Kusumawardani, Emi
STIKES Insan Cendekia Medika Jombang

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Steeping Tin Leaves (Ficus carica) Improves Sperm Quality of Male Mice (Mus musculus) Exposed to Lead Acetate Emi Kusumawardani; Budi Santoso; Widjiati; Hari Basuki Notobroto; Heru Santoso Wahito Nugroho
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Vol. 16 No. 1 (2022): Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Publisher : Institute of Medico-legal Publications Pvt Ltd

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37506/ijfmt.v16i1.17490


Introduction: Lead can induce lipid oxidation in cell membrans, thus forming free radicals. The process of imbalance of free radicals and antioxidants will disrupt the normal function of cells, causing cell death and decreased sperm quality. Purpose: The purpose of this research is to explain the mechanism of steeping tin leaves (Ficus carica) increase sperm quality in male mice (Mus musculus) exposed to lead acetate. Methods: This type of research was true experimental design with posttest only control group design with the number of replications of 10 male mice, the experimental unit will be distributed proportionally to 5 groups. Steeping tin leaves will be given with a dose of Pb + Tin Leaf 1.664 mg (P1) and Pb + Tin Leaf 3.328 mg (P2), while for lead acetate dose 0.5 mg and quercetin dose 0.7 mg. The analyzed variables included spermatozoa motility, spermatozoa morphology, and spermatozoa concentration. Data analysis was conducted including the Shapiro-Wilks normality test, and the homogeneity test used the Levene test. If the data were not homogeneous, the group average test would use the Brown-Forsythe test, then continued with a different test for each group using the Post Hoc Games-Howell test. If the Levene test data were homogeneous, the group average test would use Oneway Anova. Findings: The results showed that giving of steeping tin leaves with a dose of Pb + Tin leaves 3.328 mg (P2) is able to increase spermatozoa motility and spermatozoa morphology. Conclusion: The steeping tin leaves increase sperm quality
EFFECT OF PLAY THERAPY ON ANXIETY IN FACING HOSPITALIZATION ON PRESCHOOL CHILDREN AGED 3-6 YEARS (Study in Seruni room of Jombang hospital) Diah Ayu Nurvita; Emi Kusumawardani; Dwi Puji
Jurnal Keperawatan Vol 7 No 1 (2014): Jurnal Keperawatan
Publisher : STIKES Insan Cendekia Medika Jombang

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Anxietyin childrencanslow the healing process, decreasing of recovered spirit and uncooperative of childrenon themaintenance action. The result of preliminary studied om Seruni room of Jombang hospital were 28pre-school children patients experienced fear when nurse came and crying when done action and they hadno appetite. The effect of hospitalization and anxiety which experienced by pre-school children can disturbchild development and healing process on children. The purpose of this researach was to determine the effectof play therapy on anxiety in facing hospitalization on pre-school children aged 3-6 years in Seruni room ofJombang hospital.This research design was one group pre – post test experimental with population of allpre-school children patients aged 3-6 years in Seruni room of Jombang hospital totaled as 40 children andthe total sample as many as 20 respondents with simple random sampling technique, the variable in thisreseach consisted of 2 variables those were independent variable that’s providing therapy on patientsappropriateproceduresspecific actionsperformed and dependent variable was the anxiety levelsof patients,while data collection used a questionnaire and check list. Statistical test used wilcoxon test.The results obtained most of respondents were 11 anxiety people (55%) before given playing therapy wereheavy and entirely respondents were 20 anxiety people (100%) after provided playing therapy were mild,while based on wilcoxon result test with SPSS obtained (= 0,000) so H1 accepted that meant there was aneffect of play therapy in facing hospitalization on pre-school aged children.The conclusion of this reseach is there was an effect of play therapy on anxiety in facing hospitalization onpre-school children aged 3-6 years in seruni room of Jombang hospital.It is expected to health worker canexpand and apply play therapy to decrease the impact of hospitalization on children and also utilize facilitiesof hospital conducting play therapy.Keywords : Play Therapy, Anxiety, Hospitalization, Pre-School Children 
HEALTH EDUCATION EFFECT TO WASHING HAND ATTITUDE OF 3-4 GRADE Herta Candra Nur Anggraeni; Emi Kusumawardani; Dwi Prasetyaningati
Jurnal Keperawatan Vol 2 No 2 (2011): Jurnal Keperawatan
Publisher : STIKES Insan Cendekia Medika Jombang

