Nuril Anwar, Nuril
Program Studi Teknik Informatika Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Prof. Dr. Soepomo, S.H., Janturan, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta 55164

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analisis kebutuhan ‘sidika’ sebagai media promosi kesehatan remaja isni, khoiriyah; putra, lovandri dwanda; anwar, nuril
Jurnal Formil (Forum Ilmiah) Kesmas Respati Vol 4, No 1 (2019): Vol 4 Nomor 1 April 2019
Publisher : Universitas Respati Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (37.151 KB)


Remaja dan penggunaan teknologi smartphone berbasis android merupakan dua hal yang tidak dapat dipisahkan pada jaman sekarang ini. Kondisi yang demikian dapat menjadi peluang petugas kesehatan dalam rangka meningkatkan cakupan Program Kesehatan Peduli Remaja (PKPR). Selama ini, cakupan program PKPR masih rendah. Hambatan dalam pelaksanaan program PKPR diantaranya belum adanya ruang konseling khusus PKPR dan ketersediaan media promosi kesehatan yang hanya terbatas dalam bentuk leaflet. Hal ini tidak sejalan dengan perkembangan teknologi yang dialami oleh para remaja untuk mengakses informasi kesehatan. sehingga, dibutuhkan suatu penilaian kebutuhan remaja terhadap materi dan media informasi kesehatan untuk mendukung program PKPR dan mengurangi angka masalah kesehatan remaja.Menilai kebutuhan remaja terkait dengan materi kesehatan dan media informasi kesehatan yang sesuai dengan karakteristik dan kebutuhan remaja guna mendukung cakupan program PKPR Penelitian ini termasuk dalam penelitian non eksperimental dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Penelitian dilakukan pada remaja usia Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) dan Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 64 siswa yang diambil dengan teknik purposive sampling.  Instrument penelitian berupa lembar kuesioner yang berisi tentang kebutuhan materi dan media informasi kesehatan remaja. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif dengan menggunakan uji univaratSebagian besar responden merasa sangat membutuhkan materi kesehatan remaja, hanya sebesar kurang dari 25% responden yang merasa tidak membutuhkan. Sebesar 90.63% responden merasa membutuhkan media konseling kesehatan remaja secara online dan responden tertarik untuk mencoba aplikasi kesehatan berbasis android (64.06%).Harapannya dapat dikembangkan aplikasi menggunakan teknologi smartphone berbasis android sebagai sarana konseling remaja dalam rangka menurunkan angka kasus masalah kesehatan remaja.
Ekstraksi Logis Forensik Mobile pada Aplikasi E-Commerce Android Anwar, Nuril; Akbar, Son Ali; Azhari, Ahmad; Suryanto, Imam
Mobile and Forensics Vol 2, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/mf.v2i1.1791


Pesatnya perkembangan aplikasi android, terutama aplikasi di bidang e-commerce dan transaksi jual beli online yang populer di Indonesia, memaksa pengguna untuk memberikan izin untuk menggunakan fitur dan layanan aplikasi selama pemasangan dan pasca pemasangan. Kurangnya pemahaman pengguna akan resiko dari izin akses yang diminta oleh aplikasi sebelum atau setelah melakukan instalasi menjadikan celah pada keamanan data pengguna untuk mengakses fitur pada perangkat smartphone seperti kamera, media penyimpanan, kontak, akun dan fitur lainnya. Logical Extraction Method menjadi metode yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan data aplikasi dengan mengakusisi seluruh data file sistem pada smartphone menggunakan bantuan tools MOBILedit Forensic, TWRP (Team Win Recovery Project), dan Aplikasi Migrate. Akusisi data dari masing-masing aplikasi akan diambil Android Package File (APK) yang digunakan untuk proses analisis secara statis dengan menggunakan Tools Forensic MobSF (Mobile Security Framework). Berdasarkan hasil analisis yang dilakukan pada tiga aplikasi teratas e-commerce terdapat 51 izin akses dan dari tiga aplikasi e-commerce terpopuler di Indonesia dengan tingkat keamanan paling berbahaya dengan 49 izin akses, 7 izin akses normal dan 1 izin akses tanda tangan. Aplikasi lazada terdapat 21 izin akses berbahaya yang tidak diketahui pengguna sedangkan aplikasi Tokopedia terdapat 4 izin akses berbahaya yang tidak diketahui pengguna dan aplikasi terdapat 1 izin akses berbahaya yang tidak diketahui pengguna. Berdasarkan temuan celah keamanan dapat disimpulkan bahwa aplikasi e-commerce yang digunakan oleh penggunanya memungkinkan pula disisipi sebuah malware atau virus sejenis yang berpeluang dalam penggambilan data pribadi penggunanya.  The rapid development of android applications, especially applications in the field of e-commerce and online buying and selling transactions that are popular in Indonesia, force users to give permission to use the features and services of the application during installation and post-installation. Lack of user understanding of the risk of access permissions requested by the application before or after installation creates a gap in the user's data security to access features on smartphone devices such as cameras, storage media, contacts, accounts, and other features. Logical Extraction Method is a method used to obtain application data by acquiring all system file data on smartphones using the help of MOBILedit Forensic tools, TWRP (Team Win Recovery Project), and Migrate Applications. Data acquisition from each application will be taken by Android Package File (APK) which is used for the static analysis process using Tools Forensic MobSF (Mobile Security Framework). Based on the results of an analysis conducted on the top three e-commerce applications there are 51 access permits and of the three most popular e-commerce applications in Indonesia with the most dangerous level of security with 49 access permits, 7 normal access permits, and 1 signature access permit. The Lazada application has 21 dangerous access permits that the user does not know while the Tokopedia application has 4 dangerous access permits that the user does not know and the application has 1 dangerous access permit that the user does not know about. Based on the findings of a security hole, it can be concluded that the e-commerce application used by its users also allows the insertion of a malware or virus that has the opportunity to capture the user's personal data.
Analisis SIM Card Cloning Terhadap Algoritma Random Number Generator Anwar, Nuril; Riadi, Imam; Luthfi, Ahmad
Jurnal Buana Informatika Vol 7, No 2 (2016): Jurnal Buana Informatika Volume 7 Nomor 2 April 2016
Publisher : Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (282.98 KB) | DOI: 10.24002/jbi.v7i2.493


