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Pertimbangan variabel kesadaran stakeholder pada tingkat pengembalian produk dalam kerangka kerja sistem dinamik untuk rantai pasok terbalik terintegrasi Laksmi Ambarwati; Emi Rusmiati
Jurnal Teknologi dan Manajemen Vol. 20 No. 1 (2022): JURNAL TEKNOLOGI DAN MANAJEMEN
Publisher : Politeknik STMI Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52330/jtm.v20i1.36


Teknologi membawa disrupsi dalam berbagai hal, mulai dari kecepatan dari produksi barang, perubahan pola permintaan dan membawa konsekuensi ke lingkungan dan menyebabkan masalah serius limbah elektronik Rantai pasok terbalik sebagai bagian dari ekonomi sirkular menjadi salah satu cara untuk mengurangi dampak lingkungan dari perubahan teknologi yang begitu pesat. Penelitian kerangka kerja sistem dinamik lebih banyak terfokus pada forward logistics dan belum banyak penelitian pada reverse logistics karena kompleksitas alami yang dimilikinya. Namun demikian kerangka kerja sistem dinamik yang dijadikan model dasar untuk pengembangan sudah cukup komprehensif memasukkan kompleksitas faktor-faktor yang penting dan berpengaruh dalam modelnya. Salah satu faktor penting dalam reverse logistics pada rantai pasok terbalik adalah adanya pengembalian produk, dalam penelitian ini merupakan telepon seluler. Untuk itu pada penelitian ini, penulis berusaha memasukkan variabel tambahan yaitu variabel kesadaran pengembalian produk dari stakeholder utama dalam rantai pasok terbalik, yaitu konsumen, retailer dan pemanufaktur untuk membantu meningkatkan tingkat pengembalian produk pada model eksisting dengan skenario pengembalian produk ke manufatur sebagai alternatif produksi tambahan selain opsi produksi. Penelitian ini melakukan simulasis sistem dinamik dan melihat seberapa besar pengaruh dari variabel yang ditambahkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel kesadaran meningkatkan pengembalian produk bahkan ketika tidak ada faktor-faktor lain yang berpengaruh. Penelitian lanjutan dapat dilakukan untuk melihat pengaruh variabel tambahan pada 2 skenario lain pada model dasar.
Readiness Analysis of Politeknik STMI Jakarta Towards Implementation and Certification of ISO 21001:2018 Laksmi Ambarwati; Emi Rusmiati; Siti Aisyah
IJIEM - Indonesian Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Vol 4, No 2: June 2023
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana Magister Teknik Industri Universitas Mercu Buana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22441/ijiem.v4i2.20145


Higher education has great demands and responsibilities to ensure their student graduates as highly competent human resources. Thus, effective and efficient management is required for higher education’s business process. To ensure their quality in process and result, compliance with national regulations and standards related to higher education is a must, and quality conformity with international standards is also one of the efforts of higher education institutions to improve their quality and competitiveness. ISO 21001:2018 is one of the international standards and best practice management systems for educational organizations that are widely used by various higher education institutions in the world. Considering Politeknik STMI Jakarta’s vision for resulting competent human resources, and that it is not yet certified by ISO 21001: 2018, this study is conducted to know the extent of readiness of Politeknik STMI Jakarta  towards implementation and certification of ISO 21001:2018. The method used is the gap analysis method between conditions existing in Politeknik STMI Jakarta to ISO 21001:2018 standard. The results showed that the level of readiness of Politeknik STMI Jakarta is 88.85% which showed that the implementation of the clause requirements is mostly carried out but not consistently. The conclusion that can be drawn from the research is that Politeknik STMI Jakarta is ready to implement and carry out ISO 21001: 2018 certification.
Upaya Peningkatan Produktivitas Produksi di PT Ganding Toolsindo Febriza Imansuri; Fredy Sumasto; Laksmi Ambarwati
Journal of Community Services in Sustainability Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Community Services in Sustainability
Publisher : Politeknik STMI Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52330/jocss.v1i1.131


Pada zaman sekarang ini peningkatan produktivitas dan kualitas menjadi kunci sebuah perusahaan untuk tetap bertahan, tak terkecuali bagi  PT Ganding Toolsindo yang merupakan perusahaan komponen otomotif. Continous improvement adalah salah satu cara dalam lean manufacturing untuk meningkatkan daya saing dan meminimasi waste. Dalam mengatasi permasalahan waste dari non added value time, salah satu alat dari lean manufacturing yang paling sering digunakan adalah Single Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED) atau jika ditranlasikan dapat diartikan pergantian alat dengan cepat. Untuk itu, pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini memfokuskan pada implementasu SMED di PT Ganding Toolsindo untuk pengurangan waktu setup mesin dan peningkatan produktivitas. Hasil dari implementasi SMED ini adalah pengurangan waktu penggantian sebesar 88% dari waktu awal. Pengembangan selanjutnya dari pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dapat dilakukan dengan memastikan pengubahan setup  dari internal ke eksternal tidak menimbulkan penambahan waktu pada pekerjaan atau aktivitas lain.
Edukasi 5S dalam Upaya Continuous Improvement Melalui Audit 5S Pada PT Inti Ganda Perdana (IGP) Emi Rusmiati; Laksmi Ambarwati; Dede Santoni
Journal of Community Services in Sustainability Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Community Services in Sustainability
Publisher : Politeknik STMI Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52330/jocss.v1i1.144


