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Unjuk Kerja Kondisi Akustik Ruang Kelas Pembelajaran: Desain Faktorial Umum B. Handoko Purwojatmiko; Dianasanti Salati
Jurnal Teknologi dan Manajemen Vol. 20 No. 2 (2022): JURNAL TEKNOLOGI DAN MANAJEMEN
Publisher : Politeknik STMI Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52330/jtm.v20i2.70


Kinerja akustik di ruang kelas memiliki peranan penting dalam berinteraksi saat kegiatan belajar mengajar. Untuk mendapatkan kondisi kelas yang efektif diperlukan sebuah ruang kelas yang dapat memenuhi kriteria ruangan yang baik. Adapun salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi kegiatan pembelajaran yaitu faktor lingkungan. Faktor lingkungan digambarkan sebagai keadaan dan suasana ruang kelas yang dipengaruhi oleh faktor kebisingan, pencahayaan, suhu dan lainnya yang dapat menganggu. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor apa yang memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap intensitas suara di ruang kelas dengan menggunakan desain faktorial umum. Desain faktorial umum digunakan untuk menentukan semua kemungkinan efek kombinasi dari masing-masing faktor. ANOVA selanjutnya digunakan untuk menganalisis faktor yang signifikan dan interaksi antar faktor tersebut. Faktor yang menjadi pertimbangan dalam penelitian ini adalah faktor frekuensi dan kondisi pendingin ruangan. Berdasarkan penelitian ini, faktor frekuensi menjadi faktor yang paling signifikan mempengaruhi tingkat intensitas suara dengan menggunakan taraf signifikansi 5%. Pendingin ruangan juga memiliki pengaruh terhadap tingkat intensitas suara ketika suhu diatur menjadi sangat rendah yang mengakibatkan kompresor pendingin ruangan akan bekerja lebih keras dan menghasilkan tingkat kebisingan tertentu. Terkait dengan kondisi tersebut maka diperlukan pengeras suara tambahan yang didesain khusus untuk ruang kelas agar kegiatan belajar mengajar menjadi lebih efektif terutama dalam penyampaian informasi. Selain itu, penelitian lanjutan dapat dilakukan dengan melakukan perancangan ulang ruangan berdasarkan data dari penelitian ini.
Identification of Critical Factors in Product Change in The Automotive Industry B. Handoko Purwojatmiko; Mustofa Mustofa; Pasti Immanuel Bangun
IJIEM - Indonesian Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Vol 4, No 1: February 2023
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana Magister Teknik Industri Universitas Mercu Buana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22441/ijiem.v4i1.18669


Electric vehicles are a future transportation option that has the advantages of reducing air pollution and being environmentally friendly. Battery-based electric vehicles are still relatively new in Indonesia and have not received public attention like conventional oil-fueled vehicles. Electric vehicles such as electric cars have been socialized, but there are still many assumptions that electric cars are still not roadworthy because they are still in the development process. Presidential regulation number 55 of 2019 is expected to be the legal basis for boosting the development of electric vehicles in Indonesia. This study address to explore and identify the main impact factors of product change on the automotive industry in Indonesia. To identify this case, the model was built based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) which was expanded in the context of the adoption of electric vehicles. This study aims to identify what factors can affect product changes in the automotive industry. This model is formed by main constructs: individual behavior, subjective norms, and perceived behavior control, as well as three other factors identified from the literature review and interviews. Based on this research, it was found that three factors can have an impact on product changes in the automotive industry. These three factors are subjective norms, perceived risk, and logistical incentives. Apart from these three factors, other supporting factors are also expected to be able to develop the electric vehicle ecosystem in Indonesia.
Implementasi Penjadwalan Preventive Maintenance untuk Meningkatkan Nilai Efektivitas Mesin pada Mesin CNC Milling VL-10i Fredy Sumasto; Rafi Ramadhani Jiwanto; B. Handoko Purwojatmiko; Indra Rizki Pratama
Journal of Industrial View Vol 5, No 1 (2023): Publikasi Ilmiah Teknik Industri
Publisher : Universitas Merdeka Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26905/jiv.v5i1.9383


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan efektivitas mesin pada mesin CNC Milling VL-10i melalui implementasi Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). Penerapan pendekatan TPM dilakukan di sebuah perusahaan manufaktur komponen otomotif di Indonesia yang memproduksi injection plastic, mold dies, dan jig fixture. Permasalahan yang terjadi pada mesin CNC Milling VL-10i adalah reduced speed losses sebesar 12,93% berdasarkan analisis six big losses dari hasil Overall Equipment Effectiviness (OEE) awal sebesar 74,32%. Berdasarkan data tersebut, faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan reduced speed losses dianalisis menggunakan fishbone diagram dan didapat 4 faktor yang mempengaruhi yaitu method, man, environment, dan machine. Hasil dari fishbone diagram dianalisis lebih lanjut menggunakan 5W+1H untuk menghasilkan usulan perbaikan. Usulan perbaikan yang diimplementasikan pada penelitian ini adalah preventive maintenance dari faktor machine dalam bentuk check sheet preventive maintenance. Hasil dari implementasi menunjukkan peningkatan efektivitas mesin berdasarkan pada OEE sebesar 15,91% dari 74,32% menjadi 90,23%.
PDCA Method Implementation to Reduce the Potential Product Defects in the Automotive Components Industry Fredy Sumasto; Cantika Puspa Maharani; B. Handoko Purwojatmiko; Febriza Imansuri; Siti Aisyah
IJIEM - Indonesian Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Vol 4, No 2: June 2023
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana Magister Teknik Industri Universitas Mercu Buana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22441/ijiem.v4i2.19527


