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All Journal Rekayasa Sipil
Harimurti Harimurti
Jurusan Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas Brawijaya

Published : 3 Documents Claim Missing Document
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Pemodelan Peningkatan Akurasi Estimasi Biaya Dengan Metode Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square Pada Proyek Jalan Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah Christian, Yanda; Harimurti, Harimurti; Wijatmiko, Indradi
Rekayasa Sipil Vol 11, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (664.895 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.rekayasasipil/2017.011.02.2


Acceleration of national development increases the number of construction projects in Indonesia, including road projects. The contractor as the service provider in the implementation of the construction work shall have a detailed implementation schedule and project cost budget plan so that the construction work shall not be subject to delays and cost overrun. The main thing that can cause cost overrun is the error in cost estimation. In this study discusses the modeling of increasing the accuracy of cost estimation as well as the development of factors that can improve the accuracy of cost estimation. Validation of research variables was done to experts using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method and modeling using Structural Equation ModelingPartial Least Square (SEM-PLS) method to project contractor of Public Works Department of Central Kalimantan Province and National Road Implementation Center XI Unit Work of Central Kalimantan with contract value of project worth 20 Billion to 50 Billion Rupiah Year 2016. The result of variable validation shows the competence variable of estimator, survey, availability of information, calculation of cost estimation and internal company is variable which influence estimation The obtained modeling equation is AEB = 0,129 KE + 0.466 S + 0,191 KI + 0,153 PEB + 0,069 IP + 0,181 ζ. The development of cost estimation is done by improving each influential indicator in each variable and applying development strategies to increase the estimated cost estimation based on SWOT analysis. 
Alternatif Perkuatan Tanah Pasir Menggunakan Lapis Anyaman Bambu dengan Variasi Luas dan Jumlah Lapis Harimurti, Harimurti; Munawir, As'ad; Widodo, Dody
Rekayasa Sipil Vol 1, No 1 (2007)
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (156.931 KB)


Pengaruh penggunaan lapis anyaman bambu sebagai alternatif material perkuatan  tanah, terhadap nilai daya dukung batas pondasi dangkal pada tanah pasir dengan variasi  luas dan jumlah lapis ingin diketahui sehingga penggunaan lapis anyaman bambu dalam  luasan dan jumlah lapis yang tepat akan memberikan kontribusi perkuatan yang nyata pada  tanah.Dari hasil analisis didapat bahwa penggunaan lapis anyaman bambu memberikan  pengaruh terhadap nilai daya dukung tanah pasir. Variasi luas dan jumlah lapis anyaman  bambu memberikan peningkatan pada kemampuan daya dukung batas tanah terhadap  beban dan juga peningkatan terhadap rasio daya dukung tanah, dimana konfigurasi yang  memberikan nilai tertinggi adalah 3 lapis luasan (80x80) cm2 dengan nilai rasio daya  dukung sebesar 3,83. Setelah mengetahui adanya peningkatan nilai daya dukung batas  maupun rasio daya dukung pada tanah dengan adanya material perkuatan anyaman bambu  dengan variasi luas dan jumlah lapis, perlu adanya penambahan variasi dan penelitian yang  lebih khusus mengenai anyaman bambu untuk mendapatkan hasil yang optimal.  Kata 
Analisis Tingkat Risiko Proyek Pelaksanaan Pemeliharaan Jalan Untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja Mutu Proyek Jalan Di Kabupaten Malang Bowo Nyata Utama, Robertus Tri; Setyowati, Edhi Wahjuni; Harimurti, Harimurti
Rekayasa Sipil Vol 11, No 3 (2017)
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Brawijaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (496.153 KB) | DOI: 10.21776/ub.rekayasasipil/2017.011.03.6


In every road maintenance project implementation there are always unpredictable risks affecting the quality of the project performance. This study aims to obtain the most dominant risks affecting the quality performance of road maintenance projects in Malang Regency using Analysis Hierarchy Process (AHP) method and Multiple Linear Regression. The AHP method was chosen to observe the highest level of the risk, while the Multiple Linear Regression method was selected to find risk events which have significant effect upon the quality degradation of the project. The results showed that the risk of material specification insufficiency reaches the highest risk level with risk factor value of 0.584, while the risking events caused by materials and human resources insufficiency is the most significant influences affecting the quality degradation of the project performance.