Annette d’Arqom, Annette
Departemen Anatomi, Histologi Dan Farmakologi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga

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Majalah Obat Tradisional Vol 19, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (805.28 KB) | DOI: 10.14499/mot-TradMedJ19iss2pp103-106


Herbal medicine has been widely used among Indonesians as an alternative medicine to chemical based drugs. However, there is still a doubt about its effectiveness and efficiency. Many studies report that natural side of herbal medicine has healthier effect than additive or chemistry ingredient of chemical based drugs. Nowadays, there is a shifting in nurturing children among childbearing mother, including mother with medical education background, living in more nature. The aim of this study is to explore their perception and practice towards herbal medicine. Open-ended questionnaires were online distributed among 30 childbearing mothers with medical education background and analyzed using descriptive method. The result shows that 73% of respondents use herbal medicine such as honey (33.3%), onion (13.3%), lime (13.3%), etc. The less side-effect is a strongest point of their usages (45%), followed by mild illness treatment (36%), and natural ingredient (18%). Those respondents admitted the symptoms were reduced after using herbal medicine, but 81.6% of them would use chemical drugs when the symptoms persisted. Twenty seven percent of the respondents never used herbal medicine because of complicated preparation and unclear effect. However, the entire respondents said chemical drugs have a clear effect, and its effectiveness and efficiency even better than herbal medicine. Hence, it can be concluded that most respondents even though have medical knowledge would use herbal medicine on first medication for their children rather than chemical based drugs. 
Majalah Obat Tradisional Vol 19, No 2 (2014)
Publisher : Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (805.28 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/tradmedj.8148


Herbal medicine has been widely used among Indonesians as an alternative medicine to chemical based drugs. However, there is still a doubt about its effectiveness and efficiency. Many studies report that natural side of herbal medicine has healthier effect than additive or chemistry ingredient of chemical based drugs. Nowadays, there is a shifting in nurturing children among childbearing mother, including mother with medical education background, living in more nature. The aim of this study is to explore their perception and practice towards herbal medicine. Open-ended questionnaires were online distributed among 30 childbearing mothers with medical education background and analyzed using descriptive method. The result shows that 73% of respondents use herbal medicine such as honey (33.3%), onion (13.3%), lime (13.3%), etc. The less side-effect is a strongest point of their usages (45%), followed by mild illness treatment (36%), and natural ingredient (18%). Those respondents admitted the symptoms were reduced after using herbal medicine, but 81.6% of them would use chemical drugs when the symptoms persisted. Twenty seven percent of the respondents never used herbal medicine because of complicated preparation and unclear effect. However, the entire respondents said chemical drugs have a clear effect, and its effectiveness and efficiency even better than herbal medicine. Hence, it can be concluded that most respondents even though have medical knowledge would use herbal medicine on first medication for their children rather than chemical based drugs
Empowering Thalassemia Patients and Family to Increase Public Knowledge on Thalassemia Peter Asa; Danti Nur Indiastuti; Mia Ratwita Andarsini; Jihan Nur Fauziah; Annette d'Arqom
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (Indonesian Journal of Community Engagement) Vol 7, No 4 (2021): December
Publisher : Direktorat Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (14.15 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/jpkm.69349


Thalassemia, the fifth-most catastrophic disease with 10,555 patients, causes physical, emotional, and economic burden for the patient, their family, and the country. Annually, IDR 500 billion are needed to cover the treatment of thalassemia. This projected number will continue to increase if no action is taken, so education and knowledge dissemination are important for thalassemia prevention. This community development involves thalassemia patients and families as partners and encourages them to share their knowledge and experience about thalassemia with the Indonesian late adolescents, young adult, and middle-aged adult population through an online webinar to increase public knowledge on thalassemia. Education media, such as posters and videos, were developed and disseminated during the activity, followed by live sharing from thalassemia patients, parents, and pediatricians. The respondents’ knowledge of thalassemia was measured using an 11-items questionnaire before and after the online educational activity. The results show that the respondents have a good knowledge of thalassemia, and it increases after attending online education event about the disease (9.74+2.4, 10.22+0.77, p<0.001). Their knowledge was associated with health-related field experience, knowing someone with thalassemia, and their willingness to undergo thalassemia testing (p<0.046, 0.013, and 0.007, respectively). Thus, these findings support the importance of education and dissemination of information regarding Thalassemia. Moreover, strong knowledge might lead to a willingness to undergo thalassemia testing, which might lead to less marriage between carriers and, eventually, a reduction in the incidence of thalassemia major.
DEVELOPMENT OF ONLINE MENTAL HEALTH SUPPORTING GROUP TO REDUCE MENTAL BURDEN DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC Annette d’Arqom; Brihastami Sawitri; Zamal Nasution; Dimas Setyanto; Safira Nur Izzah; Ludy Diana Wiradhika; Rakha Achmad Maulana
Jurnal Layanan Masyarakat (Journal of Public Services) Vol. 5 No. 1 (2021): JURNAL LAYANAN MASYARAKAT
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jlm.v5i1.2021.26-34