Abstract. Crime in telecommunication sector has increased prevalently, especially with the use of mobile phone which is detrimental both for customers and the providers. In the GSM security system, several weaknesses are found concerning data security outside the network. SIM card clone is part of the security problem in which the data can be transferred to SIM card cloning media. SIM card cloning research can be presented in the form of SRES analysis algorithms A3 and A8 RAND to get Ki Auc for further analysis on SIM card cloning. To test the performance of SIM card cloning, testing parameters such as due under test (DUT) and trial and error are employed. The conclusion of this study is that the SIM card cloning method can occur when Auc Ki is obtained by downloading a crack a8 RAND Random Number Generator analysis algorithms A3 sign SIM card to match the SRES response to the Auc Ki along with supporting data contained in SIM card clones.Keywords: SIM card cloning, Random Number Generator (RAND), Sign Response (SRES).Abstrak. Kejahatan di sektor telekomunikasi kian marak akhir-akhir ini khususnya mobile phone yang merugikan baik bagi customer maupun provider seluler. Pada sistem keamanan GSM, ditemukan beberapa kelemahan di sisi pengamanan data di luar jaringan. SIM card clone adalah bagian dari masalah keamanan pada device SIM card dengan data SIM card yang dapat dipindahkan ke media SIM card cloning. Penelitian SIM Card Cloning ini disajikan berupa analisis algoritma A3 SRES, dan A8 RAND untuk mendapatkan Ki AUc untuk selanjutnya dilakukan analisis SIM Card Cloning. Untuk menguji performa SIM card cloning digunakan parameter pengujian seperti Due Under Test (DUT) dan Trial and Error. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa metode SIM Card Cloning dapat terjadi bilamana AUc Ki diperoleh dengan melakukan crack A8 Random Number Generator RAND sedang analisis algoritma SIM card dengan mencocokkan A3 Sign Respons SRES terhadap AUc Ki beserta data pendukung yang terdapat pada SIM card hasil kloning. Kata kunci: SIM card cloning, Random Number Generator (RAND), Sign Respons (SRES).
Live Forensics on GPS inactive Smartphone Anwar, Nuril; Mardhia, Murein Miksa; Ryanto, Luthfi
Mobile and Forensics Vol 3, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/mf.v3i1.3847


Google is known to still track the user's location despite the GPS settings and location history in smartphone settings has been turned off by the user. This requires special handling to prove the location on smartphones with inactive GPS and view its Location History previously used by user. The research investigates if Google is still recording its user data location. Live Forensic requires data from the running system or volatile data which is usually found in Random Access Memory (RAM) or transit on the network. Investigations are carried out using a Google account with a method used by live forensics to obtain results from the location history. Smartphones have been checked manually through data backup through custom recovery that has been installed. When checking the backup filesystem, turned out that no location data is stored. Therefore, researchers conducted an analysis on the Google Account which was analyzed using a forensic tool to analyze cloud services to obtain location data results. The results of the analysis carried out obtained a similarity in location from 8-days investigations. Google can still find the location of smartphones with GPS disabled, but the location results are not accurate. Google can store user location data via cellular networks, Wi-Fi, and sensors to help estimate the user's location. The process of extracting the results from the google maps log using a Google account will be analyzed using the Elcomsoft Cloud eXplorer and Oxygen Forensic Cloud Extractor so that the log location results are still available by Google.
Ekstraksi Logis Forensik Mobile pada Aplikasi E-Commerce Android Anwar, Nuril; Akbar, Son Ali; Azhari, Ahmad; Suryanto, Imam
Mobile and Forensics Vol. 2 No. 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/mf.v2i1.1791


