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Pengaruh Inflasi, Nilai Tukar Rupiah, BI Rate Terhadap Net Asset Value Reksa Dana Saham Syariah Rachman, Ainur; Mawardi, Imron
Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Teori dan Terapan Vol 2, No 12 (2015): Desember-2015
Publisher : Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Teori dan Terapan

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This research aims to examine the influence of inflation, Rupiah exchange rate, and BI rate towards Net Asset Value (NAV) Sharia Equity Fund from January 2011 through December 2014. This research used the quantitative approach method. The analysis techniques used is multiple linear regression and the equation is Y = 12,081-1,755(I)-0,131(RER)-84,492(BI rate).Based on the result of t-test, the rupiah exchange rate has a significant influence by the value -3,017. Inflation and BI rate partially has not significant influence to Net Asset Value (NAV) Sharia Equity Fund with result t -0,144 for Inflation and -1,431 for BI rate. The result of simultaneous test showed that inflation, rupiah exchange rate, and BI rate has significant effect to Net Asset Value (NAV) Sharia Equity Fund with significance value 0,004. Thesuggestions was investment manager is to keep attention to macro economic factors such as inflation, rupiah exchange rate, and BI rate. In order to invest in sharia equity fund can contribute a maximum profit.
RISK OF ANEMIA AMONG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS IN EAST KALIMANTAN PROVINCE, INDONESIA: A CASE CONTROL PROTOCOL STUDY Nugroho, Purwo Setiyo; Sunarti, Sri; Amalia, Nida; Tianingrum, Niken Agus; Kurniasari, Lia; Winarti, Yuliani; Febriyanto, Kresna; Oktaviani, Oktaviani; Susanti, Erni Wingki; Rahman, Ferry Fadzlul; Ghozali, Ghozali; Rachman, Ainur
Publisher : Krafon Publishing

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (260.504 KB) | DOI: 10.38062/jrphs.v1i2.52


The issue of anemia in Indonesia still remains a homework for the Ministry of Health, as well as other related sectors.  According to data from the Basic Health Research (Riset Kesehatan Dasar) in 2013, there are 31% female adolescents in Indonesia who suffers from anemia.  However, this number increased to 48.9% according to data from the Basic Health Research in 2018, with the most proportion of anemia found in the 15-24 and 24-34 age groups.  These cases clearly confirms that the health state of adolescents highly determines the success of health development, especially in the effort to establish the quality of the next generation in the future.  This research uses case control design, where the case group population are students at Muhammadiyah Elementary Schools located in the city of Samarinda, East Kalimantan Province, whereas the control group population are students from Islamic Elementary Schools in the city of Samarinda, East Kalimantan Province. The statistic analysis being used is the multiple regression analysis to look for risk factor with the highest effect. This is a retrospective research, that is extracting past variable information from respondents so recall bias, which can cause wrong information, is at risk of occurance.  Furthermore, the bias that might occur is that  the respondent is bias by giving false answers.  Another mistake is in the form of other cofounding variables not included in the research, which results in risk estimation value error.
Hubungan Lama Kerja Dengan Kadar Timbal (Pb) Pada Anak Jalanan di Kota Samarinda Hansen, Hansen; Habibi, Muhammad; Rachman, Ainur
Jurnal Kesehatan Lingkungan Indonesia Vol 18, No 2 (2019): Oktober 2019
Publisher : Master Program of Environmental Health, Faculty of Public Health, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/jkli.18.2.121-125


Latar belakang : Timbal merupakan suatu unsur yang berada di dalam batuan, tanah, tumbuhan dan hewan. Timbal 95% bersifat anroganik dan umumnya dalam bentuk garam anorganik yang kurang larut dalam air selebihnya berbentuk timbal (Pb) organik yang ditemukan dalam bentuk senyawa Tetraethyllead (TEL) dan Tetramethyllead (TML). Pertumbuhan jumlah kendaraan bermotor di Samarinda setiap tahun meningkat berdasarkan data dari badan pusat statistik pada tahun 2015 tercatat jumlah kendaraan bermotor meningkat dari tahun sebelumnya menjadi 683.420 kendaraan yang dirilis pada bulan Mei 2017. Pencemaran udara yang berasal dari emisi kendaraan bermotor akan berdampak pada anak jalanan dimana mereka setiap harinya hidup berada dijalanan.Tujuan dari Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara lama kerja dengan kadar timbal (Pb) pada anak jalanan di Kota Samarinda.Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional analitik dengan rancangan cross sectional. Populasi dan sampel yang digunakan adalah anak jalanan yang ada di Kota Samarinda, selain itu teknik yang digunakan dengan melakukan wawancara menggunakan kuesioner. Pengambilan spesimen darah pada anak jalanan dilakukan oleh petugas laboratorium rumah sakit dengan hasil perhitungan didapatkan jumlah responden sebanyak 39 respondenHasil : uji kenormalan data dengan menggunakan uji kolmogorv smirnov menyatakan data berdistribusi tidak normal (p<0,05). dari hasil uji tersebut didapatkan nilai p=0,464 (p>0,05).Simpulan : Berdasarkan penelitian kadar timbal pada anak jalanan di Kota Samarinda didapatkan hasil tidak ada hubungan yang signifikan antara lama kerja dengan kadar timbal (Pb) dalam darah pada anak jalanan di Kota Samarinda, dengan nilai r = -0,121) dan p = 0,464 (p>0,05) dengan tingkat kekuatan hubungan yang sangat lemah ABSTRACTTitle : Relationship between Length of Work and Lead Level in Street Children in Samarinda CityBackground : Lead is something that does not exist in rocks, soil, plants and animals. 95% lead is anroganic and is common in the form of inorganic salts that are less soluble in water, the rest form organic lead (Pb) found in the form of a combined Tetraethyllead (TEL) and Tetramethyllead (TML). The growth in the number of motorized vehicles in Samarinda increases every year based on data from the central statistical agency in 2015, the number of motorized vehicles increased from the previous year to 683,420 vehicles released in May 2017. Air pollution from motor vehicle emissions will have an impact on street children where they live every day on the road. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between length of work and lead levels in street children in Samarinda city Method : This study was an observational analytic study with a cross sectional design. The population and samples used are street children in Samarinda City, besides the techniques used by conducting interviews using questionnaires. The collection of blood specimens on street children was carried out by hospital laboratory officers with the results of the calculation found that the number of respondents was 39 respondentsResult : The normal test results using the Kolmogorv Smirnov test state that the data are abnormally distributed (p <0.05). from the results of the test obtained a value of p = 0.464 (p> 0.05).Conclusion : There was no significant relationship between length of work with lead levels (Pb) in blood in street children in Samarinda City, with values r = -0.121) and p = 0.464 (p>0 , 05) with a very weak level of relationship strengthÂ