Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Simpson Ungaran

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Prinsip Pertumbuhan Gereja Mula-Mula Ditinjau Dari Kisah Para Rasul 2:1-47 Dan Aplikasinya Bagi Gereja Masa Kini Ferderika Pertiwi Ndiy; S Susanto
Integritas: Jurnal Teologi Vol 1 No 2 (2019): Integritas: Jurnal Teologi
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Jaffray Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47628/ijt.v1i2.13


Church growth is an important study in church history. The Bible has important principles in church growth, therefore these principles need to be analyzed so that they can contribute to the study of church growth. The Acts of the Apostles is a book that has a history and principles of church growth, therefore the author conducted research on church growth based on Acts 2: 1-47. The author uses a qualitative approach to literature study to find the principles of church growth based on Acts 2: 1-47. The results showed that there were three principles for the growth of the early church. The first principle based on the fourth verse is to depend on the Holy Spirit, the second principle based on verses 14-36, 42 is to preach the Word of God, the third principle based on verses 42-46 is to live in fellowship. For the growth of the church today the church must depend on the power of the Holy Spirit, teaching based on the word of God, and the church lives in fellowship.
Implikasi Pentingnya Pelaksanaan Disiplin Gereja A Andre; S Susanto
KAPATA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen Vol 1, No 1 (2020): Juni 2020
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Bethel Ambon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (261.234 KB) | DOI: 10.55798/kapata.v1i1.1


In the development of the church today, the problem that arises is the confusion of people who sin, the church seems to ignore the implementation of church discipline. This neglect is wrong attitude, because it does not carry out church discipline that means the church allows a person to fall into sin the reason of fear for making the person offended even though this kind of attitude makes the person's spiritual growth die. Death spiritual growth will become the root of the problem in the church and have an adverse effect on other congregations, therefore church leaders must be brave in making decisions. The method used in this paper is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The results of this study indicate that church discipline is very important in correcting mistakes so that the congregation can live righteously according to God's Word. The church needs to be brave in taking decisions in carrying out church discipline, and must not neglect the implementation of church discipline, because church discipline is God's command according to the truth of God's Word.
Prinsip-Prinsip Surat Penggembalaan Tentang Uang Dan Harta Milik Susanto Susanto; Deni Triastanti
Davar : Jurnal Teologi Vol 1, No 2 (2020): Desember 2020
Publisher : Sekola Tinggi Teologi Sangkakala Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (245.348 KB) | DOI: 10.55807/davar.v1i2.11


Through this article the author discusses the principles regarding money and property in pastoral letters. In this study the authors used a qualitative research method of study literature by analyzing the texts from the letters I-II Timothy and Titus in order to get an explanation of the topics of the principles of the pastoral letters regarding money and property. In pastoral care letters, a congregation pastor finds out how to behave and use money and property. The attitude of a shepherd towards wealth is not greedy for wealth (not materialistic), not selfish but can show an example, discipline and focus on righteousness so that he can be grateful and share to help others. Melalui artikel ini penulis membahas tentang prinsip-prinsip tentang uang dan harta milik dalam surat-surat penggembalaan. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif literatur studi dengan menganalisa teks dari surat I-II Timotius dan Titus guna mendapatkan penjelasan mengenai topik prinsip-prinsip surat-surat penggembalaan tentang uang dan harta milik. Dalam surat-surat penggembalaan ditemukan cara bersikap serta penggunaan terhadap uang dan harta bagi seorang gembala sidang. Sikap seorang gembala terhadap harta adalah tidak serakah terhadap harta (tidak materialistis), tidak mementingkan diri tetapi dapat menunjukkan teladan, disiplin serta berfokus terhadap kesalehan sehingga dapat bersyukur dan berbagi membantu orang lain.
Pengaruh Pelayanan Kunjungan Pastoral Terhadap Pertumbuhan Rohani Jemaat Mikha Agus Widiyanto; S Susanto
Evangelikal: Jurnal Teologi Injili dan Pembinaan Warga Jemaat Vol 4, No 1 (2020): Januari
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Simpson

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (212.813 KB) | DOI: 10.46445/ejti.v4i1.214


