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Aspek Religiositas Masyarakat Peziarah Makam Shaykh Abdul Muhyi Pamijahan Tasikmalaya Chaer, Moh. Toriqul
Marâji`: Jurnal Ilmu Keislaman Vol 1, No 2 (2015): Maret
Publisher : Koordinatorat Perguruan Tinggi Agama Islam Swasta Wilayah IV Surabaya

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Pamijahan as the conduct of the pilgrimage is a phenomen that deserve to be the field of research. Because in that place there are various of human activities and different cultures, beliefs and expectations of the cultural struggle that became a cultural pilgrimage. Pamijahan a mystical village that has a value that is believed to give karâmah and blessing for the visitors. Blessing is obtained from the pilgrimage performed at the tomb of Shaykh Abdul Muhyi and other tombs at the site. Confidence Pamijahan pilgrims believe that the shrine is the tomb of Shaykh Abdul Muhyi who are considered sacred by many struggles and sacrifices for the religion. Abdul Muhyi struggle to spread Islam and coupled with the value sufistik satariah orders which he got from his teacher. To analyze the motives and goals of pilgrimage Friday Pamijahan author tries to communicate with the theory Tallcot Parsons, the adaptation, goal, integration and latency. The result is there are different motives inter-pilgrims at the funeral Pamijahan. Motifs that can be concluded is the intent or purpose contained in the implementation of the pilgrimage, usually intent was inspired by science or deeds that practiced by the pilgrims, besides other requests.
Character Education And The Strategy Of Building An Independent Learners Hadi, Samsul; Chaer, Moh. Toriqul
EDUCATIO : Journal of Education Vol 2 No 2 (2017): November 2017
Publisher : STAI Miftahul Ula Nganjuk

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29138/educatio.v2i2.177


Education as an institution allows preparing human resources that have the readiness and competence in global competition. Learning program prepares learners with integrative interconnect. In addition, the program language proficiency skills and skills that are hard skills and soft skills. Therefore, strategies are needed education system and school management processes that lead to the formation of character learners. Rationally, character-based education is critical for immediate implementation, therefore, the central issue is examined in writing regarding strategy, a readiness of human resources, indicators of success, design implementation, evaluation strategies, barriers and policy components required. This study used a qualitative approach to presenting the study; (1) The description of the reality of education in Indonesia in general; (2) Strategy to build a new discourse of understanding the implementation of character education based on local wisdom
Pendidikan Inklusif dan Multikultur dalam Perspektif Hadis Nabi Saw Chaer, Moh Toriqul
Cendekia: Jurnal Kependidikan Dan Kemasyarakatan CENDEKIA VOL 14 NO 2 TAHUN 2016
Publisher : IAIN Ponorogo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21154/cendekia.v14i2.669


 The study of the association or social interaction in Islamic education serves as the urgent problembecausea good social interaction is likely to affectstudents’ good behavior in a pluralistic society and religious culture. Students’ understanding of this substance has become a very important resource in instilling the inclusive and multicultural education. This article presented and examined the hadiths which were relevant to Islamic educational materialsregarding the instructional issues of social interaction, tolerance, and cooperation such as Muamalah rights and Islamic preaching. The study revealed that the hadiths related to social interaction with non-Muslims had notrecommended to be rude to the non-Muslims if they did not hurt and harm the Muslims. This is consistent with the meaning of Islam itself that is to save and is not to be a device that punishthe people who do not believe in Allah, and Islam should be the spirit of unlimited ocean full of love who is able to frame the diversity in Indonesia.إن دراسة الصلة الاجتماعية في عالم التربية الإسلامية مهمة، لأن الصلة الاجتماعية الطيّبة  تؤدّى إلى السلوك الحسن للطلاب في المجتمع المتعدد الثقافات والأديان. وإن فهم الطلاب لهذه أصبح مادة مهمة  في ضوء غرس قيم التربية الشاملة  والمتعددة الثقافات. حاولت هذه المقالة عرض الأحاديث المناسبة بمواد التربية الإسلامية المتعلقة بالاتصال الاجتماعي والتسامح والتعاون، مثل الأحاديث عن حقوق المعاملة والدعوة الإسلامية.  وثمة أحاديث متعلقة بالاتصال الاجتماعي بغير المسلمين, وأشارت الأحاديث إلى أنّه ليس هناك حثّ على إيذاء غير المسلمين إذا كانوا لا يؤذين المسلمين ولا يضرّونهم. وهذا كما يوجد في معنى الإسلام (المنجّي) وليس جهازا لتحكيم جميع الناس الذين لا يؤمنون به، وهو يكون ناشرا لروح المحبّة لجميع الناس في ضوء التعدّدات في إندونيسيا.
Aspek Religiositas Masyarakat Peziarah Makam Shaykh Abdul Muhyi Pamijahan Tasikmalaya Chaer, Moh. Toriqul
Marâji`: Jurnal Ilmu Keislaman Vol 1 No 2 (2015): Maret
Publisher : Koordinatorat Perguruan Tinggi Agama Islam Swasta Wilayah IV Surabaya

