Indah Werdiningsih
Polteknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Yogyakarta

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Pengawetan dengan Asam Sitrat Ekstrak Daun Jeruk Purut (Citrus hystrix D. C) untuk Memperbaiki Umur Simpan Daging Ayam Segar Jantri Nyama Yanti; Muryoto Muryoto; Indah Werdiningsih
Sanitasi: Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Vol. 4 No. 3 (2013): Februari
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

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Chicken meat is one of perishable foods because of its high protein and water content. There-fore, the addition of food preserving ingredient to extend the preservation time become frequent. In this context, the use of natural ingredient is more advised, one of which is the leaves of citrus hystric or jeruk purut (indonesian). The study was aimed to understand the effect of the addition of different various dose of citric acid which is extracted from citrus hystric leaves towards the preserving time of fresh chicken/broiler meat by conducting an experiment which employed post test only with control group design. The preserving time were determined based on the organo-leptic score gained from color, odor and texture changing observed by ten housewives who were assigned as the panelists. The observation were conducted in three replications. The results showed that the preserving time yielded among the three dose variation of citric acid, i.e. 2 %, 4 % and 6 % were significantly different, and the 2 % dose was the best in improving the preser-ving time, i.e. 15,33 hours in average, compared with only 6,83 hours obtained from the control chicken meat.
Hubungan Intensitas Kebisingan dan Tekanan Darah Tenaga Kerja di Sentra Industri Tembaga Desa Tumang Cepogo, Boyolali Arum Prasetyaningsih; Agus Suwarni; Indah Werdiningsih
Sanitasi: Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Vol. 6 No. 1 (2014): Agustus
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

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One of the negative impacts resulting from the activities of the copper industries in Tumang Villa-ge of Cepogo, Boyolali, is noise. One of physiological disorders caused by the presence of excessive noise is the increase of blood pressure. Based on the preliminary study, it was identi-fied that the noise had exceeded the threshold value. This study was aimed to determine the relationship of noise exposure with blood pressure among labor of the copper industries by conducting a descriptive study which followed cross sectional approach. From 26 industries with criteria of at least employ 5 workers, seven industries and a total of 35 respondents were se-lected by using stratified random sampling method. The data were obtained through interview, noise intensity mesurement using sound level meter, and blood pressure measurement using spygnomanometer. The collected data were then processed descriptively and analytically by applying Spearman Rank test at ?=0,05. The results showed that the average of noise inten-sity was observed as 81.02 dB, with the minimum and maximum values were recorded at 71.01 dB and 86.82 dB. Meanwhile, the blood pressure measurements showed that the majority of workers has stable systolic blood pressure (48,57 %) and diastolic blood pressure (65,71 %). The statistical test concluded that noise intensity has no association with systolic blood pressure, but has significant relationship with the diastolic one.
Pengaruh Penggunaan Variasi Berat Mat Serbuk Bunga Kenanga (Cananga odorata) Sebagai Isi Ulang Anti Nyamuk Elektrik Terhadap Jumlah Kematian Nyamuk Aedes sp. Kabul Budi Dwicahyo; Sarjito Eko Windarso; Indah Werdiningsih
Sanitasi: Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Vol. 6 No. 2 (2014): November
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

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Controlling Aedes sp. mosquitoes using anti-mosquitoes containing synthetic insecticide, con-tinuously, is harmful for humans’ health, causing mosquitoes resistance and may lead to envi-ronmental pollution. One of the safe and eco-friendly controlling method that can be used as an alternative solution is the using of ylang-ylang flower (Cananga odorata) powder which contains phyto-insecticide as anti-mosquitoes electrical device refill. The aim of this research was to know the effect of using three mat weight variations made from the flower powder on the morta-lity of adult Aedes sp., by conducting an experiment with post test only with control group de-sign. The total of mosquito sample used were 480 and were taken from those hatched from the eggs obtained from the BBTKL PPM of Yogyakarta. They were prepared for six repetitions of the treatment. The results showed that mats with Cananga odorata weight of 2,4 gram, 3,7 gram and 5,0 gram, was able to killed 63,33 %, 74,17 % and 88,33 % Aedes sp mosquito, consecutively. The result of subsequent one way anova test at 95 % degree of confidence, gained p values less than 0,001, which can be interpreted that the mat weight variation sig-nificantly affected the difference among the Aedes sp. mosquitoes’ mortality, and the most ef-fective weight of ylang-ylang powder was 5,0 gram.
Pengaruh Konsentrasi Minyak Daun Cengkeh dalam Lilin Cair Minyak Goreng Bekas Terhadap Kepadatan Lalat di Empat Warung Makan di Pantai Depok Yogyakarta Riezka Danastri Primastuti; Lilik Hendrarini; indah Werdiningsih
Sanitasi: Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Vol. 6 No. 2 (2014): November
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