COVID-19 pandemic affects all aspects of human life, not only health, but also economic, education, and daily activity. The sudden changes caused a mental burden for the majority of people. Moreover, the infodemic might increase the burden. Unfortunately, not all people aware of their mental health, and the negative stigma from the community leads the patient to hesitate for sharing and seeking help. Therefore, an anonymous online supporting group ( is developed to increase awareness of mental health and provided the facility to share and to support users. This site consists of several basic information and articles regarding COVID-19, emphasizes on pharmacotherapy and mental health issues, sharing forum, and mental health calculator based on depression, anxiety, and stress scales (DASS 21). From the evaluation, 53.61% of users choose mental health calculators as the most favorite page, followed by article (29.90%), homepage (12.37%), and sharing page (4.12%). Most of the respondents agree that the mental health calculator is unique and useful, therefore can be used as a screening of mental health problems prior to seeking health professional help. Taken together, mental health needs more attention in this pandemic due to the increasing burden, and the screening of mental health problems and sharing to alleviate the users’ burden can be performed at www.lalui
DEVELOPMENT OF ONLINE MENTAL HEALTH SUPPORTING GROUP TO REDUCE MENTAL BURDEN DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC Annette d’Arqom; Brihastami Sawitri; Zamal Nasution; Dimas Setyanto; Safira Nur Izzah; Ludy Diana Wiradhika; Rakha Achmad Maulana
Jurnal Layanan Masyarakat (Journal of Public Services) Vol. 4 No. 2 (2020): JURNAL LAYANAN MASYARAKAT
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jlm.v4i2.2020.251-258


COVID-19 pandemic affects all aspects of human life, not only health, but also economic, education, and daily activity. The sudden changes caused a mental burden for the majority of people. Moreover, the infodemic might increase the burden. Unfortunately, not all people aware of their mental health and with the negative stigma from the community lead the patient to hesitate for sharing and seeking help. Therefore, an anonymous online supporting group ( is developed to increase awareness of mental health and provided the facility to share and to support users. This site consists of several basic information and articles regarding COVID-19, emphasizes on pharmacotherapy and mental health issues, sharing forum, and mental health calculator based on depression, anxiety, and stress scales (DASS 21). From the evaluation, 53.61% of users choose mental health calculators as the most favorite page, followed by article (29.90%), homepage (12.37%), and sharing page (4.12%). Most of the respondents agree that the mental health calculator is unique and useful, therefore can be used as a screening of mental health problems prior seeking health professional help. Taken together, mental health needs more attention in this pandemic due to the increasing burden, and the screening of mental health problems and sharing to alleviate the burden can be performed at www.lalui Pandemi COVID-19 memengaruhi semua aspek kehidupan manusia, tidak hanya kesehatan, tetapi juga ekonomi, pendidikan, dan aktivitas sehari-hari. Perubahan mendadak tersebut menyebabkan beban mental bagi sebagian besar orang. Apalagi, badai informasi bisa menambah beban. Sayangnya, tidak semua orang menyadari beban mental mereka, dan memiliki orang untuk berbagi dan peduli. Oleh karena itu, kelompok pendukung online anonim ( dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran akan kesehatan mental dan menyediakan fasilitas untuk berbagi dan mendukung antar pengguna. Situs ini terdiri dari beberapa informasi dasar dan artikel mengenai COVID-19 dengan penekanan pada farmakoterapi dan kesehatan mental, forum berbagi, dan kalkulator kesehatan mental berdasarkan skala depresi, kecemasan, dan stres (DASS 21). Dari evaluasi tersebut, 53.61% pengguna memilih kalkulator kesehatan mental sebagai halaman favorit, diikuti oleh artikel (29.90%), homepage (12.37%), dan halaman berbagi (4.12%). Sebagian besar responden setuju bahwa kalkulator kesehatan jiwa itu unik dan valid, oleh karena itu dapat digunakan sebagai skrining masalah kesehatan jiwa. Secara keseluruhan kesehatan jiwa perlu mendapat perhatian lebih dalam menghadapi pandemi ini karena beban yang semakin meningkat, dan pemeriksaan dini masalah kesehatan jiwa dan berbagi kekhawatiran dan pemikiran dapat dilakukan di www.lalui
Jurnal Layanan Masyarakat (Journal of Public Services) Vol. 5 No. 2 (2021): JURNAL LAYANAN MASYARAKAT
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jlm.v5i2.2021.267-273


