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Pembelajaran Sejarah pada Masa Kolonialisme Belanda Faizal Arifin
Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah Vol 9 No 2 (2020): JPS - Jurnal Pendidikan Sejarah, Volume 9 Nomor 2 Tahun 2020
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Sejarah Pascasarjana UNJ

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21009/JPS.092.03


This article aims to examine the development of historical learning during the Dutch Colonialism period, especially after the implementation of the Ethical Policy. In the field of education, indigenous elite students have access to Western (Dutch) education with the Colonial-Centrism curriculum, including history lessons. Historical learning in the early twentieth century characterized by learning materials oriented towards European superiority, Dutch legitimacy over Colonialism in the Dutch East Indies, delegitimation of rulers (kings/sultans) in Nusantara, and the indoctrination of colonized nations to accept Colonialism. This research used the historical method, namely heuristics, criticism, interpretation, and historiography. The results of this research showed us that historical learning during the Colonialism period was oriented to legitimize the political power of Dutch Colonialism and indoctrination for indigenous elites to accept Colonialism. That is because historical learning has a strategic role in influencing elite indigenous students to receive and support colonial domination and structure in society. On the other perspectives, history lessons produced indigenous students that increase the ability of critical thinking about Colonialism and Western Imperialism.
Jurnal Alwatzikhoebillah : Kajian Islam, Pendidikan, Ekonomi, Humaniora Vol. 4 No. 1 (2018): Jurnal Alwatzikhoebillah : Kajian Islam, Pendidikan, Ekonomi, Humaniora
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambas

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Freemasonry merupakan organisasi ‘rahasia’ yang termasuk dalam gerakan New Age Movement. Organisasi ini didirikan di Inggris tahun 1717 dan kemudian menyebar ke seluruh dunia sehingga tak sedikit tokoh dunia yang menjadi anggotanya. Pada tahun 1756 didirikanLoge Agung Nederland sebagai awal terbentuknya Freemasonry di Belanda. Pengaruhnya sampai ke Hindia Belanda dan loge mulai didirikan tahun 1767 dan 1769. Loge Agung Nederland mencatat jumlah loge di Hindia Belanda pada masa ‘keemasan’-nya mencapai 25loge dan 1.500 anggota perkumpulan. Peneliti menggunakan metode sejarah dengan menghimpun sumber-sumber primer sezaman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Freemasonry selain aktif di kota-kota besar juga terdapat di wilayah-wilayah kecil seperti Karawang dengan sebutan “De Krawangsche Kring” atau “Vrijmetselaarkring Krawang” yang melakukan berbagai aktifitas sejak 1926 sampai pendudukan Jepang. Kring Karawang melaksanakan pertemuan rutin sejak didirikan dan pernah vakum pada tahun 1930-1933 sampai diangkat pengurus ‘baru’ yang berhasil mengaktifkan kembali kegiatan organisasi. Berbagai pertemuan rutin tahunan atau bulanan dilaksanakan dengan beberapa tujuan yaitu mengembangkan dan mengevaluasi organisasi di satu sisi, selain itu juga menyelenggarkan diskusi dengan tema-tema seperti ilmu pengetahuan, okultisme, magis, misterius, supranatural dan spiritual.
Hegemoni Kolonialisme Terhadap Kekuasaan di Nusantara: Strategi Politik Daendels Meruntuhkan Kesultanan Banten Tahun 1808-1811 Faizal Arifin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25273/ajsp.v11i1.8000


Penelitian ini menganalisis berbagai kebijakan politik praktis Herman Willem Daendels kepada Kesultanan Banten saat periode lemahnya kekuasaan politik Banten. Peristiwa ini menarik untuk diteliti karena sebagai wilayah yang secara geopolitik berpotensi membahayakan Batavia serta memiliki potensi ekonomi, yang menjadi motivasi politik Daendels dalam kekuasaannya yang singkat turut serta melumpuhkan penguasa tradisional (kesultanan) Banten yang telah berdiri beberapa abad. Metode sejarah dengan pendekatan sejarah politik digunakan untuk menelaah dan menganalisa berbagai catatan historis mengenai strategi serta implementasi politik Daendels yang memanfaatkan dengan cermat situasi melemahnya kekuasaan Kesultanan Banten. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan berbagai peristiwa politik diantaranya penolakan Sultan menyerahkan Keraton dan terbunuhnya utusan Belanda, Daendels mendapatkan legitimasi untuk melucuti kekuasaan Banten hingga dihapuskan dan tidak memiliki kedaulatan. Meskipun secara institusi politik Kesultanan sudah dihapuskan namun harapan kembalinya “Sultan Banten” tidak berhenti dan Islamisasi budaya tetap mengakar pada masyarakat Banten.
Dari Orang Belanda Sampai Elit Bumiputera: Kajian Sejarah Freemasonry di Kota Cirebon 1900-1942 Asep Ahmad Hidayat; Faizal Arifin; Tia Ruli Dais; Endang Sari Wahyuni

