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Peranan Public Relation Pada PT. Grapari Telkomsel Branch Manado Bolung, Chevny; Kaunang, Markus; Londa, Very Y
JURNAL ILMIAH SOCIETY Vol 1, No 14 (2015): Volume 1 Nomor 14

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One of the efforts to achieve the goals in an organization is the implementation of an efficient public relations and effective. The purpose in this paper is to analyze the role of Public Relations at PT. Telkomsel Grapari Branch Manado. The methodology used is qualitative, data were collected through observation, interviews and literature studies. The number of informants 17 people. The data obtained were related to the role of public relations then analyzed through categorization and data reduction. The final conclusion is that the role of public relations in Grapari Telkomsel Branch Manado, in this case has not been running with good views of the function as a communicator and as a relationship. So that should make improvements human resources through training, as well as in the form of the existing service system in Grapari Telkomsel Branch Manado. Public relations role played by customer service seen from the function as a communicator as well as the relationship is not going well. Keywords: Public Relations, Communicators, Relationship
Kesejahteraan Karyawan PT. Royal Coconut Kabupaten Minahasa Utara Karim, Dian Fitriani; Kaunang, Markus; Londa, Very Y
JURNAL ILMIAH SOCIETY Vol 1, No 14 (2015): Volume 1 Nomor 14

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Employee welfare is a form of welfare services provided by the company to the employees who have given power, mind and their services. Company Parties have an obligation to make efforts to motivate employees to provide benefits that can improve employee productivity. Welfare programs provided by the company to employees of PT. Royal Coconut North Minahasa yet either. Using qualitative methodology, research results show that the well-being of employees is not a good idea due to the PT. Royal Coconut not impose the maximum employee welfare services in terms of economic, facilities, and welfare services. Key Words: werlfare, imployee, economis, service, and facility
Peran adat istiadat dalam terbentuknya solidaritas sosial Suku Togutil di Kecamatan Maba Utara Kabupaten Halmahera Timur Lolo, Arnel Marthen; Pati, Agustinus B; Londa, Very Y
JURNAL ILMIAH SOCIETY Vol 1, No 14 (2015): Volume 1 Nomor 14

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Indigenous peoples Togutil tribe in East Halmahera, categorized primitive tribes but why can soidaritas well maintained compared to modern society in identical scientific community. This study used a qualitative descriptive method. This study aims to describe and understand the behavior patterns of public interest as it is in the context Togutil intact so as to describe the properties Togutil public interest in life activities. Based on the research results can be concluded that the customs of the strong role that social solidarity terbentiknya Togutil in the District of North Maba. For Togutil tribe who remained in the forest or in the three villages namely in Forest Tribe Togutil is keeping customs, strong solidarity with others around the settlement. So the authors suggest Togutil tribal communities in the District of North Freshmen need to keep the preservation of culture / customs and leave the lifestyle that can not accept social change. One of the negative impact is not open to other tribes so Communities for Parts Togutil always glued to the natural life. Keywords: customs, social solidarity, community
Pengelolaan Program Rencana Strategis Pembangunan Kampung Di Disrik Aifat Utara Kabupaten Maybrat Turot, Yosephus; Kaunang, Markus; Londa, Very y
JURNAL ILMIAH SOCIETY Vol 1, No 14 (2015): Volume 1 Nomor 14

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Implementation of Developments Strategic Plan through the village in the district of North Aifat Maybrat - West Papua has not been effective when linked to the aims of the RESPEK program itself that is the creation of an independent village prosperous society. RESPEK implementation will work well if starting from the planning, implementation and supervision of running well. The method used in this research was qualitative. Data obtained by using three ways: interviews, observation and documentation. The informants determined by purposive in total amounting to 23 peoples. Data were analyzed descriptively. From these results of this research it can be concluded that the ineffective management of RESPEK in the district of North Aifat Maybrat caused by (1) the ineffective planning, notimplementeddeliberationsvillage by the Village Council Head to plan what needs to be built, there was no public participation in the formulation of things what will be built using funds of Respect, the reason people do not participate because there is no consensus that done by the village government. (2) The implementation of development which uses a source of funds of RESPEK misses the point and not in accordance with the operating instructions of activities. Education, women's credit (SPP) and the infrastructure was not running optimally. (3) Supervision, no oversight of the government's RESPEK program management, while people also keep an eye on but no socialization of the government about how the flow monitoring and reporting on violations found, so that peoples often fight with TPKK. Keywords: Management, Strategic Planning, Development
erilaku Belajar Siswa Di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 8 Manado Wauran, Lineke Hesmi; Kaunang, Markus .; Londa, Very Y

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This research study analyzes the behavior of students in SMPN 8 Manado. The data used in this research is secondary data is data collected from interviews with informants and secondary data is data that is collected through the article, literratur, journals and internet sites). Based on the results of the study, researchers analyzed that study the behavior of the students at SMPN 8 Manado unfavorable. Like truant, did not want to do chores, like storytelling in the classroom, nonchalance cuh to lessons, often ask permission out while studying, and do not obey the rules. The behavior of students in learning, whether it's bad behavior and bad behavior can not be separated from the role and responsibilities of a teacher as an educator. Attitudes and behavior of a student in teaching and learning activities closely related to the role of the teacher in teaching. Bad behavior on the show by some students during the learning process, must be addressed by teachers in the classroom at the time. Keywords: Behavior, Learning, Student
Perilaku Kehidupan Sosial Ekonomi Masyarakat Pada Kawasan PT Trimega Bangun Persada (TBP) Di Desa Kawasi Kecamatan Obi Kabupaten Halmahera Selatan Provinsi Maluku Utara Luwudara, Yostinus; Kaunang, Markus .; Londa, Very Y