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Pamijahan as the conduct of the pilgrimage is a phenomen that deserve to be the field of research. Because in that place there are various of human activities and different cultures, beliefs and expectations of the cultural struggle that became a cultural pilgrimage. Pamijahan a mystical village that has a value that is believed to give karâmah and blessing for the visitors. Blessing is obtained from the pilgrimage performed at the tomb of Shaykh Abdul Muhyi and other tombs at the site. Confidence Pamijahan pilgrims believe that the shrine is the tomb of Shaykh Abdul Muhyi who are considered sacred by many struggles and sacrifices for the religion. Abdul Muhyi struggle to spread Islam and coupled with the value sufistik satariah orders which he got from his teacher. To analyze the motives and goals of pilgrimage Friday Pamijahan author tries to communicate with the theory Tallcot Parsons, the adaptation, goal, integration and latency. The result is there are different motives inter-pilgrims at the funeral Pamijahan. Motifs that can be concluded is the intent or purpose contained in the implementation of the pilgrimage, usually intent was inspired by science or deeds that practiced by the pilgrims, besides other requests.
Publisher : LP2M IAIN Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21093/fj.v8i1.542


Indonesia is a pluralistic nation (plural). Multiculturalism beckons the existence of plurality and difference. Understanding and management of pluralism and multiculturalism will generate a positive force for the development of the nation. Conversely, if it is not understood and managed properly, diversity and multiculturalism could be a destructive factor and  a disaster trigger. Conflict and social violence that often occurs between groups of people are part of plurality and multiculturalism are not managed properly. Religious conflict as happened in Maumere (1995), Surabaya, Situbondo and Tasikmalaya (1996), Rengasdengklok (1997), Jakarta, Solo and Kupang (1998), Poso, Ambon (1999-2002), are not bit fatalities, but also has destroyed hundreds of places of worship (both churches and mosques) burned and destroyed. Similarly, notes of ethnics violence, such as certain ethnic violence in West Kalimantan (1933), Central Kalimantan (2000), it is needed a preventive measures as early prevention, so that such events do not recur in the future. To achieve this goal, inclusive-instrinsic understanding of religion.. Borrowing a term of Malinowski’s thinking wishfull; their beliefs are considered nil even though the truth of religion, but religion is still positive that was able to help the frustration and still has the potential to realize the social unity.
The Deconstruction Of Character Education Chaer, Moh Toriqul
International Journal of Technology And Business Vol 1 No 2 (2017): IJTB | International Journal of Technology And Business
Publisher : LPPM of STIMIK ESQ

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This study seeks to bring the management of education not only in normative; simply stating and describing, but transformed in the form of performative actions; that is actual and concrete action. One of them is the effort presents the idea of cultural-based character education. The dynamics of the times will keep rolling including education, then the necessary efforts to deconstruct an old-fashioned texts that had evolved in the world of education. This effort is not an sich demanding professional attitude in the management of education, but also how to build a dialectic between the text being taught with the existing reality. Character education theme can be used as an alternative for the education of this nation, what is the purpose of this character-based learning, idea is able to advocate inequality and discrimination social-cultural happening in society. Understanding and contextual understanding of how began a good character education on the learners obviously have an impact on the understanding of the behaviour, acts that can be accounted for. Expected in the end of education can advocate for learners in a mensikapi culture that concussion occurred in the community with arif and wise with the emphasis on local wisdom values (local wishdom) an egalitarian and humanistic.
The Deconstruction Of Character Education Chaer, Moh Toriqul
IJTB (International Journal of Technology And Business) Vol 1 No 2 (2017): IJTB | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY AND BUSINESS
Publisher : LPPM of STIMIK ESQ

