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Pelatihan Pembuatan Eco-Friendly Detergen Daun Balik Angin (Alphitonia Excelsa) pada Kelompok Ibu-ibu di Desa Mandi Angin Kurdiansyah; Muhammad Faisal Machdie; Gusti Abdul R. Thamrin
Agrokreatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Vol. 7 No. 3 (2021): Agrokreatif Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat
Publisher : Institut Pertanian Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29244/agrokreatif.7.3.269-278


Special Purpose Forest Area (KHDTK) Lambung Mangkurat University is a forest area with types of plants and trees. KHDTK is close to residential areas. The existence of community activities around KHDTK will indirectly have an impact on the sustainability of KHDTK. The community activities that impact KHDTK are bathing, washing, and latrine activities (MCK). This community activity provides insight into the impact of using chemical detergents on health and the environment, as well as increasing community empowerment around the KHDTK area in processing natural resources in the form of processing leaves into environmentally friendly detergents. The implementation method consists of two steps, the first step is counseling, and the second step is the preparation of eco-friendly detergents. Counseling carried out by providing knowledge about the impact of synthetic detergents and the manufacture of environmentally friendly detergents. In this activity, the active ingredients used are balik angin leaves because these leaves contain saponins. Leaves balik angin extraction using the infusion method. The results of the evaluation of the activities showed an increase in public knowledge about the impact of synthetic detergents on the environment and an increase in community skills in making environmentally friendly detergents. This activity is very useful in increasing the knowledge and skills of the community.
Jurnal Sylva Scienteae Vol 5, No 3 (2022): Jurnal Sylva Scienteae Vol 5 No 3 Edisi Juni 2022
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/jss.v5i3.5712


Non-timber forest product is the use of plants other than wood or timber in forest or non-forest environment. Generally non-timber forest products are utilized for personal needs, sold away or as a material for handicrafts. One example of a non-timber forest product that is used a material for handicrafts are kokka seeds. Popular handicrafts made from kokka seeds are bracelets, prayer beads, and rings. Looking at the available potentials, kokka seeds craftsmen in Antasan Senor Ilir village are guiding the craftsmen so that the product that are produced are of good quality and compete in local or foreign market. But until now, the data that explains the level of productivity and yield of kokka crafts is non-existent. Based on that fact, the writer is interested in researching the productivity and yield of kokka crafts in antasan senor ilir village, east martapura district. The method used to calculate productivity is the output of work results which consists of kokka seed products and the total time, which is the time needed to produce one complete product. Observation of the yield of kokka seed crafts uses a scale to find out the mass of materials before it is processed and the mass of materials ofter it is processed into a product. Based on, research results, respondent with the highest productivity kosasi with 233,92 gr/ hours and 629 kg/ year. Respondent with the lowest productifity overall is Nurul beuti with 389 kg/ year. Factors that effects productivity is the length or working experience, motivation, age, and education. The yield of kokka seed ranges from 75,00% to 88,00%, with the average of the whole kokka seed yield at 82,31%. Respondent with 1 kg of materials produce an output of 0,88 kg, so that the yield of kokka seeds of 88,00% becomes the highest yield. The lowest kokka seed yield sits at 75,00%, with 1,04 kg of material and an output reaching only 0,78.Hasil hutan non kayu adalah pemanfaatkan jenis tumbuhan di kawasan hutan maupun diluar kawasan hutan selain kayu. Umumnya hasil hutan bukan kayu digunakan untuk kebutuhan atau kepentingan sendiri, dijual, serta untuk bahan baku kerajinan. Salah satu hasil hutan bukan kayu yang digunakan sebagai bahan kerajinan yaitu biji kokka. Kerajinan biji kokka yang populer dan banyak diminati konsumen berupa gelang, tasbih, dan cincin. Melihat potensi yang ada pengrajin biji kokka di Desa Antasan Senor Ilir terus membina para pengrajin sehingga produk yang akan dihasilkan memiliki mutu yang baik dan mampu bersaing di pasaran lokal maupun diluar. Namun sampai saat ini untuk data yang menjelaskan tinggi rendahnya angka produktivitas serta rendemen pembuatan kerajinan biji kokka masih tidak ada. Dengan tidak adanya data tersebut maka penulis berminat untuk meneliti produktivitas dan rendemen kerajinan kokka di desa Antasan Selor Ilir Kecamatan Martapura Timur. Metode yang digunakan untuk menghitung tingkat produktivitas yaitu, output adalah hasil kerja berupa sebuah produk dari kerajinan biji kokka dan waktu total adalah waktu yang yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat satu buah produk. pengamatan rendemen kerajinan biji kokka menggunakan timbangan untuk mengetahui berat bahan baku, sebelum diolah dan setelah menjadi produk. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian responden dengan produktivitas tertinggi yaitu Kosasi 233,92 gr/jam dan 629 kg/tahun. Responden yang memiliki produktivitas terendah secara keseluruhan yaitu Nurul Beuti dengan produktivitas hanya 389 Kg/tahun. Faktor yang mempengaruhi produktivitas yaitu lamanya bekerja, motivasi, usia, dan pendidikan. Rendemen biji kokka berkisar dari 75,00% sampai dengan 88,00% dengan rerata keseluruhan rendemen kerajinan kokka 82,31%. Responden dengan bahan baku 1,00 kg menghasilkan output 0,88 kg sehingga rendemen biji kokka menjadi 88,00% menjadi rendemen tertinggi. Rendemen biji kokka terendah yaitu 75,00% dengan bahan baku 1,04 kg dan output yang hanya mencapai 0,78 kg.
Jurnal Sylva Scienteae Vol 1, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Sylva Scienteae Vol 1 No 2, Edisi Oktober 2018
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (413.922 KB) | DOI: 10.20527/jss.v1i2.488


Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui produktivitas dan rendemen pembuatan papan blok dari empulur kayu sengon PT. Surya Satrya Timur Banjarmasin. Pembuatan papan blok dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor seperti produktivitas dan rendemen. Produktivitas berhubungan dengan kemampuan menghasilkan produk dalam waktu tertentu, sedangkan rendemen berkaitan dengan jumlah yang dihasilkan dalam kualitas tertentu.Objek penelitian yaitu para pekerja bagian produksi papan blok, bahannya adalah empulur kayu sengon, peralatan yaitu berupa stopwatch, jam tangan, kalkulator, laptop, kamera, tallysheet dan alat tulis. Pengamatan produktivitas menggunakan Nol Stop Method, menggunakan 2 stopwach dan jam tangan dalam pengukuran lamanya waktu kerja untuk membuat 1 buah papan blok (satuan waktu). Pengamatan rendemen dengan menghitung m³ empulur kayu sengon guna mengetahui banyaknya output (papan blok), input (empulur kayu sengon) pada unit kegiatan produksi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-rata produktivitas masih terbilang kecil yaitu 0,018 m³/jam. Hal ini disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor seperti bahan baku yang belum siap untuk diolah, dan bahan baku yang masih basah belum bisa digunakan. Selain itu ada faktor lain yang mempengaruhi tinggi rendahnya produktivitas yang berasal dari manusia : tingkat keahlian, sikap disiplin, kemampuan dan kecepatan dalam menyelesaikan pekerjaan, umur, masa bekerja dan lain sebagainya. Sedangkan untuk nilai rata-rata rendemen adalah 42,179 %, nilai tersebut masih rendah. Hal ini karena bahan baku yang kurang baik, dan masih banyak yang terbuang karena adanya cacat seperti retak dan pecah pada saat proses produksi.
PENGARUH PERBANDINGAN UREA DAN PEG 1000 SERTA LAMA PERENDAMAN TERHADAP STABILISASI DIMENSI KAYU JABON (Anthocephalus cadamba Miq) Misnawati Misnawati; Lusyiani Lusyiani; Kurdiansyah Kurdiansyah
Jurnal Sylva Scienteae Vol 2, No 6 (2019): Jurnal Sylva Scienteae Vol 2 No 6, Edisi Desember 2019
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (476.951 KB) | DOI: 10.20527/jss.v2i6.1901


The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of urea and PEG 1000 (Polyethylene glycol) on the success rate of Jabon wood stabilization (Anthocephalus cadamba Miq), Analyzing the effect of immersion duration on the success rate of Jabon wood dimension stabilization (Anthocephalus cadamba Miq). The method used that is a complete Random Design (RAL) by A factor of two (the concentration of the mixture of urea and PEG 1000) and B (long Soaking). The results of the urea and PEG 1000 studies have succeeded in which the values before the tangential treatment (control) with a value of 2.67% to 1.27%. While the radial value before treatment was 2.04% to 1.05%. While overall T/R depreciation gives the best value with values ranging from 1.0 -1.5. Treatment that produces the value of the best tangential direction i.e. ASE 70.32% in the mixture of urea and PEG 1000 0%-100%, long soaking 5 days (A5B3). While the value of ASE radial is said to succeed because more than 50% of the value of 66.06% urea mixture and PEG 1000 0%-100%, long soaking 5 days (A5B3). While ASE T/R can be said did not work because it is still less than 50% with the highest value 30.86% in the mixture of urea and PEG 1000 75%-25% with long submersion in 3 days (A4B2).Keywords: Immersion time, Urea, PEG 1000,Jabon
Jurnal Sylva Scienteae Vol 4, No 3 (2021): Jurnal Sylva Scienteae Volume 4 No 3 Edisi Juni 2021
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (402.404 KB) | DOI: 10.20527/jss.v4i3.3751


