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Jurnal Perikanan Vol 13 No 1 (2023): JURNAL PERIKANAN
Publisher : Program Studi Budidaya Perairan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jp.v13i1.439


Sidat merupakan ikan katadromus yang memiliki pola hidup didua perairan, yaitu pada saat memijah di perairan laut, pada saat juvenil ikan sidat mendiami perairan air tawar untuk berkembang biak, dan pada saat pemijahan akan kembali beruaya kelaut. Danau Laut Tawar yang terletak di Kecamatan Simeulue Barat memiliki potensi ikan sidat dengan topografi dan habitat yang mendukung untuk hidup dan berkembang biak. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan panjang-berat dan faktor kondisi ikan sidat yang ditangkap di Danau Laut Tawar, Simeulue Barat. Pengambilan sampel ikan sidat diperoleh dengan cara menangkap langsung di lokasi Danau Laut Tawar dengan penentuan stasiun berdasarkan keterwakilan kondisi perairan, yakni stasiun 1 merupakan daerah genangan bersubstrat pasir, dan stasiun 2 adalah kawasan aliran dengan arus tenang. Prosedur penarikan sampel ikan sidat adalah dengan cara menangkap langsung ikan sidat di Danau Laut tawar dengan menggunakan alat tangkap pancing dan bubu. Kemudian dilakukan pengukuran panjang total dan berat ikan sidat jenis Anguilla marmorata. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang ditemukan selama dilapangan jumlah hasil tangkapan ikan sidat adalah 35 ekor, dimana untuk jantan ada 16 ekor, dan betina berjumlah 19 ekor. Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran panjang-berat ikan sidat, maka dapat diasumsikan bahwa ikan sidat (Anguilla marmorata) jenis kelamin jantan dan betina memiliki pola pertumbuhan alometrik negatif, yakni adanya pertambahan panjang ikan sidat lebih cepat dari pada pertambahan berat ikan sidat. Nilai faktor kondisi ikan sidat yang ditemukan selama penelitian rata-rata adalah 1,0049, yakni jantan 1,0030 dan betina 1,0068, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa ikan sidat termasuk golongan ikan yang kurang pipih/kurus.
Analisis subsidi perikanan non BBM di Kabupaten Aceh Besar, Provinsi Aceh Zainal A. Muchlisin; Nur Fadli; Arifsyah M. Nasution; Rika Astuti; Marzuki Marzuki; Darmawi Musni
Depik Vol 1, No 3 (2012): December 2012
Publisher : Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (358.155 KB) | DOI: 10.13170/depik.1.3.176


Abstract. The objective of the present study was to analyze the budgetary trends and the effectiveness of fisheries subsidies in Aceh Besar district. The literature and survey methods were utilized in this study. The secondary data of Aceh Besar’s budget documents in the period of 2010-2012 and key person interviews with fishermen leaders were conducted to analysis the subsidy trend and fishermen perception. The data was collected in May through July 2012. The results showed the budget allocation to the fisheries sector were increased from year to year, in 2010 the total budget for the fisheries sector was Rp1, 9 billions (equivalent to 0.34% of total buget or 1.40% of the development budget allocation/indirect consumption), in it was increased to Rp2, 9 billion in 2011 (or 0.42% of total budget or 1.47% of the development budget allocation), then increased sharply in 2012 to Rp9, 2 billion (an increase of over 630%) from the previous year, equivalent to 1.11% of the total budget. In 2010, the proportion of subsidies were given mostly for aquaculture sub-sector, which reached 84% of the total budget that was managed by the Department of Marine and Fisheries of Aceh Besar, whereas in 2011 the proportion of subsidies occurred balance between aquaculture and capture fishery sub sectors. However, in 2012 most of the budget DKP Aceh Besar (63%) was allocated to the capture fishery sub-sector. The results of the study showed that fisheries subsidies by the Government of Aceh Besar district especially in the last two years have not yet met the criteria of sustainable fisheries subsidies. Keywords: fisheries subsidies, budget allocation, and Aceh Besar
Analisis subsidi perikanan non BBM di Kabupaten Aceh Besar, Provinsi Aceh Zainal A. Muchlisin; Nur Fadli; Arifsyah M. Nasution; Rika Astuti; Marzuki Marzuki; Darmawi Musni
Depik Vol 1, No 3 (2012): December 2012
Publisher : Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.13170/depik.1.3.176


Abstract. The objective of the present study was to analyze the budgetary trends and the effectiveness of fisheries subsidies in Aceh Besar district. The literature and survey methods were utilized in this study. The secondary data of Aceh Besar’s budget documents in the period of 2010-2012 and key person interviews with fishermen leaders were conducted to analysis the subsidy trend and fishermen perception. The data was collected in May through July 2012. The results showed the budget allocation to the fisheries sector were increased from year to year, in 2010 the total budget for the fisheries sector was Rp1, 9 billions (equivalent to 0.34% of total buget or 1.40% of the development budget allocation/indirect consumption), in it was increased to Rp2, 9 billion in 2011 (or 0.42% of total budget or 1.47% of the development budget allocation), then increased sharply in 2012 to Rp9, 2 billion (an increase of over 630%) from the previous year, equivalent to 1.11% of the total budget. In 2010, the proportion of subsidies were given mostly for aquaculture sub-sector, which reached 84% of the total budget that was managed by the Department of Marine and Fisheries of Aceh Besar, whereas in 2011 the proportion of subsidies occurred balance between aquaculture and capture fishery sub sectors. However, in 2012 most of the budget DKP Aceh Besar (63%) was allocated to the capture fishery sub-sector. The results of the study showed that fisheries subsidies by the Government of Aceh Besar district especially in the last two years have not yet met the criteria of sustainable fisheries subsidies. Keywords: fisheries subsidies, budget allocation, and Aceh Besar
Analisis subsidi perikanan non BBM di Kabupaten Aceh Besar, Provinsi Aceh Zainal A. Muchlisin; Nur Fadli; Arifsyah M. Nasution; Rika Astuti; Marzuki Marzuki; Darmawi Musni
Depik Vol 1, No 3 (2012): December 2012
Publisher : Faculty of Marine and Fisheries, Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.13170/depik.1.3.176


