Muryoto Muryoto
Polteknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Yogyakarta

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Pengaruh Penambahan Biostarter Limbah Nanas Terhadap Volume Biogas yang Dihasilkan Siti Nurkhasanah; Sri Puji Ganefati; Muryoto Muryoto
Sanitasi: Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Vol. 3 No. 3 (2011): Agustus
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

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Cow dung in Kadipaten Village of Kedungjambal, Tawangsari, Sukoharjo had not been managed appropriately. Actually, the organic substance contained in cow dung is potentially used as raw material for biogas making. To accelerate the time needed in the biogas processing, biostarter can be added such as pineapple peels waste. The aim of the study was to identify which biostarter concentration is the most effective. The study was an experirmental one with laboratory scale and followed post-test only with control group design. In each biogas digester tank which made of 50 litre volume jerrycan consisted of 14 litre fresh cow dung, 23,4 litre dilution water and 2,6 litre pineaplle waste bio-starter concentration. The concentration variation of the biostarter were 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100%. The biostarter was made by fermentation process in two times of 24 hours from the mixture of pineapple peels, tempe, banana, onion and sugar solution. The results showed that the mean volume of biogas yielded by the control group was 140 mm3, and in the 20%, 40% and 60% concentration groups were 794,0 m3, 859.7 mm3 and 925,0 respectively, but with negative flame test. Meanwhile, in the 80% and 100% concentration groups, the volume of biogas produced were 1107,0 mm3 and 1307,7 mm3 in average and show two and four minutes flame time respectively. The statistical analysis with one way anova test concluded that biostarter made from pine-apple peel waste affecting the yielded biogas volume and the most effective concentration was 100%.
Faktor Risiko yang Berhubungan dengan Kasus Leptospirosis di Kota Yogyakarta Tahun 2011 Iwan Himawan; Sarjito Eko Windarso; Muryoto Muryoto
Sanitasi: Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Vol. 4 No. 2 (2012): November
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

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Leptospirosis is a zoonosis disease which is suspectedly the most widely spread in the world, in-cluded Indonesia. In 2011, the number of leptospirosis case in Yogyakarta City was multi-folded compared with the previous years. The study was aimed to understand the factors correlated with the disease incidence in that city in 2011 by conducting an observational study with case control design. The number of sample both in case and control groups were 30. Cases were patients who are diagnosed with leptospirosis and recorded in case report of leptospirosis in the city’s health department in 2011. Meanwhile controls were a neighbor of patients who did not suffer the typical symptoms of leptospirosis. Data were obtained through interview and ob-servation. Data analysis was carried out in stages included univariate, bivariate and multivariate tests. The bivariate analysis showed that the following factors were correlated with leptospirosis: risky occupations (OR=6.000; 95 % CI=1.172-30.725, p=0.045), contact history with mice (OR= 5.231; 95 % CI=1.675-16.515, p=0.008), having history of wounds (OR=5,675; 95 % CI=1,841-17,494; p=0,004) and behavior of wearing personal protective equipment (OR=5,444; 95 % CI=1,804-16,427; p=0,005); The subsequent logistic regression test showed that only having his-tory of wounds and behavior of wearing personal protective equipment were significantly cor-related with leprospirosis. Overall, people with both conditions have probablity of getting the disease as much as 88,77 %.
Pengawetan dengan Asam Sitrat Ekstrak Daun Jeruk Purut (Citrus hystrix D. C) untuk Memperbaiki Umur Simpan Daging Ayam Segar Jantri Nyama Yanti; Muryoto Muryoto; Indah Werdiningsih
Sanitasi: Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Vol. 4 No. 3 (2013): Februari
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

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Chicken meat is one of perishable foods because of its high protein and water content. There-fore, the addition of food preserving ingredient to extend the preservation time become frequent. In this context, the use of natural ingredient is more advised, one of which is the leaves of citrus hystric or jeruk purut (indonesian). The study was aimed to understand the effect of the addition of different various dose of citric acid which is extracted from citrus hystric leaves towards the preserving time of fresh chicken/broiler meat by conducting an experiment which employed post test only with control group design. The preserving time were determined based on the organo-leptic score gained from color, odor and texture changing observed by ten housewives who were assigned as the panelists. The observation were conducted in three replications. The results showed that the preserving time yielded among the three dose variation of citric acid, i.e. 2 %, 4 % and 6 % were significantly different, and the 2 % dose was the best in improving the preser-ving time, i.e. 15,33 hours in average, compared with only 6,83 hours obtained from the control chicken meat.
Pengaruh Penerapan Ukuran Huruf Ergonomis Pada Papan Tulis Terhadap Kelelahan Visual dan Kelelahan Intelektual Siswa Sekolah Dasar “X” di Sleman Tahun 2013 Afifah Nulaila Desi Wijayanti; Muryoto Muryoto; Rizki Amalia
Sanitasi: Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Vol. 5 No. 3 (2014): Februari
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

