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SAVI Learning Model is a Solution for Teachers in Active Learning Destiani Rahmawati; Mohamad Maulidin Alif Utama; Ike Hilatun Nisa
At-Tarbawi : Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial dan Kebudayaan Vol 9 No 1 (2022): At-Tarbawi: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial dan Kebudayaan
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan IAIN Langsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32505/tarbawi.v9i1.4221


The learning process in each primary and secondary education unit must be interactive, inspiring, fun, challenging, and motivating students to participate actively and provide sufficient space for initiative, creativity and independence in accordance with the talents, interests, and physical and psychological development of the subject learners or perpetrators of learning activities. In order for students to act as learning actors, the teacher should plan learning activities that require students to do a lot of learning activities. SAVI is a solution in learning problems for teachers. The purpose of this research is to describe SAVI learning model. The method used is literature study. Results of this research showed that the SAVI learning model able to change and transform the learning paradigm from teacher centered to student centered so that the learning is more competitive and fun.
The Role of Teachers with Different Educational Backgrounds in the Development of Students’ Learning Motivation Dahari Dahari; Mohamad Maulidin Alif Utama; Anggi Rivana
At-Tarbawi : Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial dan Kebudayaan Vol 9 No 1 (2022): At-Tarbawi: Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial dan Kebudayaan
Publisher : Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan IAIN Langsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32505/tarbawi.v9i1.4230


The learning carried out by the teacher in a classroom must develop the qualities of learning, which one of them is students’ learning motivation. Students who are not passionate about learning may find it difficult to develop their achievement. Many students are not aware of the importance of studying seriously. This research was a qualitative research and sampling technique of saturated sample was applied. 30 students were selected as primary data source and 2 teachers was as secondary data source. Data collecting techniques used were in-depth interviews, observation, documentation and questionnaires. The data were analyzed by reducing data, presenting data, drawing conclusions and verification. Research stages I and II involved students and teachers with Da'wah educational background. While, stage III and IV involved students and teachers with PAI educational background.
Jurnal Asy-Syukriyyah Vol. 22 No. 1 (2021): Jurnal Asy-Syukriyyah
Publisher : STAI Asy-Syukriyyah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36769/asy.v22i1.129


The Purpose This Research is to Describe Strategies to create character education in madrasas. As a party organizing education, both the government and the private sector. Therefore, collaboration between the school and family is a must. In other side, schools must also be able to create the character of education. The Method use library research with reference search efforts literature related to the subject matter discussed descriptively. In creating character education in schools, there are several things that must be done. First thing first is the formulation of a vision, mission and quality targets that can be understood by all parties, be it leaders, teachers, employees, students, parents and school or madrasah committees. The second is to have a strong leadership spirit, to get support and connections from all related advice. The third one has the motivation to excel in this globalization era. The fourth one strives for consistent training and development of teaching staff. The fifth is evaluation of learning outcomes and looking for the root of the problem to make learning even better. The sixth always communicates with the parents, guardians and the local community. The seventh one is building a good network of cooperation with related parties continuously. Keywords: Strategies, character of education, madrasas.
Kasbana Vol 2 No 2 (2022): Juli
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Syariah Darul Falah Bondowoso

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


In terms of the economic development of a nation it cannot be separated from economic activities that are stable in a country, on the other hand it is undeniable that now the world is struggling against the Covid-19 pandemic which is known together with all countries is intensively making movements aimed at Minimizing the spread of the corona virus, recorded based on data from the Google news site related to the development of Covid-19 cases throughout the country, the total cases worldwide were recorded at 50,794,593 with cases of patients dying as many as 1,262,199 Various policies were created by the government in order to attract the attention of foreign investors to enter Indonesia to invest, one of which is the open door policy to improve the country's economy after the Covid-19 pandemic in the future.
Student Motivation in Thematic Learning at Elementary Schools Mohamad Maulidin Alif Utama
Southeast Asian Journal of Islamic Education Vol 3 No 1 (2020): Southeast Asian Journal of Islamic Education, December 2020
Publisher : Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of UINSI Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (811.88 KB) | DOI: 10.21093/sajie.v3i1.2877


The purpose this article is to describe learning motivation in the application of integrative thematic learning, relationship between the implementation of thematic learning and student motivation, and thematic learning in fostering learning motivation. As a reflection of the development of increasingly advanced educational technology, changes in learning from conventional learning approach to thematic learning implementation is an innovation process in learning as an improvement effort in improving education. Therefore, the implementation of thematic learning is an important aspect in the success of student learning, especially in improving students' learning arousal or student learning motivation. The method used is library research and the result is discussed descriptively. The application of thematic learning can foster student motivation. Students will pay more attention to the lesson. With the advantages of thematic learning, it is very suitable if thematic learning is a beacon in motivational growth, as thematic learning becomes the guidance in fostering student learning motivation.
Ekologi Media Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam dan Budi Pekerti di SMP Alam Banyuwangi Islamic School Mohamad Maulidin Alif Utama; Destiani Rahmawati; Muhammad Niamullah; Siti Nurlaeli Jamil
Southeast Asian Journal of Islamic Education Vol 3 No 2 (2021): Southeast Asian Journal of Islamic Education, June 2021
Publisher : Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of UINSI Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (812.476 KB) | DOI: 10.21093/sajie.v3i2.3516


