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PENINGKATAN KETRAMPILAN PENGOPERASIAN SOFTWARE CAD/CAM DAN MESIN 3D PRINTER PADA GURU SMK Bintara, Redyarsa Dharma; Suryanto, Heru; Aminnudin, Aminnudin; Pradana, Yanuar Rohmat Aji; Arbianto, Ferian Rizki
Jurnal Graha Pengabdian Vol 2, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP2M) Universitas Negeri Malang

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Abstrak: Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan ketrampilan para guru jurusan mesin Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) se-Kota dan Kabupaten Blitar dalam bidang CAM. Meningkatnya kualitas guru diharapkan pula dapat menjadi bagian dari upaya menyiapkan  lulusan yang lebih kompestitif sebelum memasuki dunia kerja. Proses pelatihan dimulai dari penginstalan dan pengenalan software CAD dan CAM, pembuatan model 3D dan pencetakan model menjadi 3D fisik model. Hasil pelatihan menunjukan adanya peningkatan penguasaan software CAD, pengetahuan dan penguasaan software 3D Printing dan penggunaan mesin 3D Printer. Luaran yang meyertai dari kegiatan ini berupa penambahan modul pelatihan sebagai panduan belajarnya.Abstract: This service activity aims to improve the skills of teachers majoring in Vocational High School (SMK) machines in the City and District of Blitar in the field of CAM. Increasing the quality of teachers is also expected to be part of efforts to prepare graduates who are more competitive before entering the workforce. The training process begins with the installation and introduction of CAD and CAM software, the creation of 3D models and the printing of models into physical 3D models. The training results showed an increase in mastery of CAD software, knowledge and mastery of 3D Printing software and the use of 3D Printer machines. The output that follows from this activity is the addition of training modules as a study guide.
Peralatan Informasi dan Normalisator Ph Air Berbasis IoT Untuk Menjaga Produktivitas/ Pertumbuhan Spirulina Sp Dzulfikar Johan Akbar; Mochammad Adiel Assidiq; Dendy Ary Nugroho; Mas Aldi Putra; Ristha Dewi Budiono; Redyarsa Dharma Bintara
Publisher : Badan Penerbitan Universitas Widyagama Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31328/js.v4i2.2717


Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) merupakan bakteri hijau-biru yang mengandung nutrisi paling ideal bagi umat manusia walau hanya dikonsumsi dalam jumlah kecil. Permasalahan mitra pada budidaya spirulina adalah fluktuasi pH air pada kolam, sehingga pertumbuhan spirulina kurang baik. Kontrol pH air dilakukan secara manual dan normalisasi pH air juga di lakukan secara manual, sehingga sering mengalami keterlambatan informasi dan normalisasi pH air. Selain itu mitra harus meluangkan waktu lebih banyak di kolam. Dengan kondisi demikian produktifitas hanya mampu memproduksi rata-rata perminggu sebesar 375 gram. Dengan kondisi demikian di perlukan peralatan informasi dan normalisasi pH air berbasis IOT unruk menjaga produktifitas spirulina. Metode yang di gunakan adalah perencanaan, pembutan dan evaluasi kinerja peralatan informasi dan normalisasi pH air berbasis IOT pada mitra. Dari program ini dihasilkan peralatan Informasi pH air dan normalisasi pH air dapat dilakukan secara real time dan dapat dilakukan dari mana saja, sehingga mitra dapat beraktivitas di luar kolam spirulina. Selain itu terdapat peningkatan produktivitas spirulina perminggu dari rata-rata sebesar 375 gram menjadi rata-rata sebesar 511.5 gram.
Pemodelan Desain Sol Sepatu dengan Inovasi Penambahan Wave Spring Redyarsa Dharma Bintara; Puspita Fajar Kharismaningtyas; Moch. Agus Choiron; Anindito Purnowidodo
Jurnal Energi Dan Manufaktur Vol 7 No 2 (2014): Oktober 2014
Publisher : Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Udayana

