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تعليم النحو لغير العرب: الأسس والمبادئ khoirurrijal khoirurrijal
An Nabighoh Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Vol 15 No 2 (2013): Jurnal An Nabighoh
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Metro

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The education is not only a transfer of information and knowledge to the recipient, but also must be conversant and based role in the educational process, it makes a vibrant curriculum, tribal upon the students with all the passion and fun and interest are investigating. Teacher is the one who helps his disciples to save, store and retrieve what is necessary information, which is who is qualified educationally and psychologically, who knows foundations and educational principles, which chooses the best ways to suspense disciples in the educational process and so on. But, as almost exclusively is understood by the latecomers of scientists at the base to aware of when looking for constructive or the science standards derived from the extrapolation of the words Arab’smistakes in the installation. So, the good foundations and principles of teaching are very important to get succsess in the teaching and education’s activities as we hope. Education, foundations and principles of education.
أهمية اللغة العربية وتأثيرها في إندونيسيا khoirurrijal khoirurrijal
An Nabighoh Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Vol 15 No 1 (2013): Jurnal An Nabighoh
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Metro

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The Arabic language has become a humanitarian message with itsconcepts and ideas, and managed to be the language of civilizedhumanity, and involving a wide variety of nations, includingIndonesia.The Arabic is the language of civilization in the world. It is theoldest languages still have the characteristics of words andstructures, drainage, and about literature and fiction with beingable to express different perceptions of science. It is also thelanguage of communication between millions of people scattered inthe prospects for the Earth, including Indonesia.The Arabic words in the Indonesian language are too numerous tocount. They have carried the message of Islam and the wording ofmany structures, semantics, and manynewvoices to express whatIslam brought from its concepts, ideas, systems and rules ofconduct, and became the language of religion, culture, civilizationand governance at the same time. The impacts of the Arabiclanguage in the Indonesian language are often through by thewords, the structures, the signs and the sounds
اللغة العربية بإندونيسيا (السياسة، التاريخ، الوضع الحالي khoirurrijal khoirurrijal
An Nabighoh Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Vol 17 No 2 (2015): Jurnal An Nabighoh
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Metro

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The Arabic language is spoken by Indonesian society as well as being religious language in the Holy Qur’an. The prestige of this noble life to ensure its existence since the early days of their entry to Indonesia with the simultaneous introduction of Islam. Conclusion of this research can be described as follows: (a). The Arabic language education in Indonesia "religious political question" about the history of the spread of the Islamic faith of Indonesia, (b). history reminds us that there is an old business relationship between Indonesians and two Arab started since the third century AD. and spread the Arabic language significantly after the advent of Islam the beginning of the connection between the Arabic and Indonesian. Finally, became the Arabic words in the Indonesian language as verbally, structures, semantics and sounds, and (c). the methods of teaching Arabic in Indonesia are such as: Directly, audio-verbal, analysis of the sentence and selectivity.
Akademika : Jurnal Pemikiran Islam Vol 22 No 1 (2017): Islam, Radicalism, dan Terrorism
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro

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Tulisan ini membahas tentang Islam Nusantara sebagai counter-hegemony melawan Radikalisme Agama di Indonesia. Berdasarkan kajian yang dilakukan terdapat relevansi atas apa yang diwacanakan Gus Dur dengan beberapa gejala yang muncul pada Islam Indonesia saat ini. Pertama, Pandangan Jihad yang keliru di sebagian kalangan Islam sendiri yaitu munculnya terorisme secara terbuka yaitu gerakan ISIS di Indonesia. Kedua, Kekerasan atas nama agama semakin merebak yaitu oleh kalangan Islam Garis Keras seperti Front Pembela Islam (FPI), Forum Umat Islam (FUI), Majelis Mujahiddin Indonesia (MMI) dan lain-lain. Ketiga, Munculnya kembali perdebatan soal Pancasila dan Khilafah terutama digaungkan oleh Hibut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) dan beberapa kalangan Islam yang mendukung perseteruan Khilafah vis a vis Pancasila. Dalam membahas Islam Nusantara, penulis mendayagunakan teori counter-hegemony Antonio Gramsci dimana perlawanan atas radikalisme agama dilakukan dengan melakukan budaya tanding dengan wajah Islam yang toleran. Oleh sebab itu, tulisan ini akan mengupas dan menjelaskan secara mendalam wacana Islam Nusantara dengan manarik jauh atas gagasan yang dikenalkan oleh Gus Dur yaitu melalui pribumisasi Islam-nya sejak era 80-an sampai gagasan Islam Nusantara yang dimunculkan PBNU saat ini. Sehingga dapat dicapai suatu pengetahuan (knowledge) dan pemahaman (verstehen) menuju peradaban Islam Nusantara yang menghargai pluralitas, toleran dan rahmatan lil ‘alamin. This paper discusses about Islam Nusantara as a counter-cultural hegemony againts the radicalism of religion in Indonesia. Based on studies conducted there is relevance for what discured Wahid with some symptoms that appear in Islamic Indonesia at this moment. First, the view of Jihad among of most Muslims, namely the emergence of terrorism openly i.e. movement of ISIS in Indonesia. Second, Violence in the name of religion is increasingly spread by the Hard-line Islamic circles such as the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), Muslim Forum (FUI, Indonesian Mujahideen Council (MMI) and others. Third, the reappearance of the debate the question of Pancasila and the Caliphate was mainly undertaken by Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) and some Islamic circles that supported caliphate feud vis a vis the Pancasila. In discussing Islam Nusantara, the authors utilize the theory of counter-hegemony Antonio Gramsci where resistance against religious radicalism is done by doing a counter culture with the face of a tolerant Islam. Therefore, this article will discuss and explain in depth discourse of Islam Nusantara with interested much on the idea introduced by Gus Dur, namely through its indigenization of Islam since the '80s. In order to get a knowledge and understanding (verstehen) toward Islam Nusantara civilization that respects plurality, tolerance and rahmatan lil ‘Alamin.
Exploring Basic Problem of Arabic Speaking Skill in Foreign Language Learning Ahmad Mubaidillah; Khoirurrijal Khoirurrijal; Husnul Fatarib; M. Kholis Amrullah; Achmad Yani
Lughatu Ad-dhat Vol 3 No 2 (2023): Januari 2023
Publisher : Lughatu Ad-Dhat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37216/lughatuaddhat.v3i2.896


The main problems that arise in the process of learning speech skills and the impact of these problems on the result of the students' study and the efforts made by the Arabic linguistics in overcoming the problem of speech in Arabic at Bustan Science Islamic Intermediate School Jayasakti. This research is to identify the problems in the process of learning speech skills and the impact of problems on the outcome of students' study and the efforts made to overcome this problem. As for the form of linguistic education experienced by students at Bustan Islamic Intermediate Science School, Jayasakti has an impact on the result of students' study on understanding and implementation of speech skills, and the impact is divided into three areas, namely the cognitive and psychological impact of skills. Some efforts that can be made to overcome these problems include getting students used to speaking Arabic always, teachers try to increase students' motivation to love Arabic and try to establish a language environment.