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USAHA PEMBENIHAN IKAN HIAS CUPANG (Betta splenders) DI KABUPATEN SERANG Diani, Susanti; , Mustahal; Sunyoto, Pramu
Jurnal Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian Vol 8, No 2 (2005): Juli 2005
Publisher : Jurnal Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Pertanian

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The fighting fish (Betta splenders) is one of ornamental fish with high economic value. The price of malefish is about Rp 5,000 to Rp 1,000,000 per fish. Demand for the fish in Serang Regency is satisfied by the fish raisersfrom other regencies. Seedling technique for the fighting fish is available at the Fresh Water Fisheries ResearchInstitute and the hobbyists but the fighting fish raisers in Serang Regency still rely on natural stocks for live feedsupply. The assessment aimed at applying and disseminating seedling technique for the fighting fish, and improvingfish raisers in Serang Regency. Assessment was conducted on January to December 2002 with nine cooperatingfarmers classified into three groups. Nine pairs of the fighting fish parent stocks of Serit type were spawned in nineaquaria of 20 x 20 x 25 cm3 . There were three treatments with three replications, namely (A) male fish was separatedafter spawning, (B) male fish was separated after the larvae were three days old, and (C) male fish was separated afterthe larvae were seven days old. The larvae were fed with Moina sp until 14 days old, fed with Moina sp and Daphniasp for 14-30 days old, and fed with Daphnia sp and the mosquito larvae of Chironomus sp for 30-45 days old. Totalegg produced varied from 408-815 eggs per female parent. Fertilization rates were 80.5-94.5 percent and hatchingrates were 74.5-95.8 percent. Egg incubation periods were 25-31 hours. Survival rates of B treatment in 14 and 45days old were each of 87.5 and 87 percent, while those C treatment were each of 82.0and 81.5 percent, and those Atreatment were each of 81.5 and 80.0 percent. Profit earned from fighting fish breeding was Rp 3,390,000 perspawning period of 1.5 months.Keywords: Betta splenders, seedling, separation of male fish, survival rate, proitabilityIkan cupang (Betta splendens) merupakan salah satu jenis ikan hias yang mempunyai nilai ekonomis tinggidan banyak terdapat di pasaran. Harga ikan cupang jantan berkisar Rp. 5.000,- - Rp. 1.000.000,- per ekor. DiKabupaten Serang kebutuhan ikan cupang masih dipenuhi dari berbagai daerah di luar Serang, seperti Tangerang,Bogor, Sukabumi, dan Jakarta. Kabupaten Serang merupakan salah satu daerah potensial yang dapat dikembangkanuntuk usaha pembenihan ikan cupang. Teknologi pembenihan ikan cupang sudah tersedia di Balai Penelitian Ikan AirTawar maupun di pihak swasta, namun di Kabupaten Serang para petani ikan cupang untuk penyediaan jasad pakan(pakan hidup) masih tergantung dari alam. Dengan menerapkan sistem budidaya pakan hidup yang berkesinambunganpada usaha pembenihan ikan hias cupang di tingkat petani, maka akan mendukung keberhasilan produksi benih.Tujuan pengkajian adalah untuk menerapkan dan menyebarluaskan teknologi pembenihan ikan cupang danmeningkatkan pendapatan petani di Kabupaten Serang. Pengkajian dilakukan bulan Januari-Desember 2002 yangdilaksanakan secara partisipatif. Petani kooperator berjumlah sembilan orang yang dibentuk menjadi tiga kelompok.Induk cupang yang digunakan sembilan pasang adalah jenis “Serit” dan dipijahkan dalam sembilan akuariumberukuran 20x20x25 cm. Perlakuan yang diberikan adalah: A. Induk jantan diambil setelah pemijahan selesai. B.Induk jantan diambil setelah burayak berumur tiga hari. C. Induk jantan diambil setelah burayak berumur tujuh hari.Semua perlakuan diulang tiga kali. Pemeliharaan burayak sampai umur 14 hari diberi pakan Moina sp, umur 14-30hari di beri pakan Moina sp dan Daphnia sp, umur 30-45 hari diberi pakan Daphnia sp dan larva nyamuk Chironomussp. Hasil pengkajian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah telur berkisar 408-815 butir per ekor induk. Derajat pembuahanberkisar 80,5-94,5 persen, dan penetasan 74,5-95,8 persen. Masa inkubasi telur ialah 25-31 jam. Kelangsungan hidup293Usaha Pembenihan Ikan Hias Cupang (Betta splenders) di Kabupaten Serang (Susanti Diani, Mustahal, dan PramuSunyoto)benih pada umur 14 dan 45 hari pada perlakuan B mencapai 87,5 dan 87,0 persen jauh lebih baik bila dibandingkandengan perlakuan C yaitu 82,0 dan 81,5 persen dan perlakuan A. 81,5 dan 80,0 persen. Secara ekonomis keuntunganyang diperoleh dari usaha pembenihan ikan cupang cukup tinggi yaitu Rp. 3.390.000/1,5 bulan/periode pemijahan.Kata kunci : Betta splenders, pembenihan, pemisahan induk jantan, kelangsungan hidup, tingkat keuntungan
The Application of Duckweed Liquid Organic Fertilizer to Cell Populations in the Culture of Nannochloropsis oculata Nina Ariany; Mustahal; Mas Bayu Syamsunarno
Torani Journal of Fisheries and Marine Science VOLUME 4 NOMOR 2, JUNI 2021
Publisher : Hasanuddin University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35911/torani.v4i2.13707