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Desain sepatu sport berkembang pesat dengan tujuan mengurangi cedera dan meningkatkankenyamanan pengguna. Pengurangan cedera dilakukan dengan cara memperbesar energi yangdiserap dari beban akibat pengguna berlari atau melompat. Pada penelitian ini dilakukanpenambahan wave spring yang digunakan sebagai mekanisme penyerap beban.Pemodelandilakukan pada sol sepatu dengan menggunakan bantuan software finite element method (FEM)Ansys 14.5 Academic. Model awal dilakukan untuk mengetahui batas deformasi sol sepatu yangakan dimanfaatkan sebagai input model berikutnya yaitu model dengan diberikan inovasipenambahan wave spring. Analisa difokuskan pada sol sepatu bagian belakang (tumit kaki).Darihasil simulasi, didapatkan bahwa penyerapan energi sol sepatu dengan penambahan wave springlebih besar daripada penyerapan energi sol sepatu tanpa penambahan wave spring, sehinggapenambahan wave spring memungkinkan untuk diaplikasikan pada sol sepatu sport.Kata kunci: Penyerapan energi, wave spring, sol sepatu.Sport shoe design had been developed rapidly with the purpose to reduce injuries and increaseuser comfort. Reduction of injury is done by enlarging the energy absorbed from the user running orjumping load. In this study, the addition of the wave spring is used as the load absorbingmechanism. The shoes sole is modeled by using finite element method (FEM) software Ansys 14.5Academic. Initial model was conducted to determine the deformation boundary in soles which willbe used as input to the next model for the wave spring addition innovation. Analysis focused onshoe sole on heel foot. From the simulation results, it was found that the energy absorption shoessoles with the addition of the wave spring is greater than the energy absorption soles without theaddition of wave spring. It can be concluded that the addition of a spring wave can be applied to thesoles of sports shoes.Keywords: Energy absorb, wave spring, shoe sole, deformation boundary
The Characteristic of Overhang Object to Material Usage on FDM 3D Printing Technology Redyarsa Dharma Bintara; Aminnudin Aminnudin; Dani Prasetiyo; Ferian Rizki Arbianto
Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST) Vol 3, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (985.154 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/um016v3i12019p035


Fuse Deposition Modeling (FDM) 3D printing is one of additive manufacturing technology which physical 3D model is build up layer by layer. The support structure is almost involved on the process if overhang shape is met on the 3D model. It has main function to prevent the 3D printed model from collapsing. Commonly, the single material source of FDM 3D printer machine is to supply building two structure, structure of main 3D object and support structure. Hence, our goal optimizes the using of support material for reducing the main material usage. Furthermore, the sixteen of variation overhang angle is set to the 3D model. All models are printed into two kind of 3D printed model, printed model with support structure addition and without support addition. The weight of each 3D printed model is measured by weight scale with accuracy of tool is 10-4 g. Then the quality and the weight of 3D printed model are compared and analyzed. The result shows that the average overweight of 3D printed model with support structure addition is 40.41% than without support structure addition. Furthermore, there are several the 3D printed models without support structure that fail printed on variety model with 0° until 11° of overhang angle. The conclusion of this study is that the support structure can prevent the 3D printed model from collapsing but it does not need be built up if the overhang angle more than 11°.
The Effect of Thickness and Type of Material on the Sheared Edge Characteristics of Keychain Cranioplasty Plate Blanking Product Using Eccentric Press Machine Didin Zakariya Lubis; Lea Rachmat Indrasepta; Redyarsa Dharma Bintara; Rizky Ramadhan; Agung Budi Darmawan
Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST) Vol 5, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um016v5i12021p029


Keychain cranioplasty plate product has the potential to be produced using the blanking process because it is faster, low-cost, and requires low-energy consumption compared to other mechanical operations. This research aimed to find the effect of material thickness and type on the sheared edge characteristics of keychain cranioplasty plate using the blanking process to meet the international health standard. Experimental research conducted using an eccentric press machine with 40 tons capacity. This research’s test material parameters of titanium (Ti-6AL-4V) and stainless steel (SS-316L) were the 0.5 mm, 0.6 mm, and 0.8 mm thickness with a maximum blanking velocity of 3000 mm/min and 2.5% punch-die clearance. Then, the blanking products were observed using a digital microscope. The results showed that the optimum blanking product quality was found in the titanium (Ti-6AL-4V) and stainless steel (SS-316L) materials with 0.6 mm thickness because it had stable sheared edge characteristics in each zone compared to other variations.
Analysis of Structure and Functional Group of Filament Product-Based PLA/Nanographite Nanocomposite Heru Suryanto; Aminnudin Aminnudin; Redyarsa Dharma Bintara; Abyan Farras Putra; Fikri Munif Nashrullah; Joseph Selvi Binoj; Nithin Panicker
Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science and Technology (JMEST) Vol 7, No 2 (2023): (In Progress)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.17977/um016v7i22023p129


In many polymer compounds, Polylactic Acid (PLA) is a polyalcohol material that has the most potential material which is potent for biological degradation. They have been applied as filaments in additive manufacturing. The PLA properties can be modified by adding nanomaterials such as graphite nanoplatelets. This study aims to obtain the characteristics of PLA-based filament nanocomposite with nanographite reinforcement. Methods include exploration research to obtain nanocomposite filament with PLA and 1% of nanographite. The mixing process of nanographite in PLA solution with chloroform solvent and then the extrusion process of nanocomposite using a single extruder. The product comparison before and after the extrusion process was analyzed using X-ray diffraction and Fourier Transform infrared. Diffractogram results indicate that the original PLA structure is amorphous, and after mixing using nanographite, peaks of nanographite appeared clearly. After the extrusion process, some peaks at 16.7° and 19.1° disappeared, but only a peak 26.6° appeared in the diffractogram. Extrusion makes the structure change. Functional group analysis confirms that some reactions occurred so that many peaks were removed, and several new peaks were observed. It indicates that the extrusion process of PLA/nanographite results in different structures and functional groups that indicate a change in its properties.