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SPIRAKEL Vol 9 No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan Baturaja

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One of worm infection is intestinal worms infection that are transmitted through the ground or often called Soil Transmitted helminths (STH). Soil Transmitted Helminth can infest humans of all ages , especially in children . This study aimed to examine the prevalence of worm infections in school children in Tanah Bumbu with cross sectional design . Research subjects are all students of class grade I - VI SDN 1 Harapan Maju Karang Bintang, Tanah Bumbu District. Result showed the prevalence of worm infection 16 %, which mostly occurs in girls (8.8 %) and in the group of age 9-11 years (6.8 %). Types of worms that infected the children are Trichuris trichiura, Ascaris lumbricoides, Enterobius vermicularis and Hookworm . The highest infection caused by T. trichiura (8.8 %). Beside single infection, mixed infections was also found, indicating the possibility of poor personal and environmental sanitation level around the child.
Aplikasi IJEN (Infeksi Jamur Entomopatogen pada Nyamuk) : Jamur Metarhizium anisopliae pada Nyamuk Aedes aegypti Liestiana Indriyati; Salamiah Salamiah; Lutfhi Fatah; Eko Suhartono; Muhammad Rasyid Ridha; Abdullah Fadily; Paisal Paisal; Dicky Andiarsa
Jurnal Vektor Penyakit Vol 13 No 1 (2019): Edisi Juni
Publisher : Balai Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan Donggala, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan, Kementerian Kesehatan RI

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (397.914 KB) | DOI: 10.22435/vektorp.v13i1.893


Abstract Dengue hemorrhagic fever is one of the main problems in Indonesia, its handling on chemical insecticides with insecticide resistance constraints that can inhibit vector control efforts. Entomopathogenic fungi especially Metarhizium anisopliae is one of bioinsecticides that has been widely used in agriculture for controlling insect attacks, effective in killing mosquitoes, safe for vertebrates, humans and the environment and has a small risk of resistance. Appropriate methods of formulation and application for M. anisopliae infection to mosquitoes suitable for mosquito bionomic and fungus characteristics are required. Experimental research with complete randomized design was conducted to test the efficacy of. M.anisopliae solution mixed olive oil and honey formula applied to ovitrap, plant trap and black cotton trap in infecting adult female Ae. aegypti. The death of Ae.a egypti and fungal growth on kadaver was observed everyday. 100% Ae. aegypti death was obtained in the ovitrap method with mixed formulation of M.anisopliae and olive oil. This method was also capable of infecting Ae.aegypti in various phases of both adults, eggs and larvae so that in this study ovitrap olive oil method was the most effective method for infecting M.anisopliae on Ae.aegypti. Abstrak Demam berdarah dengue merupakan salah satu masalah utama di Indoneisa. Penggunaan insektisida kimia sebagai upaya pengendalian DBD saat ini memiliki kendala resistensi insektisida yang dapat menghambat upaya pengendalian vektor. Jamur entomopatogen khususnya Metarhizium anisopliae adalah salah satu bioinsektisida yang telah digunakan secara luas di bidang pertanian untuk pengendalian serangan serangga efektif membunuh nyamuk, aman bagi vertebrata, manusia dan lingkungan serta memiliki risiko resistensi yang kecil. Diperlukan metode yang tepat baik dari formulasi maupun cara aplikasi untuk penginfeksian M.anisopliae kepada nyamuk yang sesuai dengan bionomik nyamuk dan karakteristik jamur. Penelitian eksperimental dengan rancangan acak lengkap dilakukan untuk menguji efektivitas formula M.anisopliae. Larutan M.anisopliae dicampur minyak zaitun dan madu yang diaplikasikan pada ovitrap, plant trap dan black cotton trap dalam menginfeksi Ae.aegypti betina dewasa. Pengamatan dilakukan pada kematian Ae.aegypti dan pertumbuhan jamur pada kadaver setiap hari. Kematian Ae.aegypti 100% didapatkan pada metode ovitrap dengan formulasi campuran M.anisopliae dan minyak zaitun. Metode ini juga mampu menginfeksi Ae.aegypti pada berbagai fase baik dewasa, telur maupun larva sehingga pada penelitian ini metode zaitun ovitrap dinyatakan metode yang paling efektif untuk penginfeksian M.anisopliae pada Ae.aegypti.
Keanekaragaman Anopheles Spp di Daerah Endemis Malaria Desa Siayuh (Trans) Kabupaten Kotabaru Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan Liestiana Indriyati; Wulan Sari Rasna Sembiring; Akhmad Rosanji
ASPIRATOR - Journal of Vector-borne Disease Studies Vol 9 No 1 (2017): Jurnal Aspirator Volume 9 Nomer 1 2017
Publisher : Loka Litbang Kesehatan Pangandaran

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The Health Research in 2010 informed that the prevalence of Malaria in Indonesia was 0.6%, and it was the sixth highest caused of death on infectious diseases. Malaria is transmitted by Anopheles spp. About 70 species of Anopheles have been identified as vectors of Malaria in the world, 24 species exist in Indonesia. The aim of this study was to determine the suspects of mosquito vectors and the density of mosquitoes in endemic areas, so we can establish the best interventions for vector control in the location. The research was held in Siayuh (Trans) village, Bungkukan Sub District of Kotabaru Regency in February 2015. The activities are mosquito’s collection (adult and larvae), mosquito identification, environmental survey and PCR test. Mosquito’s night collection was done by indoor and outdoor human landing collection method and rest collection in wall and cattle. The result of mosquito’s collection in Siayuh (Trans) village was 8 species of Anopheles spp. The highest percentage was Anopheles tesselatus (56%) followed by An. vagus (14%), An. kochi (11%) and An. hyrcanus group (9%). Diverse species, abundance and high density of mosquitoes in Siayuh (Trans) village was due to the geographical conditions of the village, it surrounded by marsh and many limestone puddles as a breeding habitat of Anopheles spp. Anopheles spp were found in Siayuh (Trans) village and it tend to be zoophilic, bite and resting out of the house, especially in the cattle, it makes the activities of people around the cattle at night cause a higher risk for Malaria transmission