Sri Septi Dyah Pratiwi
Fakultas Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Pendidikan Fisika Universitas Jember, Jember Indonesia

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Alat Pengering Padi Tenaga Surya Berbasis IoT (PaTeSIT) Sebagai Solusi Masa Depan Petani Padi Sri Septi Dyah Pratiwi; Sudarti Sudarti; Trapsilo Prihandono
Jurnal Ilmiah Teknologi Pertanian Agrotechno Vol 7 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Udayana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/JITPA.2022.v07.i01.p07


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui mekanisme rancangan alat yang digunakan untuk membantu proses pengeringan padi serta mengetahui seberapa besar minat petani terhadap alat pengering padi tenaga surya berbasis IoT. Kegunaan penelitian ini memberi gambaran kepada masyarakat tentang keunggulan dan kelemahan rancangan alat pengering padi serta memberi informasi tentang ketepatan penggunaan sistem pada rancangan bahan pengering padi ini. Materi yang digunakan adalah masing-masing padi dengan kapasitas sekitar berisi 5 kwintal padi dengan mengunakan rancangan bangun menggunakan sistem IoT. Data primer menggunakan kuisioner kepada petani yang mempunyai lahan persawahan di kecamatan Megaluh dan Kecamatan Tembelang kabupaten Jombang masing-masing 10 petani. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Studi Kasus dan review artikel. Penelitian yang dilakukan secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Data dalam penelitian ini ditabulasi dengan menggunakan analisa deskriptif dan diuji menggunakan analisa ragam dua arah pola tersarang. Hasil peneletian menunjukan bahwa proses pengeringan padi dengan menggunakan alat IoT berpengaruh sangat nyata (P<0,01) terhadap kualitas panen, bobot panen, serta harga jual padi. Performans Rancangan alat dengan menggunakan system IoT lebih baik dibandingkan dengan proses pengeringan padi secara biasa maupun dengan bantuan alat pengering padi lainnya. Daya jual yang didapatkan lebih tinggi menggunakan alat berbasis IoT dari pada padi yang dikeringkan dengan bantuan sinar matahari atau manual. Kata Kunci : Petani Padi, Sistem IoT, Panel surya, Padi
Journal of Research and Education Chemistry Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021): April
Publisher : UIR Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (283.244 KB) | DOI: 10.25299/jrec.2021.vol3(1).6891


This study aims to determine the water content of the wells of the people of Manduro Village, Kabuh District, Jombang Regency. Another objective is to know the impact of the water content of the well. This type of research is a case study by exploring various in-depth and actual information. Information gathering was carried out from March to April 2021. The methods used were literature review and land observation. The respondents used were 30 people from Manduro Village and 15 dug and drilled wells. Observation results show that the well is polluted by a fairly high lime content, resulting in considerable losses. The well is also polluted by the content of ammonia (NH3), metal iron (Fe) and metal manganese (Mn). The water quality in Menduro Village, in terms of physical water, contains a fishy smell and smell of rust, a cloudy color, and causes a yellow color attached to the bucket or water storage container, bathroom wall. It identifies that the water contains Fe (Iron) which exceeds the quality. Some of the water also smells of ammonia due to the location of the well which is close to the poultry house and also the disposal of industrial waste. Efforts are being made to make water treatment separate from the water content mixed by the mining soil, the unpleasant odor due to industrial waste, while the efforts of the mine owners have not been realized. water away from the earth mine. With the hope that this effort can be one of the solutions to alleviating the problems that occur in the Manduro Village well water
Journal of Research and Education Chemistry Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021): Oktober
Publisher : UIR Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (561.95 KB) | DOI: 10.25299/jrec.2021.vol3(2).7774


