Markus Kaunang, Markus
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Penataan Organisasi Balai Kesehatan Mata Masyarakat Provinsi Sulawesi Utara Achmad, Herry Wiliam; Kaunang, Markus; Tampi, Johny R. E.

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Community Eye Health Center of North Sulawesi province as a government agency entrusted to serve and handle the eyes of the public health need to make improvements through organizational restructuring to better direction. As for which is the goal of this research is to explain and analyze the organizational structuring Community Eye Health Center of North Sulawesi Province.In this study researchers used a qualitative research design, the purpose of this study can reveal, decipher and understand the structuring organizations exist. The conclusion of this study is the arrangement of organizations in Community Eye Health Center of North Sulawesi province with regard to the availability of resources of employees in terms of quality and quantity, availability and use of technology and culture or employee culture that supports the provision of services have not been going well.Keywords: Structuring the Organization, Employee, Technology, Culture.
Restrukturisasi Organisasi Bidang Farmasi Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Sulawesi Utara Mengko, Laura Evilientje; Kaunang, Markus; Londa, Very Y.

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Implementation of health services in North Sulawesi province level through the Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices that are structurally no longer / not stand alone as a field service or sexy but melted in a particular field. This research aims to study and analyze the organizational restructuring of the Department of Health Pharmaceutical Sector North Sulawesi Provensi henceforth expected to enter the development of the science of public administration management.The conclusion of this study is the organizational restructuring of pharmaceutical department of North Sulawesi Provincial Health Office has not performed well based on the structure and organizational processes through the provision of additional duty in the Field of Health Care Development Efforts in the current structure handles pharmacy services. Recommendations research iniyaitu communication and coordination with relevant agencies in handling pharmaceuticals and as rare fore need to make structural changes to restore the fields of pharmaceuticals, food and beverages on the structure of the health department.Keywords: Organizational Restructuring, Pharmacy, Structure, Work Process.
Kompetensi Kerja Pemerintah di Pemerintah Kelurahan Rurukan I Kecamatan Tomohon Timur Pongoh, Deasy E. N.; Kaunang, Markus; Goni, Sherly Y. V. I

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Competence is the ability and characteristics possessed by a civil servant so that civil servants are able to perform their duties in a professional, effective and efficient which includes the provision of services at the village level.This study was carried out to reveal and analyze the competence of employees working in the Village Government Rurukan I Sub East Tomohon This study used qualitative methods. From research conducted found that employees in the Government District of Tomohon Village East Rurukan I have not shown good job competence due to the placement of employees who are not in accordance with the rank and class, educational background that does not comply with existing positions, as well as the employee fails to demonstrate analysis and human relations skills in the work.Keywords: Competence, Employees, Government.
Interaksi Sosial Masyarakat Kelurahan Manembo Nembo Tengah Kecamatan Matuari Kota Bitung Putra, Taufan Eka; Kaunang, Markus; Mingkid, Elfie
JURNAL ILMIAH SOCIETY Vol 1, No 14 (2015): Volume 1 Nomor 14

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The interaction between man and man became a necessity to make ends meet. This study was conducted to determine and analyze the social interaction that occurs in the community in the Village of Central District of Matuari Manembo Nembo Bitung as a scientific development, especially the development of power cracked management science in the study of resource management. This study used a qualitative method with the main data comes from interviews with informants is a representation of the village government, environmental coconut, minahasa ethnic communities, ethnic communities Sangihe, Javanese ethnic communities and ethnic communities Gorontalo and other supporting data obtained through direct observation and the use of related documents . The conclusion of this study is the social interaction that occurs in communities in Sub-nembo Manembo Middle District of Matuari Bitung relating to cooperation seen in everyday life, birth, marriage and kinship systems. Keywords: Social Interaction, Community, Kinship.
Peranan Public Relation Pada PT. Grapari Telkomsel Branch Manado Bolung, Chevny; Kaunang, Markus; Londa, Very Y
JURNAL ILMIAH SOCIETY Vol 1, No 14 (2015): Volume 1 Nomor 14

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One of the efforts to achieve the goals in an organization is the implementation of an efficient public relations and effective. The purpose in this paper is to analyze the role of Public Relations at PT. Telkomsel Grapari Branch Manado. The methodology used is qualitative, data were collected through observation, interviews and literature studies. The number of informants 17 people. The data obtained were related to the role of public relations then analyzed through categorization and data reduction. The final conclusion is that the role of public relations in Grapari Telkomsel Branch Manado, in this case has not been running with good views of the function as a communicator and as a relationship. So that should make improvements human resources through training, as well as in the form of the existing service system in Grapari Telkomsel Branch Manado. Public relations role played by customer service seen from the function as a communicator as well as the relationship is not going well. Keywords: Public Relations, Communicators, Relationship
Kesejahteraan Karyawan PT. Royal Coconut Kabupaten Minahasa Utara Karim, Dian Fitriani; Kaunang, Markus; Londa, Very Y
JURNAL ILMIAH SOCIETY Vol 1, No 14 (2015): Volume 1 Nomor 14