The purpose of this study was to qualitatively identify active chemical compounds, namely the content of alkaloids, flavonoids, steroids, triterpenoids, tannins, saponins, and quinones, in the roots, bark and leaves of Jelatang Gajah. The method used is phytochemical screening by identifying using various active compounds in the simplicia of the Jelatang Gajah plant. Flavonoid chemical compounds in this test were not detected, because the solution did not change color. Steroid chemical compounds from 3 (three) times the repetition of the section show a strong / sharp indication value (++) which is indicated by a dark red color change in the phytrate. Triterpenoids were not detected in the three simplicia, the phytrate that had been made did not change color, indicating the presence of triterpenoid compounds. The result of the (+) value in triterpenoid compounds was indicated by a change in green color. Tests for tannin compounds in the elephant nettle plant study found a weak indication (+) in leaf and bark simplicia, while in the simplicia of tannin roots it was not detected (-). Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi secara kualitatif kandungan alkaloid, flavonoid, steroid, triterpenoid, tanin, saponin, dan quinon, pada bagian akar, kulit, dan daun jelatang gajah. Metode yang digunakan yaitu skrining fitokimia dengan mengidentifikasi menggunakan berbagai senyawa aktif pada simplisia tumbuhan Jelatang Gajah. Senyawa kimia flavonoid pada pengujian ini tidak terdeteksi, karena larutan tersebut tidak terjadi perubahan warna. Senyawa kimia steroid dari 3 (tiga) kali ulangan bagian tersebut menunjukkan nilai indikasi kuat/tajam (++) yang ditunjukkan dengan adanya perubahan berwana merah pekat pada fitrat tersebut. Triterpenoid tidak terdektesi pada ketiga simplisia, fitrat yang telah dibuat tidak terjadi perubahan warna yang menunjukkan adanya senyawa triterpenoid. Hasil nilai (+) pada senyawa triterpenoid ditandai dengan terjadinya perubahan warna hijau.Pengujian senyawa tanin pada penelitian tumbuhan jelatang gajah ini ditemukannya indikasi lemah (+) pada simplisia daun dan kulit, sedangkan pada simplisia akar tanin tidak terdeteksi (-). 
PENGUKURAN KADAR AIR JENIS BAMBU BETUNG (Dindrocalamos asper), BAMBU KUNING (Bambusa vulgaris Schard) dan BAMBU SULUK (Gigantochloa levis Merr) Ayu Noor Latifah; Kurdiansyah Kurdiansyah; Wiwin Tyas Istikowati
Jurnal Sylva Scienteae Vol 4, No 5 (2021): Jurnal Sylva Scienteae Volume 4 No 5 Edisi Oktober 2021
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (371.006 KB) | DOI: 10.20527/jss.v4i5.4212


The aim of this research is to determine water content of three types of bamboo (betung bamboo (Dindrocalamos asper), kuning bamboo (Bambusa vulgaris Schard), and suluk bamboo (Gigantochloa levis Merr)) and to determine the differences based on their position in bamboo. Five bamboos each species was harvested from Tapin Regency, South Kalimantan. Bamboo was divided into three positions, the bottom, middle, and the end and moisture content were measured. This measurement of water content can provide information for further utilization. Based on the results, the water content of the bamboo betung type, the bottom part was 22.8%, the middle was 16.8%, and the tip was 16.6%, with an average moisture content of 18.7%. The moisture content of kuning bamboo at the bottom was 18.6%, the middle was 18.6% and the tip was 19.8% with an average was 19%. The moisture content of the suluk bamboo at the bottom was 17.2%, the middle was 16.4% and the tip was 14.8% with an average was 16.13%. The results showed that the highest water content in kuning bamboo was 19%. Bamboo moisture content can be used as a consideration for the use of bamboo in the drying and preserving process of bambooPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur kadar air pada tiga jenis bambu (Bambu betung (Dindrocalamos asper), bambu kuning (Bambusa vulgaris Schard), dan bambu suluk (Gigantochloa levis Merr)) dan untuk mengetahui perbedaan berdasarkan posisinya dalam bamboo. Lima batang bamboo tiap spesies ditebang dari Kabutpaten Tapin, Kalimantan Selatan. Bambu dibedakan menjadi tiga posisi, pangkal, tengah dan ujung selanjutnya diuji kadar airnya. Pengukuran kadar air ini dapat memberikan informasi pada pemanfaatan lebih lanjut. Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran kadar air jenis bambu betung bagian pangkal rata-rata 22,8%, tengah 16,8%, dan bagian ujung 16,6% dengan kadar air rata-rata keseluruhan 18,7 %. Hasil pengukuran kadar air jenis bambu kuning bagian pangkal rata-rata 18,6%, tengah 18,6% dan bagian ujung 19,8% dengan kadar air rata-rata keseluruhan 19%. Hasil pengukuran kadar air jenis bambu suluk bagian pangkal rata-rata 17,2%, tengah 16,4% dan bagian ujung 14,8% dengan kadar air rata-rata keseluruhan 16,13 %. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa kadar air tertinggi pada bambu kuning sebesar 19%. Kadar air bambu dapat digunakan sebagai pertimbangan penggunaan bambu dalam proses pengeringan dan pengawetan bambu
Jurnal Sylva Scienteae Vol 2, No 2 (2019): Jurnal Sylva Scienteae Vol 2 No 2, Edisi April 2019
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/jss.v2i2.1055