Nannochloropsis oculata is one of the single-celled microalgae that has been commonly cultured in the marine fish culture sector as zooplankton feed which has high nutritional content. To support growth and reproduction, the availability of nutrients in N. oculata culture media needs to be considered. This study aims to determine the effect of the best liquid organic fertilizer (POC) duckweed (L. minor) on cell population growth in N. oculata culture. The method used in this research is an experimental method using Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 5 treatments, namely P0 (TSP 10 mg + ZA 40 mg + urea 45 mg) as a control treatment, P1 (POC duckweed 5%), P2 (POC duckweed 10%), P3 (POC duckweed 15%), and P4 (POC duckweed 20%) were repeated 3 times in each treatment. The initial density of N.oculata cells was 2 x 106 cells/ml in a culture media volume of 1000 ml. Growth was observed every day for 14 days. The results showed that the POC concentration of 10% duckweed can be used as an alternative to inorganic fertilizers (TSP, ZA, and urea) because it can increase cell population growth by 30.92 ± 1.84 cells/ml at the peak of the exponential phase, as well as the value of the growth rate. cells 0.38 ± 0.03 cells / ml / day and cell generation time of 43.88 ± 3.24 hours were not significantly different (p> 0.05) with P0 treatment (TSP, ZA, and urea). The range of water quality parameters in the culture media during the study were temperature 25-33oC, pH 4.89-8.40, salinity 25-38.33 ppt, and DO 4.07-7.27 ml / l. The measured value of water quality in culture media was still within the tolerance limits of N. oculata cells so that cells could still grow and divide.
Evaluation of Different Transition Periods in Feeding Live Feed for Tiger Shovelnose Catfish (Pseudoplatystoma punctifer, Castelnau 1855) Larvae Demas Agatri; Achmad Noerkhaerin Putra; Mustahal
Jurnal Biologi Tropis Vol. 23 No. 1 (2023): January - March
Publisher : Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mataram, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jbt.v23i1.4592


The production of tiger shovelnose catfish (TSN) is limited by the very low growth during feeding transition in phase larvae. This research aims to evaluate the difference in feed transition period   from nauplii Artemia sp. to Tubifex sp. on the growth and activity of digestive enzymes of TSN larvae. TSN larvae 1 dph (day post hatching) with total length of 4.05±0.16 mm and weight of 4.18±0.67 mg were used in this study. Nine aquariums with 10 L of water were stocked with larvae at a density 30 larvae/L. This study consisted of three treatments of different feed transition time in triplicates i.e. transition at 9 dph (P1), 10 dph (P2) and 11 dph (P3). The result showed that the transitional on 11 dph (P3) recorded the highest total length (36.9±0.56 mm), total weight (242.5±2.4 mg), daily length growth rate (13.43±0.81, daily weight growth rate (25.4±0.06, survival rate (81.7±3.1%), and protease enzyme activity (0.222±0.019 IU/mL) compared to 10 dph (P2) and 9 dph (P1). The transition period of 11 days is the mostappropriate time to change the feed for nauplii Artemia sp. to Tubifex sp. in TSN larvae because it produces the best growth and digestive enzyme activity values.