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PROFILAKSIS PRA-PAJANAN (PPrP) HIV/AIDS PADA LELAKI SEKS LELAKI Teddy Tjahyanto; Natasha Cita Paradhita Kusuma; Agnes Marcella; Gladys Ariella; Alicia Sarijuwita
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/prepotif.v6i1.2816


Introduction: HIV is an infection that attacks the immune system which is characterized by a decrease in CD4+ cells with MSM as the 2nd largest contributor globally. PPrP serves as an additional option in the prevention of HIV-negative MSM from becoming infected with HIV. Objective: This study was conducted to review more deeply the role of pre-exposure prophylaxis in reducing the risk of contracting HIV in male sex groups with HIV negative men and to review the effectiveness and implementation of HIV/AIDS pre-exposure prophylaxis in male sex men so that it is expected to be a consideration in efforts to combat HIV/AIDS. Methods: Literature search was conducted from journal articles published online in the period 2012-2021. The databases used are ScienceDirect, Pubmed, Google Scholar, and Cochrane. Results: The study showed that the factors that significantly affected the high prevalence of HIV cases among MSM were anal sex and based on the findings the use of PrEP showed a significant effectiveness for the MSM group with pre-exposure prophylaxis as a preventive measure in dealing with HIV positive cases. Conclusion: PrEP has been shown to significantly reduce the risk of contracting HIV in HIV-negative MSM groups and has the potential to be an additional prevention option so that it can be applied in efforts to prevent HIV infection and reduce the spread of HIV in MSM.
Kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat dalam Rangka Edukasi Masyarakat Terhadap Hipertensi serta Deteksi Dini Penyakit Gagal Ginjal Sebagai Komplikasi dari Hipertensi Donatila Mano S; Pasuarja Jeranding Ezra; Agnes Marcella; Yohanes Firmansyah
JURNAL PENGABDIAN MASYARAKAT INDONESIA Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Juni : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Indonesia (JPMI)
Publisher : Politeknik Pratama Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jpmi.v2i2.1776


Hypertension and kidney failure are two types of diseases related to kidney health. Hypertension or high blood pressure can cause damage to the kidneys, while kidney failure is a condition in which the kidneys cannot function properly to build up metabolic waste and fluids from the body. Hypertension can cause damage to the small blood vessels in the kidneys, so that the kidneys cannot excrete waste properly. As a result, harmful substances can accumulate in the body and cause organ damage. If hypertension cannot be controlled properly, it can cause kidney damage and eventually lead to kidney failure. Failure is a kidney condition in which the kidneys cannot function properly to remove metabolic wastes and fluids from the body. Kidney failure can occur for a variety of reasons, including untreated hypertension, diabetes, congenital kidney disease, and use of certain medications. If left untreated, kidney failure can lead to accumulation of waste in the body and serious complications such as anemia, osteoporosis, heart disease and even death. Treatment of hypertension and kidney failure usually involves medication and lifestyle changes. Treatment includes the use of drugs prescribed by a doctor and the management of complications that may occur. Lifestyle changes include managing a healthy diet, reducing salt and fat consumption, exercising regularly, avoiding smoking, and managing stress. Early detection is very important in the management of hypertension and kidney failure. Regular blood pressure checks, urine tests to detect protein in the urine, and blood tests to detect levels of creatinine, blood glucose, and cholesterol in the blood can help detect risks and early symptoms of kidney disease.
Peningkatan Pemahaman dan Kewaspadaan Masyarakat akan Penyakit Arteri Perifer Donatila Mano S; Agnes Marcella; Yohanes Firmansyah; Alexander Halim Santoso
Jurnal Kabar Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Mei : JURNAL KABAR MASYARAKAT
Publisher : Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54066/jkb.v1i2.337


Peripheral Arterial disease is a condition in which the peripheral arteries carrying blood to the extremities of the body, such as the feet and hands, become narrowed or blocked due to the large amount of atherosclerotic plaque. The effects of this disease include pain, cramps, difficulty walking, and decreased quality of life. Peripheral artery disease also increases the risk of serious complications such as poorly healing wounds, gangrene, infection and even amputation. In addition, peripheral artery disease can be a sign of more extensive blood vessel disease, such as coronary heart disease or stroke. Therefore, early attention, appropriate treatment, and healthy lifestyle changes are very important to reduce the negative effects of peripheral arterial disease. This community service activity was carried out at the Kalam Kudus Foundation on June 9, 2023. All participants received education and physical care related to peripheral vascular disease. The results of the physical examination revealed that there were 8 (15.4%) respondents with suspected peripheral arterial disease (ABI <0.9) and 4 (7.7%) respondents with suspected vascular calcification (ABI > 1.3). Community Education and Physical Examination with Ankle-Brachial Index (ABI) is an important activity in the prevention and management of peripheral arterial disease. Through community outreach, awareness about peripheral arterial disease can be increased, early symptoms can be identified, and preventive measures can be stepped up. Meanwhile, physical examination with ABI helps detect this disease early, allows timely intervention, and reduces the risk of serious complications. Through the combination of these two approaches, we can increase public understanding, reduce the risk of developing peripheral arterial disease, and improve the quality of life of individuals affected by this disease.
PENYULUHAN DAN DETEKSI INFEKSI SALURAN KEMIH PADA ORANG LANJUT USIA Donatila Mano S; Alexander Halim Santoso; William Gilbert Satyanegara; Dean Ascha Wijaya; Fernando Nathaniel; Tosya Putri Alifa; Eric Raditya Kaminto; Pasuarja Jeranding Ezra; Agnes Marcella
Community Development Journal : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 4 No. 6 (2023): Volume 4 Nomor 6 Tahun 2023
Publisher : Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31004/cdj.v4i6.20828


Infeksi Saluran Kemih (ISK) merupakan suatu peradangan pada sistem saluran kemih, yang dapat dialami oleh semua orang, yang kejadian lebih tinggi pada dewasa usia lanjut. Salah satu faktor risiko pada ISK adalah pertambahan usia, dimana dewasa usia lanjut memiliki banyak komorbid, memiliki kebiasaan menahan pipis, dan memiliki jadwal buang air kecil yang tidak teratur. Pentingnya edukasi mengenai infeksi saluran kemih bertujuan untuk mengurangi infeksi berulang baik itu pada anak maupun pada dewasa khususnya lansia. Penyuluhan dilakukan dengan memberikan informasi mengenai ISK, faktor yang mempengaruhi, gejala, dan pencegahan ISK, serta deteksi melalui pemeriksaan urine di Panti St. Anna. Terdapat 50 peserta, dan 35 diantara mengikuti skrining pemeriksaan urine. Pentingnya bagi masyarakat untuk mengenai cara pencegahan ISK, serta mau memeriksakan dirinya dengan pemeriksaan urine lengkap. Dengan melakukan hal ini, diharapkan dapat terdeteksi dini, mendapat pengobatan yang adekuat sehingga terhindar dari komplikasi. Diharapkan masyarakat, khususnya dewasa usia lanjut dapat lebih sadar mengenai pentingnya mengenai infeksi saluran kemih dan ikut mendukung pemeriksaan urine lengkap sebagai upaya skrining infeksi saluran kemih.