ABSTRACT. This study aims to determine the physical and mechanical properties of Balik angin wood which includes fresh water content, density, specific gravity, MoE, and MoR and to know the effect on the base, middle and end to the physical and mechanical properties of wood. The wood samples were taken from the KHDTK Education Forest and Training ULM in Mandiangin. Sampel cutting is done in the north, middle and south direction of each section with the sample size based on the standard of ASTM D 143-52. The total sample is 54 samples for physical properties test and 9 samples for mechanical properties test. The calculation method used is the RAL method. The result of the research showed that based on the data diversity analysis did’t significantly affect each part of the treatment, with average fresh water content value of 41,91%, specific gravity 0,49, density 0,49 gr/cm3, MoE 8.937,97 kg/cm2, and MoR 703,88 kg/cm2. Based on the results of Balik angin wood testing into the strong class III until IV.ABSTRAK. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sifat fisika dan mekanika kayu Balik angin yang meliputi kadar air segar, kerapatan, berat jenis, MoE dan MoR serta untuk mengetahui pengaruh pada bagian pangkal, tengah dan ujung terhadap sifat fisika dan mekanika kayu. Sampel kayu diambil dari KHDTK Hutan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan ULM di Mandiangin. Pemotongan sampel dilakukan pada arah utara, tengah dan selatan pada setiap bagian degan ukuran sampel berdasarkan standart ASTM D 143-52. Jumlah keseluruhan sampel sebanyak 54 sampel untuk uji sifat fisika dan 9 sampel untuk uji sifat mekanika. Metode perhitungan yang digunakan adalah metode RAL. Hasl penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan analisis keragaman data tidak berpengaruh nyata pada setiap bagian terhadap perlakuan, dengan rata-rata nilai kadar air segar sebesar 41,91%, berat jenis 0,49, kerapatan 0,49 gr/cm3, MoE 8.937,97 kg/cm2, dan MoR 703,88 kg/cm2. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian kayu Balik angin masuk kedalam kelas kuat III sampai IV.
UJI FITOKIMIA PADA TUMBUHAN PURUN DANAU (Lepironia articulata) Hafizh Widhoyo; Kurdiansyah Kurdiansyah; Yuniarti Yuniarti
Jurnal Sylva Scienteae Vol 2, No 3 (2019): Jurnal Sylva Scienteae Vol 2 No 3, Edisi Juni 2019
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (289.567 KB) | DOI: 10.20527/jss.v2i3.1828


Purun lake (Lepironia articulata) is a plant that belongs to the cyperaceae family and grows in the swamp area. This study aims to determine the content of active chemical compounds in the roots, flowers, and rods purun lake qualitatively through phytochemical tests. This study is expected to provide information about the content of active chemical compounds in the roots, flowers, and stalks of the lake purun which can be used as a basis in its further use as a nutritious plant as a medicine. The sampling of purun lake is done in Kampung Purun Banjarbaru City, while the test is done in Wood Science Laboratory Faculty of Forestry Lambung Mangkurat UniversityBanjarbaru. The method used is phytochemical screening by identifying alkaloid compounds, flavonoids, steroids, triterpenoids, tannins, saponins, and quinones contained within the roots, flowers, and stalks of the lake. Tabulation of data of test result of active chemical compound was analyzed descriptively. The result of phytochemical screening of active chemical compounds contained in the roots, flowers, and stalks of the purun lake shows that their roots contain flavonoids, tannins, and saponins, while the flowers contain alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins and saponins, and the stalks contain alkaloids, steroids, tannins , and saponins.Keywords: Phytochemical screening; purun lake;medicinal herb
Jurnal Sylva Scienteae Vol 3, No 1 (2020): Jurnal Sylva Scienteae Vol 3 No 1, Edisi Februari 2020
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (603.863 KB) | DOI: 10.20527/jss.v3i1.1953


