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Tabligh Vol 14, No 1 (2013)
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah dan Komunikasi

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Abstract; Komunikasi merupakan aktivitas dasar manusia, dengan berkomunikasi manusia dapat berhubungan satu sama lain dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dimanapun manusia itu berada. Organisasi adalah sistem yang mapan dari mereka yang bekerjasama untuk mencapai tujuan bersama, melalui jenjang kepangkatan dan pembagian tugas. Salah satu ciri komunikasi organisasi yang paling nyata adalah konsep hubungan (relationship). Organisasi sebagai sebuah jaringan hubungan yang saling bergantung. Jika sesuatu saling bergantung, ini berarti bahwa hal-hal tersebut saling mempengaruhi dan dipengaruhi satu sama lain. Komunikasi antarpribadi adalah komunikasi antara orang-orang secara tatap muka, yang memungkinkan setiap pesertanya menangkap reaksi orang lain secara langsung, baik secara verbal ataupun nonverbal. Komunikasi interpersonal sebagai komunikasi anatar komunikator dengan komunikan, dianggap sebagai jenis komunikasi yang paling efektif dalam hal upaya mengubah sikap, pendapat, atau perilaku seseorang. Komunikasi interpersonal yang berlangsung secara intensif dengan mengutamakan aspek kuantitas dan kualitas yang seimbang, akan menciptakan hubungan interpersonal yang kuat antara atasan dan bawahan serta antarsesama karyawan, sehingga keterbukaan dan kepercayaan yang didapat dari proses komunikasi tersebut dapat turut menentukan perubahan sikap dan tingkah laku dalam organisasi. Kepuasan komunikasi membawa hubungan dengan kepuasan kerja, kepuasan kerja merupakan respons seseorang terhadap bermacam-macam lingkungan kerja yang dihadapinya, seperti teman sekerja, kebijakan, promosi dll. Pentingnya iklim yang mendukung dalam komunikasi organisasi lebih ditekankan untuk mendapatkan kepuasan kerja. Pimpinan sebagai orang yang bertanggung jawab dalam organisasi dapat memberikan kontribusi dalam membangkitkan iklim komunikasi yang baik dalam organisasinya. Kata Kunci : Komunikasi, Interpersonal, Iklim, Organisasi Communication is a basic human activity, with people communicate can relate to each other in everyday life wherever human being. Organization is established system of those who work together to achieve a common goal, through the ranks and division of tasks. One characteristic of most real organizational communication is the concept of the relationship (relationship). Organization as a network of interdependent relationships. If something interdependent, this means that these things affect each other and influenced each other. Interpersonal communication is communication between people face to face, which allows each participant capture the reactions of others directly, either verbally or nonverbally. Interpersonal communication as communication between communicator with communicant, regarded as the most effective type of communication in terms of efforts to change attitudes, opinions, or behavior. Interpersonal communication that takes place intensively with emphasis on the quantity and quality aspects are balanced, will create strong interpersonal relationships between superiors and subordinates and employees between people, so that openness and trust gained from the communication process can also determine changes in attitudes and behavior within the organization. Satisfaction communication carries relationship with job satisfaction, job satisfaction is an individuals response to various working environment it faces, such as coworkers, policy, promotion etc. The importance of a favorable climate in organizational communication is emphasized to obtain job satisfaction. Leadership as a responsible person in the organization can contribute to generate good communication climate in the organization Keywords : Communication , Interpersonal , Climate , Organization
Between The Sacred and The Profan:The Dynamics of the Memorization of The Quran among Children in East Kalimantan Wijaya, Ida Suryani; Hidayati, Di Ajeng Laily
ADDIN Vol 12, No 1 (2018): Addin
Publisher : P3M IAIN Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/addin.v12i1.2826


For Muslims, memorizing the text of the Qur’an is among the highest rewarding deeds since it has long been perceived to be the manifestation of the idea of guarding the religion. Persons capable of memorizing the whole thirty chapters of the Qur’an are believed to be spiritually superior and, thus, are rewarded a highly respected position in a Muslim society. However, to do such a herculean task of Memorization, one should start the job as soon as she or he could; as soon as early childhood. This paper, therefore, aims at exploring the dynamic inter-relationship between sacred and profane motives in the process of memorization of Qur’an among hafizes of Qur’an (guardians of the Qur’an) in East Borneo, Indonesia, by answering twofold questions; (1) What are the main determinant factors affecting the decision to memorize the Qur’an? and (2) how full-fledged hafizes of Qur’an see their huge efforts in doing such tasks?
Etika Berbusana Mahasiswa Stain Samarinda Wijaya, Ida Suryani
Publisher : LP2M IAIN Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (349.256 KB) | DOI: 10.21093/fj.v4i1.218


Ethics is about behavior of human being, such as which one is right or wrong. The ethics is always affecting the human life. The ethics gives people orientation how he/she do manything every time every day. Islamic ethics consists of the way how someone interact each other; how someone should do or not to do, how to sit, how to walk, how to eat or drink, how to sleep, or how to get dressed. Al-Qur’an uses three terms to define about dressing, they are: libas, tsiyah, and sarahi. Dressing has a function as covering the body, as assessoris, as the way to do Islamic taqwa, and as an identiy. Dressing ethics of the female students of STAIN Samarinda has been regulated by the rector regulation No 19 of the year 2002 about relation and dressing ethics for the students of STAIN Samarinda.
Islamic Expressions On The Culprits Of Islamic Centers In East Kalimantan Hidayati, Diajeng Laily; Wijaya, Ida Suryani
KOMUNIKA: Jurnal Dakwah dan Komunikasi Vol 13 No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Fakultas Dakwah IAIN Purwokerto

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (357.803 KB) | DOI: 10.24090/komunika.v13i1.1732


The aim of this paper is to (1) explore the dynamics within the implementation of religious sermon in the culprit of Islamic Centers and Mosques in East Kalimantan, and (2) to assess how Da’is and board of Islamic Centers and Mosques contruct the concept of Ideal Da’wa thus what topics should be promoted and what topics should be avoided. Findings of this paper reveal that the implementation of religious sermons in Islamic Centers in East Kalimantan aims at representing the many mosques within the region where the Islamic Center stands. Islamic Center is suppose to play the role model of ideal mosque and every mosque in the region must revitalize its role and functions to become those of the Islamic Centers. However, Islamic Centers in East Kalimantan are not successful enough in representing the many mosques it claims to represent due to explicit rules on who can and cannot gives sermon in the culprit of those Islamic Centers.
Strategi Public Relations dalam Pengembangan Brand Image Sekolah di Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu (SDIT) Kota Samarinda Wijaya, Ida Suryani; Al Amin, M.
LENTERA VOL 4, No 02 (2020): LENTERA
Publisher : IAIN Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21093/lentera.v4i2.3126


Public relation is an important aspect within the process of building positive image for an organization. Selecting appropriate strategy, therefore, must be applied very carefully since it determines the success or failure of the organization in the long run. This paper, thus, aims at explaining the strategy of public relation applied by Cordova Integral Islamic Elementary School in Samarinda in building a positive brand image that suits its’ long-term objectives. Utilizing qualitative approach, this paper finds out that Cordova Integral Islamic Elementary School in Samarinda applies four strategy such as research-listening, planning-decision, communication-action, and evaluation.Keywords: Image brand, organizational strategy, and public relation.