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Prosiding Seminar Nasional Multidisiplin Ilmu Vol 1, No 2 (2019): Prosiding Seminar Nasional : Pemanfaatan Literasi Digital Dalam Publikasi Ilmiah
Publisher : Universitas Respati Yogyakarta

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Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui (a) pengaruh ice block terhadap kondisi udara keluar ruang pendingin dari mesin penyejuk udara (b) karakteristik mesin penyejuk udara yang  meliputi: kalor yang diserap evaporator, kalor yang dilepas kondensor, kerja kompresor, kinerja mesin (COP) dan daya listrik total. Mesin penyejuk udara bekerja dengan siklus kompresi uap, dengan komponen utama meliputi: kompresor, evaporator, kondensor, dan pipa kapiler. Daya kompresor yang dipergunakan sebesar 1/6 HP, sedangkan komponen utama yang lain, ukurannya menyesuaikan dengan besarnya daya kompresor. Variasi penelitian dilakukan terhadap jumlah ice block yang dipergunakan: (a) 8 ice block dan (b) 16 ice block. Penelitian memberikan hasil (a) ice block mampu menurunkan suhu udara keluar dari ruang pendingin dengan baik, bila ada 8 ice block, mesin penyejuk mampu menghasilkan suhu udara dibawah 23oC selama 4,5 jam, dan bila ada 16 ice block, mampu selama 6 jam (b) mesin penyejuk udara memiliki karakteristik sebagai berikut : kalor yang diserap per satuan massa refrigeran sebesar 118,01 kJ/kg, kerja kompresor per satuan massa refrigeran sebesar 44,37 kJ/kg, kalor yang dilepas kondensor per satuan massa refrigeran sebesar 162,38 kJ/kg, COP sebesar 2,66 dan total daya listrik total 140 watt.Kata kunci : mesin penyejuk udara, siklus kompresi uap, COP, daya listrik rendah
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Multidisiplin Ilmu Vol 1, No 2 (2019): Prosiding Seminar Nasional : Pemanfaatan Literasi Digital Dalam Publikasi Ilmiah
Publisher : Universitas Respati Yogyakarta

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan (a) volume air terbanyak yang dihasilkan oleh mesin penghasil air dari udara (b) karakteristik mesin penghasil air dari udara yang menghasilkan volume air terbanyak perjamnya. Mesin penghasil air dari udara mempergunakan siklus kompresi uap. Refrigeran yang dipergunakan adalah R134a. Daya kompresor sebesar 1 HP. Penelitian dilakukan secara eksperimen. Variasi penelitian dilakukan terhadap laju aliran volume udara atau debit udara yang masuk ke dalam mesin penghasil air. Variasi terhadap laju aliran volume udara dilakukan dengan memvariasikan jumlah kipas yang dipergunakan (a) tanpa kipas (b) dengan 1 kipas dan (c) dengan 2 kipas. Penelitian memberikan hasil (a) volume air terbanyak dihasilkan oleh mesin penghasil air dari udara yang mempergunakan 2 kipas dengan laju aliran volume udara 2 m3 /detik, sebanyak 2,410 liter perjamnya (b) mesin penghasil air memiliki karakteristik : besar kalor yang diserap evaporator per satuan massa refrigeran sebesar Qin = 132,44 kJ/kg, kerja kompresor per satuan massa refrigeran sebesar Win = 22,55 kJ/kg, kalor yang dilepas kondensor per satuan massa refrigeran sebesar Qout = 154,44 kJ/kg, kinerja atau COP mesin sebesar 5,87. Daya listrik total yang diperlukan mesin penghasil air dari udara untuk mendapatkan volume air terbanyak sebesar 806 watt.Kata kunci: mesin penghasil air dari udara; COP; energi listrik; siklus kompresi uap
PENINGKATAN EFISIENSI PROSES PENGERINGAN KAYU DAN BLOK PUPUK MENGGUNAKAN PENGERING BERBASIS SIKLUS KOMPRESI UAP Petrus Kanisius Purwadi; FA Rusdi Sambada; Iswanjono Iswanjono; Budi Sugiharto; Yosef Agung Cahyanta; Wibowo Kusbandono
ABDIMAS ALTRUIS: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 5, No 1 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : Universitas Sanata Dharma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (515.73 KB) | DOI: 10.24071/aa.v5i1.4011


The wood-furniture drying process in the industry using wood fuel is deemed inefficient, wasteful, takes a long time, is unsafe, impractical, and not environmentally friendly. Furthermore, the process of drying fertilizer blocks with the sun, apart from requiring a large area of land, also cannot be carried out in the rainy season. This service is carried out in two industrial partners, namely CV Nuansa Kayu Bekas in Sragen and PT Wira Cahya Pratama in Klaten. This service aims to increase understanding of an effective drying machine for the drying process of wood furniture and block-fertilizer in the industry by using a vapour compression cycle. In addition, to increase productivity and profits in the industry. The training venues are conducted in the industries of the two partners. Activities in this service include training on drying machines and assistance in the manufacture, operation and maintenance of effective dryers, especially for the wood-furniture and fertilizer-block industries. The implementation of the service has been going well and smoothly. The outputs produced are activity videos, publications in Suara Merdeka newspaper, Jogja Daily and the Sanata Dharma University website, service articles published in service journals, and Partner satisfaction surveys.
Peningkatkan Pemahaman Proses Pengeringan Kayu di SMK Pangudi Luhur Muntilan Petrus Kanisius Purwadi; Y B Lukiyanto; Sudi Mungkasi
Publisher : Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30738/ad.v3i2.6097