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Kawasi village social life before 2005 was very orderly and organized and put together in every social life. However, reality shows there are currently several changes in the value / norm is happening in the community Kawasi. By using a qualitative design of this study attempts to analyze the behavior of social and economic life of society in Region Trimega PT Bangun Persada In the village Obi Kawasi District of South Halmahera in North Maluku province.The results showed that the presence of industry which is managed by the company PT Trimega Bangun Persada (TBP) in the village Kawasi economically very helpful changes in the revenue structure of society, children were able to continue their education to university level as well as health care and transportation has been very available. However, the advances in tandem with behavioral deviation which is characterized by erosion of the value of the customs, mutual cooperation and social norms of society, so that people's lives are more likely to imitate Kawasi modern lifestyle is presented from the outside. Keywords: Behavior, Social Economy, Society
Pengaruh Kinerja Pegawai Terhadap Kualitas Pelayanan Di Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum Kota Tomohon Supit, Tissy J P; Tampi, John R E; Londa, Very Y

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Municipal Waterworks in Tomohon City is a state-owned enterprise that aim to provide service to the community, especially in Tomohon city. In the process Municipal Waterworks Tomohon city still has many fault become an obstacle the performance of employees have an impact on the quality of the service to customer . The aim of this study is to The Influence of Performance Employees on the Quality of Service in the Municipal Waterworks (PDAM) in Tomohon City. The methodology used was quantitative research. This research Municipal Waterworks used in Tomohon city . The population is all employees of PDAM Tomohon and all customers. The total sample of 145 respondents. Data analysis are validity and reliability, the classic assumption test and followed by multiple linear regression analysis. Results of this study found that a positive or significant influence on the performance of employees consisting a few of variables of quantity, quality, time, cost, and place and space to service quality in Municipal Waterworks  ( PDAM ) in Tomohon city. Simultaneously has a different effect between employee performance to service quality in Municipal Waterworks   (PDAM) in Tomohon city. It is suggested for  Municipal Waterworks   ( PDAM) in Tomohon City should increase the performance of employees consisting of quantity, quality, time, cost, and place and space so that the quality of service has increased
Partisipasi Masyarakat pada Musyawarah Perencanaan Pembangunan Desa/Kelurahan di Kecamatan Airmadidi Kabupaten Minahasa Utara Wagiu, Vicky Barthel; Kaunang, Markus .; Londa, Very Y

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District of Airmadidi is one of North Minahasa District in the construction while the major project where the role of the community is expected to support the development programs that exist, one of which development planning. The purpose of this study was to determine the Community participation in activities musrenbang in villages / wards in District Airmadidi but in reality people's participation is still low recorded in the documents of Villages of the activities that brought the level of the District Musrenbang then District only a small portion can be realized. This is causing apathy and skepticism of some people to engage in Musrenbang. This study used qualitative research methods, by conducting interviews, observation and use of documents that are directly related, with a sample of two villages and two villages in the District Airmadidi. Results of research on the level of community participation in Development Planning Village / wards in District Airmadidi North Minahasa Regency, it can be concluded that there are differences in the participation of rural communities and communities that exist in the village where the people in the village a more pro-active in Musrenbang compared to existing communities in the Village District of Airmadidi that apathy toward musrenbang activities based on the information obtained through interviews in several informants in the village and village. Keywords: Community, Participation, Development Planning
Pengembangan Sumberdaya Pegawai Dalam Administrasi Kependudukan di Dinas Kependudukan Dan Pencatatan Sipil Kota Manado Chuanda, Pricilia; Kaunang, Markus; Londa, Very Y

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This research aims to analyze the human resources development In Population Administration Field At Population and Civil Registration Offie at Manado. Research method is qualitative method. The research found that employee development through education and training have not been fully formed attitude, knowledge and skill of employee’s work in Population Administration Field at Population And Civil Registration Office. This is because the education and training activities which be done in form of education and formal training, rule of law socialization, and general technical guidance of implementation rule of law, and in the implementation more often be coordinated with Staffing Agency and Region Training, subpart of Population And Civil Registration In Government section and Public Relation and Indonesia Ministry of Internal Affairs Keyword : Resources, Training, Education
Penataan Pedagang Kaki Lima Sebagai Strategi Pengembangan Kesejahtraan Kota Manado Kainage, Richard R; Kaunang, Markus ,; Londa, Very Y
JURNAL ILMIAH SOCIETY Vol 12, No 1 (2014): jis

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Effort to organize street vendors conducted by the City of Manado rated yet able to provide maximum results in the effort to organize the city, increasing the infestation area and foster the creativity of the local economy. By him the necessary arrangement of vendors who carried through the arrangement of Human Resources, Organizational Structure and Design, and Culture or culture. This study concluded that the arrangement of street vendors in the city of Manado has not been done properly by the arrangement of resources and vendors implementing agency, the lack of proper structuring strategies of Manado City Government and has not been supported by good work culture.