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The rate of incidence due to visual impairment in children is very high. Meanwhile, educational facilities and infrastructures which are not ergonomic can be one of the triggers of the onset of visual fatigue and intellectual fatigue among students. The size of letters written on chalkboards in the classrooms should be adjusted to students who sit farthest. Based on a preliminary survey conducted in Elementary School “X” in Sleman, it was found that 7,2 % of students have already worn glasses, and 7 out of 10 of normal eye students were complaining some things related with eye tiredness. The study was aimed to know the influence of the application of ergonomical size letters on the chalkboard toward the visual fatigue and intellectual fatigue among students of Ele-mentary School “X” by conducting a true experiment which followed pre-test post-test with control group design. From all grade IV and V students of the school, 80 were sampled randomly as the respondents and then they were divided equally into two groups as the treatment and control ones. Fifteen minutes prior to and after a 35 minutes duration learning activities, all respondents filled in the questionnaire of visual fatigue and Bourdon Wiersma test. In the treatment group, students were asked to read script written on the chalkboard by using ergonomic letters; mean-while in the control group, the written letter were followed the usual size used by the teachers. The study data which were analysed by independent t-test at 95 % significancy level, showed results that students in the treatment group had significantly lower visual and intellectual fatigue, com-pared with those of students in the control group (all p values <0,001). To help students in the learning process, teachers of the elementary school are advised to change their habit in writing letters in the chalkboards with minimal size of 3,75 cm.
Perbedaan Kemampuan Predasi Ikan Cupang Hias (Betta splendens crown tail) dan Ikan Kepala TIMAH (Panchax panchax) Terhadap Kematian Jentik Nyamuk Aedes aegypti Siti Hadidsyah; Sigid Sudaryanto; Muryoto Muryoto
Sanitasi: Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Vol. 5 No. 4 (2014): Mei
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

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The utilization of mosquito larvae-eater fish is one of the ways for mosquito control based on bio-logical method. Two types of the fish that can be used are Betta splendens crown tail (betta fish) and Panchax panchax (tin-head fish). The research was aimed to identify the difference in ability of both fish types in consuming Aedes aegypti laarvae. The study was a pre-experiment with post-test only design. In one series of experiment, one betta fish and two tin-head fish were fed with 20 larvae, and then the amount of the larvae eaten were recorded in several observation time points for a total of 15 minute observation (i.e. 15 seconds, 30 seconds, 60 seconds, 5 mi-nutes and 15 minutes). Data from 15 series replication, were then analysed by using indepen-dent t-test at 95 % level of significance, and the results showed that betta fish signifcantly have better predation ability compared with that of tin-head fish (p value < 0,001); however, the preda-tion rates between both fish were found equal (p value = 0,948).
Pengaruh Proses Pembuatan yang Saniter Terhadap Masa Simpan Jamu Gendong di Kelurahan Kricak, Tegalrejo, Yogyakarta, Tahun 2014 Neni Purwandari; Mohammad Mirza Fauzie; Muryoto Muryoto
Sanitasi: Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Vol. 6 No. 2 (2014): November
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

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“Gendong” herb is tradisional medicine in the form of liquid which is circulated without indication. Undirectly, the consumption of this herb is one possible factor that affect diarrhoea incidence among people if sold in poor condition as results of the production that unfulfilling the sanitation standard. The purpose of this study was to know the difference of storage period of five types of ‘gendong herb’; i.e. kunyit asam, beras kencur, pahitan, uyup-uyup dan cabe puyang; produced by herb makers who followed good sanitation requirements and those who did not, in Kricak, Te-galrejo, Yogyakarta City. The study employed Extended Storage Studies method to determine the storage period of the herb types by using organoleptic observation, which consist of odor, color, taste and viscosity. The results of analysis using independent t-test, at ? = 0,005, obtained p-value of 0,001, which means that the storage periods of the herbs yielded from the two groups was significantly different.
Analisis Status Ergonomi Posisi Kerja dan Kelelahan Kerja Pada Tenaga Kerja di CV. Sinar Albasia Utama Kalasan, Sleman, Provinsi D. I. Yogyakarta Tyastiana Arbianisa; Agus Suwarni; Muryoto Muryoto
Sanitasi: Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Vol. 7 No. 4 (2016): Mei
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

