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Manajemen dan Pengembangan Zoom Meeting Winda Kustiawan; Lola Fahira Mutahar; Rayan Al-Ghazali
JIKEM: Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Ekonomi dan Manajemen Vol 2 No 1 (2022): JIKEM: Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Ekonomi, dan Manajemen
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Enrekang

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Visual media are modern learning media that can be used to hear and see images. Visual media can be used to increase student interest in learning. Online learning using visual-based applications is very effective. The Zoom Meeting application is a video-based application that is used as an online learning media. This application is the same as the meet application, whatsapp video and others. The difference lies in the features used. Not only used for online learning, this application is also used for office or other matters. The Zoom Meeting application developed rapidly during the emergence of the Covid-19 outbreak. The features contained in Zoom Meeting help the process of communicating between students and teachers. Since the Covid-29 pandemic, Zoom Meeting has provided many benefits for its users.
Pengaruh Komunikasi terhadap Kinerja Komunitas Fotografi Medan Elfi Yanti Ritonga; Samudra Sugiarto; Ramadhani Nanda Amelia; Lola Fahira Mutahar; Maisarah Maisarah; Muridayani Muridayani
JIKEM: Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Ekonomi dan Manajemen Vol 2 No 2 (2022): JIKEM: Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Ekonomi dan Manajemen
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Enrekang

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People who share the same interests can gather in a community. People will receive knowledge from one another and experiences that promote talents or abilities related to interests through the community. There are several communities in Medan City. One of them is the Medan Photography Community. Usually, Communities in other areas have different communities, such as the Food Photography Community, such as the Event Photography Community, such as the Huntung Photography Community, and others. But the Photography Community in Medan covers it all. On Tuesday, May 22, 2011, the Medan City Photography Lovers Community was established with the aim of being a forum for the aspirations of local photographers in the city of Medan and its surroundings. Regardless of the type of camera, Canon, Nikon, Yashica, Pentax, Ricoh, Vivitar, Fujica, Lomo, Polaroid, etc. No problem, those who like photography are welcome to join. In this community, it is hoped that fellow members can share knowledge with each other. This research uses descriptive quantitative research. The data is divided into two categories, namely primary and secondary. Primary data comes from observations, interviews, and documentation, while the second data comes from captions posted by the Medan Photography Community Facebook account. Data analysis techniques include data editing, collection, presentation, and analysis of conclusions. Solid membership and administration, open to anyone who wants to learn and have insight and have a social spirit towards those who need help, are aspects that support the community's reputation. The large number of new members joining the community made it more difficult for administrators to monitor member communications, which resulted in a lot of discussion outside the realm of photography. Currently the need for photographers is increasing, as evidenced by the rise of the photography community and the number of photography lovers. Photography has evolved from a certainty to a viable career choice. The simplicity of today's cameras allows everyone to capture important events, but if the results don't match expectations, the skills of a photographer are needed. Choosing a photographer is simple because of the many choices and various factors. Therefore, in this study, a decision support system was developed to help simplify services for photographers who meet the requirements that have been set.
Stuktur Menulis Artikel Ilmiah Erwan Effendi; Sherly Alfina; Lola Fahira Mutahar; Chaerona Artha Lubis; Ramadhani Nanda Amelia
JURNAL EDUKASI NONFORMAL Vol 3 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Edukasi Nonformal
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Enrekang

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Artikel merupakan sebuah penjelasan kerangka yang membahas tentang tema tertentu atau dapat mengenai hasil penelitian atau studi kepustakaan. Dan Penulisan artikel ditujukan untuk menyampaikan pikiran penulis terhadap realita, fakta dan konsep yg ditemui penulis di lapangan. Artikel juga termasuk bagian dari sebuah jurnal. Jika disebut jurnal, maka itu adalah rangkaian dari beberapa artikel dalam satu nomor terbitan jurnal. Namun, terkadang dalam percakapan jurnal dan artikel terkadang dipertukarkan. Pada penulisan ini akan membahas tentang stuktur penulisan pada menulis artikel ilmiah.
Manajemen Produksi pada Siaran Berita Lokal Kompas Medan di Kompas TV Andini Nurbahri; Lola Fahira Mutahar; Suci Nabila; Muhammad Fauzan Fayrozi
JIKEM: Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Ekonomi dan Manajemen Vol 3 No 2 (2023): JIKEM: Jurnal Ilmu Komputer, Ekonomi dan Manajemen
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Enrekang

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Regional autonomy provides an opportunity for several local media to play an active role in regional development or introduce social culture through local television media, which will assist the government in promoting its programs to the public. In the television media broadcasting industry, competition is basically a competition to grab the audience's attention. Therefore, the manager of a television station must have a clear plan to win the hearts of the audience. This research is a qualitative descriptive research, meaning that the researcher only describes a situation or event. The purpose of this study is to gain an understanding of the broadcast management of Kompas TV Medan. The results of the study show that in facing competition in the digital era, the management of Kompas TV Medan broadcasts has been going well. Kompas TV performs production management procedures that apply the concept of Planning, Organization, Action and Control (POAC) to news management at Kompas TV Medan, especially the news program "Kompas Sumut", to get quality local broadcasts. At this stage evaluation is also carried out as a way to manage the program.