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Seminar Nasional Informatika (SEMNASIF) Vol 1, No 3 (2008): Intelligent System dan Application
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Informatika

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Mesin inferensi dari sistem pakar bertugas melakukan pencarian aturan-aturan yang dapat digunakan untuk mengambil keputusan atas fakta-fakta masukan yang diberikan oleh pengguna. Kualitas dan kinerja mesin inferensi bertanggung jawab terhadap kualitas keputusan yang dihasilkan dan efisiensi proses inferensi yang dilakukan. Kesalahan-kesalahan dalam proses inferensi dapat berakibat fatal karena keputusan yang dihasilkan tidak sesuai dengan yang diharapkan oleh orang pakar, selain itu kesalahan-kesalahan tersebut dapat mengakibatkan sistem pakar masuk ke dalam situasi yang tidak menentu atau tidak berakhir (endless loop/hang).Untuk mengatasi masalah-masalah tersebut, maka telah dikembangkan konsep inferensi yang dapat mengatasi kesalahan-kesalahan pada proses inferensi dan meningkatkan efisiensi proses inferensi itu sendiri. Metoda yang digunakan adalah dengan cara mengoptimalkan aturan-aturan terlebih dahulu dan selanjutnya memainkan (matching) fakta-fakta masukan kepada aturan-aturan yang sudah optimal tersebut. Optimasilasi aturan dilakukan dengan cara mengeliminasi beberapa aturan yang redundan dan kritis. Konsep inferensi tersebut selanjutnya dapat diimplementasikan pada mesin inferensi (inference engine). Dari beberapa contoh kasus yang diberikan, terlihat bahwa proses inferensi ini dapat menghasilkan keputusan dengan benar tanpa melakukan iterasi yang lama, sehingga prosesnya efisien. 
Design and Implementation of Artificial Neural Networks to Predict Wind Directions on Controlling Yaw of Wind Turbine Prototype Dzulfikri, Zaky; Nuryanti, Nuryanti; Erdani, Yuliadi
Journal of Robotics and Control (JRC) Vol 1, No 1 (2020): January
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jrc.1105


Wind  energy as one of the new renewable energies has an important role in replacing fossil energy sources in Indonesia. In order to make the wind turbine's performance more efficient in extracting energy from the wind, it is necessary to control the actuation movements pitch and yaw of the wind turbine horizontal. Controlling the actuator yaw can increase the absorption efficiency of the power to the rotor face toward the direction of the wind. The purpose of this thesis is to be able to predict the direction of the coming wind, then move the turbine rotor in the predicted direction. In this final project a wind turbine prototype is used with a precision of 5.3%, then for the data acquisition section, a wind direction sensor is built to change the amount of wind direction to a quantity that can be measured in units of degrees, and anemometer to measure wind speed. In making the wind direction prediction algorithm, artificial neural network (ANN) method is used with input parameters such as wind speed, temperature, humidity, pressure, and altitude. Data acquisition is done at one minute intervals with long data collection for one day, 1072 data are obtained, the data is then fed to the ANN model that has been prepared. Based on the results of tests that have been done, it is found that the Mean Absolute Error in the model is 0.4%.
Developing Multifunctional Serial-Parallel Data Communication Interface for PC-Based Control System Yuliadi Erdani
Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Teknologi Informasi (SNATI) 2006
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Teknologi Industri, Universitas Islam Indonesia

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Today, Personal Computers (PC) have increasing role in measurement and control technology. The more and more complex processes in many fields of technique and research can often be controlled only by programmable control systems. The PC-based control system is an alternative and smart solution of programmable control systems. One important thing of the PC-based control system is the serial-parallel data communication. Problems and difficulties with hardware and software concerning serial-parallel data transmission have been discussed in many literatures and are still the important consideration of building PC-based control systems. To overcome mentioned problem, a multifunctional serial-parallel data communication interface has been developed.This paper describes the development of the interface that covers its design and implementation and the discussion of software and hardware problems, and the solutions.Keywords: technique, pc-based control system, data communication
Developing Algorithms of Ternary Grid Technique for Optimizing Expert System’s Knowledge Base Yuliadi Erdani
Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Teknologi Informasi (SNATI) 2006
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Teknologi Industri, Universitas Islam Indonesia

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The quality and the error possibility of knowledge in the expert system’s knowledge base depend directly on the knowledge acquisition process from the expert. Knowledge acquisition is therefore still the most difficult and error-prone task for knowledge engineer while building an expert system. The Ternary Grid technique has potentiality to achieve the above mentioned performance. It is a new technique for knowledge elicitation/acquisition. The Ternary Grid knowledge acquisition is convenient for improving the knowledge performance.To realize the concepts and to bring its influences into the knowledge base optimization, some algorithms of the Ternary Grid technique have been developed. This paper describes the optimization process of knowledge base and the development process of mentioned algorithms.Keywords: technic, intelligence systems, expert system, knowledge acquisition
Seminar Nasional Informatika (SEMNASIF) Vol 1, No 3 (2008): Intelligent System dan Application
Publisher : Jurusan Teknik Informatika

