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PENGGUNAAN DOSIS ASAM FORMIAT BERBEDA DALAM PEMBUATAN SILASE LIMBAH IKAN PADA BUDIDAYA IKAN PATIN (Pangasius sp.) Putra, Achmad Noerkhaerin; Faozi, Rahman; Afandi, Aan; Saifullah, Saifullah
Leuit (Journal of Local Food Security) Vol 2, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Pusat Unggulan Iptek Ketahanan Pangan Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37818/leuit.v2i1.13807


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi efek dari penambahan asam formiat yang berbeda dalam pembuatan silase limbah ikan terhadap kecernaan dan gambaran darah ikan patin (Pangasius sp.). Penelitian ini terdari 4 jenis pakan yang berbeda dan 3 kali ulangan, yaitu: P1 (70% pakan komersil dan 30% tepung limbah ikan), P2 (70% pakan komersil dan 30% tepung silase limbah ikan dengan penambahan asam formiat 3%), P3 (70% pakan komersil dan 30% tepung silase limbah ikan dengan penambahan asam formiat 5%) dan P4 (70% pakan komersil dan 30% tepung silase limbah ikan dengan penambahan asam formiat 7%). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai kecernaan total, protein dan lemak tertinggi secara nyata (P<0.05) diperoleh perlakuan P1 dan P2, sedangkan nilai terkecil terdapat pada perlakuan P3 dan P4. Nilai leukosit, hematokrit, dan haemoglobin untuk setiap perlakuan umumnya berada di luar kisaran normal nilai gambaran darah ikan air tawar. Penggunaan asam formiat dengan dosis 3, 5 dan 7% dalam pembuatan silase limbah ikan tidak berdampak positif pada nilai kecernaan pakan ikan patin. Penggunaan asam formiat juga berdampak negatif pada proses fisiologis ikan patin yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai leukosit, hematokrit dan haemoglobin yang diperoleh berada diluar kisaran normal ikan air tawar
EFEK PEMBERIAN ZEOLIT PADA TRANSPORTASI IKAN LELE (Clarias sp.) Fauzan B, M. Iqbal; Syamsunarno, Mas Bayu; Putra, Achmad Noerkhaerin
Leuit (Journal of Local Food Security) Vol 2, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Pusat Unggulan Iptek Ketahanan Pangan Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37818/leuit.v2i2.14296


Catfish is a freshwater fish that is widely cultivated in almost all parts of Indonesia. Potential business catfish, and many enthusiasts, the difference in the distance between the location of the cultivator and the location of the seller causes the need for fish transportation to support production activities. Fish transportation can be defined as an act of moving fish alive from one place to another in which measures are taken to keep the fish survival high up to its destination. One of the efforts to streamline transportation costs is to increase the density of fish in the transportation medium. The high density of fish in closed transportation media is a problem because the demand for oxygen (O2) is also increasing. This transportation research was carried out on March 7 - 8 2020 along the roads of Pandeglang city, Pandeglang district, Serang city, Serang district and Cilegon city. The results of the study in each treatment showed a survival rate value (100%). The test results show that in each treatment the average ranges from 27.7-27.9oC, this shows that each treatment has no effect on temperature changes. The pH parameter in each treatment shows a relatively stable number with an average value in treatment A, B and C of 6.1 mg / L.
PERTUMBUHAN DAN TINGKAT KELANGSUNGAN HIDUP BENIH IKAN PATIN Pangasius sp. PADA SUHU YANG BERBEDA Saepudin, Asep; Mustahal, Mustahal; Putra, Achmad Noerkhaerin
Leuit (Journal of Local Food Security) Vol 2, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Pusat Unggulan Iptek Ketahanan Pangan Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37818/leuit.v2i2.14314


Temperature is one of the physical parameters that greatly influences the survival and growth of fish. This study aims to evaluate temperature effect on the growth and survival rate of catfish. Catfish with an average length of 1.54 cm and an average weight of 0.33 g were kept in the aquarium for 45 days. This study consisted of 3 different temperature treatments with 3 replications, namely: A (temperature of 26 oC), B (temperature of 30 oC) and C (temperature of 34 oC). The results showed that significantly (P<0.05) the highest LPS value was found in the 26 oC temperature treatment, which was 4.44%/day, followed by the 34 oC temperature treatment at 3.72%/day and the 30 oC temperature treatment. by 3.70%/day. There were no significant differences in absolute length growth parameters and survival rates between treatments. 
EFFECTS OF DIETARY PROBIOTIC Bacillus NP5 ON THE GROWTH PERFORMANCES OF CATFISH (Clarias sp.) Achmad Noerkhaerin Putra; Mustahal Mustahal; Mas Bayu Syamsunarno
BIOTROPIA - The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Biology Vol. 27 No. 1 (2020)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (964.405 KB) | DOI: 10.11598/btb.2020.27.1.1102


