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Jurnal Difusi Vol 2 No 2 (2019): Jurnal Difusi
Publisher : Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (P3M) Politeknik Negeri Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (108.126 KB) | DOI: 10.35313/difusi.v2i2.1667


Kepala Desa bersama Badan Permusyawaratan Desa menetapkan Peraturan Desa setelah dibahas dan sisepakati bersama. Dalam penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan dan Pembangunan Desa, peraturan tersebut merupakan kerangka hukum dan kebijakan yang berlaku. Peraturan Desa yang dibentuk atau ditetapkan dalam Peraturan Perundang-undangan ini memuat norma hukum dan mengikat secara umum. Legislasi merupakan pembentukan peraturan dapat menjadi pilihan oleh pembuatnya untuk menyajikan kebijakan dengan cara yang sangat kuat dalam menciptakan suatu keadaan. Legislasi juga dapat menjadi pilihan untuk menyajikan kebijakan dengan menciptakan suatu dinamika hukum masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, kemampuan para aparatur desa dalam menyusun peraturan desa perlu ditingkatkan agar apa yang menjadi tujuan sebuah desa untuk memberdayakan seluruh sumber daya yang ada agar demokratis, mandiri, kuat, dan maju dapat terwujud. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilakukan dengan menggandeng mitra aparatur Desa Cigugurgirang, terutama anggota Badan Permusyawaratan Desa (BPD), melalui kegiatan Pelatihan Pengenalan Legislative Drafting untuk Pembentukan Peraturan Desa Bagi Aparatur Desa Cigugurgirang. Luaran kegiatan ini berupa jasa atau aktivitas pelatihan updating Ipteks di masyarakat dan peningkatan kegiatan pengembangan ilmu, teknologi, dan seni di perguruan tinggi, serta untuk Polban kegiatan ini diharapkan dapat memperkenalkan Polban sebagai institusi pendidikan vokasi yang berdomisili di Kabupaten Bandung Barat. Kata kunci: Legislative drafting, pelatihan, aparatur desa ISSN 2615-2363
Evaluasi Kinerja Aset Pasar Tradisional Kiaracondong Kota Bandung Piga Raken Sabhira; Ita Susanti
Prosiding Industrial Research Workshop and National Seminar Vol 12 (2021): Prosiding 12th Industrial Research Workshop and National Seminar (IRWNS)
Publisher : Politeknik Negeri Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (389.581 KB)


Evaluasi Kinerja Aset Pasar Tradisional Kiaracondong Kota Bandung
Juridical Analysis of Regional Asset Management to Increase Regional Original Revenue; Case Study in Bandung Regency Ita Susanti; Sumiyati Sumiyati; Mia Rosmiati
ARISTO Vol 10, No 3 (2022): December / Special Issue : Local Governance
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24269/ars.v10i3.6158


The concept of the welfare state of the Republic of Indonesia as stated in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution, its implementation is realized in the form of regional government (decentralization), both provincial, city and district governments. Each local government has the right and obligation to take care of its administration to improve efficiency and effectiveness. After the Covid-19 Pandemic, almost all local governments experienced a decline in obtaining regional original revenue. The same thing happened to the local government of Bandung Regency, after the Covid-19 Pandemic, economic growth has stagnated for almost 2 years. This causes the regional original revenue of Bandung Regency to decrease. In addition, the decline is because not all regional potentials have been explored and managed properly. The research was conducted in three stages. The first stage, the literature study, is an inventory of regulations regarding the management of regional property/regional assets and regulations regarding regional original revenue. The second stage is observation at several related institutions. The third stage is the discussion by comparing the normative juridical legal arrangements regarding the management of regional assets (das sollen) and their application in reality (das sein). The results show that the Bandung Regency Government has implemented regional asset management based on the asset management cycle which is under the responsibility of the Regional Finance and Assets Agency. In addition to the asset cycle, regional asset management is also carried out according to regulations. Asset management in accordance with the asset management cycle and the laws and regulations can certainly significantly increase the regional original revenue of Bandung Regency. One of the efforts made by the Bandung Regency Government in increasing its regional revenue is improving road access to tourist destinations. With infrastructure improvements, it is hoped that it can become a special attraction for tourists visiting tourist destinations in Bandung Regency
Bimbingan Teknis Tata Cara Rapat Anggota Tahunan Koperasi Berdasarkan Peraturan Perundang-Undangan di Koperasi Konsumen Sinergitas Lima Pilar Sumiyati; Ita Susanti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59024/jpma.v1i1.286