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25273/ajsp.v10i2.5402


Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi penemuan keramik bersimbol Freemasonry pada makam Sunan Gunung Jati. Sebagai sebuah gerakan yang menentang doktrin keagamaan, Freemasonry seringkali berkonfrontasi dengan kelompok-kelompok agama namun simbol Freemasonry ditemukan di makam tokoh besar penyebar Islam yang berada di Cirebon, kota para wali. Sehingga diperlukan kajian historis untuk mengetahui perkembangan Freemasonry sebagai organisasi rahasia pada masa Hindia Belanda dan bagaimana gerakan tersebut diorganisasikan sampai ke seluruh kota-kota yang dikuasai Belanda dan diharapkan membendung potensi perlawanan dari pusat penyebaran Islam tertua di Jawa yaitu Cirebon. Freemasonry adalah perkumpulan rahasia yang kontroversial, didirikan tahun 1717 dan menyebar ke Belanda tahun 1756. Penelitian Th. Stevens dan Hylkema, menunjukkan bahwa di Hindia Belanda, Freemasonry telah berdiri sejak 1767 dan pernah memiliki 25 loji dengan 1.500 anggota, namun belum membahas perkembangannya di Cirebon. Penelitian bertujuan mengungkapkan sejarah sosial tentang bagaimana perkembangan Freemasonry dalam kajian sejarah lokal dengan bersumber pada arsip-arsip kolonial dan menggunakan metode sejarah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Freemasonry memiliki cabang dengan nama "Vrijmetselaar-Kring Cheribon" yang didirikan orang-orang Belanda tahun 1920. Pada perkembangan selanjutnya, terdapat Freemason yang berasal dari elit bumiputera adalah R. M. A. Pandji Ariodinoto, Bupati Cirebon tahun 1920-1927. Freemasonry memiliki peranan penting untuk mendukung kepentingan-kepentingan Kolonialisme Belanda. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa proses kolonialisasi dilakukan juga melalui peran perkumpulan masyarakat yang secara struktural tidak terikat terhadap Pemerintah Kolonial seperti Freemasonry, bahkan memiliki jaringan di ‘kota wali’ yang dikenal religius yaitu Cirebon.
Ekspansi Gerakan Islam Transnasional di Indonesia Faizal Arifin
Jurnal Iman dan Spiritualitas Vol 1, No 4 (2021): Jurnal Iman dan Spiritualitas
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/jis.v1i4.13390


This book provides a kind of strategic recommendation or sharing of strategies and organized efforts, namely for Islamic organizations, institutions and communities in the form of 12 recommendation points to avoid infiltration and "attacks" from various hard-line groups. That is an invitation to continue learning, stop and break the spread of hard-line understanding, raise awareness the elites, realizing Pancasila that reflects Sharia for all beings. In collaboration with NU clerics with the understanding of Ahlussunnah wal Jama'ah, in collaboration with scholars, intellectuals, culturalists, educational practitioners, entrepreneurs, creating clean, fair and law-abiding government institutions, fostering understanding and awareness of the noble values of Islam, building a network of the Red-White love movement, as well as growing confidence and pride that the traditions and culture of the nation itself are in line with the religious teachings of the Indonesian people.
Revitalizing Millennial Spirituality within Social Media at the Hijrah Shift Youth Community in Bandung City Faizal Arifin
KOMUNIKA: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi Vol. 16 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah UIN Prof. K.H. Saifuddin Zuhri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (680.247 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/komunika.v16i1.4758


Simple access to social media within internet networks is a new phenomenon that has become a major social need during the 4.0 Industrial Revolution. Pemuda Hijrah Community invites the millennial generation to explore Islam through communication messages towards a positive change in attitude by utilizing social media. The research aims to examine the use of social media by the Pemuda Hijrah Community (Shift) in conveying Islamic values to the millennial generation. This research uses the theory of Social Media Marketing and Cyber Public Relations through the case study method. The results show that the Pemuda Hijrah Community utilizes social media as a means of preaching, spiritual education, sharing information and activities, and changing the stigma of Islam as orthodox teaching for the older generation, into pop-culture teachings relevant to Millennials. The Pemuda Hijrah Community utilizes social media marketing to create a spiritual revitalization of the millennial lifestyle with Islamic character, thereby strengthening its identity as a religious millennial Muslim in Indonesia.
Haatzaai Artikelen: Pasal Karet dalam Hukum Kolonial di Hindia Belanda Nadia Nuraini Hasni; Faizal Arifin; Ella Nurlailasari
Historia Madania: Jurnal Ilmu Sejarah Vol 5, No 1 (2021): Historia Madania: Jurnal Ilmu Sejarah
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/hm.v5i1.11971