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Introduction To the number student of class 3-4 in elementary school Truneng which of opinion that washing hands less important matter hand though clean this is hand very necessary for health. Tendency of students have negative attitude because lack of education given to students and effect of environment that often ignore washing hands. The purpose of this research to know effect of health education to attitude of washing hands to students of class 3-4 in elementary school Truneng district of sub-district Sukomoro of Magetan. In this research uses pra experiment method by one group pretest post test design. Population of this research are all students of class 3-4 in elementary school Truneng a number of 41 students. Sampling technique in this research is Total Sampling namely all population are created to become samples. Variable in this research is health education as independent variable and attitude of washing hands of students as dependent variable. Data management at 7 June-14 June 2014 once health education use instrument in the form of questionnaire. Way analyse data by using editing, coding, scoring, tabulating, and to research statistic test uses Wilcoxon test.Based on research result of 41 respondents before health education done, most of respondents have negative attitude about washing hands that is 29 respondents (70,7%) and after health education done, most of respondents have positive attitude about washing hands a number of 23 respondents (56,1%). Wilcoxon test from variable are obtainable value ρ = 0.001 and α = 0,05 so ρ < α it means H1 accepted.Conclusion of this research says that there is effect of health education to attitude of washing hands to students of class 3-4.
Journal of Nursing and Health Vol. 7 No. 1 (2022): Journal Of Nursing & Health
Publisher : Yakpermas Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52488/jnh.v7i1.155


Penyebab umum dari gangguan reproduksi pria adalah produksi sperma yang terganggu, sistem transportasi sperma yang terhambat, kondisi kesehatan dan keadaan lingkungan sekitar, ataupun karena pencemaran logam berat. Tujuan untuk mengetahui apakah Pb asetat berpengaruh terhadap kadar MDA (malondialdehyde) dan motilitas spermatozoa. Jenis peneltian yang digunakan adalah true experimental dengan desain post test only control group design dengan jumlah replikasi mencit jantan berjumlah 10, unit eksperimen akan dibagikan secara proporsional pada 3 kelompok, dengan perlakuan normal diberikan aquabidestilata, dosis timbal asetat 0,5 mg dan dosis quercetin 0,7 mg. Variabel yang dianalisa meliputi kadar MDA (malondialdehyde) dan motilitas spermatozoa. Analisa data dilakukan meliputi uji normalitas Shapiro-Wilks, Uji Homogenitas menggunakan Levene test, uji rata-rata kelompok menggunakan Oneway Anova, setelah itu dilanjutkan uji beda masing-masing kelompok menggunakan Post Hoc TukeHSD.nalisis data dengan uji Post Hoc Tukey tidak mennjukkan perbedaan yang nyata dengan nilai p > 0,05 antara kelompok Pb+aquabidestilata dengan kelompok normal, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa pemberian timbal asetat mempengaruhi pembentukan radikal bebas pada tahap inisisi dan belum pada tahap akhir pembentukan MDA, hasil analisis data dengan uji Post Hoc Tukey pada penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan antara kelompok Pb+aquabidestilata dengan kelompok normal dan kelompok Pb+quercetin, hal ini menggambarkan bahwa adanya pengaruh pemberian timbal asetat terhadap motilitas spermatozoa. Timbal asetat belum mampu mempengaruhi pembentukan akhir MDA dan Timbal asetat dapat mempengaruhi penurunan motilitas spermatozoa. Keyword : Timbal asetat, kadar MDA (malondialdehyde), motilitas spermatozoa