Bagi masyarakat yang bergerak dibidang desain interior dan furnitur, pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang proses pengeringan kayu sangat diperlukan. Mengingat bahwa salah satu bahan baku utama untuk mendesain interior dan furnitur adalah kayu kering. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman proses pengeringan kayu, bagi guru, laboran, dan siswa di bidang interior dan furnitur di SMK Pangudi Luhur Muntilan. Pengabdian meliputi: (a) pelatihan tentang bagaimana mengeringkan kayu dengan berbagai metode pengeringan (b) pelatihan tentang bagaimana merancang, merakit dan mempergunakan mesin pengering kayu dengan energi listrik dan (c) pelatihan tentang tata kelola mengeringkan kayu dengan mempergunakan mesin pengering kayu energi listrik. Hasil dari pengabdian ini adalah (a) diperolehnya teknologi tepat guna berupa mesin pengering kayu energi listrik yang praktis, aman, nyaman, ekonomis dan ramah lingkungan (b) terjadinya peningkatan kualitas SDM peserta pengabdian dan pemahaman peserta terhadap proses pengeringan kayu. Kegiatan pengabdian dilakukan dalam interval waktu bulan Maret 2019 sampai dengan bulan Oktober 2019. Pengabdian dilakukan dengan metode ceramah, diskusi, pelatihan perakitan mesin, dan uji coba mesin.
Characteristics of Wooden Furniture Drying Machine Petrus Kanisius Purwadi; A. Prasetyadi
International Journal of Applied Sciences and Smart Technologies Volume 04, Issue 01, June 2022
Publisher : Universitas Sanata Dharma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24071/ijasst.v4i1.4755


This study aims to determine the characteristics of the electric energy drying machine used to dry wooden furniture. Furniture made of mahogany. The research was conducted experimentally in the wood furniture industry. The size of the wood drying room is 8 m x 6 m x 3 m. The dryer works with a vapor compression cycle using R134a freon and several fans placed in the drying chamber. The drying process uses a closed air system. The total volume of dried wooden furniture is 12.9 m3. The initial moisture content in the wood ranges from 18% to 23%. Wooden furniture is considered dry if the moisture content in the wood furniture is less than 12%. Research gives satisfactory results. The performance of the drying machine or COP is 10.85. The drying time for wooden furniture is about 72 hours.
Effects of the Existence of Fan in the Wood Drying Room and the Performance of the Electric Energy Wood Dryer Wibowo Kusbandono; Petrus Kanisius Purwadi
International Journal of Applied Sciences and Smart Technologies Volume 03, Issue 01, June 2021
Publisher : Universitas Sanata Dharma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24071/ijasst.v3i1.3057


The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the presence of a fan in the wood drying room in the drying time of wood. In addition, it is also to determine the performance of the steam compression cycle engine used in wood drying machines and the conditions of air entering and leaving the wood drying room. Wood drying machines work on a source of electrical energy. The research was conducted experimentally. Variations in the study were carried out on the presence of fans in the drying room: (a) there were no fans and (b) there were 2 fans. The dried object is a sengon wood board, which has a length of 2 m, a width of 20 cm, and a thickness of 2 cm. The number of wooden planks is 70 wooden planks of uniform size. The wooden planks before drying have a moisture content of 29.6%, and when dry, have a moisture content of 10%. The research gave the following results: (a) if there are 2 fans in the drying room, the time needed to dry the sengon wood planks is around 42.6 hours, whereas if there is no fan around 49.9 hours (b) the average Coefficient of Performance (COP) of the steam compression cycle engine is 10.65 (c) The air condition enters the drying room when there are 2 fans, has a dry ball air temperature of 40oC with a relative humidity of 32% RH and the air condition when it comes out, has a dry ball air temperature of 28oC with a relative humidity of 73% RH.
Obtaining the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Fin in Unsteady State Conditions Using Explicit Finite Difference Method Petrus Kanisius Purwadi; Budi Setyahandana; R.B.P. Harsilo
International Journal of Applied Sciences and Smart Technologies Volume 03, Issue 01, June 2021
Publisher : Universitas Sanata Dharma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24071/ijasst.v3i1.3280


This paper discusses the search for fin efficiency and effectiveness in unsteady state conditions using numerical computation methods. The straight fin under review has a cross-sectional area that changes with the position x. The cross section of the fin is rectangular. The fins are composed of two different metal materials. The computation method used is the explicit finite difference methods. The properties of the fin material are assumed to be fixed, or do not change with changes in temperature. When the stability requirements are met, the use of the explicit finite difference methods yields satisfactory results. The use of the explicit finite difference methods can be developed for various other fin shapes, which are composed of two or more different materials, time-varying convection heat transfer coefficient, and the properties of the fin material that change with temperature.