Krisis ekologi diyakini turut andil dalam hancurnya kelangsungan hidup manusia, yaitu suatu kondisi dimana sistem ekologi terganggu atau bahkan tidak seimbang. Melalui dunia pendidikan yang menumbuhkan karakter ekologis diharapkan dapat menjadi solusi atas fenomena tersebut. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan penggunaan media ekologis pembelajaran di SMP Alam Banyuwangi Islamic School pada mata pelajaran PAI dan Budi Pekerti. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitiatif. Adapun hasil penelitian ini adalah penggunaan media ekologis pembelajaran di SMP Alam Banyuwangi Islamic School yaitu media grafis, media teks, teknologi, media lingkungan, dan media manusia. Interaksi ekologis peserta didik dengan media pembelajaran di SMP Alam Banyuwangi Islamic School yaitu interaksi yang berfungsi untuk menarik perhatian (atensi), interaksi yang berfungsi untuk merubah sikap (afektif), interaksi yang berfungsi untuk merubah pengetahuan (kognitif), interaksi yang berfungsi untuk kompensatoris, dan interaksi yang berfungsi untuk sustainability.
PAI Learning Media in The Perspective of Abdullah Nashih Ulwan in The Society Era 5.0 Mohamad Maulidin Alif Utama
Southeast Asian Journal of Islamic Education Vol 4 No 2 (2022): Southeast Asian Journal of Islamic Education, June 2022
Publisher : Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of UINSI Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21093/sajie.v4i2.4607


In the Society era 5.0, the advancement of technology and knowledge is progressing at a breakneck pace. As a result of this innovation, the way in which society seeks and obtains information, which is no longer restricted to only newspapers, radio, and television, has undergone a paradigm shift. They quickly access the information they need via the internet. One area that has had a significant impact with the development of this technology is education. With the continuous development of the internet, students can use the internet to add knowledge and learning materials. They can look for examples of practice questions to test their abilities. The internet is an essential tool for improving the quality of education. Education is going through a rough patch right now, particularly with regard to Islamic Religious Education Course or PAI after going through the millennial period, which has shown to be difficult to govern in terms of morality and is now also facing a pandemic. The solution that the author offers to deal with this is to use Abdullah Nasih ulwan's thoughts in PAI learning. This research aims to explore Abdullah Nasih Ulwan's thoughts on learning media. This research used a qualitative method, namely a literature review. Data sources were journals and books in the forms of descriptive narratives about Abdullah Nasih Ulwan and Learning Media. As for the results of this research, the media used to deal with today’s situation is to use e-learning and multimedia or digital media such as online applications/platforms, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, gamification, and so on.
AHLUL KITAB DALAM PERSPEKTIF ISLAM Muhammad Luqman Hakim Hakim; Mohamad Maulidin Alif Utama
JIQTA: Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir Vol 1 No 2 (2022): JIQTA: Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Tafsir
Publisher : STAI Asy-Syukriyyah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36769/jiqta.v1i2.287


Term Ahli Kitab di dalam Al-Qur’an disebutkan dalam beberapa ayat, di antara ayat-ayat tersebut terdapat beberapa pemahaman yang berbeda mengenai eksistensi mereka. Sementara wacana ke arah dialog antara agama mengarah kepada bentuk pluralisme yang menyejajarkan seluruh agama samawi yang ada, dalam hal ini Islam, Yahudi dan Nasrani. Tujuan dari riset ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan Ahlul Kitab Dalam Perspektif Islam. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Library Reseach. Adapun hasil dari riset ini adalah Term Ahli Kitab di dalam Al-Qur’an disebutkan dalam beberapa ayat. Dalam persfektif al-Quraan ahlul Bait salah satunya adalah meliputi Kekafiran Ahli Kitab; Yahudi dan Nasrani, Dakwah Islam kepada Ahli Kitab dan Toleransi Islam kepada Ahli Kitab.
Jurnal Asy-Syukriyyah Vol. 22 No. 1 (2021): Jurnal Asy-Syukriyyah
Publisher : STAI Asy-Syukriyyah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36769/asy.v22i1.129


The Purpose This Research is to Describe Strategies to create character education in madrasas. As a party organizing education, both the government and the private sector. Therefore, collaboration between the school and family is a must. In other side, schools must also be able to create the character of education. The Method use library research with reference search efforts literature related to the subject matter discussed descriptively. In creating character education in schools, there are several things that must be done. First thing first is the formulation of a vision, mission and quality targets that can be understood by all parties, be it leaders, teachers, employees, students, parents and school or madrasah committees. The second is to have a strong leadership spirit, to get support and connections from all related advice. The third one has the motivation to excel in this globalization era. The fourth one strives for consistent training and development of teaching staff. The fifth is evaluation of learning outcomes and looking for the root of the problem to make learning even better. The sixth always communicates with the parents, guardians and the local community. The seventh one is building a good network of cooperation with related parties continuously. Keywords: Strategies, character of education, madrasas.