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Penyuluhan dan Pelayanan Kesehatan Sebagai Upaya Memperbaiki Manajemen Hipertensi Pada Lansia Di Kelurahan Jembatan Lima Kecamatan Tambora Jakarta Sisca Sisca; Monica Dwi Hartanti; Dyah Ayu Woro Setyaningrum; Indah Widya Lestari; Florinda Ilona; Julian Chendrasari; ML Edy Parwanto
Jurnal ABDINUS : Jurnal Pengabdian Nusantara Vol 4 No 1 (2020): Volume 4 Nomor 1 Tahun 2020
Publisher : Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29407/ja.v4i1.13977


The incidence of hypertension increases with age. Alterations in function and structure in peripheral vascular system are thought to be the cause of high prevalence of hypertension in the elderly. Holistic, patient-centered management of hypertension is needed to prevent deaths from heart failure. This community service aimed to find out the level of knowledge about hypertension in residents of Jembatan Lima Sub-district, Tambora District, West Jakarta. Using a questionnaire, the level of knowledge was studied in 48 participants cross-sectionally. Blood pressure measurements were also carried out to describe the incidence of hypertension in that area. There was a low level of knowledge about hypertension among participants and this had an impact on increasing the risk of hypertension. Fifty-two percent of participants had normal blood pressure, whereas 48% participants were diagnosed as hypertension. Based on demographic data of participants obtained during the event, age, sex, education level and type of work were significantly increasing the risk of hypertension. Results from this community service conclude that the lack of knowledge of hypertension especially in the elderly can increase the risk of hypertension. In order to improve the quality of managing hypertension in the elderly in Jembatan Lima Village, Tambora District, West Jakarta, it is recommended that counseling and discussion groups to be held annually, especially among the elderly.
Sifat Fisik Air Minum Di Desa Sukasari, Pulosari, Pandeglang, Banten (Program Tahun 2022) Edy Parwanto; David Tjahyadi; Sisca Sisca
AMMA : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 8 : September (2023): AMMA : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : CV. Multi Kreasi Media

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Aims of this Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) to determine the physical properties of drinking water in Sukasari Village, Pulosari, Pandeglang, Banten in 2022. Furthermore, the characteristics of the drinking water are informed to residents who consume it. Knowing to the physical properties of drinking water sourced from local springs in Sukasari Village, Pulosari, Pandegalang, Banten, the public can know and implemented it to the health of the drinking water they consume. The method used is to measure the physical properties of drinking water in the form of temperature, pH, total dissolved solid (TDS), smell and color. The result of this PKM are: temperature of drinking water ranges from 26.2 - 29.4 oC, pH ranges from 5.2-5.5, and the TDS is 11 ppm. In conclusion, the physical properties of drinking water (temperature, pH, TDS, smell, and color) in Sukasari Village, Pulosari, Pandeglang, Banten can still be consumed, provided that the pH of the drinking water is slightly acidic (not neutral). Based on the physical properties of drinking water which include temperature, pH, TDS, smell, and color has a positive significance to the health of the population who consume it. The positive implication of this PKM is to clarify the factors that can change the physical properties of drinking water from drinking water sources to people's homes. The existence of drinking water reservoirs has a positive impact on the physical properties of drinking water, especially on pH stability and TDS.
Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Untuk Meningkatkan Kewaspadaan Terhadap Infeksi Strongyloides Stercoralis Di Desa Sukasari, Pulosari, Pandeglang, Banten David Tjahyadi; Edy Parwanto; Sisca Sisca
AMMA : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 8 : September (2023): AMMA : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : CV. Multi Kreasi Media

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The purpose of this PKM is to examine the rhabditiform larvae of Strongyloides stercoralis from soil samples in the yard of the residents of Sukasari, Pulosari, Pandeglang, Banten in 2022. The results of the examination which include the presence of rhabditiform larvae are used to explain to the residents. That is, so that residents understand the meaning of environmental cleanliness for their family members. Information about these rhabditiform larvae need to be known and understood that they can cause infectious diseases for their family members. The spread of rhabditiform larvae is related to habits that can cause autoinfection. Method of examination of soil samples to determine whether or not rhabditiform larvae of S. stercoralis. The result of this PKM showed that average length of S. stercoralis rhabditiform larvae is 81.13 μm. Ninety-five percent of the total samples contained S. stercoralis rhabditiform larvae. This means that the residents' yards, which are mostly soil, can be found with S. stercoralis rhabditiform larvae. The follow-up that needs to be done is to determine the prevalence of Strongyloidiasis, especially in elementary school age children and junior high school students.
Pemeriksaan Kadar Zat Pada Sumber Air Minum Di Desa Sukasari, Pulosari, Pandeglang, Banten Edy Parwanto; David Tjahyadi; Sisca Sisca
AMMA : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Vol. 2 No. 8 : September (2023): AMMA : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Publisher : CV. Multi Kreasi Media

