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PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKATDAN PEMASARAN OLAHAN HASIL ALAM DESA BENCOY Muhammad Rangga Abdurrasyid; Muhammad Rifqi Abdul Jabbar; Neng Resti Wardani; Nunik Destria Arianti; Muhamad Muslih
Jurnal Abdi Nusa Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Oktober 2021
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Nusa Putra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (307.034 KB) | DOI: 10.52005/abdinusa.v1i2.25


The village of bencoy has abundant agricultural potential or natural products so it is very good for improving the community's economy. Agricultural products or natural products owned by an area can be processed into various products, for example chips, rengginang, sale, cilok and so on. Empowerment activities and marketing of natural products are carried out by providing counseling and socialization to communities who have MSMEs and millennial youth farmer members with the aim of providing information and knowledge about processing natural products into various types of processed which are not only for their own enjoyment or consumption but also for family use. made into an effort that can improve the household economy and the village economy.
Upaya Meningkatan Kemampuan Membaca Anak di Kampung Cikondang Ds.Cimahi Kec.Cicantanyan Kab Sukabumi Wowon; Utomo; Muthia Meisya Lavil; Zuliana Dwi Takari; Kurniawan; Muhamad Muslih; Anggy Pradiftha Junfithrana; Nunik Destria Arianti
Jurnal Abdi Nusa Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): Februari 2022
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Nusa Putra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (558.361 KB) | DOI: 10.52005/abdinusa.v1i3.32


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperkenalkan rumah baca yang berada di kampung cikondang RT 35 RW 11 desa cimahi kecamatan cicantayan yang dibuat , oleh Bu Marina dengan alasan di kampung tersebut anak-anak yang berusia 7-12 tahun masih minim dalam belajar khususnya bidang membaca.Lingkungan di kampung cikondang tidak mendukung anak-anak untuk bisa membaca dikarenakan oleh faktor ekonomi keluarga yang dapat dikatakan rendah, sehingga orang tua lebih fokus pada pekerjaannya dibandingkan mengajarkan anak-anaknya untuk membaca, padahal membaca adalah hal yang penting dalam berpendidikan. Pasalnya tanpa membaca kemampuan anak tidak akan berkembang dengan semestinya. Alasan melakukan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perkembangan rumah baca yang telah dibuat oleh Bu Marina tersebut. Dengan melihat keadaan yang terjadi di lingkungannya membuat hati merasa tergerak untuk melakukan penetilian. Karena seiring perkembangan zaman dan teknologi semakin maju, maka diharapkan anak-anak yang berada di daerah tersebut dapat lebih berkembang dan ikut maju dalam aspek pendidikan khususnya membaca.
Memaksimalkan Peran SDM Desa Citamiang Menghadap Era Industri 4.0 Rida Ista Stepu; Falentino Sembiring; Nunik Destria Arianti; Kurniawan; Mukti Ginanjar; Widiastuti Angraini
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Abdi Putra Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Mei 2021
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Putra & Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (702.804 KB) | DOI: 10.52005/abdiputra.v1i1.68


Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) adalah suatu kegiatan intrakurikuler yang memadukan pelaksanaan Tri Dharma perguruan tinggi (pendidikan, penelitian, dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat) dengan cara memberikan kepada mahasiswa pengalaman belajar dan bekerja dalam kegiatan pembangunan masyarakat sebagai wahana penerapan dan pembembangan ilmu dan teknologi yang dilaksanakan di luar kampus dalam waktu mekanisme kerja dan teknologi persyaratan tertentu. Program kerja yang dikerjakan kelompok terdiri dari program fisik, program non fisik dan tambahan. Program kerja fisik meliputi Renovasi pintu dan Sanitasi WC Mesjid. Program kerja non fisik meliputi Sosialisasi ke sekolah (Mengajar), Citamiang Sehat (Olahraga bersama), Nonton Bareng di Kantor Desa, dan Pembuatan Profil Desa Citamiang. Program tambahan meliputi Jumat Bersih dan Minggu bersih dan Membantu Pelaksanaan Isra’ Mi’raj. Sebenarnya, Program kerja yang direncanakan dan disusun lebih banyak dari ini. Namun karena waktu dan kondisi disebabkan adanya Pandemi Covid 19, di pertengahan waktu pelaksanaan KKN mengharuskan kami menghentikan proses kegiatan di desa Citamiang atas instruksi Panitia KKN dan Civitas Universitas Nusa Putra demi keselamatan dan antisipasi penanganan pandemi Covid 19 selaras dengan instruksi Pemerintah.
Optimalisasi Lahan Pekarangan untuk pertanian Di Desa Magalaksana Oscar Haris; Amelia Nurhalizah; M.Iqbal Fauzi; Nita Juliana; Saepul Ihsan; Yudi Nata; Nunik Destria Arianti
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Abdi Putra Vol 2 No 2 (2022): Mei 2022
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Putra & Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52005/abdiputra.v2i1.137


Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) pada Tahun 2022 ini dilaksanakan mulai dari tanggal 7 Maret- 31Maret 2022 yang berlokasi di Desa Margalaksana, Kecamatan Cikakak, Kabupaten Sukabumi, Jawa Barat. Dalam pelaksanaan Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) kami merancang program kerja pada bidang Pertanian, Pertanian merupakan pemanfaatan sumber daya hayati yang dilakukan manusia mengahasilkan bahan pangan, bahan baku industri, atau sumber energi, serta untuk mengelola lingkungan hidup. Tujuan dari Program Kuliah Kerja Nyata yaitu untuk memberikan edukasi kepada masyarakat desa margalaksana tentang cara pemanfaatan lahan pekarangan secara optimal, meningkatkan produktivitas dan produksi pertanian untuk lahan pekarangan yang kosong dengan penanaman sayuran dan tanaman herbal menggunakan barang bekas dan polybag. Kata kunci: Pertanian,Lahan Pekarangan,Kebutuhan Pangan
Jurnal Riset Informatika Vol 4 No 3 (2022): Period of June 2022
Publisher : Kresnamedia Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1600.245 KB) | DOI: 10.34288/jri.v4i3.395


Geopark Ciletuh Sukabumi is an earth park that has biodiversity such as geological, social, and cultural elements, to locations that can be used for research and tourism. Tourist destinations in the Ciletuh Geopark include waterfalls, beaches, mountain peaks, islands, cultural tourism, and available biodiversity. Due to the lack of information media about tourist objects in the Ciletuh Geopark, not many tourists visit to enjoy the beauty of natural attractions and local cultural wisdom that is still maintained at the Ciletuh Geopark. Based on these problems, research was carried out to design and build a tourist information system with a virtual tour feature based on the Geopark Ciletuh Sukabumi website. In this study, the author designed the system using the Zachman Framework system development method and was built using CMS WordPress and Page Builder as well as PHP and MySQL programming languages. Testing the Virtual Tourism Information System at the Ciletuh Sukabumi Geopark using Blackbox Testing. The results of the design of a web-based virtual tourist information system at the Ciletuh Sukabumi Geopark can be used as a medium of tourist information for the general public and visitors who will travel to the tourist attraction
Jurnal Teknik Informatika (Jutif) Vol. 3 No. 5 (2022): JUTIF Volume 3, Number 5, October 2022
Publisher : Informatika, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20884/1.jutif.2022.3.5.357


Ciletuh Geopark area is one of the marine tourism in Sukabumi regency. This tour has been recognized by UNESCO both nationally and internationally which now has changed its name to Ciletuh Geopark. However, in the management of information technology, there are still several problems, including the lack of information about the condition of the tourist attraction in Palabuhan Ratu Ciletuh Geopark, Sukabumi Regency. This study designed an information system based on a virtual tour website with the aim of being able to help tourists and the people to be able to find information online about Geopark Palabuhan Ratu Ciletuh tourist attraction, Sukabumi Regency with various existing tourist objects that can be accessed via the internet. This study uses the togaf framework where this framework has a systematic nature so that it is more flexible. Sources of data were taken by searching online from several sources related to the Ciletuh Geopark, Sukabumi Regency. The results obtained are in the form of a 3D virtual tour website where this website displays a 360 panorama along with information from each tourist attraction location as well as testing using blackbox and UAT (User Acceptance Test) every feature on the VIRGEO (Virtual Geopark) website has been fulfilled so that users can more easily access and find out the condition about Palabuhan Ratu Ciletuh Geopark tourist attraction, Sukabumi Regency easier.
Mengembangkan Modul Pelatihan untuk Pemilik Homestay Desa Pangumbahan Berbasis Teknologi Neng Sri Intan Septiani; Adhitia Erfina; Nunik Destria Arianti; Mupaat; Muhamad Muslih
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Abdi Putra Vol 2 No 3 (2022): September 2022
Publisher : Universitas Nusa Putra & Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52005/abdiputra.v2i3.116