The research aim to reduce the potential for product defects in the automotive component industry by implementing Plan-Do-Check-Action (PDCA). The application of the PDCA method was carried out in an automotive component manufacturing company in Indonesia which produced SLJ 91 parts as a research object. The causes of the high number of product defects are known at the Plan stage from setting the theme of improvement to the root cause by using a fishbone diagram and 5W+1H analysis. In the Do stage, system improvements are implemented from the solutions generated by the 5W+1H analysis. The repair results are controlled to confirm the results of the repairs made. The corrective actions taken resulted in a reduction in product defects of 2.8% so that they were included in the maximum tolerance for the number of defects in the SLJ 91 part. Based on the results of data processing, analysis, and comparison between before and after implementation, it was found that the defect rate for SLJ 91 products was reduced from 10.8 % to 8%, a reduction in the percentage of 2.8% so that the product reaches the quality target it should be. The results of the repair had a direct impact on the type of dent defects, namely a decrease in the number of defects from 8.6% to 5.3%, so that there was a decrease of 3.3%. The results of the research are implemented and standardized in the action stage so that the improvements made can be maintained in the long term.
Implementation of Measurement System Analysis to Reduce Measurement Process Failures on Part Reinf BK6 Fredy Sumasto; Yesaya Abdi Nugroho; B. Handoko Purwojatmiko; Mohammad Wirandi; Febriza Imansuri; Siti Aisyah
IJIEM - Indonesian Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management Vol 4, No 2: June 2023
Publisher : Program Pascasarjana Magister Teknik Industri Universitas Mercu Buana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22441/ijiem.v4i2.20212


This study aims to reduce the failure of the measurement process on Part Reinf BK6 in the automotive industry which prioritizes accuracy and precision in the process to maintain product quality and customer satisfaction. This study used the measurement system analysis (MSA) method to analyze the Gage R&R on a measurement system, with 2 operators and 10 parts measured with 3 repetitions. The MSA results before improvement showed a Total Gage R&R of 67.80% with a repeatability value of 0.98% and a reproducibility value of 66.82%. The result indicated that the measurement system needs to be improved because the Gage R&R is still above 30%. After improving the measurement process by adding the Go No Go pin as an additional tool, the MSA results show the Total Gage R&R value after the improvement is made to 10.11% with repeatability and reproducibility values of 10.11% and 0% respectively. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the improvements made have a significant effect on the measurement system on Part Reinf BK6. This will improve accuracy and precision in the measurement process, maintain product quality, and increase customer satisfaction. Therefore, improving the measurement system is very important in the automotive industry.
Analisis Kualitas Pelayanan Kantin Berdasarkan Waktu Penyajian Menggunakan Statistik Inferensial B. Handoko Purwojatmiko; Dianasanti Salati
Jurnal Teknologi dan Manajemen Vol. 21 No. 2 (2023): JURNAL TEKNOLOGI DAN MANAJEMEN
Publisher : Politeknik STMI Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52330/jtm.v21i2.105


Memberikan sebuah layanan prima kepada pelanggan merupakan tantangan wajib yang dihadapi oleh pemilik kantin. Kualitas layanan yang diberikan kepada pelanggan dianggap sebagai faktor penting keberhasilan penyedia layanan karena berdampak kepada kepuasan pelanggan. Kecepatan penyajian merupakan atribut penting dalam menyajikan makanan atau minuman kepada pelanggan. Keunggulan kompetitif dapat dicapai dengan memberikan pelayanan terbaik yang dilihat dari waktu penyajian makanan sehingga akan memiliki dampak terhadap kepuasan pelanggan dan profitabilitas. Pelayanan kantin disekitar Politeknik dipilih sebagai tempat pengambilan data untuk mendapatkan gambaran mengenai kualitas pelayanan. Tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk mengevaluasi pelayanan saat ini. Penelitian ini akan berfokus pada kecepatan penyajian pada kios makanan dan minuman. Proses pengambilan data dilakukan pada saat jam sibuk atau jam makan siang yang ditentukan mulai pukul 11.00 WIB – 13.00 WIB. Metode analisa statistik digunakan untuk menentukan performa kualitas pelayanan penyajian makanan ataupun minuman. Analisis statistik inferensial yang digunakan yaitu t-test dan analisa regresi. Dalam perhitungan secara statistik didapatkan nilai rata-rata waktu pelayanan penyajian makanan pada hari pertama adalah 54,07 detik sedangkan untuk hari kedua adalah 55,71 detik.  Untuk penyajian minuman didapatkan data nilai rata-rata waktu pelayanan pada hari pertama adalah 44,15 detik. Untuk hari kedua nilai rata-rata dari waktu pelayanan 4,44 detik. Dari analisis regresi didapatkan hubungan berbanding lurus antara banyak jumlah makanan dengan waktu pelayanan. Untuk minuman didapatkan waktu pelayanan yang konsisten dari jenis minuman yang dipesan. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa kualitas pelayanan setiap harinya memiliki perbedaan signifikan secara statistik sehingga diperlukan evaluasi lebih lanjut. Standar baku waktu pelayanan juga perlu ditentukan oleh pemilik kantin.
Reduksi Waktu Set up Pekerjaan Penggantian Ban Sepeda Motor dengan Metode Single Minute Exchange of Dies Indra Rizki Pratama; Fredy Sumasto; Febriza Imansuri; B. Handoko Purwojatmiko
Jurnal Serambi Engineering Vol 8, No 4 (2023): Oktober 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32672/jse.v8i4.6854