AbstrakThalaasemia merupakan penyakit genetik yang menyebabkan penurunan atau ketiadaan hemoglobin, yang disebabkan oleh mutasi genetik pada gen α dan/atau gen β globin. Gejala utamanya adalah anemia yang bervariasi dari sedang hingga berat yang memerlukan transfusi rutin setiap bulan. Memutus mata rantai atau pencegahan thalassemia adalah satu-satunya cara dalam menangani penyakit genetik ini. Selain itu, karena perkawinan usia muda (10-24 tahun) merupakan hal yang umum di Indonesia, maka diperlukan edukasi mengenai pengenalan status dan risiko penyakit ini sejak usia dini, sebelum menikah, untuk menghentikan bayi baru lahir penderita thalassemia mayor. Mengatasi masalah di atas membutuhkan penyebaran informasi dan pelatihan yang berkelanjutan. Salah satunya adalah SAHABAT THALER, yaitu: gerakan kader mahasiswa yang paham dan siap menyebarkan ilmu ke lingkungan dan sesama. Memanfaatkan kegiatan ekstrakurikuler seperti OSIS, PMR, Rohis, dll, diharapkan pengetahuan tentang Thalasemia dapat disebarluaskan secara efektif dan efisien, terutama kepada individu usia subur. Kegiatan inisiasi ini diawali dengan pelatihan online untuk 20 kader mahasiswa dan 1 dosen pembimbing. Pelatihan diberikan oleh para ahli Farmakologi Molekuler, Patologi Klinik, Psikiatri, dan orang tua penderita Thalassemia. Pelatihan tersebut meliputi mengenal dasar-dasar Thalassemia, terapi dan skrining Thalassemia, pentingnya donor darah, aspek psikososial Thalassemia, dan berbagi pengalaman orang tua penderita Thalassemia. Para kader kemudian dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok kecil dan dipandu oleh fasilitator untuk kemudian menonton film dokumenter tentang Thalassemia dan membuat proyek mandiri yang selanjutnya disebarluaskan kepada 83 rekan sejawat. Respon lengkap yang diterima berjumlah 17 dari 20 kader, dengan 35,29% responden pernah mendengar tentang Thalassemia dan tidak ada yang memiliki keluarga atau teman dengan Thalassamia. Namun mereka memiliki pengetahuan yang baik tentang Thalassemia sebelum pelatihan baik (rata-rata 90,16%, kisaran 66,67-100%) dan meningkat setelah pelatihan (rata-rata 91,67%, kisaran 83,33-100%). Usai pelatihan, empat produk yang terdiri dari dua video, satu Instagram, dan satu poster dibuat dan disebarluaskan kepada rekan sebaya. Pembinaan kader kelompok sebaya diperlukan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran penyakit genetik dan pentingnya skrining pranikah.Kata Kunci: kader SMU, Thalassemia, Teman SebayaAbstractThalassemia is a genetic disease that causes decreasing or absence of hemoglobin, caused by a genetic mutation in the alpha gene or/and beta-globin gene. The main symptom is anemia which varies from moderate to severe which requires regular transfusions every month. Breaking the chain of Thalassemia or prevention is the only way in dealing with this genetic disease. Moreover, since young marriage (10-24 years) is common in Indonesia, education is needed regarding the recognition of the status and risk of this disease from an early age, before marriage, to stop the newborn with Thalassemia major. Addressing the above problems requires continuous information dissemination and training. One of these efforts is SAHABAT THALER, which is the movement of student cadres who understand and are ready to spread knowledge to the environment and peers. Taking advantage of extracurricular activities, knowledge of Thalassemia is expected to be effectively and efficiently disseminated, especially to individuals of childbearing age. This initiation activity began with online training for 20 student cadres and 1 supervisor. Training is provided by experts in Molecular Pharmacology, Clinical Pathology, Psychiatry, and parents of Thalassemia patients. The training includes getting to know the basics of Thalassemia, therapy, and screening for Thalassemia, the importance of blood donation, psychosocial aspects of Thalassemia, and sharing experiences of parents with Thalassemia. The cadres were then divided into 4 small groups and guided by the facilitator to then watch a documentary film about Thalassemia and create an independent project which was further disseminated to 83 peers. From 20 cadres, 17 complete response was received. From the response, 35.29% ever hear about Thalassemia and no one has family or friends with Thalassemia. However, they have a good knowledge of Thalassemia before the training is good (mean 90.16%, range 66.67-100%) and increase after the training (mean 91.67%, range 83.33-100%). After the training, four products which are two videos, one Instagram, and one poster were created and disseminated to the peers. The development of peer group cadres is necessary to increase the awareness of the genetic disease and the importance of pre-marital screening.Keyword: High School cadre, Peers, Thalassemia
UNIVERSITY-SCHOOL PARTNERSHIP IN ACHIEVING THE VISION OF INDONESIA 2045 THROUGH RESEARCH TRAINING ON HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Nurina Hasanatuludhhiyah; Annette d’ Arqom; Abdul Khairul Rizki Purba; Visuddho Visuddho; Deandra Maharani Widiatmaja; Ilham Rahmanto; Putu Bagus Dharma Permana
Jurnal Layanan Masyarakat (Journal of Public Services) Vol. 6 No. 1 (2022): JURNAL LAYANAN MASYARAKAT
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20473/jlm.v6i1.2022.51-60