The purpose to analyze the physical properties of moisture content, density, shrinkage and development of thickness and mechanical properties (MoE and MoR) of wood particle board jabon (Anthocephalus cadamba) and sengon wood (Paraserianthes falkataria). The study was conducted in February-May 2019. Test specimens were made from jabon sawn wood and sengon wood with polyester resin as many as 18 pieces with 15 pieces for tensile test and 3 pieces for hardness test. Standard testing based on SNI 03-2105-2006 such as physical and mechanical properties of particle board in the form of water content, density, thickness development, shrinkage, flexural firmness (Modulus of Elasticity or MOE) and broken firmness (Modulus of Rupture or MOR). Physical properties The particle board with epoxy resin jabon and sengon wood powder adhesive has fulfilled SNI 03-2105-2006 with a moisture content value ranging from 9.60% - 13.00%, the density value on adhesive is 30% and 40% (B2 and B3), shrinkage ranges 1.11% - 2.86% and thick development of 14.32% - 19.82%. The mechanical properties of particle board with epoxy resin adhesives of jabon and sengon wood powder did not meet SNI 03-2105-2006 with flexural firmness (Modulus of Elasticity or MOE) 1,477.44 kgf / cm²-1,751.45 kgf / cm and broken firmness value (Modulus of Rupture or MOR) ranges from 16.12 kgf / cm² - 25.90 kgf / cm².Keywords: sawn waste; physical properties; mechanical properties
Jurnal Hutan Tropis Vol 5, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Hutan Tropis Volume 5 Nomer 1 Edisi Maret 2017
Publisher : Lambung Mangkurat University-Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (566.506 KB) | DOI: 10.20527/jht.v5i1.4053


Current wood preservation technology practices both in physical and natural processing are simply done through immersing wood in flowing water or burying wood into the soil / mud within a certain period of time. This physical preservation method intends to eliminate any nutritional food content (esp. starch) or eliminate any odor or flavor favored by fungal spoilage or wood-destroying insects. This simple and inexpensive natural preservation method shows adequate result.  The experiment uses Completely Randomized Design to determine treatment effect of burying wood in mud to starch concentration changes in wood. Treatment duration up to 8 weeks results show no changes in starch concentration. Even so, burying wood in mud does not prove ineffectiveness in preventing wood-boring beetle invasion. Other theories show that burying wood in mud changes the odor and flavor of starch (amylum). Changes of any odor and/or flavor of starch cease lyctus to feed on stach (amylum), consequently making wood safer or preserved against wood-boring beetle (lyctus) invasion.Teknologi pengawetan kayu secara fisik atau secara alami tidaklah sulit, yaitu dengan cara merendam kayu dalam air mengalir atau melakukan penguburan kayu kedalam tanah/lumpur dalam jangka waktu tertentu. Pengawetan secara fisik ini dimaksudkan untuk menghilangkan kandungan zat makanan (pati) atau merubah bau dan rasa yang disukai oleh cendawan pembusuk atau serangga perusak kayu. Teknologi pengawetan secara alami ini sangat sederhana dan murah dan hasilnya cukup memadai, Dalam penelitian ini metode yang digunakan adalah metode Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari perlakuan yaitu lamanya penguburan dalam lumpur terhadap perubahan kandungan zat pati (amylum) dalam kayu. Lamanya penguburan kayu dalam lumpur hingga 8 minggu tidak mempengaruhi jumlah kandungan zat pati (amylum) dalam kayu. Namun demikian bukan berarti bahwa penguburan kayu dalam lumpur tidak efektif dalam mencegah serangan bubuk kayu (lyctus), karena menurut beberapa teori menyatakan bahwa penguburan kayu dalam lumpur akan dapat merubah bau dan rasa dari zat pati (amylum) tersebut. Dengan berubahnya bau dan rasa dari zat pati, maka kemungkinan besar lyctus tidak suka untuk memakan zat pati (amylum) tersebut, sehingga kayu akan aman atau awet terhadap serangan bubuk kayu lyctus.