Currently, almost every household in Indonesia has a motorbike, this is certainly a business opportunity. One of the most important components of a motorbike is the tire which functions to reduce vibration and protect the wheel from wear and damage. The business environment operating in the automotive sector needs to create high-quality goods or services to increase customer satisfaction. Costs in the company's productive processes must be reduced to achieve effectiveness. The object of this research is the XYZ Tire Workshop located in East Jakarta. In a day, the XYZ Ban workshop can provide up to 25 to 30 motorbike tire changes. Meanwhile, the workforce on duty is only 2 mechanics and the quantity of tools is limited. This causes delays and makes customers have to wait quite a long time before their motorbike can be worked on. The Single Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED) method which is included in lean tools is the key to reducing set-up process time. In general, SMED aims to standardize and simplify operating processes. The SMED technique is used as an element in Total Productivity Maintenance (TPM) in various studies to achieve lean manufacturing. Based on research data, the set-up time before implementing SMED was 177 seconds. After implementing the SMED method, the setup time was 126 seconds. This shows that the SMED method can reduce set-up time by 51 seconds.
Analisis Pengaruh Kepuasan dan Motivasi Kerja terhadap Kinerja Penjual pada PT Indomobil Trada Nasional Sonny Taufan; Ismail Mustofa; Mustofa Mustofa; B. Handoko Purwojatmiko
Reslaj : Religion Education Social Laa Roiba Journal Vol 6 No 2 (2024): Reslaj: Religion Education Social Laa Roiba Journal
Publisher : LPPM Institut Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47467/reslaj.v6i2.5506


Job satisfaction and work motivation are identified as critical factors that can influence an individual's level of performance in a competitive work environment such as the automotive industry. This research aims to analyze the influence of job satisfaction and work motivation on the performance of branded vehicle sellers at PT Indomobil Trada Nasional – KIA Kelapa Gading. This research uses a quantitative approach with survey methods. Data was collected through a questionnaire distributed to KIA vehicle sellers at PT Indomobil Trada Nasional. Respondents in this research were sellers who were actively working. The collected data was then analyzed using regression analysis techniques to measure the relationship between the independent variables (job satisfaction and work motivation) and the dependent variable (seller performance). It is hoped that the results of this research will provide deeper insight into the factors that influence the performance of KIA sellers in these automotive companies. The results of the regression analysis will show the extent to which job satisfaction and work motivation are able to predict sales performance. These findings will provide valuable input for the management of PT Indomobil Trada Nasional in formulating strategies to improve sales performance through increasing job satisfaction and motivation. It is hoped that this research will contribute to the human resource management literature and provide practical guidance for companies in the automotive industry or other similar sectors. In addition, this research can also be a basis for further research on the influence of other factors that can influence individual performance in different work contexts.
Implementation of DMAIC for Production Quality Control: Case Study of Power Supply Production in Indonesia B. Handoko Purwojatmiko; Laksmi Ambarwati
Jurnal Teknik Vol 21 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Teknik
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Gorontalo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37031/jt.v21i2.342


The level of competition in the manufacturing industry is getting tougher, making companies must be able to provide the best service to customers. One of the companies in Indonesia engaged in asset monitoring and ship navigation systems, has a production division that produces power supply products. Based on the analysis that has been carried out at the company that there are problems such as a damaged PCB connector that makes the product categorized as a manufacturing defect. This research aims to be able to find alternative improvements to production processes that have a high defect rate. The Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control (DMAIC) framework is used as a method to shape the mindset of management and employees to be able to solve these problems. Based on this framework, three causes of the problem were found, namely human factors, materials, and inappropriate methods during the production process. Therefore, appropriate corrective actions are taken, and a control process is carried out by comparing control charts, Defects Per Million Opportunities (DPMO) and sigma levels to determine the impact of changes from the improvements made. Quantitatively, there was an increase in the DPMO value of 39.47% and an increase in the sigma level of 8.64%. This shows that the DMAIC framework can provide the right solutions and preventing the same quality problems from happening again.