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INOVASI KERAJINAN LUKISAN WAYANG KAMASAN KLUNGKUNG Putra, I Gusti Lanang Agung Raditya; Trisna, Komang Wahyu; Wiradharma, I Gusti Bagus Made
Ngayah: Majalah Aplikasi IPTEKS Vol 9 No 1 (2018): Ngayah: Majalah Aplikasi IPTEKS
Publisher : Forum Layanan IPTEKS Bagi Masyarakat (FLipMAS) Wilayah Bali

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Pulau Bali merupakan Pulau yang terkenal hingga penghujung dunia karena adat, seni, budaya yang dimiliki. Salah satu budaya yang dimiliki Pulau Bali adalah karya seni berupa lukisan. Lukisan khas Bali yang sudah diwariskan dari abad ke-17 adalah lukisan wayang Kamasan. Dikatakan lukisan wayang Kamasan, karena Kamasan merupakan salah satu nama Desa di Kabupaten Klungkung, serta pengerajin lukisan wayang ini hanya terdapat di Desa Kamasan, Klungkung. Berbagai produk telah dihasilkan oleh pengerajin, namun produk yang dihasilkan digunakan oleh konsumen yang terbatas. Faktor ini berhubungan dengan target pasar, saat ini hanya kalangan tertentu yang menggunakan produk lukisan wayang kamasan ini. Hal tersebut menyebabkan jumlah produksi lukisan wayang Kamasan sulit ditingkatkan, jumlah produksi yang terbatas ini berdampak pada rendahnya penghasilan pengerajin lukisan. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka skala prioritas yang dilakukan dalam kegiatan ini adalah 1) inovasi dan kualitas produk, 2) memperluas pasar. Inovasi produk berupa jam dinding dan bingkai menyala yang berlatar lukisan wayang Kamasan. Untuk memperluas pasar dengan cara digital marketing, yaitu pemasaran yang dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan konsep dan partisipatif. Pendekatan konsep pada dasarnya adalah untuk memberikan pemahaman konsep yang bermakna sehingga terjadi perubahan perilaku dan cara berfikir pada pengerajin. Pendekatan partisipatif bermakna melibatkan seluruh peserta pelatihan untuk berpartisipasi aktif ketika pelatihan keterampilan dilakukan, dengan harapan nantinya mereka memiliki keterampilan dalam proses pembuatan dan pemasaran produk. Inovasi lukisan wayang Kamasan berupa produk inovatif dan inovasi pemasaran. Inovasi produksi yang dilakukan pada kerajinan lukisan wayang Kamasan dengan memberi sentuhan modern berupa jam dinding dan bingkai menyala, dapat meningkatkan kuantitas dan kualitas produk secara signifikan. Inovasi pemasaran yang dilakukan menggunakan teknik digital marketing, bertujuan untuk memperluas pasar. Disamping itu inovasi lukisan wayang Kamasan ini secara tidak langsung sebagai salah satu upaya untuk melestarikan warisan budaya Bali serta memperkokoh usaha mikro kecil menengah (UMKM) untuk akselerasi kemandirian Bangsa. The uniqueness of art and culture makes Bali be one of the famous Island of the world. One culture of Bali are works of art such as painting. Bali has a painting that has been inherited since the 17th century that is “Lukisan Wayang Kamasan”. The name of Lukisan Wayang Kamasan comes from the name of the village in Klungkung district. This painting is only found in that village. Various products have been produced by the craftsman, but the product only used by the limited consumer. This factor is related to the target market, currently only certain circles who use this painting. It cause the number of Lukisan Wayang Kamasan hard to increase. This problem has a big impact of the painters income decrease. Based on this problem the priority scale in this activity are 1) innovation and product quality, 2) expanding the market. Product innovation in the form of wall clocks and frames that lit behind the Lukisan Wayang Kamasan. To expand the market using information technology such as digital marketing. In this project we used conceptual and participatory approach. The conceptual approach is basically to provide a meaningful of the concept so it can be changed of behavior and the way thinking on the craftsman. The participatory approach involves all trainees to participate actively when skills training is conducted that they will have skills in the process of manufacturing and marketing the product. The innovation of Lukisan Wayang Kamasan are product innovation and marketing innovation. Product innovations are made on Lukisan Wayang Kamasan by giving modern touches such as wall clock and framed light. It can increase quantity and quality product significantly. Marketing innovations are conducted using digital marketing techniques, aim to expand the market. Besides the Lukisan Wayang Kamsan innovation as one of the effort to preserve Balinese cultural heritage as well as strengthen Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) to accelerate the independence of the Nation.
SOCA: Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Vol. 6, No. 2 Juli 2006
Publisher : Program Studi Agribisnis, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Udayana Jalan PB.Sudirman Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. Telp: (0361) 223544 Email:

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Indonesia is known as the archipelago country, in which the islands are connectedby the sea. As the archipelago country Indonesia has a lot of good nature resources both inland including coastal area and in the sea, so that Indonesia is also known as maritimecountry. However, because the society does not have enough knowledge in managing themmany of the nature resources become damaged. This is also caused by the people in theirown activities for earning a living do not take care of the sustainability of the living andnon living resources and their ecosystem.The mountaineering area of Mangrove in Teluk Benoa Bali having the status as theforest preserve or protected forest named TAHURA Ngurah Rai, cannot avoid thepressures caused by the changes and the conversion. The mangrove forest tends to givebenefits for little society, but those societies actually decrease its support and its capacitysuch as; making fishpond, garbage disposal, housing, reclamation, fuel pipeline, etc. Thissituation, of course, decreases the better function and advantages of the mangrove forest inTeluk Benoa. It needs an analysis to determine the social benefits and economic value ofthe forest mangrove itself so that if it is conserved with the conservation scenario, which isin the future can be used by the policy maker for determining the management option, itwill be known if the land conversion of the mangrove can be done or allowed to happencontinuously?Then through the analysis of economic for environment by using investment, that isNet Present Value/NPV, B-C Ratio (also by considering the changes of condition ofsensitivity analysis) and total economic value especially for the purpose of preservationwith the conservation scenario it is concluded that the preservation of the mangrove forestgive social benefit of Rp. 94.288.557,59 per hectare a year and the increase investmentcost and routine is 10% and the decrease of the price is 5% giving social benefit of Rp.93.003.794,32 and Rp. 88.931.748,08. In normal condition the increase investment costand routine is 10% and the decrease of the price is 5% giving NPV in a row; Rp.831.903.896, 27; Rp. 818.526.222, 18 and Rp. 783.619.864,41 per hectare per year. Thesame condition like above gives B-C Ratio in a row; 7,22; 6,56 and 6,86. This shows thatin any kind of condition the preservation of the mangrove forest in Teluk Benoa Bali issuitable to do. The total value of the economic also shows the yearly asset value of thesociety in the form of nature resources/ mangrove forest of this area (1,373,5 hectare) is inthe three conditions; Rp.129.505.333.853,32; Rp.127.740.711.499,67 andRp..147.755.983,83 a year.According to those conclusion it can suggested that the function of mangrove forestin Teluk Benoa Bali can be managed accordingly so that the environmental function canrun well. Besides, economic value can be used as the reference for coastal management tosustainability.
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer Vol 8, No 2 (2022): Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komputer
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Dhyana Pura

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ABSTRACTCemenggaon Traditional Village Waste Bank is a place where people can save waste that will be converted into rupiah. In the management of this waste bank, of course, there are obstacles experienced by waste bank officials such as recording and reporting of their finances. In this study discussed about the development of reporting information system in Cemenggaon Village Waste Bank. The system development method used in this study is waterfall method. The programming language used in building this financial reporting system uses the PHP programming language and the database used is MySQL. This research successfully built a financial reporting system at the Cemenggaon Village Waste Bank and in testing the blackbox, the scenario that had been designed was successful in accordance with expectations. The data included can be processed into income statement, cash flow statements, savings statements, sales reports and balance sheets.Keywords: Financial Statements, Waterfall Method, PHP, Mysql, Waste BankABSTRAKBank Sampah Desa Adat Cemenggaon merupakan sebuah tempat di mana masyarakat dapat menabung sampah yang nantinya akan diubah menjadi rupiah. Dalam pengelolaan bank sampah ini tentunya terdapat kendala-kendala yang dialami oleh petugas bank sampah seperti pencatatan dan pelaporan keuangannya. Pada penelitian ini membahas tentang pembangunan sistem informasi pelaporan di Bank Sampah Desa Adat Cemenggaon. Metode pengembangan sistem yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu metode Waterfall. Bahasa pemrograman yang digunakan dalam membangun sistem pelaporan keuangan ini menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan basis data yang digunakan yaitu MySql. Penelitian ini berhasil membangun sistem pelaporan keuangan pada Bank Sampah Desa Adat Cemenggaon dan dalam pengujian blackbox, skenario yang sudah dirancang sudah berhasil sesuai dengan harapan. Data-data yang dimasukkan dapat diolah menjadi laporan rugi/laba, laporan arus kas, laporan tabungan, laporan penjualan dan neraca.Kata Kunci: Laporan Keuangan, Metode Waterfall, PHP, Mysql, Bank Sampah