Nurhidayat Triananinsi
Program Studi Kebidanan, Universitas Mega Rezky, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia

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ANALISIS PELAKSANAAN PELAYANAN PERSALINAN SELAMA PANDEMI COVID-19 BERDASARKAN PENGETAHUAN DAN SIKAP IBU BERSALIN Mudyawati Kamaruddin; Andi Reski Sulpianti; Haerani Haerani; Erniawati Erniawati; Jusni Jusni; Artita Artita; Asviratul Annatasia; Nurhidayat Triananinsi
JKM (Jurnal Kebidanan Malahayati) Vol 7, No 4 (2021): Vol.7 No.4 Oktober 2021
Publisher : Program Studi Kebidanan Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Malahayati

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33024/jkm.v7i4.5237


Background: Since the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) attacked and became an epidemic in practically the whole globe till today, the government has imposed several limitations on almost all regular services, including maternity and newborn health care. This limitation is strictly enforced at the hospital, Community Health Center, and clinic levels. As a result, maternity and newborn health care are among those impacted, in terms of both access and provision. Purpose: The aim of this study was to explain how delivery services were implemented during the CoViD-19 pandemic. Methods: This research examines maternity care at Hospital of Prof. Dr. H.M. Anwar Makkatutu Bantaeng during the CoViD-19 pandemic. The study began with interviews with four midwives to gain an overview of delivery service implementation, followed by data collecting from women who gave birth at the RSUD with the following inclusive criteria: mothers who gave birth at the RSUD between March 2020 and April 2021 and have got delivery services. Meanwhile, moms who gave birth outside of the required timeline while receiving delivery services at the RSUD were excluded from the study. Test sheets, questionnaires, and tape recorders were utilized as research instruments. The analysis was carried out using a systems approach theory.Results: Some factors are apparent in the analysis of the execution of delivery services during the CoViD-19 pandemic. The characteristics of respondents in reproductive age account for 75% of input parameters, while multipara accounts for 25%. Midwives provided delivery services to expectant mothers in order to help them cope with the postpartum period. While the output includes analysis results of maternity mothers' knowledge: 55% have sufficient information, 40% have high knowledge, and 5% have little understanding. During the CoViD-19 pandemic, the attitude of maternity mothers toward delivery services was 27 percent positive, and 80 percent were still regarded sufficient.Conclusion Good knowledge is supported by a positive attitude towards service changes shown by maternity mothers, and that the community already understands the situation of the CoViD-19 pandemic, understands the consequences and effects of not complying with regulations related to the CoViD-19 pandemic.Suggestion It is hoped that further research can be in the form of a follow-up to the analysis of health services in hospitals both in the city and at the regional level which refers to health protocols in the post-CoViD-19 pandemic. Keyword: CoViD-19 Pandemic, Pregnant Mothers, Knowledge, Attitude, Delivery Services ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Sejak Coronavirus disease 2019 (CoViD-19) menyerang dan menjadi wabah di hampir seluruh dunia hingga saat ini, banyak pembatasan  yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah hampir ke semua layanan rutin termasuk pelayanan kesehatan ibu dan bayi baru lahir. Pembatasan ini diberlakukan baik di pelayanan kesehatan tingkat  Rumah sakit, Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat maupun tingkat klinik. Akibatnya, pelayanan kesehatan ibu dan bayi baru lahir menjadi salah satu layanan yang terkena dampak, baik dari segi akses maupun pelayanan.Tujuan: Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran pelaksanaan pelayanan persalinan selama masa pandemi CoViD-l9.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan analisis terhadap pelayanan ibu bersalin selama pandemi CoViD-19 di RSUD Prof. Dr. H.M. Anwar Makkatutu Bantaeng. Penelitian diawali dengan wawancara dengan empat bidan untuk mendapatkan gambaran pelaksanaan pelayanan persalinan, dilanjutkan dengan pendataan ibu-ibu yang melahirkan di RSUD tersebut dengan kriteria inklusif sebagai berikut ibu bersalin di bulan Maret 2020 sampai dengan April 2021 dan mendapatkan pelayanan persalinan di RSUD. Sedangkan, ibu bersalin yang diluar rentang waktu ditentukan walaupun mendapatkan pelayanan persalinan di RSUD itu tidak dimasukan dalam sampel.  Alat penelitian yang digunakan berupa lembar tes, kuesioner dan tape recorder. Analisis dilakukan dengan teori pendekatan sistem.Hasil: Analisis pelaksanaan pelayanan persalinan selama masa pandemi CoViD-19 dilihat dari faktor input yaitu karakteristik responden dalam usia subur 75% responden dan 25% multipara. Proses: dilakukan pelayanan persalinan oleh bidan untuk membimbing ibu hamil dalam menghadapi persalinan dan masa nifas. Sedangkan output: hasil analisis pengetahuan dan sikap ibu bersalin. Terdapat 55% berpengetahuan cukup, 40% berpengetahuan baik, dan 5% berpengetahuan kurang. Adapun sikap ibu bersalin yang ditunjukan terhadap pelayanan persalinan selama  pandemi CoViD-19 yang bersikap baik terhadap pelayanan persalinan rumah sakit adalah  27%, dan yang tergolong cukup berpengetahuan adalah 80%.Kesimpulan Pengetahuan yang baik didukung dengan sikap yang positif terhadap perubahan-perubahan pelayanan ditunjukan oleh ibu bersalin, dan bahwa masyarakat sudah paham atas situasi pandemi CoViD-19, paham akan akibat dan efek yang ditimbulkan jika tidak menaati regulasi terkait pandemic CoViD-19.Saran Diharapkan penelitian selanjutnya dapat berupa penindaklanjutan analisis pelayanan kesehatan di Rumah Sakit baik di kota maupun di tingkat daerah yang beracuan pada protokol kesehatan pada masa setelah pandemi CoViD-19. Keyword: Covid-19 Pandemic, Pregnant Mothers, Knowledge, Attitude, Delivery Services