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Pengaruh Pemberian Air Gula Merah Terhadap Kebugaran Jasmani Rani Rahmasari Tanuwijaya; Agus Kristiyanto; Muchsin Doewes
Jurnal Gizi Vol 6, No 2 (2017): Jurnal Gizi Unimus
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (470.61 KB) | DOI: 10.26714/jg.6.2.2017.%p


Endurance athletes are required to consume beverages containing electrolytes and carbohydrates during and after exercise or during the match. Palm sugar is also one type of natural sugar that contains glucose and fructose and has a low glycemic index. The type and design of this research was true experimental research with double blind. The experiment in this research is 2 groups, group of jogging with brown sugar water and group of jogging with plainmineral water with a sample of 32 people who are members of Spiji Football Club. This study was conducted in April 2007. The results obtained that the jogging exercise with brown sugar water and plain mineral water have an effect to improve the physical fitness of students offootball club. Based on data analysis, it can be seen that jogging exercise with brown sugar water treatment with mean equal to 3,54, this is higher than jogging with plainmineral water which was 2,94. Based on result of unpaired T test it was obtained result of significance as p = 0,123 which mean that it has no significant difference. Jogging exercise with brown sugar water intake can improve physical fitness higher than jogging practice with plainmineral water but has a insignificant difference Keywords: carbohydrate drinks; brown sugar water; physical training; physical fitness
Jurnal Cakrawala Pendidikan No 3 (2011): CAKRAWALA PENDIDIKAN EDISI NOVEMBER 2011, Th. XXX, No. 3
Publisher : LPMPP Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (183.526 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/cp.v3i3.4202


Abstract: The Learning of Physical Education Based on Multi-Aspect Competence, Collaboration, and Synthesis of Learning Resource Advantages. This study aims to: (1) sharpen the pragmatic aspects of a model for briefing physical education student-teachers on their competence; (2) improve the institutional policy concerning ways of briefing them on their competence in physical education oriented to the present conditions; (3) develop the substance of the physical education microteaching; (4) improve the recognition of expertise from peers; and (5) map the networking of the partner institutions. This study employed a combination of methods consisting of a library study, descriptive survey, and action research. The data were collected through questionnaires, in-depth interviews, and focus group discussions. The findings show that the briefing model should comprise (1) multi-aspect competence, i.e. pedagogic, personal, professional, and social aspects; (2) collaboration by involving other relevant and competent parties; and (3) learning-resource sharing by making use of advantages of learning resources in the campus and partner schools. Keywords: learning of physical education, multi-aspect competence, collaboration, learning-resource sharing
MODEL DEVELOPMENT UNDER THE EXERCISE OF TECHNIQUE SERVICES, THE SERVICE AND IN VOLLEYBALL CEKIS (A Study on the Development of Women Athletes Volleyball Level Intermediates in Sigli Town-Aceh) Irfandi Irfandi; Sugiyanto Sugiyanto; Agus Kristiyanto
JOURNAL OF EDUCATION SCIENCE Vol 1, No 1 (2015): April 2015
Publisher : Universitas Ubudiyah Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.3314/jes.v1i1.22