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Employee welfare is a form of welfare services provided by the company to the employees who have given power, mind and their services. Company Parties have an obligation to make efforts to motivate employees to provide benefits that can improve employee productivity. Welfare programs provided by the company to employees of PT. Royal Coconut North Minahasa yet either. Using qualitative methodology, research results show that the well-being of employees is not a good idea due to the PT. Royal Coconut not impose the maximum employee welfare services in terms of economic, facilities, and welfare services. Key Words: werlfare, imployee, economis, service, and facility
Pengelolaan Program Rencana Strategis Pembangunan Kampung Di Disrik Aifat Utara Kabupaten Maybrat Turot, Yosephus; Kaunang, Markus; Londa, Very y
JURNAL ILMIAH SOCIETY Vol 1, No 14 (2015): Volume 1 Nomor 14

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Implementation of Developments Strategic Plan through the village in the district of North Aifat Maybrat - West Papua has not been effective when linked to the aims of the RESPEK program itself that is the creation of an independent village prosperous society. RESPEK implementation will work well if starting from the planning, implementation and supervision of running well. The method used in this research was qualitative. Data obtained by using three ways: interviews, observation and documentation. The informants determined by purposive in total amounting to 23 peoples. Data were analyzed descriptively. From these results of this research it can be concluded that the ineffective management of RESPEK in the district of North Aifat Maybrat caused by (1) the ineffective planning, notimplementeddeliberationsvillage by the Village Council Head to plan what needs to be built, there was no public participation in the formulation of things what will be built using funds of Respect, the reason people do not participate because there is no consensus that done by the village government. (2) The implementation of development which uses a source of funds of RESPEK misses the point and not in accordance with the operating instructions of activities. Education, women's credit (SPP) and the infrastructure was not running optimally. (3) Supervision, no oversight of the government's RESPEK program management, while people also keep an eye on but no socialization of the government about how the flow monitoring and reporting on violations found, so that peoples often fight with TPKK. Keywords: Management, Strategic Planning, Development
JURNAL EKSEKUTIF Vol 1, No 8 (2016)
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

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AbstrakFungsi pelayanan publik diharapkan timbul karena adanya rasa tanggung jawab ataupun kemauan untuk melaksanakan kewajiban kemanusiaan terhadap orang lain dengan kesadaran saling menolong, saling membutuhkan, dan saling berbuat baik antara satu dengan yang lain. Untuk mencapai suatu bentuk pelayanan yang baik maka aparatur pemerintah sebagai pelaksana harus mempunyai kemampuan memberikan pelayanan yang berkualitas terhadap masyarakat dan mampu serta tanggap terhadap kepentingan umum. Pelayanan publik merupakan kebutuhan dasar masyarakat dalam bernegara dan menjalankan aktivitas sebagai seorang warga negara. Karena kebutuhan yang mendasar tersebut, maka sering terjadi ketidakpuasan masyarakat akibat kinerja yang ditunjukkan aparat kurang memuaskan. Penelitian ini mengkaji mengenai kinerja aparat Kelurahan Ranotana Kota Manado dalam pelayanan publik, penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Dari hasil penelitian dilapangan penulis menyimpulkan bahwa secara umum kinerja aparat yang ada di Kelurahan Ranotana belum sesuai dengan harapan masyarakat.Kata Kunci : Kinerja, Aparat, Pelayanan Publik
Eksistensi Kelompok- Kelompok Sosial Dalam Melestarikan Nilai-Nilai Budaya Di Desa Kamangta Kecamatan Tombulu Kabupaten Minahasa Kandioh, Frangky; Lumolos, Johny; Kaunang, Markus

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This study did an analysis of factors such as how the existence of social groups in harmony grief still exist or maintained and developed in society the village Kamangta District of Tombulu Minahasa and how the role of the social pillars of grief in the village Kamangta District of Tombulu Minahasa in preserving cultural values , The results showed the existence of social groups in the village Kamangta District of Tombulu Minahasa is still maintained and will continue to be preserved in the form of social groups in harmony grief and harmonious family is a culture containing norms, trust and networks in preserving cultural values. Keywords : Existence, Social Grops, Cultural Values
PENGAWASAN INSPEKTORAT DALAM PENYELENGGARAAN PEMERINTAHAN KOTA TERNATE (Studi di Inspektorat Kota Ternate) Tuidano, Epafras; Kaunang, Markus; Kimbal, Alfon
JURNAL EKSEKUTIF Vol 1, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Sam Ratulangi University