This community service activity in the form of technical guidance on the procedures for the Annual Member Meeting (RAT) of the Cooperative is carried out in order to provide understanding to the management, supervisors and members of the cooperative. This technical guidance is carried out directly when the Five Pillar Synergy Consumer Cooperative implements the RAT for the 2021 Fiscal Year. This direct practical technical guidance activity is very effective, so that the management, supervisors, and members of the cooperative simultaneously gain knowledge and understanding of the procedures for -RAT cooperative according to statutory provisions
Peningkatan Kompetensi Menyusun Legal Drafting Bagi Aparatur dan Badan Permusyawaratan Desa di Desa Cigugurgirang: Competency Improvement in Drafting Regulations for Village Officials and Consultative in Cigugurgirang Village Ajeng Ayu Milanti; Sumiyati; Sulistia Suwondo; Ita Susanti; M. Yunus Maulana
VIVABIO: Jurnal Pengabdian Multidisiplin Vol. 5 No. 3 (2023): VIVABIO: Jurnal Pengabdian Multidisiplin
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35799/vivabio.v5i3.51471


Village regulations are a crucial instrument in governing sustainable development at the village level, ensuring justice, and safeguarding the rights of local communities. These regulations grant authority to village officials and the Village Consultative Body. However, initial observations revealed that 66.7% of them were not familiar with the procedures for drafting village regulations. This undoubtedly poses a significant risk, as the resulting regulatory products may not reflect the actual needs and interests of the village community. Therefore, this community engagement program aims to provide training to enhance the competence of village officials and the Village Consultative Body in drafting village regulations in Cigugur Girang Village. The training was conducted in July 2023 at the village office hall. The implementation method consisted of training and mentoring for a total of 40 hours over 7 days. The training was attended by 20 participants, including village officials and members of the Village Consultative Body. Based on the evaluation of the training activities, there was a 57.1% improvement in understanding and technical skills in drafting village regulations. This was demonstrated by the creation of four new draft village regulations during the training. These four draft village regulations align with the actual needs of the village community, making them suitable regulatory products to be enacted by the village government. Keywords:  Village-Regulations; Village-Officials; Village-Consultative (BPD); Drafting; Village.. ABSTRAKT Legal Drafting merupakan instrumen penting dalam tata kelola pembangunan dan pengembangan tingkat desa secara berkelanjutan, yang memastikan keadilan dan melindungi hak-hak masyarakat lokal. Peraturan tersebut menjadi wewenang bagi aparatur dan badan permusyawaratan desa. Namun, pada hasil observasi awal diketahui bahwa sebesar 66.7% belum mengetahui tata cara pembuatan Legal Drafting. Hal ini tentunya dapat memberi resiko besar, manakala produk regulasi yang dihasilkan tidak mencerminkan kebutuhan dan kepentingan aktual dari masyarakat desa. Oleh karena itu, program pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini ditujukan untuk memberikan pelatihan dalam upaya meningkatkan kompetensi menyusun Legal Drafting bagi aparatur dan badan permusyawaratan desa di Desa Cigugurgirang. Pelatihan diselenggarakan pada bulan Juli 2023 bertempat di gedung aula kantor desa. Metode pelaksanaan yakni dalam bentuk pelatihan dan pendampingan selama 40 jam dalam waktu 7 hari kegiatan. Pelaksanaan pelatihan diikuti oleh 20 orang peserta yang merupakan aparatur dan anggota badan permusyawaratan desa. Berdasarkan penilaian hasil evaluasi kegiatan pelatihan terdapat peningkatan pemahaman dan teknis keterampilan penyusunan Legal Drafting sebesar 85.7%. Hal ini terbukti dari terbentuknya empat draft Legal Drafting baru saat pelatihan. Keempat Legal Drafting tersebut sesuai dengan kebutuhan aktual masyarakat desa sehingga draft peraturan tersebut dapat menjadi produk regulasi yang ditetapkan oleh pemerintah desa tersebut.