The background for this study is the ability of a service under the mastery of technique, top service and the ability to serve cekis in a volleyball game where before conducting research there are a number of athletes who have so perfectly mastered, especially in the mastery of the technique, which occurred in mid-level women athletes (Intermediate) the ball club Volly in Sigli town. This study aims to develop a wide range of draft model design engineering practice, and to develop the initial product manufacturing, testing implement small group, large group test, and implement test the effectiveness of the product, so as to obtain results in the form of improved quality of training and technical mastery of athletes, particularly servicing over , lower servicing and cekis in volleyball game at the mid-level women athletes (Intermediate) Bolavolli club in the city of Sigli.Research development or better known as the research and development carried out at the club Bolavolli in Sigli town. The subjects of the study is the son of middle-level athletes, amounting to 22 athletes from the club volleyball PLN Pidie, and 22 athletes from Metro-Sigli volleyball club and volleyball club Corolla (Sigli Volleyball Club). Small group test phase carried out in club volleyball PLN Pidie, followed by a large group test conducted in volleyball club Metro-Sigli. While the implementation phase of product effectiveness test conducted in the Metro-club volleyball and club volleyball Sigli Corolla (Sigli Volleyball Club).This study was able to develop the skills training model figure mainly "service engineering practice models top, bottom and cekis services at the secondary level women athletes Bolavolli club in the city of Sigli. Results mastery of technical skills training model of servicing the top, bottom and cekis servicing obtained based on: 1) Summary data of the percentage of questionnaires and validation by a number of experts were obtained with an average score of 67% and 73%, and it was included in the category quite valid, it means the product service engineering skills training models above, below and cekis service so that it can be used and applied as a model practice guidelines on Bolavolli club mid-level women athletes (Intermediate). Percentage data model results are tested on small groups derived from the mastery of technical skills training model of the athletes which amounted to 81.10%, which means that a valid use, and a large group practice models gained mastery over the technical servicing and servicing under the bolavolli amounted to 85.34 % means that the product is valid to use, so it can be interpreted as if the models developed in real capable of delivering results, and extraordinary contribution accurate, especially in the mastery of technique training models servicing top, bottom and cekis services in bolavolli.Thus, to interpret the results of the development of a model figure for a given treatment group, in which case there is a significant difference between the groups before being given treatment when compared with the group after being given treatment. Based on data from the pretest-posttest athletes showed a mastery of the results of technical skills training models amounted to 62.27%, and thereafter the product models (the process of treatment) then the effect of increased very significantly to the mastery of technical skills training model products with obtaining results amounting to 67.27%. Differences in the form of percentage figures is a result of the result of the provision and application of product models (such as treatment), where the impact of a given product models and demonstrate a very remarkable effect significant at deeper levels, in terms of mastery of product models mainly servicing engineering practice models above , lower servicing and cekis in bolavolli.Keywords: design training models, bolavolli, servicing top, bottom servicing, cekis, treatment, and research and development, or R and D.
Hubungan Status Gizi dengan Kebugaran Jasmani Atlet Taekwondo Remaja Isnanda Putri Nur Istiqomah; Agus Kristiyanto; Tonang Dwi Ardyanto
FISIO MU : Physiotheraphy Evidences Vol.3,No.1 Januari 2022
Publisher : Program Studi Fisioterapi Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.23917/fisiomu.v3i1.14802


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara status gizi dengan kebugaran jasmani atlet taekwondo remaja. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectional dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 30 atlet taekwondo remaja, sampel diambil menggunakan metode secara acak sederhana yaitu simple random sampling. Pengumpulan data meliputi status gizi dengan cara pengambilan data antropometri berat badan dan tinggi badan, kebugaran jasmani dengan menggunakan tes lari MFT (multistage fitness). Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis univariat dan bivariat menggunakan uji korelasi pearson product moment. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat hubungan antara status gizi dengan kebugaran jasmani (p= 0,028). Nilai R sebesar -0,401 menunjukkan kekuatan hubungan yang sedang, nilai negatif menunjukkan hubungan yang terbalik pada variabel. Status gizi lebih maka kebugaran jasmani menurun. status gizi berhubungan dengan kebugaran jasmani. Atlet yang memiliki status gizi yang baik cenderung memiliki kebugaran jasmani yang baik pula. Perlu dilakukan penambahan informasi terkait gizi pada atlet sehingga terciptanya status gizi baik serta kebugaran jasmani yang baik pada atlet.
The Difference between in a 5K race running on the Tartan Track and the Asphalt Road Track against the Injury Risk on the Men Athletic Club of Dragon and Pandawa Salatiga Nugrahani Febrina Sari; Agus Kristiyanto; Sri Santoso Sabarini
Budapest International Research and Critics in Linguistics and Education (BirLE) Journal Vol 3, No 2 (2020): Budapest International Research and Critics in Linguistics and Education, May
Publisher : BIRCU