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Every year there are more than 250 million accidents in work places. Moreover, as many as 1.2 million workers die due to accidents and illness in their work places. Workers who do not do their work ergonomically can get a variety of effects, one of which is fatigue. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between ergonomic status of working position and the fatigue of workers in CV Sinar Albasia Utama, Kalasan, Sleman, Yogyakarta. The study was a survey with cross sectional design. The study population covers all workers in the production department of that industry who work in a standing position and using a work-base, i.e. 289 workers. The sampling selection used simple random sampling technique, and the data collect-ion instrument used was a questionnaire form of work-fatigue assessment. Based on the re-sults of cross tabulation relationship between ergonomic status of working position and work fa-tigue by using chi-square test at 95 % confidence level and margin of error (?) of 0.05. it is re-vealed that there is a relationship between independent and dependent variables with a p-value of 0.009. The conclusion of this study is ergonomic status of working position correlates with the fatigue of workers of CV Sinar Albasia Utama.The owner of the industry is advised to reset the hight of the work-bases and to provide labor-chairs to make the workers can rest in their al-ways standing working position. For the workers, the advice is they have to get used to do mus-cle stretching during work activity or break-time and they have to effectively use the rest periods given.
Minyak Kenanga (Canangium odoratum Baill) Sebagai Repellent Lalat Rumah (Musca domestica) Wijayanti Ratna Sari; Muryoto Muryoto; Abdul Hadi Kadarusno
Sanitasi: Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Vol. 8 No. 2 (2016): November
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

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Flies are vectors of some diseases such as dysentery, cholera, typhoid, diarrhea and worm in-fection. Various techniques of fly control can be applied, one of which is by using chemical sub-stances as repellent. Cananga (Canangium odoratum Baill) has the ability to repel flies be-cause contains phenolic compound, i.e. linalool, eugenol and geraniol, which basically can ex-pel insects. The purpose of this research was to determine the influence of various concentra-tion of cananga oil towards houseflies (Musca domestica) by measuring the power and duration of the obtained repellent. This research was an experiment with post-test only with control group design. The research objects, i.e. 625 houseflies, were used for five expeiment groups which consisted of three treatment groups and two control groups in five repetitions. One way anova test at ? 0.05 revealed that the repellent powers showed from the 20 %, 30 % and 40 % cananga concentration, and the positive control (camphor) and the negative control (castor oil) were significantly different. Therefore, it can be concluded that cananga oil concentration do in-fluence the repellent power. However, the effect on the duration was not significant. To con-clude, 40 % concentration (40 ml cananga oil in 60 ml castor oil) is the most effective for repel-ling houseflies. It has 34.4 % repellent power and 8,4 hours duration.
Kursus Penjamah Makanan pada Jasa Boga PT “X” di Madiun Ratih Lukmitarani; Muryoto Muryoto; Rizki Amalia
Sanitasi: Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Vol. 9 No. 3 (2018): Februari
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

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Poor habits of food handlers are primary and secondary source of pathogens or toxigenic micro-organisms which are ready to be infected through food, either via direct or indirect contactwhich is causing enteric diseases among humans. Food borne diseases can be prevented bygiving education to food handlers as suggested by the regulation issued by MoH No.1096/Menkes/Per/VI/2011 about Hygiene Sanitation for Catering Service, which is known as FoodHygiene and Sanitation Course. This course is conducted by two methods, i.e. through lectureand tutorial. The aim of the study was to identify the difference about knowledge mastering between pre-couse and post-course, among the food handlers of PT “X” Catering Service in Madiun. The study was a true experiment with pre-test post-test control group design. From 55food handlers as the study population, 32 were randomly selected as the sample, of which 16were assigned to lecture group and the other 16 to tutorial one. The data were analyzed by ttest, and the results show that the knowledge receiveness about food hygiene and sanitationamong the food handlers between pre-course and post-course is significantly different, either inthe lecture group (p-value<0,001) or in the tutorial group (p-value<0,001). The mastering ofcourse material through tutorial method increased higher (17,3 %), compared with that of lecture method which was only 17,3 %. To conclude, the mastering of course material betweenpre-course and post-course is different, either through lecture method or tutorial method.
Filter Resin Kation Pelunak Air Sadah Sumur Gali Winarni Kristanti; Narto Narto; Muryoto Muryoto
Sanitasi: Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Vol. 9 No. 3 (2018): Februari
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

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Water quality which is not met the standard can cause disturbance and health problems. Waterthat contain high hardness can lead to soap wastefulness, forming precipitation and cookwarecrust, and become one of the risk factors for kidney failure. Various ways can be applied to reduce water hardness, one of which is filtration using ion exchange media. The ion exchangemedia used in this study is cation resin. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect ofcation resin thickness variation at filter on the decrease of well water hardness. This researchwas an experiment with pre-test post-test with control group design, and was conducted in January 2018, located in Pereng hamlet of, Bumirejo, Lendah, Kulon Progo Regency. The datawere analysed using one way anova. The average water hardness before processing was 460mg/l, while the mean decrease in the control group was 42,66 mg/l; in P1 group was 197,33 mg/l, in P2 group was 197,33 mg/l, and in P3 group was 197,33 mg/l. The results of data analysisshowed that the thickness variations of cation resin influence the decrease of well water hardness in the control group, and P1, P2, and P3 groups (p-value <0,001). The most effective cation resin thickness is the P3 group, i.e. filter with 11 cm thickness cation resin.