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This study seeks to bring the management of education not only in normative; simply stating and describing, but transformed in the form of performative actions; that is actual and concrete action. One of them is the effort presents the idea of cultural-based character education. The dynamics of the times will keep rolling including education, then the necessary efforts to deconstruct an old-fashioned texts that had evolved in the world of education. This effort is not an sich demanding professional attitude in the management of education, but also how to build a dialectic between the text being taught with the existing reality. Character education theme can be used as an alternative for the education of this nation, what is the purpose of this character-based learning, idea is able to advocate inequality and discrimination social-cultural happening in society. Understanding and contextual understanding of how began a good character education on the learners obviously have an impact on the understanding of the behaviour, acts that can be accounted for. Expected in the end of education can advocate for learners in a mensikapi culture that concussion occurred in the community with arif and wise with the emphasis on local wisdom values (local wishdom) an egalitarian and humanistic.
Pesantren: Antara Transformasi Sosial Dan Upaya Kebangkitan Intelektualisme Islam Chaer, Moh Toriqul
FIKRAH Vol 5, No 1 (2017): June 2017
Publisher : Prodi Aqidah dan Filsafat Islam, Jurusan Ushuluddin, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/fikrah.v5i1.2145


Pesantren as a representation of a typical Islamic education Indonesia has a significant contribution in the intellectual life of the nation. Stigmatization of the pesantren education as a classic conservative and old-fangled, seem to need to be re-examined.. Learn how social function of religious schools is still required with considering repeated the role and dynamics of the boarding school in the community. Dynamics of modernity imposes a fundamental function of the pesantren which eventually resulted in the emergence of the reduction of cultural identity on boarding. The problem is the consequences and implications logical, when pesantren connected with modernity. This article studies focused their efforts on Pesantren maintain themselves as Islamic religious institutions to strengthen the tradition and transformed in the modern era. In the capacity of the boarding school as educational institutions and social culture. It will play a fundamental role in the function of society Indonesia in the middle of modernity.
Publisher : LP2M IAIN Samarinda

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (412.254 KB) | DOI: 10.21093/fj.v8i1.542


Indonesia is a pluralistic nation (plural). Multiculturalism beckons the existence of plurality and difference. Understanding and management of pluralism and multiculturalism will generate a positive force for the development of the nation. Conversely, if it is not understood and managed properly, diversity and multiculturalism could be a destructive factor and  a disaster trigger. Conflict and social violence that often occurs between groups of people are part of plurality and multiculturalism are not managed properly. Religious conflict as happened in Maumere (1995), Surabaya, Situbondo and Tasikmalaya (1996), Rengasdengklok (1997), Jakarta, Solo and Kupang (1998), Poso, Ambon (1999-2002), are not bit fatalities, but also has destroyed hundreds of places of worship (both churches and mosques) burned and destroyed. Similarly, notes of ethnics violence, such as certain ethnic violence in West Kalimantan (1933), Central Kalimantan (2000), it is needed a preventive measures as early prevention, so that such events do not recur in the future. To achieve this goal, inclusive-instrinsic understanding of religion.. Borrowing a term of Malinowski’s thinking wishfull; their beliefs are considered nil even though the truth of religion, but religion is still positive that was able to help the frustration and still has the potential to realize the social unity.
The Role of Islamic Counselling in Pandemic COVID 19: A Conceptual Study for Developing Positive Emotion of Parents and Children M. Suud, Fitriah; Gaffar, Abdul; Rouzi, Kana Safrina; Chaer, Moh. Toriqul
KONSELING RELIGI Vol 11, No 1 (2020): Juni 2020
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN) Kudus

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21043/kr.v11i1.7705


Pandemic COVID 19 had a global and comprehensive impact. The consequences arising from the epidemic of corona diseases are felt by all religious adherents, countries, and people without the age limit. COVID 19 also comes through economic, political, social, and spiritual space. This virus also not only assaults physical but has disrupted the psychological health of many people.  This study aims to discuss and propose several solutions that can be given related to the response due to COVID 19 through the Islamic counselling approach. This research is a literature review both in concept and the results of empirical studies. Data is collected through artificial intelligent search engines to find the right theme according to the survey within a specific time limit. The results of literature searches and phenomenological studies developed during the pandemic in this community have found that Islamic counselling can reduce the number of patients exposed to the virus. The virus can strike out the weak physical. The brittle physique is affected by a fragile mental condition. Therefore, Islamic counselling strengthens the psychological health that can enhance the body's resistance from corona disease through several stages.