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33258/birle.v3i2.942


The purpose of this study was to determine the difference between 5K long distance running on the Tartan track and the Asphalt Highway on the risk of injury to the Men’s Athlete Club of Dragon Athletics and Pandawa Salatiga. This study uses a descriptive qualitative research method using an ex post facto approach in which data taken on respondents based on events that have been experienced before. The number of samples was 14 Men’s Athlete of Pandawa Club and 10 Men’s Athlete of Dragon Salatiga Club. The total number of samples was 34 athletes and samples were taken using purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques using Triangulation techniques, namely questionnaire or questionnaire, interviews and documentation. The validity of the questionnaire test or questionnaire was carried out and agreed upon by experts in the field of running injuries and linguists (Expert Judgment) and the hypothesis was tested using the Chi Square test with SPSS. Observation was carried out for four weeks by taking data through questionnaires and interviews by researchers to respondents or research samples namely athletes and trainers. The results of this study indicate that the asphalt highway running track has a higher risk of injury than running on the tartan track. Asphalt highway has a hard structure on the surface, when running footstool meets a hard surface so this will cause the risk of injury to the foot such as archilles tendinitis injuries where large tendon muscles behind the ankles that connect the calf muscles to the heel bones experience irritation or inflammation. Knowing the risk of injury that occurs in certain types of trajectories can help athletes and coaches in designing training programs and minimize injury.
Pena Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan Dan Teknologi Vol 30, No 1 (2016): Pena Maret 2016
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31941/jurnalpena.v30i1.398


The purpose of this study to determine differences in the effect of back exercises to increase fleksibilitas of the spine, the lower back pain and spinal fleksibilitas, and to investigate the interaction between type of therapy, low back pain, spinal fleksibility and gender. Type of research is that the study is a quasi-experimental,with a pretest - posttest design approach. With the method of taking samples is purposive incidental sampling through inspection procedures to establish the diagnosis of lower back pain. The results in this study are reduction in lower back pain and increase spinal fleksibility but there is no effect and a significant interaction between the type of physical therapy to increase fleksibility anddecrease lower back pain , then there is no significant difference between the type of therapy to lower back pain and spinal fleksibility, but there are significant differences in the increase in fleksibilitas if the terms of gender .Based on the conclusions obtained the following results : (1) The type of physical therapyinfrared and William Flexi Exercise better increase the fleksibility of the spine and lower back pain compared with other types of physical therapy infrared and Mc . Kenzie exercise, (2) There are differences increase the fleksibility of the spine by gender, and obtained the same result for lower back pain by gender , (3)there is no significant interaction between the type of physical therapy tofleksibility, lower back pain an gender 
Jurnal Bedah Hukum Vol 2 No 1 (2018): Jurnal Bedah Hukum
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Boyolali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: Pertama, bagaimana proses penyelesaian kredit bermasalah dengan hak tanggungan pada PT. Bank Danamon, Tbk Unit Pasar Suruh Salatiga. Kedua, apa kendala dan upaya yang dihadapi PT. Bank Danamon, Tbk Unit Pasar Suruh Salatiga dalam menyelesaikan kredit bermasalah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan yuridis empiris dengan mengunakan metode kualiatif. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara secara mendalam untuk mengetahui fakta hukum yang sebenarnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: Pertama, pihak PT. Bank Danamon, Tbk Unit Pasar Suruh Salatiga dalam menyelesaikan kredit bermasalah lebih memilih dengan jalur kekeluargaan dengan cara seperti rescheduling, restructing dan reconditioning. Kedua, penyebab dan kendala yang menyebabkan PT. Bank Danamon, Tbk Unit Pasar Suruh Salatiga untuk menyelesaikan kredit macet antara lain melalui pertimbangan cara mediasi, biaya, hasil yang dicapai, niat baik, dan kemampuan membayar. Kemudian kendalanya antara lain niat tidak baik dari debitur dan ketidaktepatan waktu.