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Fly is insect which can play role as vector in the transmission of several diseases. Based on the preliminary survey in a food stall at Depok Beach of Parangtritis, the density of flies was obser-ved 10 per 1 m2 dining table which was categorized as high population and therefore need to be controlled. This study used clove leave oil, a plant-based repellent, for controlling the flies as it contains 80 – 85 % eugenol which gives pungent scent and has function to repel flies. The oil was mixed into liquid wax made from used cooking oil. The research method was an experi-ment which followed pre-test and post-test with control group design. The study was conduc-ted at four food stalls which were selected by using purposive sampling method, because they were the closest to the fresh fish market of the beach. In the first three sampled food stalls, three experimental groups, i.e. three variation of clove oil concentration (10 %, 12 % and 14 %), were applied; meanwhile the fourth food stall was for the two control groups (i.e. solid wax and not-burned clove leaf oil). The fly densities were measured before and after the treatment in each group were carried out and the study was held in 20 days observation with five-day place-ment rotation. The results showed that the average decrease percentage of fly density yielded from the three clove oil concentration, were 47,32 %, 57,18 %, and 69,93 %, respectively. The one way anova statistical test obtained ? value less than 0,001; which means that those per-centages were significant. The post-hoc test with LSD concluded that the most effective con-centration was 14 %, i.e. the mixture of 7 ml clove leaf and 43 ml used cooking oil.
Efektifitas Berbagai Dosis Bio-Slurry Sebagai Bumbu Kompos Terhadap Waktu Pembentukan dan Kualitas Kompos di Dusun Gadingharjo, Donotirto, Kretek, Bantul Catur Bunga Novitamala; Bambang Suwerda; Indah Werdiningsih
Sanitasi: Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Vol. 7 No. 2 (2015): November
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

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Organic waste yielded from households in Gadingharjo Village have not been yet treated pro-perly. The utilization that can be implemented is composting. One of activators that can accele-rate the processing time and improve the quality of the compost is bio-slurry. The aim of this research is to know the effectiveness of bio-slurry as compost activator by conducting a post-test-with-control-group designed experiment. The amount of domestic waste that was treated were 75 kg and were obtained with non-random sampling technique. The time of composting formation were counted from the initial process until the compost were mature, based on the following criteria: blackish brown color, soiled smells, and has environment stable temperature. The measurement of N, P, and K substance were carried on at the laboratory of BBTKL Yogya-karta. In the control group, the mean composting time was 34,7 days, meanwhile in the treat-ment groups of 1:1:2; 1:1:3 and 1:1;4 it was 25,3 days, 27,3 days, and 29,7 days. The result of one way anova test obtained p value < 0,001 which is meant that the differences were signifi-cant. The average of N, P, and K concentrations in the control group were 1,0438 %; 0,1880 %; and 1,4045 %. Meanwhile, in treatment group of 1:1:2 they were: 1,4639 %; 0,2699 %; and 1,2320 %; in treatment group of 1:1:3 they were: 1,0465 %; 0,2707 %; and 1,3154 %; and in treatment group of 1:1:4 they were: 0,8865 %; 0,2285 %; and 1,2992 %; respectively. To con-clude, bio-slurry can be used as an activator to speed-up the composting time and to improve the compost quality. The most effective bio-slurry addition is 1:1:2 ratio .
Evaluasi Kondisi Sarana Sanitasi yang Disediakan Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata dan Tingkat Kepuasan Wisatawan Pantai Depok, Bantul, Yogyakarta, Tahun 2016 Layly Alinda Saraswati; Indah Werdiningsih; Purwanto Purwanto
Sanitasi: Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Vol. 8 No. 2 (2016): November
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

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The degree of community health can be affected by environmental and human factors. Environ-mental health efforts are aimed to create a quality of healthy environment through the application of public place sanitation, one of which is to provide sanitation facilities in tourism spots. Accord-ing to the preliminary test, various problems regarding to the condition of sanitation facilities and the satisfaction level of tourists were found in Depok Beach of Bantul. The purpose of this study was to determine the condition of the sanitation facilities provided by the Office of Culture and Tourism on that beach as well as the tourists’ satisfaction. This study used survey method with cross sectional design and the results were analyzed descriptively. There were 100 tourists se-lected as the respondents and the instrument used to collect the data was the sanitation inspect-ion questionnaire. Based on the questionnaire, the sanitation condition will be declared ”healthy worthy” if gain minimum score of 650, out of the 1000 maximum score. The results showed that the sanitation condition in Depok Beach is deserve to have “healthy worthy” level since gaining a score of 675. The results also found that the number of tourists who very satisfied with the condi-tion was 1 respondent 91 %); satisfied, 8 respondents (8 %); fairly satisfied, 51 respondents (51 %); not satisfied, 40 respondents (40 %); and none who is very dissatisfied. The condition of sa-nitation facilities in the beach that “healthy worthy” will increase customer satisfaction.
Pengaruh Pengembangan Klinik Sanitasi Puskesmas Minggir Terhadap Peningkatan Pengetahuan dan Mutu Lingkungan Rumah Pasien Siti Maryati; Muryoto Muryoto; Indah Werdiningsih
Sanitasi: Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Vol. 4 No. 4 (2013): Mei
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