This research aim to test the influence of pastoral visiting ministry to the spiritual growth of the church. Research executed in Gereja Kemah Injil Indonesia of Tenggarong, Kutai Kartanegara District, Kalimantan East. The results showed that there was an influence of pastoral visiting ministry on the spiritual growth of the congregation as indicated by the correlation coefficient of 0.340 which was significant at α = 0.05. Pastoral visiting ministry will bring the pastor closer to the congregation that he serves, making the pastoral ministry effective, thereby impacting the spiritual growth of the congregation. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh pelayanan kunjungan pastoral terhadap pertumbuhan rohani jemaat.Penelitian dilaksanakan di Gereja Kemah Injil Indonesia Tenggarong, Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara, Kalimantan Timur. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa terdapat pengaruh pelayanan kunjungan pastoral terhadap pertumbuhan rohani jemaat yang ditunjukkan melalui koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,340 yang signifikan pada α = 0,05. Pelayanan kunjungan pastoral akan mendekatkan gembala dengan jemaat yang dilayaninya, membuat pelayanan penggembalaan menjadi efektif, sehingga berdampak pada pertumbuhan rohani jemaat.
Contextualization of the Bejopai Pattern of the Kubin Dayak Tribe as a Contextual Discipleship Effort in West Kalimantan Susanto Susanto; Sabda Budiman
Evangelikal: Jurnal Teologi Injili dan Pembinaan Warga Jemaat Vol 5, No 2 (2021): July 2021
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Simpson

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (334.665 KB) | DOI: 10.46445/ejti.v5i2.378


Dayak Kubin tribe has a culture that still survives to this day, namely Bejopai culture. Bejopai is an activity of the Dayak Kubin community that is generally done by working in the areas. Through the Bejopai culture conducted by the Dayak Kubin tribe in West Kalimantan, the author observes that contextual discipleship can be done. The problem formulation in this study is how the purpose of this writing is how the contextual discipleship approach in Dayak Kubin tribe through Bejopai culture in West Kalimantan? The aim is to present the contextual discipleship approach in the Dayak Kubin tribe through Bejopai Culture in West Kalimantan. The qualitative research method using qualitative methods is to make observations, interviews, or study documents. The locus of this study is in Sungai Bakah Village. Through the discussion results, it was found that contextual discipleship can be applied through persuasive communication approaches, patterns of working while telling stories, and discipleship to discipleship. The conclusion is that Bejopai culture can be used as a medium to do contextual discipleship that is quite effective in the Dayak Kubin tribe.  ABSTRAKSuku Dayak Kubin memiliki budaya yang masih bertahan hingga saat ini yaitu budaya Bejopai. Bejopai ialah suatu aktivitas masyarakat Dayak Kubin yang umumnya dilakukan di ladang dengan bekerja di ladang bersama-sama. Melalui budaya Bejopai yang dilakukan oleh suku Dayak Kubin yang ada di Kalimantan Barat tersebut, penulis mengamati bahwa dapat dilakukan sebuah pemuridan secara kontekstual. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini ialah bagaimana pendekatan pemuridan kontekstual dalam suku Dayak Kubin melalui budaya Bejopai di Desa Sungai Bakah? Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk memaparkan pendekatan pemuridan kontekstual dalam suku Dayak Kubin melalui Budaya Bejopai di Kalimantan Barat. Metode yang digunakan ialah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan melakukan pengamatan, wawancara, dan penelaahan dokumen. Penulis juga menggunakan pendekatan metode etnografi, dengan mengamati keseharian masyarakat Dayak Kubin yang berkaitan dengan aspek budaya masyarakat tersebut. Lokus dari penelitian ini yaitu di Desa Sungai Bakah. Melalui hasil pembahasan yang penulis lakukan, diketahui bahwa pemuridan kontekstual dapat diterapkan melalui pendekatan komunikasi persuasif, pola bekerja sambil bercerita, dan memuridkan untuk memuridkan. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini ialah budaya Bejopai dapat dijadikan sebagai media untuk melakukan pemuridan secara kontekstual yang cukup efektif dalam konteks suku Dayak Kubin.
Study the Conception of the Trinity in the Great Commission of the Gospel of Matthew 28:19-20 Hagai Kuncoro; Susanto Susanto; Robinson Rimun
Evangelikal: Jurnal Teologi Injili dan Pembinaan Warga Jemaat Vol 6, No 2 (2022): July 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Simpson Ungaran

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46445/ejti.v6i2.525


The Bible records differences in the formula of baptism. As Jesus taught in Matthew 28:19, those who believe should be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Meanwhile, in some parts of the Bible, the disciples command every believer to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. This study tries to describe the formula of baptism taught by Jesus. It is a descriptive research and used the Bible, books, and journals as the main sources. It is concluded that the formula of baptism in the name of Jesus does not contradict His teachings. However, because Jesus Himself taught that baptism must be in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, in practice, it is better to use the formula He had taught.