Pesatnya perkembangan aplikasi android, terutama aplikasi di bidang e-commerce dan transaksi jual beli online yang populer di Indonesia, memaksa pengguna untuk memberikan izin untuk menggunakan fitur dan layanan aplikasi selama pemasangan dan pasca pemasangan. Kurangnya pemahaman pengguna akan resiko dari izin akses yang diminta oleh aplikasi sebelum atau setelah melakukan instalasi menjadikan celah pada keamanan data pengguna untuk mengakses fitur pada perangkat smartphone seperti kamera, media penyimpanan, kontak, akun dan fitur lainnya. Logical Extraction Method menjadi metode yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan data aplikasi dengan mengakusisi seluruh data file sistem pada smartphone menggunakan bantuan tools MOBILedit Forensic, TWRP (Team Win Recovery Project), dan Aplikasi Migrate. Akusisi data dari masing-masing aplikasi akan diambil Android Package File (APK) yang digunakan untuk proses analisis secara statis dengan menggunakan Tools Forensic MobSF (Mobile Security Framework). Berdasarkan hasil analisis yang dilakukan pada tiga aplikasi teratas e-commerce terdapat 51 izin akses dan dari tiga aplikasi e-commerce terpopuler di Indonesia dengan tingkat keamanan paling berbahaya dengan 49 izin akses, 7 izin akses normal dan 1 izin akses tanda tangan. Aplikasi lazada terdapat 21 izin akses berbahaya yang tidak diketahui pengguna sedangkan aplikasi Tokopedia terdapat 4 izin akses berbahaya yang tidak diketahui pengguna dan aplikasi terdapat 1 izin akses berbahaya yang tidak diketahui pengguna. Berdasarkan temuan celah keamanan dapat disimpulkan bahwa aplikasi e-commerce yang digunakan oleh penggunanya memungkinkan pula disisipi sebuah malware atau virus sejenis yang berpeluang dalam penggambilan data pribadi penggunanya. The rapid development of android applications, especially applications in the field of e-commerce and online buying and selling transactions that are popular in Indonesia, force users to give permission to use the features and services of the application during installation and post-installation. Lack of user understanding of the risk of access permissions requested by the application before or after installation creates a gap in the user's data security to access features on smartphone devices such as cameras, storage media, contacts, accounts, and other features. Logical Extraction Method is a method used to obtain application data by acquiring all system file data on smartphones using the help of MOBILedit Forensic tools, TWRP (Team Win Recovery Project), and Migrate Applications. Data acquisition from each application will be taken by Android Package File (APK) which is used for the static analysis process using Tools Forensic MobSF (Mobile Security Framework). Based on the results of an analysis conducted on the top three e-commerce applications there are 51 access permits and of the three most popular e-commerce applications in Indonesia with the most dangerous level of security with 49 access permits, 7 normal access permits, and 1 signature access permit. The Lazada application has 21 dangerous access permits that the user does not know while the Tokopedia application has 4 dangerous access permits that the user does not know and the application has 1 dangerous access permit that the user does not know about. Based on the findings of a security hole, it can be concluded that the e-commerce application used by its users also allows the insertion of a malware or virus that has the opportunity to capture the user's personal data.
Live Forensics on GPS inactive Smartphone Anwar, Nuril; Mardhia, Murein Miksa; Ryanto, Luthfi
Mobile and Forensics Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Ahmad Dahlan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.12928/mf.v3i1.3847


Google is known to still track the user's location despite the GPS settings and location history in smartphone settings has been turned off by the user. This requires special handling to prove the location on smartphones with inactive GPS and view its Location History previously used by user. The research investigates if Google is still recording its user data location. Live Forensic requires data from the running system or volatile data which is usually found in Random Access Memory (RAM) or transit on the network. Investigations are carried out using a Google account with a method used by live forensics to obtain results from the location history. Smartphones have been checked manually through data backup through custom recovery that has been installed. When checking the backup filesystem, turned out that no location data is stored. Therefore, researchers conducted an analysis on the Google Account which was analyzed using a forensic tool to analyze cloud services to obtain location data results. The results of the analysis carried out obtained a similarity in location from 8-days investigations. Google can still find the location of smartphones with GPS disabled, but the location results are not accurate. Google can store user location data via cellular networks, Wi-Fi, and sensors to help estimate the user's location. The process of extracting the results from the google maps log using a Google account will be analyzed using the Elcomsoft Cloud eXplorer and Oxygen Forensic Cloud Extractor so that the log location results are still available by Google.