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The villages of Sukasari, Pulosari, Pandeglang, Banten are agricultural areas. Most of the residents of Sukasari Village grow rice in the rice fields, while others are traders, employees and so on. In general, residential areas are located in villages. Most people's houses are permanent, made of brick walls. In general, the village in Sukasari Village at the foot of Mount Karang has a moderate population density (not too dense). The houses in Sukasari Village generally have a yard. The working area of Sukasari Village consists of 3 hamlets, 8 RWs, 26 RTs with a population of 4,239 people. In the work area of Sukasari Village itself, there are only health facilities in the form of 1 midwife practice and 6 posyandu. Pulosari District is one of the sub-districts in Pandeglang Regency. This sub-district has an area of 27.62 km2 and has a population of 28,885 people. Pulosari District consists of 9 (nine) villages, namely Banjarnegara, Kaduhejo, Koranji, Sanghiangdedek, Cilentung, Karyawangi, Sukasari, and Sukaraja. Sukasari Village itself has an area of 4.20 km2. An unbalanced ratio between population and existing health facilities can cause health problems, because if health problems are resolved then the success of an area's development can be said to be successful. Even though we are facing the COVID-19 pandemic, we must not ignore other health problems. Therefore, we will implement a PKM program to check the quality of drinking water for residents in the Sukasari, Pulosari, Pandeglang, Banten Village areas. "We do not yet have the courage to invite residents, even for medical purposes." In connection with this, we need to convey that our PKM officers will only have 2 people to take drinking water samples from sources in RW 04 and 05 (± 20 houses). We will check the quality of the drinking water, and the results can provide input for the health of the population. Drinking water quality checks include levels of Cl, Mn, nitrate, detergent, dissolved solids, pH, organoleptics and coliform bacteria.
Exploring the Relationship Between Sod1, 2 And 3 Gene Polymorphisms With Post-Covid19 Symptoms Jihan Samira Thabit; Sisca Sisca; Monica Dwi Hartanti; Noviani Prasetyaningsih; Alvionita Kogoya; Arleen Devita; Isa Bela; Ida Effendi
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains Vol. 5 No. 04 (2024): Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains
Publisher : CV. Publikasi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59141/jiss.v5i04.1097


The coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) has become a challenge for the media world. Even though they have been declared cured, some Covid-19 survivors still have health complaints. Abnormal symptoms, signs, or clinical parameters that persist two weeks or more after the onset of COVID-19 and do not return to their initial healthy state are potentially considered long-term effects of the disease. Although such changes are primarily reported in people with severe and critical illness, lasting effects also occur in individuals with mild infections that do not require hospitalization. This study aims to explore the role of antioxidants on the pathogenesis of Covid19 and its relationship with SOD1, 2 and 3 genomic variations. Getting alternative biomarkers for long covid19 detection. Research Method: The research sample is blood and questionnaires that will be taken from respondents affected by Covid19 a maximum of 6 months before data collection is held. Furthermore, DNA isolation, DNA amplification, cutting with restriction enzymes, and DNA band documentation with gel electrophoresis will be carried out. Symptoms related to systemic are the most common symptoms found in respondents with Long Covid19. A total of 8 respondents had systemic related symptoms, namely weakness, lethargy and sweating, while skin-related complaints were found in three respondents and one respondent had lung-related complaints. The average SOD activity value of respondents was 2.19 U/ml. In this study, more symptoms of long COVID-19 were found associated with systemic and cardiovascular symptoms. The complaints were not differentiated by the sex of the respondents. The output draft will be processed immediately after getting other results.
Pengukuran suhu, pH dan kadar substrat terhadap aktivitas enzim Galactose-1-Phosphate Uridyltransferase Sisca Sisca; Edy Parwanto; Monica Dwi Hartanti; David Tjahyadi
Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains Vol. 5 No. 07 (2024): Jurnal Indonesia Sosial Sains
Publisher : CV. Publikasi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59141/jiss.v5i07.1177


Galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase (GALT) is an important enzyme involved in galactose metabolism. Understanding the factors influencing GALT activity is critical to elucidate its physiological role and potential therapeutic implications in galactosemia. In developing new drugs, chicken intestine/liver powder can be used as an enzyme source, GALT, to treat galactosemia. Therefore, it is necessary to research the characterization of the GALT enzyme in chicken intestine and liver powder. In this study, we investigated the influence of temperature, pH, and substrate level on GALT enzyme activity using an experimental approach in vitro. The optimum pH extraction results show that the optimum pH for the extraction of the chicken intestine and liver GALT is pH 7, with activity values ​​of 0.47 units/mL and 0.3953 units/mL, respectively. The optimum temperature for the extraction of chicken intestine and liver GALT is 37℃ with substrate hydrolysis capabilities of 0.48 U/mL and 0.57 U/mL, respectively. Meanwhile, the optimum substrate content is 400x. These insights provide a valuable foundation for further research aimed at comprehensively understanding GALT function, developing targeted interventions for disorders of galactose metabolism, and possible application in the development of new drugs for galactosemia