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AbstrakPengawasan hakekatnya adalah suatu tindakan menilai atau menguji apakah sesuatu telah berjalan sesuai dengan rencana yang telah ditentukan. Pengawasan merupakan unsur penting dalam proses manajemen pemerintahan, pengawasan memiliki peran yang sangat strategis untuk terwujudnya akuntabilitas publik dalam pemerintahan dan pembangunan melalui suatu kebijakan pengawasan yang komprehensif dan membina, maka diharapkan kemampuan administrasi publik yang saat ini dianggap lemah dan memiliki kendala, terutama dibidang kontrol pengawasan, dapat ditingkatkan kapasitasnya dalam rangka membangun infrastruktur birokrasi yang lebih kompetitif. Inspektorat kabupaten/kota merupakan suatu lembaga pengawas dilingkungan pemerintah daerah. Inspektorat daerah memainkan peran yang sangat penting untuk kemajuan dan keberhasilan pemerintah daerah dan perangkat daerah dalam menyelenggarakan pemerintahan di daerah untuk mencapai tujuan dan sasaran. Inspektorat daerah menjadi pilar yang mempunyai tugas sebagai pengawasan sekaligus pengawal dalam pelaksanaan program pemerintah daerah yang tertata lam anggaran pendapatan belanja daerah (APBD). Untuk menunjang agar pelaksanaan tugas dari inspektorat daerah dalam melakuakan pengawasan dapat berjalan maksimal, diperlukan adanya kinerja yang lebih intensif dan optimal dari inspektorat daerah dami optimalisasi tugas bdan tanggungjawab. Pengawasan dari inspektorat daerah sangat penting, oleh karena dengan adanya pengawasan maka tingkat pencapaian hasil akan terlihat melalui tugas dan wewenang yang diberikan dapat berjalan secara maksimal. Berdasarkan hasil analisis yang dilakukan bahwa pengawasan yang dilakukan inspektorat dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan kota ternate belum berjalan efektif. Hal ini diindikasikan dengan pembuktian bahwa independensi dari inspektorat belum Nampak, kualitas dan sumber daya manusia aparatur pengawas yang belum mencukupi dan terbatas ketersediaannya sarana dan prasarana pendukung yang belum memadai seperti leptop dan jaringan internet.Kata Kunci: Pengawasan, Pemerintahan
Co-Authors Abdullah, Nirma ANDREW WALEAN, ANDREW Bawoel, Deisi S. Chevny Bolung, Chevny Chuanda, Pricilia Daud Liando, Daud Deasy E. N. Pongoh, Deasy E. N. Dian Fitriani Karim Dipong, Donesius Elfie Mingkid, Elfie Frangky Kandioh, Frangky Frans Singkoh, Frans Herry Wiliam Achmad, Herry Wiliam Jacobus, Lucky Johannis Eduard Kaawoan, Johannis Eduard Johny Lumolos Johny R. E. Tampi, Johny R. E. Kaawoan, Johannis Kasenda, Ventje Kaya, Loudwik Dody Kimbal, Alfon Kojongian, Farell KORAIN, FRANSISKUS Lagonah, Srijanti Lantaka, Meiske Lapian, Marlien Larinda, Oksilia Laura Evilientje Mengko, Laura Evilientje LENGKONG, JHONY Lengkong, Johny Lengkong, Johny Peter Lumintang, Mega Mahamurah, Desmon Maindoka, Militya C. Makasenda, Junine Vebry Mandalika, Rudolfo Manengkey, Alther Marsyela Christin Rumondor, Marsyela Christin Marthen Kimbal, Marthen Maxi Egetan, Maxi Mokodompis, Yuliarto Mudinillah, Adam Najoan, Herman Neni Kumayas, Neni Novie pioh, Novie Pangemanan, Sofia Paru, Selni Paslima, Marciano Franklin Pati, Agustinus Pio, Rianoe Polii, Maria Lidia Pontoan, Mirillaraty E Purwanto , Rabuka, Everson Ridwan Rachman, Ismail Rasyid, Zulhaira Gino Rengkung, Frangky ROTINSULU, RAHEL Sarah Sambiran, Sarah Sasue, Esterlita Cony Sendow, Yurnie Sepang, Andrea Seran, Rolando M. Sherly Y. V. I Goni, Sherly Y. V. I Sobolim, Gigison Stefanus Sampe, Stefanus Sumampouw, Ismail Sumampouw, Ismail Sumenda, Vencensius Susim, Nus T. A. M. Ronny Gosal Tahulending, Ricardo Tandayu, Ebenhaeser Offler Taufan Eka Putra, Taufan Eka Towansiba, Yusuf Awi Tuidano, Epafras Undap, Gustaf VERY LONDA Very Y Londa, Very Y Very Y. Londa, Very Y. Wenda, Yepilu Wilem, Ratag Beny Sujono Wuri, Dicky C. Wuri, Rendra Risto Yosephus Turot, Yosephus