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Sebagai bagian dari sistem pakar, basis pengetahuan memiliki peranan yang cukup penting dalam mengorganisir pengetahuan-pengetahuan yang diberikan oleh orang pakar dalam bentuk data. Pada sistem pakar berbasis aturan, pengetahuan yang disimpan dalam bentuk aturan dan fakta akan mengalami kesulitan ketika harus diubah ke bentuk data. Demikianpun ketika data harus diubah kembali ke bentuk aturan dan fakta. Hal inilah yang mengakibatkan menurunnya kualitas informasi dari suatu pengetahuan atau bahkan mengakibatkan kesalahan informasi, sehingga pengetahuan yang dimaksud memiliki makna yang sama sekali lain dengan yang diharapkan oleh orang pakar.Pada basis pengetahuan berbasis Ternary Grid, kelemahan-kelemahan tersebut dapat diatas dengan mengeliminasi kesalahan-kesalahan yang ada pada aturan-aturan dan fakta-fakta yang diberikan oleh orang pakar. Meskipun tidak semua masalah dapat diatasi dengan Ternary Grid, namun sebagian besar masalah yang berkaitan dengan kesalahan-kesalahan informasi dapat dihilangkan sehingga kinerja pengetahuan meningkat.Makalah ini membahas tentang pengembangan basis pengetahuan berbasis Ternary Grid sebagai bagian dari sistem pakar dalam bentuk database. Database yang dikembangkan merupakan implementasi konsep basis pengetahuan berbasis Ternary Grid yang telah diakui baik dalam lingkup nasional maupun internasional sebagai salah satu model pengetahuan. Selain itu diulas pula dengan jelas proses transformasi dan ekstraksi dari data ke pengetahuan dan sebaliknya dalam format Ternary Grid. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa sebagian besar kesalahan-kesalahan informasi dapat dieliminasi.
The Wireless Acquisition Data System Simulator Design on Automatic Weather Monitoring Station Siti Aminah; Asep Deni Mulyadi; Yuliadi Erdani
MOTIVECTION : Journal of Mechanical, Electrical and Industrial Engineering Vol 1 No 3 (2019): Motivection : Journal of Mechanical, Electrical and Industrial Engineering
Publisher : Indonesian Mechanical Electrical and Industrial Research Society (IMEIRS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (523.824 KB) | DOI: 10.46574/motivection.v1i3.33


The Wireless Acquisition Data System Simulator Design on Automatic Weather Monitoring Station is means of collecting, monitoring, and controlling some long distance subsystems. Automatic weather monitoring station is device for receiving data by a censor in use to gauge some weather parameters. In this Research we develop an automatic weather monitoring station design simulator by creating a subsystem in the form of prototype, using Digital Pin and Analog Pin from the microcontroller. Sensor characteristics are considered to measure several weather parameters. The principles of a system function are it will have to collect data from some subsystems to accommodate in a database, able to control and deliver instructions to the subsystem. The communication system makes the use of radio frequency by means of Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) method through Handy Talky (HT), picked out because advantages of lower power consumptions and long range of transmission. Additional advantages are, although catastrophes, data communication using HT allows to keep fast transmission. The transmission of data using HT media require a signal converter by which HT is operated by analogue signal (sound), while censor and microcontroller by digital signal and, therefore, Modulation and Demodulation techniques are necessary. The Modulation functions to convert digital signal into analogue, and just the opposite to the Demodulation, the Modulation and Demodulation processes is using IC TCM3105. The results of the trial suggest that system design has proper functions, the communication process in this system is two-ways communication, the process was fast working in either transmitter mode or receiver mode.
Desain Antarmuka Pada Vehicle Routing Problem Untuk Manajemen Armada Multi-Drone Setyawan Ajie Sukarno; Yuliadi Erdani
JURNAL ILMU KOMPUTER Vol 6 No 2 (2020): Edisi September
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Al Asyariah Mandar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35329/jiik.v6i2.150


