-dc boost converter circuits are produced with the best results. PWM pulse width control is used to determine the initial ability of the circuit to generate voltage gain. Static PI and Adaptive PI controls were also tested to determine the ability of the circuit when there is a change in input voltage. Simulation-based testing using SPICE programming. Linear and nonlinear stress tests were carried out to determine the best PI control results. The results obtained from the three types of circuits can produce output gain above 200V. The final result of the test is that the BCI circuit with Adaptive PI control is able to produce an output voltage of 249,069 V with a load of 300Ω, while for a 500Ω load, it produces an output voltage of 249,679 V and 250,244 V for a 1KΩ load. At the end of the test nonlinear stress is carried out at the end of the test to determine the ability of the proposed Adaptive PI control. Adaptive PI control can maintain the value of the output voltage when there is a change in the input voltage.
Jambura Physics Journal Vol 5, No 1 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34312/jpj.v5i1.18466


This research aims to make a miniature ore material transfer tool automatically using Omron PLC. The way this tool works is that when the start button is pressed, motor 1 will move the apron containing the ore to be taken to the 3 storage barrels to be filled alternately. In each storage barrel, a proximity sensor is installed to detect the level of ore filling. On the rails that are passed by the apron, there are three limit switches that serve as indicators that the position of the apron is right above the storage barrel, then motor 2 will open the valve on the apron so that the ore on the apron falls into the reservoir. From this research, we have succeeded in obtaining an automatic control system for a miniature material transfer device in the ore distribution process.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Distribusi Grease Secara Otomatis Dengan Metode Penjadwalan Moh . Afandy; Ahmad Ali Akbar; Abdul Haris Mubarak
Jambura Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Vol 5, No 2 (2023): Juli - Desember 2023
Publisher : Electrical Engineering Department Faculty of Engineering State University of Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37905/jjeee.v5i2.17193


Penelitian ini merupakan program kerja sama antara Politeknik Industri Logam Morowali dengan kawasan industri  dalam bidang preventive maintenance. Preventive maintenance merupakan salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan dalam menjaga kestabilan sistem produksi. HAPL atau Hot Annealing Pickling Line merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dalam pengolahan gulungan baja hitam menjadi gulungan baja putih tahan karat. Proses pemurnian baja hitam menjadi baja tahan karat melalui proses yang panjang di mana peran motor listrik sangat lah penting. Motor listrik harus mendapatkan perhatian khusus dalam hal perawatan. Salah satu perawatan motor listrik yang harus dilakukan yaitu pengisian grease. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat sistem yang dapat mengontrol waktu pengisian grease dan lama pengisian grease yang disajikan dalam bentuk menu-menu pilihan yang terdapat pada LCD. Pada penelitian ini dikendalikan oleh Arduino Uno sebagai mikrokontroler, LCD 20x4 sebagai tampilan, RTC sebagai penyimpan waktu, keypad sebagai input pengontrol dan relay sebagai output yang terhubung dengan valve penumatik untuk mengontrol angin menuju pompa grease. Sistem penjadwalan menggunakan counter waktu yang akan menghitung durasi delay  system dalam memompa grease. Pengujian dilakukan pada motor 22KW dengan hasil jarak interval waktu pengisian grease 3204 jam, banyak grease yang harus diisi sebanyak 10,35 gram dengan lama pengisian 23 detik  dengan nilai error yang diperoleh dari pengujian 0.89%This research is a collaborative program between the Morowali Metal Industry Polytechnic and industrial areas in the field of preventive maintenance. Preventive maintenance is one effort that can be done in maintaining the stability of the production system. HAPL or Hot Annealing Pickling Line is a company engaged in processing black steel coils into white stainless steel coils. The process of refining black steel into stainless steel goes through a long process where the role of the electric motor is very important. Electric motors must receive special attention in terms of maintenance. One of the electric motor maintenance that must be done is filling the grease. Therefore, this study aims to create a system that can control the grease filling time and grease filling time which are presented in the form of menu options found on the LCD. In this study it was controlled by Arduino Uno as a microcontroller, 20x4 LCD as a display, RTC as a time saver, a keypad as input controller and a relay as an output connected to a pneumatic valve to control the wind to the grease pump. The scheduling system uses a timer that will calculate the duration of the system delay in grease consolidation. The test was carried out on a 22KW motor with the result that the time interval for filling grease was 3204 hours, the amount of grease that had to be filled was 10.35 grams with a filling time of 23 seconds with an error value obtained from the test of 0.89%.