The Dutch Colonial Government formed a colonial legal system aimed at strengthening power in the Dutch East Indies. Haatzaai Artikelen is one of the products of colonial law used to sanction anyone who criticizes Dutch rule. The study of Haatzaai Artikelen is interesting because colonial legal instruments impose injustice through criminal offense with accusations of utterance or expressions of hostility, hatred, and contempt for Dutch political interests. This Research uses the historical method with this legal approach aims to analyze the implementation of Haatzaai Artikelen and its impact on the struggle against colonialism. The results showed that the Dutch colonial government interpreted Haatzaai Artikelen according to their political interests. Also, the Dutch Colonial Government and its judicial system systematically used the Haatzaai Artikelen as a rubber article to arrest Indonesian activists, silence, and imprison them. The implementation and demands of the Haatzaai Artikelen offense have implications for the rise of resistance against Dutch colonialism and exploitation, and on the other hand, have weakened the struggles of several figures so that the application of this punishment affects the dynamics of the Indonesian national movement. Keywords: Haatzaai Artikelen, Colonialism, Netherlands Indies’ Laws, History of Law, Hate Speech. sebagai Perpustakaan Digital Penyedia Koleksi Langka bagi Sejarawan dalam Era Revolusi Industri 4.0 Faizal Arifin
Historia Madania: Jurnal Ilmu Sejarah Vol 6, No 1 (2022): Historia Madania: Jurnal Ilmu Sejarah
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/hm.v6i1.17784


This study discusses the history and functions of the archive reference service on the site, which is important for historians. is a collection managed by a non-profit organization involving many institutions and educational institutions. has various rare collections, such as books or manuscripts published from the 8th to 21st centuries. These rare collections can be a primary source for researchers who use archives, especially historians. Therefore, this study can be used as an initial reference to introduce not only to historians but also to journalists, writers, and librarians. The research method used is a qualitative approach with a literature study method. The results show that provides reference services, especially for rare reference collections. The service process is conducted not through physical contact but virtually and digitally. Based on the results, it was found that in addition to providing archives that can be accessed in full without asking for services, also provides digital book lending services such as libraries. can be a reference for implementing digital libraries that provide full access for the public to collaborate in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0.
Strategi Adam Weishaupt dalam Pembentukan Weisha Organisasi Politik Illuminati Tahun 1776 Faizal Arifin
Jurnal Politikom Indonesiana Vol 3 No 2 (2018): Jurnal Politikom Indonesiana
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (549.344 KB) | DOI: 10.35706/jpi.v3i2.1662


his background of this research has emerged from various facts and myths about the Illuminati, after Dan Brawn published the popular novel Da Vinci Code. The Illuminati is a secret society founded in 1776 by Adam Weishaupt. Methods used for this research is historical methods, that consists of heuristics, critics, interpretation and historiography, because the aspects of the study are past and related to various archives or old documents. The main problem of this research is to conduct a historical study of the founding of the Illuminati by Weishaupt from the historical perspective. This research presents a brief biography of Adam Weishaupt who was a German academic that influenced by the thoughts of the Age of Enlightenment. Weishaupt had a vision of replacing the government and power of the Catholic Church with a new government. To accomplish this political mission, Weishaupt formed a secret society by recruiting elite groups and intellectuals as members, reaching up to 2,000-3,000 people. In line with this mission, the Illuminati were supported by Protestant princes, Reformed (Lutherans and Calvinists), German and European nobles. Financially, Weishaupt was supported by the family of the banking millionaire, Rothschild. Weishaupt also adopted the Freemasonry system into the Illuminati in terms of secrecy, concealment, membership levels and other matters. Weishaupt's political goal orientation made him also learned from the Jesuits about organizing political missions. Weishaupt and Illuminati should be suspected of having an urgent role in the occurrence of the great events of the French Revolution.Kata kunci : Illuminati, Pencerahan, Freemasonry, Yahudi, Okultisme.
Raden Saleh dan Restorasi Makam Tahun 1953: Penghormatan Pelukis Bumiputera dan Penguatan Identitas Nasional pada Masa Kekuasaan Soekarno Siti Amalia; Syarif Hidayatullah; Masthuroh Zakiyah; Faizal Arifin -
Historia Madania: Jurnal Ilmu Sejarah Vol 7, No 1 (2023): Historia Madania: Jurnal Ilmu Sejarah
Publisher : UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15575/hm.v7i1.27145


Raden Saleh, the first painter in Java to adopt modern techniques and gain recognition in the Western world during the Dutch colonial era, holds an important place in Indonesian art history. This article examines the life and contributions of Raden Saleh. It explores the restoration of his tomb by President Soekarno as a means to strengthen Indonesia's national identity in the post-independence period. The research utilizes historical methods, including heuristics, source criticism, interpretation, and historiography. The study reveals that the restoration of Raden Saleh's tomb in 1953, under President Soekarno's leadership, aimed to pay homage to Raden Saleh as a prominent figure in Indonesian history and reinforce the Indonesian identity by recognizing the globally renowned indigenous elite. Although Raden Saleh passed away long before Indonesia's independence, and the concept of Indonesia as a nation emerged much later, the government, particularly under President Soekarno and Minister of Education and Culture Mohammad Yamin, believed that the restoration was necessary due to the unsatisfactory condition of the tomb. Additionally, the presence of paintings reflecting indigenous perspectives and occasionally criticizing colonialism influenced the decision to restore the tomb. This research sheds light on the significance of Raden Saleh's legacy in shaping Indonesian art and the efforts to preserve cultural heritage in the nation. Keywords: Culture, Raden Saleh, Restoration, Soekarno