Limbah cair industry secara umum langsung dibuang ke sungai tanpa adanya suatu pengolahan yang memadai sehingga kandungan limbah cair yang berlebihan berdampak buruk pada lingkungan yang tercemar. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui seberapa besar dampak negatif yang timbul akibat pencemaran limbah industri Pabrik Gula dan Pengolahan Ayam menjadi Sosis di Jombang Jawa Timur. Tujuan lain penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui kandungan air sungai serta upaya dalam mengatasi permasalahan tersebut. Jenis Penelitian yaitu Studi kasus dengan mengambil informasi secara aktual dan mendalam. Pengumpulan data informasi dimulai bulan Juni sampai Agustus 2021. Metode yang digunakan yaitu kajian literatur, dan observasi lahan. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah masyarakat Desa Tambakberas dan Desa Sambong dengan jumlah responden 30 orang, 12 orang bekerja sebagai buruh tani dan petani, 10 orang penjual makanan, dan 8 orang pencari ikan. Hasil observasi menujukkan bahwa kadar BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand), COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand), fosfor serta derajat keasaman (PH) sangat tinggi sehingga mencemari biota dan lingkungan yang ada disekitar sungai tersebut. Tidak sedikit kerugian yang timbul dari dampak negatif limbah sungai tersebut. Pemberian Kalium Bikromat (K2Cr2O7) dengan campuran Katalis perak sulfat dan Asam pekat digunakan untuk pengukuran COD. Pengolahan Limbah dapat dilakukan dengan metode Biologi (Secondary Treatment) dan juga metode Fisika (Primary Treatment). Upaya yang dilakukan dengan pengolahan limbah cair sungai dengn IPAL (Instalansi Pengolahan Air Limbah), Oil Content Inlet, DO (Dissolve Oxygen), dan pemberian lumut atau ganggang. Harapan dari upaya ini yaitu dapat mengurangi kadar BOD, COD, Fosfor, serta derajat keasaman (PH) sehingga tidak menimbulkan dampak buruk bagi lingkungan sekitar aliran sungai.
Extremely Low Frecuency (ELF) Electromagnetic Radiation Potential To Accelerate Fracture Splicing Sri Septi Dyah Pratiwi; Sudarti
Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan dan Kesehatan Vol 6 No 02 (2022): AUGUST
Publisher : UNUSA Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33086/mhsj.v6i02.2962


The treatment process for healing fractures in the community is still mostly done through traditional methods, which are generally referred to as "sangkal putung". The results obtained 28.2% can not return to its original form. In the process of denying putung it still takes quite a long time depending on the part of the bone that has broken. This study aims to reveal the potential effect of exposure to the ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) magnetic field on the fracture healing process. This research method uses an article review, with a total of 30 articles from relevant research articles from 2000 to 2022. This aims to examine the effect of effective treatment of the intensity of exposure to the ELF magnetic field on the fracture healing process. The results showed that there were 73.3% of researchers who supported the ELF EM wave was able to accelerate the splicing of fractures. Meanwhile, 26.67% of researchers did not support it. The results of the study reported that exposure to a magnetic field with an intensity of 120μT-200μT was able to increase the proliferation of osteoblast cells so as to heal fractures. The most accurate range of intensity in the process of forming Osteoblam cells is the intensity of 150μT. The results in experimental animals showed that exposure to the ELF magnetic field had an effect on the process of forming osteoblasts completely. The results of clinical research (bone fracture patients) showed that exposure to a magnetic field with an intensity of 150μT was able to form and secrete organic collagen and non-collagen in Osteoblast cells, while ELF Osteoclast cells were able to assist in the reabsorption of existing bone cells. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that exposure to the 150μT intensity ELF magnetic field has the most optimal ability in the process of forming osteoblasts (osteoclasts and osteosts) in fracture healing.
Implementation of the Science Process Skills Approach Accompanied by the Use of Static Fluid Modules in Fish Cage Buildings Sri Septi Dyah Pratiwi; Trapsilo Prihandono; Lailatul Nuraini
Berkala Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika Vol 11, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/bipf.v11i1.15008


This study aims to investigate the impact of the implementation of the science process skills approach in conjunction with a static fluid module of fish cage buildings on the physics and science process skills learning outcomes of high school students. Quantitative experiments are used in the research method. This study used interviews, observations, tests, documentation, and data collection methods. The SMA Negeri 5 Jember class XI MIPA was the location of the study, and there were two research groups: the experimental group and the control group. The indicators of science process skills used in this study are observing, concluding, communicating, making tables, analyzing experiments, and collecting and processing data. The finding demonstrated that learning with static fluid modules for fish cages in physics and the science process skills approach significantly impacted students' learning outcomes and science process skills. The T-test that was carried out revealed that sig. 2-tailed) is 0.000, it can be concluded that the static fluid module of fish cage buildings and the implementation of the science process skills approach significantly impact students' physics learning outcomes. The study concludes that a static fluid module for fish cages in physics learning in high school and the implementation of the science process skills approach significantly impact student learning outcomes and science process skills.