Desa Pangumbahan terkenal dengan wisata alamnya yang indah, seperti Pantai Pangumbahan yang merupakan salah satu pantai di Desa Pangumbahan yang dijadikan tujuan wisata dikarenakan pantainya masih sangat bersih dan alami. Pantai Pangumbahan juga memiliki banyak daya tarik wisata seperti tempat penangkaran penyu, olahraga surfing, serta tradisi Hari Nelayan yang masih dirayakan turun temurun oleh masyarakat lokal di sekitar Pantai Pangumbahan. Di Desa Pangumbahan khususnya jumlah homestay yang ada tidak sedikit dengan kualitas, harga dan tempat yang berbeda-beda. Kebanyakan para pengunjung yang akan menginap di homestay yang ada di Desa Pangumbahan hanya mengetahui homestay tertentu saja dan memiliki harga yang cukup mahal, dan kebanyakan dari mereka tidak mengetahui bahwa di Desa Pangumbahan terdapat banyak homestay dengan harga yang cukup terjangkau yang sesuai dengan penghasilan calon pengunjung. Masalah tersebut dapat diantisipasi dengan suatu sistem informasi homestay berbasis web guna memudahkan para pemilik homestay untuk mendapatkan pengunjung dan memberikan gambaran mengenai harga, sampai fasilitas homestay yang selalu update untuk para pengunjung wisata di Pangumbahan.
Peningkatan Minat Pelajar Sekolah Menengah Keatas di SMK Al-Hafiz untuk melanjutkan Pendidikan Ke Perguruan tinggi Yusuf Iskandar; Jordan Chan William; Mochamad Khilmi; Dudih Gustian; Yudi Nata; Muhamad Muslih; Nunik Destria Arianti
Jurnal Abdi Nusa Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): Februari 2023
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Nusa Putra

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52005/abdinusa.v3i1.79


Students in Cikelat Village, Cisolok District, Sukabumi Regency have low interest in continuing their education to college. This can be seen from the data in the Cikelat village database. The reason the students in this village do not continue their education to college is the constraint in the form of the costs needed to continue to college, and the majority of them think that graduating from high school is enough to prepare them for the world of work. To solve this problem, an increase in interest in continuing school was held with technology learning videos in high school and above. This increase in the attractiveness of further school interest is carried out by giving presentations on how important it is to continue education to higher education, outlining the paths that can be taken to enter higher education, scholarships provided by universities and the government, as well as explaining the general description of higher education. Then at the end, a learning video will be given about the benefits and importance of continuing education to college. Keywords: interest, education, collegeStudents in Cikelat Village, Cisolok District, Sukabumi Regency have low interest in continuing their education to college. This can be seen from the data in the Cikelat village database. The reason the students in this village do not continue their education to college is the constraint in the form of the costs needed to continue to college, and the majority of them think that graduating from high school is enough to prepare them for the world of work. To solve this problem, an increase in interest in continuing school was held with technology learning videos in high school and above. This increase in the attractiveness of further school interest is carried out by giving presentations on how important it is to continue education to higher education, outlining the paths that can be taken to enter higher education, scholarships provided by universities and the government, as well as explaining the general description of higher education. Then at the end, a learning video will be given about the benefits and importance of continuing education to college.Keywords: interest, education, college
Transformers in Machine Learning: Literature Review Thoyyibah T; Wasis Haryono; Achmad Udin Zailani; Yan Mitha Djaksana; Neny Rosmawarni; Nunik Destria Arianti
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA Vol 9 No 9 (2023): September
Publisher : Postgraduate, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jppipa.v9i9.5040


In this study, the researcher presents an approach regarding methods in Transformer Machine Learning. Initially, transformers are neural network architectures that are considered as inputs. Transformers are widely used in various studies with various objects. The transformer is one of the deep learning architectures that can be modified. Transformers are also mechanisms that study contextual relationships between words. Transformers are used for text compression in readings. Transformers are used to recognize chemical images with an accuracy rate of 96%. Transformers are used to detect a person's emotions. Transformer to detect emotions in social media conversations, for example, on Facebook with happy, sad, and angry categories. Figure 1 illustrates the encoder and decoder process through the input process and produces output. the purpose of this study is to only review literature from various journals that discuss transformers. This explanation is also done by presenting the subject or dataset, data analysis method, year, and accuracy achieved. By using the methods presented, researchers can conclude results in search of the highest accuracy and opportunities for further research.
Jurnal Riset Informatika Vol. 4 No. 3 (2022): June 2022
Publisher : Kresnamedia Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34288/jri.v4i3.177


Geopark Ciletuh Sukabumi is an earth park with biodiversity such as geological, social, and cultural elements, to locations for research and tourism. Tourist destinations in the Ciletuh Geopark include waterfalls, beaches, mountain peaks, islands, cultural tourism, and biodiversity. Due to the lack of information media about tourist objects in the Ciletuh Geopark, not many tourists visit to enjoy the beauty of natural attractions and local cultural wisdom still maintained at the Ciletuh Geopark. Based on these problems, research was conducted to design and build a tourist information system with a virtual tour feature based on the Geopark Ciletuh Sukabumi website. In this study, the author designed the system using the Zachman Framework system development method and was built using CMS WordPress and Page Builder as well as PHP and MySQL programming languages. Testing the Virtual Tourism Information System at the Ciletuh Sukabumi Geopark using Blackbox Testing. The results of the design of a web-based virtual tourist information system at the Ciletuh Sukabumi Geopark can be used as a medium of tourist information for the general public and visitors who will travel to the tourist attraction.