Probiotic have long been applied to aquaculture and produce positive effects on fish and shrimp. This research aimed to evaluate the effect of probiotic Bacillus NP5 to promote the growth of catfish (Clarias sp.). Five doses Bacillus NP5 with 3 replicates, namely 0% probiotic (control), 0.5 % probiotic, 1% probiotic, 1.5% probiotic and 2% probiotic (g/100 g feed) were used. The result showed that application of probiotic in catfish feed can promote better growth performance compared to control. Total digestibility and protease enzyme activites were significantly highest in 1% probiotic. The value of specific growth rate showed in 1% probiotic (2.67±0.18% day-1), followed by 2% probiotic (2.63±0.02% day-1), 1.5% probiotic (2.42±0.07% day-1), 0.5% probiotic (2.29±0.14% day-1) and control (1.60±0.01% day-1). The addition of 1% Bacillus NP5 as probiotic in catfish feed showed the best result on protease enzyme activities, protein digestibility, total digestibility, final weight, specific growth rate, weight gain, feed efficiency and, the protein efficiency ratio than other probiotic doses.
Utilization of Rice Bran Fermentation with Aspergillus niger on Feed Raw Material of Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Mochammad Ikhwanuddin; Achmad Noerkhaerin Putra; Mustahal Mustahal
Jurnal Perikanan dan Kelautan Vol 8, No 1 (2018)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33512/jpk.v8i1.3793


Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) is a type of aquaculture commodity that has high economic value. This research aims to know the effect of feeding of rice bran fermentation on feed raw material to the parameter digestibility and growth of tilapia. The used tilapia were sized 5.33 ± 0.00 g/fish with stocking density 15 fish/40 L (aquarium). Fish were fed three times daily in ad satiation. This study used three treatment with four replications, namely (A) commercial feed as control, (B) commercial feed with the addition of rice bran fermentation with Aspergillus niger, (C) commercial feed with the addition of rice bran without fermentation. The results showed that the feed (B) can improve nutrient digestibility and growth of tilapia with dry matter digestibility of 67,87 ± 2,44 %, protein digestibility of 85.04 ± 3.28 %, feed intake of 230 ± 4.08 g, final weight 11.81 ± 0.45 g, specific growth rate of 1.65 ± 0.40 % and survival rate of 75.00 ± 0.11 % compared to the other treatments
Evaluation of fermented of Palm Kernel Meal by Saccharomyces cerevisiae in Tilapia Fed Achmad Noerkhaerin Putra; Syamsul Fajri Hidayat; Mas Bayu Syamsunarno; Mustahal Mustahal; Dodi Hermawan; Muh. Herjayanto
Jurnal Perikanan dan Kelautan Vol 10, No 1 (2020)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33512/jpk.v10i1.8978


Palm kernel meal (PKM) is the potential of raw material for feed fish ingredient because it has good nutritional content and abundant availability in Indonesia. The study was conducted to evaluate of PKM fermented as feedstuffs as well as the effect on feed digestibility of tilapia. This research consisted of 2 trials: the the test of S. cerevisiae fermentation on PKM and digestibility test of PKM as feedstuffs. The first trial used a factorial randomized design consisting of 2 factors: S. cerevisiae dose (0; 0.9; 1.5%) and incubation time (0, 24, 48 hours) with 3 replications. The second trial used a completely randomized design consisting of 3 treatment of test feed, namely A: reference feed, B: reference feed + PKM, C: reference feed + PKM fermented and 4 replications. Fish (initial weight: 5.34 ± 0.14 g) were reared in an aquarium for 40 days with a recirculation system. The results showed that the fermented of 1.5% S. cerevisiae and time incubation for 24 hours recorded the lowest crude fiber content (8.86 ± 0.51%). The highest total digestibility value (P <0.05) was found in treatment A (45.36 ± 2.17%) and C (46.61 ± 2.36%) compared to treatment B (38.46 ± 1, 07%). The highest protein digestibility value significantly (P <0.05) was found in treatments A and C (72.89 ± 4.57%, 74.27±1.26%, respectively) than treatment B (58.70 ± 3.57%). Finally, it can be concluded that the fermentation of PKM by S. cerevisiae can be used as feedstuffs for tilapia feed.
EFEK PENAMBAHAN PREBIOTIK PADA PAKAN BERBASIS BAHAN BAKU LOKAL UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PERTUMBUHAN DAN KECERNAAN PAKAN IKAN NILA Oreochromis niloticus Achmad Noerkhaerin Putra; Aulia Yuaninda; Syah Banten Anarki; Mas Bayu Syamsunarno; Mustahal Mustahal; Dodi Hermawan; Muhammad Herjayanto
Leuit (Journal of Local Food Security) Vol 1, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Pusat Unggulan Iptek Ketahanan Pangan Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37818/leuit.v1i1.6899


