Muhammad Irfan Faturrahman
Ahmad Dahlan University

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LiNGUA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa dan Sastra Vol 16, No 2 (2021): LiNGUA
Publisher : Laboratorium Informasi & Publikasi Fakultas Humaniora UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18860/ling.v16i2.12118


The diction used in the news of corpse snatching of COVID-19  varies and has caused the public to panic. This study aims to show the structure of the media language used in The News of Corpse Snatching of COVID-19 patients in Pasuruan and the factors that caused the hundreds of people attempting to take the deceased's body forcefully. The primary data are the news of corpse snathing of COVID-19 patients in Pasuruan, uploaded on YouTube and the online news media i-News, and comments from netizens in the comments column. In addition, informant interviews were conducted to show the factors causing Corpse Snatching. Critical discourse analysis (CDA) is used for content analysis by describing three dimensions: text, discursive practice, and social practice. It was concluded that the media language used in the news text of the corpse Snatching in Pasuruan tends to use vocabulary that shows negative rather than positive actions. Moreover, the media emphasizes negative actions more than describing solution actions to become government policy steps. Based on informants and studies of the third dimension, hundreds of people who conducted the Corpse Snatching were caused because people hardly accept COVID-19 protocols since they hold Kejawen Islamic funeral traditions.
The Deviation Translate of Dutch Translation of the Quran “De Deilige Qoer-an” Rika Astari; Yusroh Yusroh; Muhammad Irfan Faturrahman
HuRuf Journal : International Journal of Arabic Applied Linguistic Vol 2, No 2 (2022): December 2022
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sjech M. Djamil Djambek Bukittinggi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30983/huruf.v2i2.5620


The Al-Quran translated by De Heilige Qoer-an (DHQ) was a translation of the Qur'an from The Holy Quran, by Maulana Muhammad Ali, the leader and founder of the Ahmadiyya Lahore. The translation of prophetic and miraculous verses shows the occurrence of translation deviations.. This article aims to show the forms of deviations in the translation and interpretation of De Heilige Qoer-an, the factors and the impact of deviations in translation on the context of the meaning of the Qur'an. Material object: in the form of translations of prophetic verses and miraculous verses from the Dutch translation of the Qur'an De Heilige Qoer-an. This research has used a qualitative descriptive approach. The method of data collection is by identifying prophetic verses and miracles of the apostles. Identification is done by comparing the Dutch translation of the Koran with the Indonesian translation of the Koran by H. Fachruddin HS H. Zainuddin Hamidy (1962). Content analysis has been used for data analysis. The translation deviation in DHQ is more caused by lexical translation and the ideology of the translator who translates the Qur'an rationally. The translation of the Qur'anic text based on the translator's ideology has shown a contrast in meaning with the text that corroborates the events of the prophets. Thestudy  provided a new point of view in looking at deviations in the translation of the Qur'anic text, because the existence of text references in other holy books can be a factor causing translation deviations.القرآن الذي كان ترجمته ب De Heilige Qoer-an (DHQ) هو ترجمة للقرآن الكريم الذي كتبه مولانا محمد علي، زعيم ومؤسس الأحمدية لاهور. تظهر ترجمة الآيات النبوية والمعجزية حدوث انحرافات في الترجمة. تهدف هذه المقالة إلى إظهار أشكال الانحرافات في ترجمة وتفسيرDHQ ، وعوامل وتأثير الانحرافات في الترجمة على سياق ترجمة معنى القرآن. مادة البحث: في شكل ترجمات للآيات النبوية والآيات الإعجازية من الترجمة الهولندية للقرآن DHQ، استخدم هذا البحث المنهج الوصفي النوعي. طريقة جمع البيانات هي تحديد الآيات النبوية ومعجزات الرسل. يتم تحديد الهوية من خلال مقارنة الترجمة الهولندية للقرآن بالترجمة الإندونيسية للقرآن بقلم فخر الدين، زين الدين حميد (1962). تم استخدام تحليل المحتوى لتحليل البيانات. إن انحراف الترجمة في DHQ ناتج بشكل أكبر عن الترجمة المعجمية و أيديولوجية المترجم الذي يترجم القرآن بشكل عقلاني. أظهرت ترجمة النص القرآني المستندة إلى أيديولوجية المترجم تباينًا في المعنى مع النص الذي يدعم أحداث الأنبياء. قدم هذا البحث  وجهة نظر جديدة في النظر في الانحرافات في ترجمة النص القرآني، لأن وجود مراجع نصية في الكتب المقدسة الأخرى يمكن أن يكون عاملاً يسبب انحرافات الترجمة.
Code Switching and Code Mixing in Arabic on Omer Kanan's Youtube Vlog Rika Astari; Umnia Amina; Muhammad Irfan Faturrahman
Islah: Journal of Islamic Literature and History Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): June 2023
Publisher : Faculty of Ushuluddin, Adab, and Humanities Universitas Islam Negeri Salatiga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.18326/islah.v4i1.187


Vlogs are objects of linguistic studies that are by current developments, where linguistic problems also appear in human communication patterns in interacting on social media. This study aims to determine the types, factors, and functions of code-switching and code-mixing contained in Omer Kanan's vlog. This type of research is descriptive qualitative, with data collection techniques using observation, desk review, and note-taking techniques. The data analysis method uses data reduction, data presentation, and concluding. Analysis of code-switching data using Hymes theory, and code-mixing data analysis using Hoffman theory. The data source comes from 18 Omer Kanan vlogs with the following analysis results: The types of code-switching and code-mixing found were inter-sentential switching, intra-sentential switching, and emblematic switching. intra sentential code-mixing, intra lexical code-mixing, and involving change pronunciation. Factors found in the form of habit patterns and the relaxedness of the speaker in communicating, expanding the audience network, and the attitude of the speaker's religiosity. The code-switching functions found in the vlog are in the form of quotation, addressee specifications, interjection, reiteration, message qualification, and personalization. Meanwhile, the code-mixing functions found are talking about a particular topic, repetition use for clarification, and expressing group identity.