Abstract. The objective of the present study was to analyze the budgetary trends and the effectiveness of fisheries subsidies in Aceh Besar district. The literature and survey methods were utilized in this study. The secondary data of Aceh Besar’s budget documents in the period of 2010-2012 and key person interviews with fishermen leaders were conducted to analysis the subsidy trend and fishermen perception. The data was collected in May through July 2012. The results showed the budget allocation to the fisheries sector were increased from year to year, in 2010 the total budget for the fisheries sector was Rp1, 9 billions (equivalent to 0.34% of total buget or 1.40% of the development budget allocation/indirect consumption), in it was increased to Rp2, 9 billion in 2011 (or 0.42% of total budget or 1.47% of the development budget allocation), then increased sharply in 2012 to Rp9, 2 billion (an increase of over 630%) from the previous year, equivalent to 1.11% of the total budget. In 2010, the proportion of subsidies were given mostly for aquaculture sub-sector, which reached 84% of the total budget that was managed by the Department of Marine and Fisheries of Aceh Besar, whereas in 2011 the proportion of subsidies occurred balance between aquaculture and capture fishery sub sectors. However, in 2012 most of the budget DKP Aceh Besar (63%) was allocated to the capture fishery sub-sector. The results of the study showed that fisheries subsidies by the Government of Aceh Besar district especially in the last two years have not yet met the criteria of sustainable fisheries subsidies. Keywords: fisheries subsidies, budget allocation, and Aceh Besar
KARAKTERISTIK HABITAT IKAN BILEH (Rasbora argyrotaenia) Di DANAU IE SAYANG, WOYLA BARAT, ACEH BARAT. Rika Astuti; Yulie Rahayu Fitrianingsih
Journal of Aceh Aquatic Sciences Vol 2, No 1 (2018): Journal of Aceh Aquatic Sciences
Publisher : Journal of Aceh Aquatic Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35308/.v2i1.1685


Hubungan Panjang-Berat Ikan Lumi-lumi (Harpadon nehereus) yang Didaratkan di Tempat Pelelangan Ikan Kuala Tuha, Nagan Raya, Provinsi Aceh Anita Anita; Rika Astuti; Arif Nasution
Journal of Aceh Aquatic Sciences Vol 7, No 2 (2023): Journal of Aceh Aquatic Sciences
Publisher : Journal of Aceh Aquatic Sciences

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35308/jaas.v7i2.8851


Ikan lumi-lumi (Harpadon nehereus) merupakan jenis ikan yang lembek dan memiliki nilai ekonomis cukup tinggi untuk dapat dimanfaatkan secara lestari dan berkelanjutan. Penelitian mengenai hubungan panjang-berat ikan lumilumi yang didaratkan di Tempat Pelelangan Ikan Kuala Tuha, telah dilakukan pada bulan Maret sampai bulan April 2021. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan panjang-berat dan faktor kondisi ikan lumilumi (Harpadon nehereus) yang didaratkan di Tempat Pelelangan Ikan Kuala Tuha, Nagan Raya. Pengambilan sampel ikan lumi-lumi diperoleh dengan cara mendatangi setiap nelayam yang menangkap ikan lumi-lumi di TPI Kuala Tuha, Nagan Raya. Ikan yang diperoleh dihitung jumlahnya, di ukur panjang total dengan menggunakan mistar ukur, ditimbang berat ikan dengan menggunakan timbangan elektrik. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang ditemukan selama dilapangan jumlah hasil tangkapan ikan lumi-lumi adalah 67 ekor, dimana untuk jantan ada 23 ekor, dan betina berjumlah 44 ekor. Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran panjang-berat ikan lumi-lumi (Harpadon nehereus), maka dapat diasumsikan bahwa pola pertumbuhan ikan lumi-lumi dengan jenis kelamin jantan menunjukkan bahwa pola pertumbuhan bersifat issometrik, artinya pola pertumbuhan panjang sama dengan pola pertumbuhan berat ikan lumilumi. Sedangkan jenis kelamin betina memiliki pola pertumbuhan yang bersifat allometrik negatif, artinya pertambahan panjang tubuh ikan lumi-lumi lebih cepat dari pada pertambahan berat tubuh ikan lumi-lumi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis faktor kondisi menunjukkan keadaan ikan lumi-lumi termasuk kategori golongan ikan kurang pipih (kurus). Hal ini disebabkan karena faktor sebaran ikan lumi-lumi yang berbeda-beda, dan variasi ukuran panjang-berat yang ditemukan selama penelitian dilapangan.