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Eventhough the prevention efforts for communicable diseases through sanitation clinic has beenimplemented for a long time, it is still not optimal. As an example, the average number of patientsin a month who come for counseling in the sanitation clinic of the Community Health Center(Puskesmas) of Minggir is only four. Meanwhile, in 2011, at the same puskesmas, the number ofcases of communicable diseases such as diarrhoea, acure respiratory infection (ARI) and dengue haemorrhagic fever (DHF) were still found at high level. Therefore, it is argued that theexisting sanitation clinic should be more developed. The study was aimed to know whether theknowledge and the quality of house condition of the patients as well as the revenue of sanitationclinic can be increased by developing the activity of the sanitation clinic itself, by conducting apre-experiment study which employed one group pre-test and post-test design. The number ofsample size was 36 people, which were consisted of 20 diarrhoea patients, 15 ARI patients and20 DHF patient with his neighbours. The collection of pre-test and post-test data were separatedby the activity of the counseling and home visit whose purpose was to improve the environmental condition of the patients, by means of chlorine diffuser installation and fly sticker application, for diarrhoea cases; advice of avoiding smoke from kitchen and the rearrangement ofventilation, for ARI cases; and the distribution of Abate and mosquito trap installation, for DHFcases. Statistical examination on the data by using t-test at 95 % significancy level showed thatthe counseling raised the knowledge of patients of the environmentally based diseases, and thehome visit could also improving the quality of patients’ houses, which was indicated by the reduction of the MPN E. Coli, the fly density and the ovitrap index. In addition, the increase of revenue from the sanitation clinic was influenced, as well.
Survei Rumah Sehat di Kota Yogyakarta, Tahun 2008 Sigid Sudaryanto; Siti Hani Istiqomah; Indah Werdiningsih
Sanitasi: Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Vol. 2 No. 3 (2009): Agustus
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

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House is one of primary needs for people. As a shelter, a house must fulfill four conditions, i.e. physiological and psychological aspects, and disease and accident prevention. The survey was conducted to collect data and information on the conditon of houses in Yogyakarta City by observing house components, sanitation facilites and healthy behaviours, and was held in November and December 2008. The sample were 1050 households in 11 community health center’s serving areas. In general, the majority of households: are categorizedas healthy and quite healthy; have adequate ventilation, smoke emition hole, and natural lighting; have adequate clean water, and excreta disposal facilities; and have adequate behaviours related to prevention of diarrhea and acute respiratory infection. The survey also showed descriptively that the condition of houses corresponded with the incident of both diseases.
Perbedaan Penurunan Angka Kuman Dinding Setelah Didisinfeksi dengan Sinar Ultraviolet dan Pengkabutan Disinfektan "V" di Ruang Perawatan BP4 Kotagede Yogyakarta Tahun 2012 Radityasari Nuraningtyas; Sri Muryani; Indah Werdiningsih
Sanitasi: Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Vol. 4 No. 1 (2012): Agustus
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

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Patients, visitors, and workers at BP4 Kotagede are at risk of contracting respiratory and lung diseases. Based on the preliminary survey it was revealed that wall microbe number in nursingexceeded the maximum permitted by the regulation, and so that need to be controlled. Disinfection is one of the methods. The study was aimed to determine the difference in the reductionof microbe numbers between the use of UV sterilizer and disinfectant ‘V” by conducting an experiment which followed pre-test post-test only design. Samples were taken from each wall’s central point at one meter height of five nursing wards. Samples were taken in seven repetitions byusing wall swab method. The results showed that UV disinfection was able to decrease the wallmicrobe number in average of 47.185 % (p<0,,001). However, since the post-test measurementwere still 62,2 CFU/cm2, it was considered that this method had not fulfilled the requisite yet. Onthe other hand, disinfectant “V” was able reducing the microbe number in average of 93.74 %(p<0,001) and had met the requirement because the post treatment was below the thresholds, average of 6.28 CFU/cm2.
Perbedaan Daya Makan Ikan Wader Pari (Rasbora argyrotaenia), Ikan Wader Bintik Dua (Puntius binotatus), dan Ikan Kepala Timah (Aplocheilus panchax) sebagai Predator Jentik Nyamuk Aedes sp Muhammad Andy Firmansyah; Indah Werdiningsih; Purwanto Purwanto
Sanitasi: Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Vol. 6 No. 4 (2015): Mei
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

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Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever is still one of health problems in Indonesia. The transmission of thedisease is by the bites of it’s vector insect i.e. Aedes sp. Therefore, the population of this mosquito must be controlled, one of which is by using larvae-eating fishes. The purpose of the study was to know the difference in ability of three fish species, namely: Aplocheilus panchax, Rasbora argerotaenia and Puntius binotatus, as predator of the mosquito larvae, by conducting a preexperiment study with pre-test and post-test design. From ten replications, it was identified that Aplocheilus panchax fish ate the Aedes sp larvae more than the other two species did. The predation ability of this species was 34 larvaes for 10 minutes in average, meanwhile the two latterfishes were of 27 and 21 larvaes. Based on the one way anava statistical test at 95 % confidence level, the corresponding p-value was obtained < 0,001, which means that the above differences were significant. So that, it is suggested for the community to benefitted Aplocheilus panchax in the eradicating of Aedes sp.