This research was conducted to evaluate the effect of prebiotics addition in feed-based feedstuffs locally on growth and feed digestibility of tilapia. Tilapia (5.19 ± 0.01 g) were reared with a density of 20 fish/container for 45 days. The study consisted of 3 treatments (control, 0.5% prebiotic, 1% prebiotic) with 4 replications.Moringa leaf meal, lamtoro leaf meal and rice bran were used in this study as the local feedstuffs, while the prebiotics used were sweet potato extract. The results showed that the total digestibility and specific growth rate were higher (P<0.05) in prebiotic addition compared to controls. 1% prebiotics treatment showed the best value of protein digestibility (78.24 ± 3.97), specific growth rate (1.57 ± 0.02) and feed efficiency (39.13 ± 0.76) than the other treatments.
Spawning activity of Oryzias woworae Parenti & Hadiaty 2010 with the Suplementation Spirulina Meal in the Diet Mas Bayu Syamsunarno; Mustahal; Achmad Noer Faqih; Achmad Noerkhaerin Putra; Muh. Herjayanto
Jurnal Biologi Tropis Vol. 22 No. 3 (2022): July - September
Publisher : Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mataram, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jbt.v22i3.3777


Spirulina platensis is a feed additive that can improve the reproductive performance of fish. It has never been given to the endemic fish Oryzias woworae which can lay eggs every day. Therefore, a study was conducted that aims to examine spawning activities related to egg-laying behavior, number of eggs, and egg diameter of O. woworae. The study used a sex ratio of 1♂:1♀ in spawning. The test feeds were commercial feed (Feng Li 1) or 0% without spirulina (treatment A), the addition of spirulina 5% (treatment B), 10% (treatment C), and 20% (treatment D). Observations were made every hour for 6 days. The spawning temperature was controlled at a value of 26.6±0.2°C. The results showed differences in the behavior of O. woworae in releasing eggs on spawning days. Giving spirulina causes the behavior of releasing eggs to occur at intervals of 1-3 hours, while without spirulina, it only occurs 1 hour on spawning days. The highest number of eggs was produced by giving spirulina 20% with a diameter range of 1.35-1.37 mm. The presence of a small egg diameter in the 20% spirulina treatment indicated that an increase in the number of eggs affected the ovaries capacity, so the diameter decreased. However, the average diameter of 20% of spirulina eggs was still the same as without spirulina administration. The stable temperature at 26.6±0.2°C caused the spawning activity of O. woworae to only occur in the morning between 07:00-09:00.
Evaluation of Different Transition Periods in Feeding Live Feed for Tiger Shovelnose Catfish (Pseudoplatystoma punctifer, Castelnau 1855) Larvae Demas Agatri; Achmad Noerkhaerin Putra; Mustahal
Jurnal Biologi Tropis Vol. 23 No. 1 (2023): January - March
Publisher : Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mataram, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jbt.v23i1.4592


The production of tiger shovelnose catfish (TSN) is limited by the very low growth during feeding transition in phase larvae. This research aims to evaluate the difference in feed transition period   from nauplii Artemia sp. to Tubifex sp. on the growth and activity of digestive enzymes of TSN larvae. TSN larvae 1 dph (day post hatching) with total length of 4.05±0.16 mm and weight of 4.18±0.67 mg were used in this study. Nine aquariums with 10 L of water were stocked with larvae at a density 30 larvae/L. This study consisted of three treatments of different feed transition time in triplicates i.e. transition at 9 dph (P1), 10 dph (P2) and 11 dph (P3). The result showed that the transitional on 11 dph (P3) recorded the highest total length (36.9±0.56 mm), total weight (242.5±2.4 mg), daily length growth rate (13.43±0.81, daily weight growth rate (25.4±0.06, survival rate (81.7±3.1%), and protease enzyme activity (0.222±0.019 IU/mL) compared to 10 dph (P2) and 9 dph (P1). The transition period of 11 days is the mostappropriate time to change the feed for nauplii Artemia sp. to Tubifex sp. in TSN larvae because it produces the best growth and digestive enzyme activity values.
Dietary Spirulina platensis to Increase Color Brightness and Growth of Betta Fish, Betta splendens Alhan Ferdyawan Saputra; Achmad Noerkhaerin Putra; Mas Bayu Syamsunarno
Jurnal Biologi Tropis Vol. 23 No. 4 (2023): October - December
Publisher : Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Mataram, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jbt.v23i4.5654


Betta fish (Betta splendens) are ornamental fish that have a unique color and high economic value. The aim of this research was to evaluate the addition of different doses of S. platensis in feed on color brightness and growth of betta fish. Betta fish (length of 32±4.4 mm) were maintained in containers with a volume of 4 liters at a density of 1 fish/container for 35 days and feeding is done twice a day at satiation. This research consisted of 4 treatments adding different doses of S. platensis in the feed and 5 repetitions, namely: P1: adding S. platensis 0%, P2: adding S. platensis 1%, P3: adding S. platensis 1.5%, and P4: addition of S. platensis 2%. The research results showed that the carotenoids contained in S. platensis are 737.16 ppm/50 g. The addition of S. platensis in feed can improve the color quality of betta fish but does not affect the growth of betta fish. The addition of 1.5% S. platensis in the feed produced the highest values in the parameters of color brightness (9.1 in the 4th week), color diversity (body 62.54%, base of tail 59.52% and tail 61 .22%), and chromatophore cell area (673000 µm2).