Universities participate in realizing Indonesia's vision 2045 “The Indonesians who are excellent, civilized, and mastering science technology, to bring Indonesia as the center of science technology development in the Asia and the world”. It would need intense effort and synergy, considering the science literacy of Indonesian students was ranked the 10th lowest out of 79 countries in 2018. The innovation capacity is ranked 74 out of 141 countries.  Research is an essential activity, encouraging the development of science technology. Research competency should be honed by high school students as part of scientific inquiry. Therefore, this community service was carried out in collaboration with FORISMA FK UNAIR, aimed to increase students’ understanding of the urgency, stages, and procedures of research as well as increase interest in research activities. It was also intended to develop their skills to compile and present research proposals. The partner was Raudlatul Jannah High School Sidoarjo. It was implemented through workshops, coaching, and presentations followed by the teachers and 11th-grade students.  The whole activity successfully improved students' knowledge. Increased knowledge score was obtained in 83% of participants. The pre-test evaluation showed 88% of participants had poor knowledge, whilst post-test evaluations were predominantly good. This community service increased students’ interest in research and changed their perceptions of research’s importance. This improved students' capability to identify research problems, search and compile scientific references as a basis for building hypotheses and conceptual frameworks, and determine research methods. The four groups of students were able to produce research proposals of sufficient quality and were able to present and discuss them in the forum. This community service was perceived to help the school in the implementation of curriculum, especially in science literacy. The school was committed to deepening students' knowledge and skills in the field of scientific research by providing research project modules. This community service is part of the contribution of higher education to the achievement of the vision of Indonesia 2045. This can be a model of scientific inquiry learning in secondary education, thus it is necessary to be implemented in other high schools.