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Journal : Perkebunan dan Lahan Tropika

Identifikasi Status dan Luas Lahan untuk Pengembangan Komoditas Pertanian di Kawasan Perbatasan Kabupaten Sintang rini hazriani
Perkebunan dan Lahan Tropika Vol 1, No 1 (2011)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3059.03 KB) | DOI: 10.26418/plt.v1i1.30


Terdapat perubahan paradigma dalam hal cara pandang terhadap kawasan perbatasan dimana sebelumnya kawasan perbatasan dianggap sebagai bagian belakang dari negara ini, maka sekarang pemerintah menganggap kawasan perbatasan sebagai sebuah beranda depan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia. Karena itu kajian mengenai potensi lahan yang dapat dimanfaatkan petani di kawasan perbatasan kabupaten Sintang sangat penting. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengkaji status pemanfaatan lahan di kawasan perbatasan kabupaten Sintang di tinjau dari aspek hukum, ekonomi, sosial dan budaya; dan melakukan identifikasi potensi pemanfaatan lahan untuk optimalisasi pertanian/perkebunan di wilayah perbatasan kabupaten Sintang. Metode penelitian dilaksanakan dalam 5 tahapan: persiapan, survei pengumpulan data primer dan sekunder, pengolahan dan analisis data (status lahan, potensi dan kesesuaian lahan) serta penyajian hasil (laporan dan peta). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lahan dengan Status Fungsi Kawasan APL yang berpotensi untuk diusahakan dan dimanfaatkan bagi pengembangan komoditas pertanian seluas 22.887,98 Ha dan harus dikonservasi seluas 6.537,01 Ha dan komoditas perkebunan yang berpotensi untuk dikembangkan adalah tanaman Karet
Evaluasi Kesesuaian Lahan Pasang Surut untuk Tanaman Lada (Piper nigrum Linn.) di Desa Galing Kecamatan Galing Kabupaten Sambas Suriadi Suriadi; Rini Hazriani; Joni Gunawan
Perkebunan dan Lahan Tropika Vol 13, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/plt.v13i1.80730


Land evaluation is an approach for assessing the potential of land resources. Results of the evaluation will give information about land anduse necessary direction, and finally the value of production expectations that can be obtained. This study aims to identify the limiting factors for pepper plants in the Galing village, Galing sub-district, Sambas district. To create a class of actual and potential land suitability. This research was conducted in the village of  the District  Galing Galing Sambas  district,  then  followed  by analysis  of soil samples in the Laboratory of Chemistry and Soil Fertility Faculty of Agriculture Universitas Tanjungpura. The research started from December 2014 until Fabruari 2015. The results showed that there are two units of Soil Map is Sulfic Endoaquents and Typic Sulfaquents.  Actual  land  suitability  on  soil  type  Sulfic  Endoaquents  (SPT  1)  is  the appropriate marginal (S2) with inhibitors to Factor pepper plant is a low pH, nutrient availability, and the depth of the actual land sulfidik. Suitability for pepper plants are S3 nfx. While the actual land suitability on the type of Typic Sulfaquents (SPT 2) inhibiting factor is the low pH, nutrient availability, and the depth of the actual land sulfidik. Suitability for pepper plants are N-x. Recommendations for improvements in SPT 1 and SPT 2 is water regulation, liming and fertilizing N, P, and K with the processing level is medium to high, then the suitability of potential land for pepper plants in SPT 1 to be fit while on SPT 2 appropriate to marginal
Perkebunan dan Lahan Tropika Vol 11, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/plt.v11i2.60092


Nutrient levels is the process to determine the present nutrient content in tissue plant. Nutrient levels obtained through field survey and nutrient analysis in the laboratory. This research aims to determine levels of N, P and K as well as recommend the use of N, P, and K for oil palm plants so as to increase the production of palm oil. This research was conducted at PT. Peniti Sungai Purun, MempawahRegency. The analysis results showed that the levels of N, P, and K on all blocks belonging to deficiency until optimum. In each block, the dose recommend of fertilizer N, P, and K to block G50 (1,73 kg urea/tree/year, 1,50 kg Rock Phospate/tree/4 times/year, and 2,50 kg KCl/tree/year) Blocks H34 (3,00 kg urea/tree/year, 3,50 kg Rock Phospate/tree/year, and 3,50 kg KCl/tree/year). Block I26 (1,73 kg urea/tree/year, 1,50 kg Rock Phospate/tree/year, and 2,50 kg KCl/tree/year). Block J26 (3,00 kg urea/tree/year, 3,50 kg Rock Phospate/tree/ year, and 3,50 kg KCl/tree/year). This dosage recommendations are used to increase the production of oil palm plants in PT. Peniti Sungai Purun.Keywords : Nutrient levels, recommendation of fertilization .
Pengaruh Aplikasi Biochar Tempurung Kelapa dan Pupuk Anorganik terhadap Serapan N P K dan Hasil Tanaman Jagung Manis pada Tanah Gambut Anyon Yupita; Rita Hayati; Rini Hazriani
Perkebunan dan Lahan Tropika Vol 13, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Tanjungpura

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26418/plt.v13i2.80745


Maize (Zea may ssaccharata) is the horticulture in demand current society this. Limited avalability of land productive agriculture causes agricultural development, especially maize plant using peat soil media. Peat soil are low acidity, and nutrient content macro N, P, K available to plant also low. Attempts made for increasing the productivity of peat soils is by giving biochar and proper fertilization. Provision of biochar and inorganic fertilizer in addition to being a source of nutrients for plants, can also improve the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil. This study aims to determine the influence of the application of coconut shell biochar and inorganic fertilizers on N P K nutrient uptake and maize crop yields. Research using Complete Random Design (CRD) factorial consists of two factors treatment and three replications. The first factor, namely coconut shell biochar which consist of 3 levels. The second factor, namely inorganic fertilizer consisting of 3 levels so there are 27 experimental units consisting of 2 sets of plants. Based on the results of variance, interaction of coconut shell biochar administration and inorganic fertilizer no significantly influence on all treatments. Whereas the administration of coconut shell biochar has no significant influence on soil pH, K uptake and cob weight, but significantly affected the wet weight, dray weight, N uptake and K uptake. Inorganik fertilizer has no significant influence on soil pH, wet weight, dry weight, N uptake and cob weight, but has a significant influence on P uptake and K uptake. The best cob weight is at A1B3 treatment (biochar coconut shell 55 gram/polybag + inorganic fertilizer 5,1 gram/polybag).