Artikel ini membahas desain antarmuka pada vehicle routing problem (VRP) 3-dimensi untuk armada multi-drone. Armada ini melakukan perjalanan untuk mengunjungi serangkaian titik dengan memperhatikan batasan tertentu. Karena VRP diklasifikasikan sebagai masalah optimasi NP-hard, algoritma aproksimasi seperti Algoritma Genetika diterapkan untuk menemukan solusi terbaik untuk masalah optimisasi kombinatorial ini. Dalam merancang GUI ini, kami menggunakan Netlogo sebagai alat untuk membangun antarmuka, dan juga untuk eksperimen dan simulasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dengan menggunakan Netlogo, kita dapat mendesain antarmuka untuk mensimulasikan algoritma aproksimasi dalam penyelesaian permasalahan optimasi kombinatorial, yang mudah dioperasikan oleh pengguna
Design and Implementation of Artificial Neural Networks to Predict Wind Directions on Controlling Yaw of Wind Turbine Prototype Zaky Dzulfikri; Nuryanti Nuryanti; Yuliadi Erdani
Journal of Robotics and Control (JRC) Vol 1, No 1 (2020): January
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18196/jrc.1105


Wind  energy as one of the new renewable energies has an important role in replacing fossil energy sources in Indonesia. In order to make the wind turbine's performance more efficient in extracting energy from the wind, it is necessary to control the actuation movements pitch and yaw of the wind turbine horizontal. Controlling the actuator yaw can increase the absorption efficiency of the power to the rotor face toward the direction of the wind. The purpose of this thesis is to be able to predict the direction of the coming wind, then move the turbine rotor in the predicted direction. In this final project a wind turbine prototype is used with a precision of 5.3%, then for the data acquisition section, a wind direction sensor is built to change the amount of wind direction to a quantity that can be measured in units of degrees, and anemometer to measure wind speed. In making the wind direction prediction algorithm, artificial neural network (ANN) method is used with input parameters such as wind speed, temperature, humidity, pressure, and altitude. Data acquisition is done at one minute intervals with long data collection for one day, 1072 data are obtained, the data is then fed to the ANN model that has been prepared. Based on the results of tests that have been done, it is found that the Mean Absolute Error in the model is 0.4%.
Jurnal TEDC Vol 16 No 2 (2022): JURNAL TEDC
Publisher : UPPM Politeknik TEDC Bandung

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Kandang merupakan salah satu bagian dari manajemen ternak unggas yang sangat penting untuk diperhatikan, kesalahan dalam manajemen kandang dapat berakibat fatal yang berujung pada kerugian bagi peternak. Pada sistem kandang terbuka keadaan suhu di dalam kandang bergantung pada alam saja, tidak dapan diatur sesuai kebutuhan ayam. Keadaan alam yang selalu berubah – ubah dapat mempengaruhi kualitas dari ayam itu sendiri, khususnya kualitas pada daging ayam. Untuk menutupi kekurangan pada sistem kandang terbuka tersebut dapat ditanggulangi dengan dibuatnya sistem kandang tertutup. Sistem kandang tertutup (Closed House) merupakan sistem kandang yang dapat membantu mengoptimalkan kondisi lingkungan yang meliputi suhu didalam kandang. Hasil akhir dari sistem closed house ini diharapkan dapat mengatur suhu di dalam kandang dan meningkatkan kualitas hasil panen dibandingkan dengan sistem kandang terbuka (open house). Keadaan suhu di dalam kandang sistem closed house ini tidak melewati ambang kritis yang dibutuhkan untuk pertumbuhan ayam yang ideal. Hasil pengujian alat menunjukkan bahwa sistem dapat bekerja dengan baik walaupun masih terdapat error dalam pengukurannya.
Android-Based RCSM Application for Implementation of Preventive Maintenance on CNC Production Machine Mohammad Fauzi; Yuliadi Erdani; Achmad Sambas
Sinkron : jurnal dan penelitian teknik informatika Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): Research Article, Volume 8 Issue 2 April, 2023
Publisher : Politeknik Ganesha Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33395/sinkron.v8i2.12290


Preventive maintenance (PM) implementation at POLMAN Bandung is scheduled to follow the lecture schedule so that the implementation of activities does not interfere with the lecture process. Even though the scheduling of preventive maintenance activities at POLMAN Bandung has been made quite well, there are problems in its implementation, including some activities that were not detected in the previous PM implementation, both in the form of activity reports and machine history updates. This can confuse subsequent pm implementers, as it can result in mishandling. As for the cause of the problem, there are two possibilities, namely the implementation of preventive maintenance is not carried out or the implementation of preventive maintenance has been carried out, but reports on the implementation of activities are not prepared and stored by procedures (human error). To overcome this, the researchers developed an Android-based application that functions as a reminder, recorder, and controller, for the pm process, named Reminder & Control System Management (RCSM). RCSM will remind, the implementers, to be on schedule, carry out a remind mechanisms, and information broadcast and validation until the completion of preventive maintenance activities is acceptable to the relevant authorities. Likewise, for reporting and recording engine history a system will be created with a similar mechanism. The results that have been achieved are the application software prototype reaching 100% and several field trials have been carried out. This application can direct pm implementers to avoid misuse of pm implementation procedures so that preventive maintenance implementation data can be recapitulated.