Welko Marpaung
STT Ekklesia, Jakarta, Indonesia

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Upaya pemikiran rekonstruktif awal terhadap Ekonomi Kerajaan Allah menurut Kitab Taurat: Dan sekelumit tentang kunci keberhasilan koperasi Victor Christianto; Welko Marpaung; Murpin Josua Sembiring
Jurnal Teologi Amreta (ISSN: 2599-3100) Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022): Holy Spirit inside: How the Holy Spirit works through us and within us
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Satyabhakti, Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54345/jta.v5i2.79


Salah satu permasalahan utama dalam bidang ekonomi di negeri ini adalah bagaimana menafsirkan dan menjabarkan Pasal 33 UUD 1945. Namun kalau kita melihat kembali perkembangan terkini pemikiran ekonomi, ada setidaknya 3 arus besar pemikiran: mereka yang percaya sepenuhnya akan kedigdayaanekonomi pasar dan maksimalisasi profit (dipertajam oleh Milton Friedman, 1970); mereka yang percaya bahwa ekonomi yang bernuansa sosialis yang akan memberikan keadilan, dengan perkembangan terkini misalnya sistem komunitarianisme dll; dan yang terakhir adalahupaya mencari jalan tengah di antara kedua kubu tersebut, misalnya yang disebut: state capitalism, atau common prosperity (diperkenalkan oleh Presiden RRC, Xi Jinping baru-baru ini). Meski artikel ini tidak bermaksud membahas secara menyeluruh masing-masing pendekatan, namun kami berusaha melihat kembali seperti apakah corak ekonomi KerajaanAllah yang dirancang Tuhan bagi umat-Nya. Artikel ini juga merupakan salah satu upaya untuk merefleksikan Pasal 33 tersebut dalam perspektif altruisme dalam Etika Kristen, khususnya yang berhubungan dengan konsep keramahan (hospitalitas).Dalam makalah ini, kami mengajukan suatu interpretasi ulang atas ayat tersebut berdasarkan konsep yang kami usulkan untuk disebut sebagai ekonomi kesetiakawanan atau"ekonomi hospitalitas." (dalam artikel terdahulu di jurnal NPTRS, kami mengajukan terma “koinomics.” - apakah ekonomi hospitalitas dan koinomics memang sama persis, tentu perludiskusi tersendiri.) Beberapa hal yang kami pertimbangkan dalam usulan ini antara lainadalah (1) manfaat neurosains dari memberi dan bekerjasama (cooperation), (2) tradisi lokal yang memberikan nilai tinggi terhadap persahabatan, (3) budaya keramahan, (4) pendekatananti-utilitarianisme, (5) konsep identitas relasional.   ---- Abstract One of the main problems in the economic field in this country is how to interpret and explain Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution. There have been many attempts to conduct a judicial review of various laws related to Article 33. At the latest developments in economic thought, there are at least three major currents of thought: those who fully believe in the supremacy of the market economy and profit maximization, as sharpened by Friedman (1970); those who believe that a socialist economy will provide justice, with recent developments such as communitarianism, etc.; and those believing in a middle ground between the two camps, as commonly called the state of capitalism or prosperity. The President of the PRC, Xi Jinping, recently introduced the latter. Without discussing each approach thoroughly, we look at the types of the economy the Kingdom of God has designed for His people. This article also aims to reflect on Article 33 from the perspective of altruism in Christian ethics, especially those related to the concept of hospitality (hospitality). Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution says: "The economy is structured as a joint effort based on the principle of the family cooperative." (Note: this is a non-official translation.) Some economists interpret this family principle as "mechanical solidarity," which is considered outdated. We propose a reinterpretation of this verse based on a concept called the solidarity economy, or the "hospitality economy." (In the previous article in the journal NPTRS, we put forward the term "koinomics"—both the economics of hospitality and koinomics are the same, of course, and need a separate discussion.) Some other issues we consider in this paper include (1) the neuroscientific benefits of giving and cooperation, (2) local traditions that place a high value on friendship, (3) a culture of friendliness, (4) an anti-utilitarian approach, (5) the concept of relational identity.