The good industrial development in Indonesia gave rise to new industries aimed at increasing production capacity. Efforts are made to increase capacity by carrying out continuous improvement. One that can be done is to provide an understanding of 5S and 5S audits. PT IGP has so far implemented 5S, but sometimes employees still need to be reminded of the 5S implementation. Therefore it is necessary to carry out 5S audits and internalize 5S understanding for employees and management. This Community Service Activity (PkM) was carried out. Beginning with observation, problem identification, literature study, data collection and processing, as well as analysis and giving recommendations, then conclusions and suggestions are made. The audit results show that the average audit score is 3.1 out of a scale of 4. Meanwhile, the score that needs attention is the sort, which is 2.79. From the results of the audit, internalization of 5S understanding was carried out through the creation of a 5S pocket book to increase 5S understanding for employees. By giving a pocket book there is an increase in understanding before internalization is carried out with a pretest with an average score of 60.625 after being given an understanding of 5S, the score becomes 80.625.
Rancang Aplikasi Smarthome Menggunakan Rapid Application Development Berbasis Hybird Mobile Desy Agustin; Alkautsar Permana; Muchamad Taufiq Anwar; Laksmi Ambarwati
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Pendidikan Vol 16 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Pendidikan
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24036/jtip.v16i1.698


Information technology and computing technology are currently being developed simultaneously to be able to provide information that is processed automatically so as to provide a system that can be used to facilitate human activities. Currently, the smart home is a technology that continues to be improved, such as speed and accuracy in the process inside. This study aims to design a Smart Home application that uses the basic concept of the Internet of Things (IOT) using the Hybrid Mobile-based Rapid application development (RAD) method. The Rapid Application Development (RAD) method focuses on developing an application quickly, precisely and adaptively. By using the RAD method, the smart home application can be applied to Hybrid Mobile where the condition of some electrical equipment in the house can be controlled remotely, namely using a smartphone application or WEB application. From the results of this study the system can monitor and control several electrical equipment at home using the button command feature on mobile and web applications.
Implementation of DMAIC for Production Quality Control: Case Study of Power Supply Production in Indonesia B. Handoko Purwojatmiko; Laksmi Ambarwati
Jurnal Teknik Vol 21 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Teknik
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37031/jt.v21i2.342


The level of competition in the manufacturing industry is getting tougher, making companies must be able to provide the best service to customers. One of the companies in Indonesia engaged in asset monitoring and ship navigation systems, has a production division that produces power supply products. Based on the analysis that has been carried out at the company that there are problems such as a damaged PCB connector that makes the product categorized as a manufacturing defect. This research aims to be able to find alternative improvements to production processes that have a high defect rate. The Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control (DMAIC) framework is used as a method to shape the mindset of management and employees to be able to solve these problems. Based on this framework, three causes of the problem were found, namely human factors, materials, and inappropriate methods during the production process. Therefore, appropriate corrective actions are taken, and a control process is carried out by comparing control charts, Defects Per Million Opportunities (DPMO) and sigma levels to determine the impact of changes from the improvements made. Quantitatively, there was an increase in the DPMO value of 39.47% and an increase in the sigma level of 8.64%. This shows that the DMAIC framework can provide the right solutions and preventing the same quality problems from happening again.
Education on Occupational Health and Safety (K3) through K3 Audits as an Effort to Reduce Work Accidents at PT ABC Emi Rusmiati; Ridzky Kramanandita; Laksmi Ambarwati
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Bestari Vol. 3 No. 3 (2024): March 2024

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55927/jpmb.v3i3.8420


Occupational safety and health is something that is important in the work environment. This research is a form of campus community service to the industrial community. Activities are carried out using observational methods, namely observation, education and evaluation of the stages of activity implementation. The results of initial observations and K3 audits, based on data, there are still work accidents, for this reason it is necessary to educate about K3, education is carried out by making pocket books, where with this education there is an increase in knowledge and understanding of K3 which can be shown from the average pretest score of 50 and increased to 74.5.
Quality Improvement Project Selection Using Fuzzy AHP and TOPSIS to Support Lean Six Sigma at PT ABC Emi Rusmiati; Siti Aisyah; Laksmi Ambarwati
Jurnal Inotera Vol. 9 No. 1 (2024): January-June 2024
Publisher : LPPM Politeknik Aceh Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31572/inotera.Vol9.Iss1.2024.ID331


This research aims to improve project quality at PT ABC by integrating the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (F-AHP) and Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) within the Lean Six Sigma framework. This method assesses and selects quality improvement projects by considering uncertainty and complexity in decision-making. The Fuzzy AHP approach is used to flexibly assign criteria weights, while TOPSIS is used to rank projects based on performance scores relative to the ideal solution. This research aims to select the most suitable Lean Six Sigma project using the MCDM fuzzy AHP and TOPSIS approaches at PT ABC. There are three alternative quality improvement projects and three assessment criteria. The data processing results using Fuzzy AHP and TOPSIS showed that the most influential criterion was the impact criterion, with a value of 0.665. Overall, the order of influencing criteria is cost (0.260) and time (0.075). Based on a review of all criteria, the project to increase the drive plate production line (A) capacity was ranked first with a value of 0.772. Second place is the project to increase capacity and consolidate rear axle assemblies A and B with a value of 0.5529. Finally, the third is the process innovation and integrated manufacturing project to strengthen the business with a value of 0.4053.